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Krauerking ,

LOL it always the hot garbage that I'm shocked I managed to find that I try to seed as long as possible almost as an apology for making someone else have to host it to give it to me.

But I will say sometimes it's just a bad quality and it's hard to figure out if it's worth keeping it around because it's the only version available or letting it die.

Krauerking ,

I meant like 480p with an encoding error that makes it not able to be fast forwarded without crashing.

It that being the only way to watch it without hunting down a VHS kinda thing

Krauerking ,

Usually it's a badly designed heat sink that's meant to cause an eventual short so that it has to be replaced. Or just shoddy low material builds. LEDs really can last an obscene amount of time and they don't die another part does.

Krauerking ,

I will add in that adding some cheap meat and some cheap veggies of any kind to stretch a meal absolutely makes it way more filling and can let you get second and 3rd meals from it.

Also potatoes are insane. I tossed a few under a bush during the winter and just realized I see their sprouts coming out from underneath it in several spots. And a single potato I tried to purposefully grow is wildly outperforming the basil I'm trying to grow. A bowl and some straw could probably grow these things with a little water and fertilizer.

Krauerking ,

I have pretty much taken to making my own stuff to save money and bread is way easier than you think if you are ok with it not being super special but with some money saved they can get a little more fun. I just recently did little buns with mustard and onion powder that was way better than burger buns from the store for way cheaper.

Literally yeast water salt and flour is enough to make pizza dough. If you have a jar of active dry yeast it will last forever it feels and if you just put some in a new jar with some water and flour you can just keep it growing forever and literally not bother buying more. Then sauce and cheese and throw it on a pan you had preheating in the oven.

And milk that's starting to sour you should absolutely try to make into a quick cheese or something cause it's likely not bad just chemically changing. Just a little vinegar and you can make cheese or if you are baking use it instead of water and the sour flavor actually helps them taste better.

Chive pancakes can also be made cheap and be a nice thing to make a lot of freeze and use as a filling snack/side.

Krauerking ,

You can use them to make bread actually. And thicken a soup. Some of my favorite ways to hide them. And that should help disperse whatever is happening with them.

I think you might have a gastro issue with them. Potatoes are so high in basically everything that they can upset your stomach, and it not be a grease thing. Unless you are getting really grean skinned potatoes full of solanine you might actually be best using them sparingly.

You could look into yams. Sweeter but usually still cheap and pretty darn healthy. I would also say grow peas or green beans. They sprout in days and will harvest for month/s.

Unfortunately if you struggle with potatoes you might also struggle with eggplant that also tends to be cheap.

If you have zucchini I love to just cut them in half and scoop out some of the inside center and mix that with breadcrumbs and sauce and some cheese put it back in the zucchini boat and bake them. They store well and are pretty filling.

I get food insecurity. I once had to feed my whole family on the budget of just my paper route because of a drunk Mom. It's not fun. But if you let me know what is cheap around you maybe we can figure out something if you want.

Krauerking ,

LOL just wanted to see if there was anything special about Idaho I guess. But nah it's how we bred the potatoes. As long as it's cool enough they will grow anywhere.

Krauerking ,

The taste and texture makes my stomach do somersaults.

Haha alright that's a new one but I get it. Scalloped potatoes are awesome though just layers of potatoes and onion and some milk and spices baked until tender. Can add anything to them and it's hard to be certain what the flavor is after it all melds together.

But I hope you try and enjoy the potato bread. I love it and do it for simple grilled cheese sandwiches cause is pretty filling.

I wish you all the best luck and hope you get the chance to make some zucchini bread soon and good crop yield!

Krauerking ,

So, I'd say there is some slight issue with replacing all decision makers with AI cause Walmart and Amazon does it for employee efficiency. It means the staff are micro managed and treated like machines the same way the computer is.

Walmart employees are moved around the floor like roombas to never interact with each other and no real availability for customers to get someone. Warehouse workers are overworked by bullshit ideas of efficiency.

