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LaLuzDelSol ,

That's kind of a weird take. Centrists have not always done that (otherwise society would get steadily more conservative century after century) so you can't just wave it away as meaningless. Instead I think liberals need to look at what is driving away centrists.
(it's immigration)

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

LaLuzDelSol ,

I think that is especially true in the United States where sharing cultures is so central to the nation's identity. I think it really comes down to intent. As long as you aren't doing something in a mocking or condescending way, I don't think any reasonable person would be offended.

I know this is a little different due to the power dynamic (America being a powerful country) but people around the world love wearing random American stuff like baseball jerseys or whatever. Saw a lot of it in Europe. Probably theres no profound reason behind it, they just like the style. I think it's cool, I'm not mad that they don't really know who the Texas Rangers are or whatever.

LaLuzDelSol ,

Thats wild I didn't know that was a mainly Irish-American dish. My mother always makes it every St Patrick's day I think it's delicious. Don't tell me that soda bread isn't traditionally Irish either??

LaLuzDelSol ,

Not a native Spanish speaker but I've always loved "otoño" (autumn). Such a beautiful word to say.

LaLuzDelSol ,

You seem like a really positive person! :)

LaLuzDelSol ,

Yeah you absolutely can. And from air. The biggest benefit is probably that this limits the number of angles into Ukraine russia can launch missiles from, which makes air defense easier.

LaLuzDelSol ,

The article is about Portland Maine jsyk

There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now. ( )

I just noticed this when I saw a strange "Achievement Unlocked" notification pop up on Reddit. What do you think of this? It seems like a retention tactic to me, like what Amino had with its streak leaderboards, and GameFAQs currently has with streak achievements for logging on ten days in a row and also for all days of a month.

LaLuzDelSol ,

It's also just part of a wider internet trend I think. More and more games and social media have them. Developers are getting better and better at hacking people's attention and reward pathways. For Duolingo I think it's fun, because learning a language is a fun and productive thing to do anyways (and despite the hate it has really worked well for me) but for games and things like social media or whatever I just find it annoying.

LaLuzDelSol ,

I feel like you are overlooking the fact that bears are dangerous too! Yeah, you will probably be fine. But you might get mauled. I don't think anyone is arguing there is zero risk to being alone in the woods with a random man. It's a question of which is more dangerous. The original bear vs man statement is so vague that it's hard to answer scientifically but I maintain my original stance that most women who were alone in the forest with a random bear would choose to switch to a random man once they realized what that felt like.

I think what many men, myself included, find rather upsetting is the assessment of the risk men represent by feminists. If someone said "I would rather jump out of an airplane with a trash bag for a parachute than fly next to a Muslim" that would be offensive to Muslims. Even if you tried to justify that statement with your reply above... it would still be offensive.

LaLuzDelSol ,

Here's the problem with that statement. I agree that there is a problem with men committing rape. However, I (along with most men) have never raped anybody. Furthermore I have not done anything to perpetuate the actions of the minority of men who do commit sex crimes. Therefore I do NOT take responsibility or admit fault for their actions.
Saying that men as a whole are the problem is offensive and unhelpful. It's how random peaceful Muslims feel when conservatives tell them they need to take responsibility for the actions of terrorists and take action to stop terrorists "in their community" like all Muslims are in one big group chat.
I would straight up give my life to prevent a woman I don't know from being raped. Idk what more you want from me.

LaLuzDelSol ,

You got a source for "the majority of Jews condemn Israel"? Idk what that means but Im sure it doesn't mean "the majority of Jews think Isreal has to go"

LaLuzDelSol ,

I just want to say that I feel like most people in this this thread have never been alone in the forest with a bear. I have and even as a guy that shit will get your pulse racing.
I feel that if you were in the forest alone with a bear and THEN you got to decide if you were rather the bear was a man, 90% of people would switch to a man once they realized what that felt like. Don't believe me? Watch the show "Alone" and see how badly these PROFESSIONAL survival experts are shaken by bear encounters.

LaLuzDelSol ,

Isn't that exactly what Repubicans did with the election?

-Make a bunch of baseless claims of fraud

-"Look guys we need to do something, trust in the election process is low!"

LaLuzDelSol ,

As opposed to China where there totally isn't a massive wealth gap between factory workers and their executives! Not like the CEO of Xpeng is worth 1.4 billion or anything...

LaLuzDelSol ,

They managed to survive the Japanese/Korean car invasions (with some help). They will certainly try with China although it's trickier for a lot of reasons.

LaLuzDelSol ,

Ah yes the old "ban living in rural America" strategy, that will play well. Reliance on cars was a mistake but its too late to just pretend a lot, if not most, Americans need a car to live.

LaLuzDelSol ,

I feel like a lot people on Lemmy, and people in left-leaning spaces in general, kind of have a blind spot on this one. People get that buying local is good, but not buying American.

It matters where your money goes. People complain about the soullessness of modern American life, and how hard it is to find a good job, and how democracies are backsliding around the globe, and then they buy things from China that are cheaply made and, at most, slightly better value in the long run.

This isn't me trying to be nationalist or xenophobic but whenever anyone (including me because there's no way to completely avoid it nowadays) buys Chinese goods you are supporting a government that is aggressively un-democratic, that actively supports Russia, and also has basically zero labor laws and an absolutely enormous wealth gap between the ruling class and the working class.

And yeah I get a lot of Americans are hurting right now due to inflation but the solution isn't to send money overseas. The best thing you can do for your neighbor is buy union and buy American.

LaLuzDelSol ,

Sure man, I guess the nets on the sides of the factory buildings are there to catch workers who are jumping with joy because their work is so rewarding.

I don't deny that China's economic ascendancy has been remarkable and a big win against poverty, but now that people have gotten past the starvation phase, I don't think you can use the "high tide raises all boats" analogy. It sounds a lot like tricke-down economics to me, with some hand-waving that things are different in China because the wealthy elites are actually generous patricians.

LaLuzDelSol ,

Voting with your dollar is a myth? So if the IDF (or ISIS, if you prefer) drops an amazing new EV for $10k, with all money going straight to weapons procurement, you'd buy it?

LaLuzDelSol ,

US intervenes: "this is imperialism! The US only wants Iranian oil. They don't care about brown people"

US does not intervene: "the US doesn't care about brown people!"

LaLuzDelSol ,

No I get that, but this is different honestly. Look up rates of teenage depression/anxiety/suicide attempts, it's a stunning correlation with the advent of smartphones and social media. Millenials got out just in time.

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