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Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads ( )

Netflix has managed to annoy a good number of its users with an announcement about an upcoming update to its Windows 11 (and Windows 10) app: support for adverts and live events will be added, but the ability to download content is being taken away....

LainTrain ,

This is why Discord is poison to our shared pool of knowledge, it's such a black hole for many games and software (especially ironically enough open source projects) in lieu of decent docs.

LainTrain , (edited )

It's always wild to me how much sex gay men have that they have to put out announcements like this, it often feels like monogamy is rare among them based on news coverage (not sure how true it actually is), whereas for my gay trans ass I've never even sought casual sex and hadn't had any since I first transitioned in my teens and subsequently decided my virginity was to be no more, now my only partner is always my S.O., I figured it'd be the norm amongst queer people.

LainTrain , (edited )

Wild, so they practice polygamy? Gotta say I don't know any gay men but I've never seen lesbians or bis, both cis and trans be anything but monogamous.

Is it an fwb network thing or like proper relationships but they just don't care who their partner bangs on the side? I'm genuinely curious, not trying to come off as insulting.

LainTrain ,

Never heard of it, all the trans lesbian relationships I've been in with bi and les trans women have been completely monogamous. Maybe it's just your group of friends?

LainTrain ,

Damn, that's rough. I never knew how lucky I was to know I never had to worry about the testing and all that, godspeed to them in that case.

Another q: Are open relationships considered polygamy?

What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say?

I have many conversations with people about Large Language Models like ChatGPT and Copilot. The idea that "it makes convincing sentences, but it doesn't know what it's talking about" is a difficult concept to convey or wrap your head around. Because the sentences are so convincing....

LainTrain ,

That analogy is hard to come up with because the question of whether it even comprehends meaning requires first answering the unanswerable question of what meaning actually is and whether or not humans are also just spicy pattern predictors / autocompletes, since predicting patterns is like the whole point of evolving intelligence, being able to connect cause and effect in patterns and anticipate the future just helps with not starving. The line is far blurrier than most are willing to admit and ultimately hinges on our experience of sapience rather than being able to strictly define knowledge and meaning.

Instead it's far better to say that ML models are not sentient, they are like a very big brain that's switched off, but we can access it by stimulating it with a prompt.

LainTrain OP ,

What is Dash-to-Plank? I just use Plank the dock app.

LainTrain OP ,

That's unfortunate. Will have to switch back to X.Org until this is fixed by the Wayland/XWayland developers, is there any clue as to why it specifically wouldn't work? If it's updated as recently as 2019 then I'd have expected Wayland to fix this by now, not like I'm trying to run a DOS game or something haha!

LainTrain OP ,

Sure! Is it missing any features from Guake, or is it just some clone fork?

LainTrain OP ,

I've never heard of either of these things and I've been in the community for decades, cheers.
I only use Plank itself, not dash-to-x anything. I've no idea what that even means tbh as I'm an i3 user usually so I've been out of the GNOME game for a bit.

LainTrain , (edited )

Piss off ecofash. Modern life good actually.

Industry, medicine, LGBT rights, women's rights and science all good actually.

LainTrain ,

No you don't, what kind of alternative facts shit is this? It's absurd to suggest one can only be a supporter of an ideology if said ideology is in power for any ideology.

I fucking wish we had fascism. Maybe then I'd get a winter again.

The only winter you need is a Siberian one, with a paid-for stay at a Gulag :)

LainTrain ,

Of course he still wouldn't be a real king, it's just simple biology

Will I ever be seen as truly British?

My family immigrated to the UK from Poland when I was six. I'm 20 now, speak much better English than Polish and feel like this is my land/culture. However I have a Polish first and last name, Polish passport and "unique" accent everyone picks up on, so despite this I'm usually perceived as an outsider. It makes me really sad...

LainTrain ,

Not in the UK alongside British people for sure.

I'm in the same boat but not from Poland and I came over a tad later (12) but I'm also 5 years older.

I don't actually have an accent inherently but I always use an American one to obscure my country of origin.

It's really quite a backwards little country and they have an insular culture and hot opinions on 'de immigants' amongst other things, they're just polite enough to keep it to the voting booth most of the time until the the child alcoholism and the FAS kicks in.

They will always see you as defined by your nationality first because to them, it makes you fundamentally different as a person because they themselves are fundamentally defined by their nationality - (you can often tell by how much they rely on this as material for 'banter') - rather than how many other people see it - as a random side note of historical background of yet another human on this planet - a citizen of the world if you will.

I recall meeting a friend group of my S.O. who's been here all her life and went to school with those people and still the occasional joke about her country of origin gets a big laugh, not to mention the only brown person at the table only ever joked and got joked to about being Muslim, it wasn't offensive or anything, but you'd think the guy was a hardcore religious leader by how much it came up when he seemed like just some guy to me.

They might keep you around to pitch in with a fun fact about Poland (even if you don't really know any) or say something funny (to them) in your accent/language, but you'll never be actually British and treated as just another one of the peeps about the place.

Try to surround yourself with other people from diverse backgrounds if you can, which won't be possible in the norf (idk about Wales, never been) but you can definitely do this in London as British people are far and few between and so long as you steer clear of other majorly represented insular ethnic groups you can maybe find a multinational clique or what I had more luck with - an eastern european one with similar levels of integration and shared interests etc., and maybe consider living or visiting elsewhere, like the US which is far more diverse and your background matters far less.

Hope this helps.

LainTrain ,

Compared to the rest of the country in the ethnic-cultural sense? Yeah absolutely.