Now I get that it could be fixed by having the AI systems designed to be more empathetic but who is choosing how they are programmed? The board still?

We just need good bosses who still interact with their employees on their level. We don't need AI "replacing" anyone pretty much anywhere, but can be used as a helpful tool.

Krauerking ,

trying to build a community

I honestly think that's the big part there. You can build a great app but it doesn't matter if no one is using it and you don't get feed back or it's not shared around.

So, here we are trying to use the newest virtual 3rd space to create a community so that there is people will feel engaged in the product and share it around to add more.

But that's also an issue with discord. It wants to be a social space more than a useful space and it usually gets entirely dominated by a few users with others less inclined to add in. It's also accessible but not easy necessarily to stumble into if you are outside of the community trying to look into it more.

It just does the wrong job, slower and less efficient than old school forums or wikis, but it's the tools we have to use in this less efficient connected Internet of the now.

Krauerking ,

Isn't the whole point that you aren't supposed to compress it cause it will force you to overheat the flower to try and get the THC making it essentially the same as burning it?

Seriously they recommend either using the teeth to cut a piece right from the nug or sucking on it like a straw to make sure their is air flow for the oil to vaporize properly.

This seems backwards.

Krauerking ,

No they fully thought they could get rich nerds to overspend on a cheap hotel because the CEO who was seeing the project was absolutely about maxing profits from the top percentage of park goers.

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  • Krauerking ,

    Good. People shouldn't be ordering body altering chemicals randomly off the Internet.

    This isn't a big story, in fact its basic legal discourse and didn't even come with a drug bust or actual crackdown.

    If this story was about a website selling benzos and the comments were full of stay at home white women complaining about the suffering they would now endure having to be sober, people would be laughing at them, and worried about their need for this. Not completely identical but this kind of rage bait only works because of the group it points to.

    Krauerking ,

    No it's a body altering drug that directly impacts sensitive hormones balances that our bodies use for regulation and development.

    It's still a life altering drug even if it's not addictive. Your argument doesn't make sense cause it's got a huge impact if it can be bought by anyone with access to digital currency. And is it a lot of people? The trans community is supposedly only a fraction of a percent to a percent of the overall populace. People are suffering from the underfunded healthcare in much more dire ways than cosmetic medications.

    Are we ok with people selling chemo medication and opioids through the Internet? People have pain and are dying of cancer and need the drugs too.

    You are upset because of the community it impacts not the actual problems it represents.

    Krauerking ,

    Oh fuck off. That's not a death sentence. That's hyperbole if ever there was. It's a disappointment. Life is full of them.

    Suicide is prevalent outside of the LGBTQ community as well. I understand that it comes with a higher rate likely from bullying but I'm sure there are other groups that also have high suicide rates if we broke them down the same way.

    The answer is be rich or don't be anything. Lack of cancer treatment, lack of dental treatment, lack of preventative care. All of those are legitimate issues as well.
    Yes, if you aren't rich you will likely suffer from the things you want but can't do.

    Krauerking ,

    It's not that it doesn't matter. I didn't say that and you are projecting. It's that, it doesn't require allowing a free for all to access hormone manipulating drugs to handle and in a better world we should absolutely be going through legitimate channels instead of praising drug lords for supplying illegally on the internet.

    But it's something you want so it's ok.

    The trans community is not the greatest or the only victim in this world. It's unfair but praising illegal drug sales is not correct.

    Krauerking ,

    Not all drugs but yeah that's why you can't just buyosy of them on the Internet.

    I didn't say the things you are thinking I said.

    You have your problems of what you desire in life and so do the rest of us. Yeah it's annoying that we live in the modern age where money and resources could buy you the body you want but you can't get it but that's true for people with worse disability than you and it's a lot less fixable.

    Everyone is suffering and you living your suffering has got the idea that yours is the most important which it is cause you are living it. Doesn't mean that everything you do and support to achieve that is good. Sorry. It doesn't.

    We either live in a society where we try to help everyone and limit abuse potential for everyone or we let it be a free for all and we are clearly somewhere in the middle swinging back and forth, which means we are all fucked.

    I understand your experiences and have lived them closer than you think as the Bi kid in a farming town that was bullied into multiple suicide attempts. But you don't care. You want to be angry and you want to be right. As is tradition for humans.

    I just don't care to pretend otherwise. Things that make humans feel good about themselves are life savers regardless of what it is because it's the only thing we crave. To feel good. Unfortunately that just isn't life.

    Krauerking ,

    Edit: Disregard my first here statement. Got you confused with someone else. Yes the healthcare system is fucked but it's fucked for everyone and again this is not literally life saving like the way that blood thinners or anti-psychotics even would be.

    You jumped to attack because you are ready to do that for people you view as entirely wrong even if I absolutely agree on other topics.

    But also don't compare trans people having trouble accessing hormonal supplements to marginalized groups being flooded with addictive drugs. Christ that is a comparison that certainly doesn't fit.

    Krauerking ,

    Open access on the Internet to anyone at random does not equal productive or helpful societal care is my point.

    It's a drug lord selling their stock.

    But because it confirms a group that wants easier access it becomes an argument about morals in a way that it shouldn't be is exactly my point.

    Krauerking ,

    Yeah and so does eating healthier, getting more money, better health, access to transportation, etc... the list of things that help stop suicide is whatever people are wanting to feel better about their life and I get that there is a community that wants these things.

    I just can't believe it's at a point of praising illegal sales of drugs.

    And don't pretend you know me. You don't. Cause you are wrong about a lot of what you think about me and it's easier to assume the person I am than accept that you are just making shit up to feel better about your side.

    I'm against the narcissistic vibe of it's good as long as you get what you specifically want. I want rules and a helpful society not people arguing that them doing things by their own vested interest are what's best. I care because I have to live with the rest of you as much as you have to live with me and everyone else. I'm sorry you feel that's unfair and that currently it is unfair in how treatment is accessible but life is very very unfair.

    Krauerking ,

    Yeah they don't want to hear anything like that. Just people thinking that this will be the final thing that makes them happy, so accessing it through any means is valid. And the people that thinks it looks good to support it because it's their friends.

    A member of their community literally telling them it's not good won't even get through anymore.

    Krauerking ,

    Can you buy Cochlear implants off the Internet to install yourself?

    How about a corneal transplant?
    Can I get myself new kidneys or my sister a new heart? Trust me they would be very useful for making a better life for us.

    A hearing aid is absolutely not in the same realm even if it's part of the new technological advancements that we can use money to buy to alter our physical nature. But you know that this is a different thing. You are doing a bait and switch whataboutism to diminish the actual conversation of chemical drugs that alter body chemistry being sold without a permit and prescription to anyone with access to the internet.

    Krauerking ,

    No it's not. We all know we have seen dumber stuff on the Internet unless you joined yesterday. But whatever.

    Krauerking ,

    Honestly, yeah. Seems like I'm arguing against brick walls and it's not like you actually have any power to do or change anything anyways so horribly pointless

    Krauerking ,

    Wow I get to live in your brain instead of just you moving on with your life? I hope the rent is cheap I can't afford more.

    Krauerking ,


    Krauerking ,

    Fine. Do whatever. I will do whatever I won't expect anyone to look out for anyone else.

    We seem to think that people just inherently know exactly what they are doing and exactly how to go about it the right way so I hope everyone takes all the drugs they could ever want.

    If you literally can't even begin to understand why taking prescription medication from an illegal online reseller is a bad idea and making it available for purchase by others on a whim than I don't want to talk to you anyways.

    I'm for action against the status quo and government with proper support and community but maybe just letting bad people with resources to do whatever they want because they supply the things that people crave is a good thing.

    Clearly people can't possibly comprehend the desire for a different reality so much they become self harming. Nobody else does that for sure.