London is 36.8% White British

For comparison a major metropolitan area like the city of Manchester is 59.3% White British

Brighton is 80.5% White British

Furthermore in London, 40.7% of people are born in another country, and 56.8% of people are born to a foreign-born mother. This is of course including those who identify as White British on the census.

That's what makes London so different from the rest of the country imo, and a way better place to be as a young person who doesn't feel like they belong elsewhere.

LainTrain ,

Oh sure. I was speaking relatively.

LainTrain ,

Yee, 's why I left.

LainTrain ,

Simmer down buddy, no need to get your blood pressure up - I clarified the statement didn't I?

LainTrain ,

Ah in that case yeah I definitely did not mean it that way, but it's also not a good look for the left to come off as to utterly deny demographics when facts are very easy to find, especially if you have a pro-immigration stance.

LainTrain ,

Lol it ain't for public benefit unless it's a FOSS model with which I'd have no issue

LainTrain ,

No, you can't post something in public and have it appropriated by a mega corp for money and then prevent you from deleting or modifying the very things you posted.

I'm pro-AI btw. But AI for all.

LainTrain , (edited )

I'm starting to wonder if the real reason the push for bigger screens caught on wasn't just because of the basic psychology of "bigger = better" but so they could shove more ads on screen, and now it's more processing power so those ads won't lock up the browser for a whole second while loading some bullshit questionnaire like "are you adult, child or gamer on iOS"

EDIT: So many downvotes lol are silicon valley tech bros mad?

LainTrain ,

16:10 has always been superior to both but I quite like my second 4:3 monitor. Also I was referring to mobile devices obviously (where most internet traffic comes from), and 4:3 isn't a size measurement.

LainTrain ,

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't get that. 16:9 doesn't really add "extra space" to 4:3, it's just a different ratio of the same exact space in terms of horizontal to vertical proportions. A monitor of a certain size will have the same diameter regardless of aspect ratio.

LainTrain ,

I have nothing to contribute, but I'm extremely curious as to why someone would need a "download manager"? What's the use case?

I seem to recall most downloader programs just being malware like Orbit downloader etc.

LainTrain ,

Fair enough! That's so good you managed to get all that

LainTrain ,

Neat! I haven't had to use download sites in ages so TIL you could bypass it like this. I thought all that stuff died with Rapidshare and letitbit etc.

LainTrain ,

Life is Strange for sure. 1, BtS and True Colours are all good

What linguistic constructions do you hate that no one else seems to mind?

It bugs me when people say "the thing is is that" (if you listen for it, you'll start hearing it... or maybe that's something that people only do in my area.) ("What the thing is is that..." is fine. But "the thing is is that..." bugs me.)...

LainTrain ,

Zitron, though, describes him as "a computer scientist class traitor who sided with the management consultancy sect."


LainTrain ,

But how do you know what matters in some appliance you didn't even know existed nevermind how it works?

LainTrain ,

Well I'm glad you've been lucky but that's all it is, you're a bit out of touch.


It's not faulty, it is that way by design. And this is basically the standard nowadays. Just look at most TVs - trying to open an app on one is like pulling teeth, it lags to high heaven just navigating a menu.

Microwaves might be cheap ($20 though? Jeez where do you live! They start at £50-£80 minimum here) but I was just using that as an example to prove the point. Boilers aren't cheap.

LainTrain , (edited )

Nope. Politics to me is what everything ultimately comes down to. People have thoughts, and those thoughts are sometimes ideas, those ideas can then form philosophies, which when explored in the context of the world forms ideologies - logically reasoned systems of ideas that can be broken down into decisions and modifications that allow it to be implemented, which is politics.

To truly know what goes in the world we have created is to know politics, therefore to be uncurious about it is to be uncurious about the world itself.

I know people who are like that, and it seems they just consume products instead and get excited for the next product, I try not to think less of them, but if I'm completely honest it seems very childish to me, it's one thing to be ignorant of politics and history when you're 14 because all you care about is xbox, but when you're in your mid to late 20s struggling to parse basic allegories or recall what was in the news that year, its not great.

LainTrain OP ,

This is a dumb take too, it's important to criticize and scrutinize anything and everything down to the smallest detail to understand what works and what doesn't, how and why that is the case in order to make better decisions for the future. You have to think critically, especially about software even when it's a matter of preference.

LainTrain OP ,

What? No I was saying that NOT criticizing GNOME just because of the old thought-terminating cliché of "don't use it then" is silly because it's important to critique everything and no one is just saying it's "garbage" apart from people in your head

LainTrain OP ,



LainTrain ,

My psychiatrist asked me that once during an ADHD diagnosis, listing several examples of some common ones, and I said "all those" unflinchingly because I was super restless and anxious during the diagnosis appointment which was also during work and he jolted and pulled out a little cartoonish handkerchief to wipe his brow it was like an old timey book

LainTrain ,

that is like learning a new language you'll never use

That sounds great, I always wanted to learn Latin and even French, or really every language if I had the time.

new employees

You must be fun at parties. There are reasons to do things besides pleasing the man y'know.

LainTrain , (edited )

Android's Material You is absolutely disgusting though with it's bizarre theming choices and piss-like pastels and fucked notification shade and the dark mode circle jerk and it frankly seems to be an attempt to assassinate material design and everything that made it a defining tech aesthetic of the late 2010s

LainTrain ,

She's a tad confused sometimes, but she's got the spirit, which now that I think about it just about tracks

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