    No societal structures for anyone, I hope the free for all is good for you.

    Krauerking ,


    Krauerking ,

    Everywhere. Living room, bathrooms, heck even McDonald's booths. Those little barely glowing stars were all over.

    Krauerking ,

    Bring back coffin coffee tables

    Krauerking ,

    Oh yeah, good shirts are practically the same as vampires or weird rich people.
    They need a constant supply of blood to keep up it's appearance.

    Krauerking ,

    Yeah it's actually wild to find out how much of animation got exported to nations that we aren't even allowed to trade food too.

    Krauerking ,

    That's awful. I hope people you know are safe and that communities comes together to help everyone.

    That's a ridiculous high flood level. Just nearly incomprehensible.

    Krauerking ,

    Yeah. I'm not hearing the rallying call for this that I would hope to from the world to help. I'm not sure what the government response looks like from your side but from a global perspective it's oddly quiet.

    Krauerking ,

    Seriously, any of these company run "bias" checkers are completely pointless and at best are directly useful for pushing specific propaganda under the guide of they have been neutral up until then.

    Thinking you know better because you know what someone else tells you the bias is of the statement doesn't actually make people more informed it just makes them insufferable liberals.

    Krauerking ,

    No. It's not our problem to fix. It's sometimes just a choice to walk away which everyone seems these days to push that you should just focus on yourself anyways.

    If they don't want our input, or effort or thoughts but just want a vote and some money then fuck it. I'm not involved and I don't have the sway or money to even be a bother to them.

    I won't just be a resource to be won by default.

    Krauerking ,

    No it's not. There was a court preceding. They had there own conflict that wasn't our business that everyone jumped into heavily and both sides came out smeared in shit.

    But we have people being sycophants for people who don't need your adoration but we're sold on a side by news sites turning it into a culture war situation where we picked sides on something that shouldn't have sides other than facts.

    Krauerking ,

    That's fucking sad as shit. And a bad answer.

    Krauerking ,

    I honestly think it will have to be semi curated and look a lot like a more complex digital version of an encyclopedia.

    I mean I think the stupid LLM craze is from trying to make something like that in the vain of the "Hitchhikers Guide" but without having to do the actual work and using autogenerated articles except that makes them prone to being false. The Hitchhikers Guide still had writers and people entering and double checking information.

    It can then further link you to related stuff from the web but the wide spread of information is somewhat dead since it's now the product to be sold and free and easy sharing of it would ruin profit margins.

    Krauerking ,

    It's funny to think that previous generations were medicating themselves too without admitting it. 1930s-70s amphetamines are all the rage until it's declared an epidemic from the incredible amount of usage.

    Then hard pivot to cocaine use to replace the amphetamines, which ends up not being better (and maybe destroying some countries in the process)

    And now here we are back to amphetamine usage and far surpassing the levels of the epidemic of the late 60s-70s.

    So remember if your grandparents say they never had to medicate themselves back in the day just ask them how much powder they sniffed up their noses. Apparently everyone feels good with a bit of stimulation.

    Krauerking ,

    Oh absolutely. Humans love stimulants.

    It's funny to the degree that our society runs on being amped up by one drug or another.

    Also wild when it doesn't work on you and you feel left out of some drugged up rave that everyone else seems to be participating in but I really don't want it.

    Elon Musk gives X employees one year to replace your bank - ‘You won’t need a bank account... it would blow my mind if we don’t have that rolled out by the end of next year.’ ( )

    “If it involves money. It’ll be on our platform. Money or securities or whatever. So, it’s not just like send $20 to my friend. I’m talking about, like, you won’t need a bank account.”...

    Krauerking ,

    His first garbage idea. He's super nostalgic for X the platform her merged with PayPal to become super wealthy especially after the people that knew what they were doing had to pay him to leave.

    Literally the same concept, name and everything. It's like he thinks he can just start over at the first app and it just will be propped up by a corpse. Idiot.

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