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KevonLooney ,

No? The coup was stopped through non-violent resistance and diplomatic pressure. That's the opposite of what you're saying.

KevonLooney ,

Yeah, multivitamins work but $0.25 is way too much. You can get it down to $0.06 per pill if you look around. $0.09 is normal.

KevonLooney ,

This isn't going to do anything. First of all, North Korea is probably not going to send battle ready soldiers to a foreign country. There's really no reason for it. They might send ditch diggers for trenches.

Second of all, this isn't going to move the needle on the battlefield. Russia already has more troops than Ukraine. They need more and better arms and ammunition, plus better support, training, airplanes, missiles, drones, commanders, etc. Basically Russia needs a completely different military.

KevonLooney ,

It's cheap to treat TB. You are ignoring the fact that the medical systems in many of these countries do not pay enough doctors or buy enough medicine for their citizens. People die of malnutrition too. That's prevented by eating.

KevonLooney ,

This was done on purpose so the crisis didn't escalate. There's no world police to prevent Russia from nuking everyone. It's better for outside actors to focus on de-escalation anyway.

Also, Putin is not doing this because of Ukraine. I mean that's part of it, but he is doing it for domestic appeal. He wants to appear tough to Russian citizens. Two situations allow that: beating Ukraine easily, and losing to NATO forces. He knows NATO will not risk invading Russia, so he's in no real danger from the second one.

NATO is intentionally not intervening because it makes Putin look weak domestically. Russia has created their own problem and the war will not end until the people of Russia demand it.

KevonLooney ,

No it doesn't. The US especially has spent a ton of money building up countries it has defeated in war.

The prime minister decides that their only course of action is to declare war on the United States. Expecting a quick and total defeat (since their standing army is tiny and equipped with bows and arrows), the country confidently expects to rebuild itself through the largesse that the United States bestows on all its vanquished enemies

KevonLooney ,

Standing desks are for people who have never worked a physical job. Did you know that you can just stand up from a normal desk at any time? Now imagine a job where you can't sit down.

Exercise your choice and stand up when you want to. Sit down when you want to. Don't do one thing all day long.

KevonLooney ,

Ehhh, I say just get more actual exercise. What does standing all day do for you?

KevonLooney ,

This is probably mostly laziness. Organizing a march is hard and requires people organizing skills. Spray painting some books takes only one or two people.

If anything, this just emphasizes how small this group is and how bad they are at organization. It's simple: get a lot of people who agree with you and march to the capitol. That's all you need to do but it's hard.

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

KevonLooney ,

conscious beings can't be part of the wave function

That's not how any of this works. Your brain is made out of regular matter, not special fancy matter.

KevonLooney ,

Why would they eliminate the competition if it was way behind in technology? Do we eliminate uncontacted tribes because they might be "competition"?

If aliens exist they probably have rules against interfering with primitive species. We are more like a band of chimps than an uncontacted tribe.

KevonLooney ,

Your brain isn't what "collapses the wave function", it's the measuring device that you use. You can do a double slit experiment and watch it with your eyes the whole time. Light will still act as a wave until you interact with it experimentally.

You are reading too much Deepak Chopra. Your brain is just a computer made out of meat. It's not magic.

TIL about Roko's Basilisk, a thought experiment considered by some to be an "information hazard" - a concept or idea that can cause you harm by you simply knowing/understanding it ( )

Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development, in order to...

KevonLooney ,

my parents believe I'll go to hell without the likes of Hitler

And that's a bad thing?

KevonLooney ,

I can tell you are an ex-Mormon. You are still thinking like a conservative. You are thinking of a hierarchy where you are more moral than Hitler. You believe it's unfair that Hitler has a better outcome than you.

I'm asking you to think more like a liberal. Think about the actual outcome. Imagine two restaurants, one has Hitler forever one does not. If given a choice which would you choose? I'm saying that letting in Hitler indicates the quality of people in that location. Wouldn't spending eternity with people like him be hell?

KevonLooney ,

General connotation of Hell though is that it's a miserable place

24/7 steam baths and jacuzzis? BBQ? Why is that bad?

KevonLooney ,

You flew by yourself, without taking care of a child, and you're surprised it's easier? Everything is easier without a kid. Your parents flew all over the place before you arrived. Planes weren't invented when you were born.

KevonLooney ,

That's a shit circle. I figured most of their articles were already written by LLMs.

KevonLooney ,

The quality changes. Their jeans in the past 10 years are just the same as others, but higher prices. They are not special anymore.

KevonLooney ,

It's both. Trying to erase actual issues people care about (race / gender / culture / sexual orientation) doesn't work. You can't just say "don't worry about it". Not all struggle is class struggle. People actually care about their culture.

KevonLooney ,

That's what someone who doesn't care about race, gender, etc. would say. You may not care because none of those affect you negatively.

KevonLooney ,

Digicel uses subcontractors they call “community liaisons” to meet with gang chieftains

So, they bribe them.

Amazon Mulls $5 to $10 monthly price tag for unprofitable Alexa service, AI revamp ( )

Amazon (AMZN.O) is planning a major revamp of its decade-old money-losing Alexa service to include a conversational generative AI with two tiers of service and has considered a monthly fee of around $5 to access the superior version, according to people with direct knowledge of the company's plans.

KevonLooney ,

Amazon never could figure out how to make that profitable on it's own

They are so dumb. Every house could use their products, they just need to charge normal prices. Everyone has light switches in every room. Imagine if most new houses came with "Alexa" switches and electric plugs.

They tried to make money on a few hobbyists who could set it up for themselves. They needed to go after the construction market. Charge half of what they were charging and sell a ton to every house in America. It's not an iPhone. It's a basic device to turn on the lights.

KevonLooney ,

Pull over on the side of the road between towns and walk 50m off the road and there's a good chance that you're the first person to stand there in a century, if not a millennium or ever.

You don't understand how long a century / millennium is. People pull off the road to pee all the time, plus people were obviously there when the road was built. Add in hikers and stranded motorists and I bet every piece of ground near that highway has had a person step on it (except for something on the side of a mountain or something).

KevonLooney ,

That guy's in Canada. America's hat doesn't get that funding.

Taiwan to acquire more than 1,000 armed drones in new US arms sale ( )

The United States has approved the $360 million sale of more than 1,000 small armed drones to Taiwan, as the self-ruled island claimed by China aims to strengthen its asymmetrical warfare abilities with an eye on successful tactics used on the battlefield in Ukraine....

KevonLooney ,

Taiwan will receive 720 Switchblade missiles and accompanying fire control systems worth $60.2 million

That's $84K per drone missile. Those are comparable to the ones you mentioned. Also, you quoted the internal Lancet price for Russia. Their export price is $35K (and I feel like you are going to have to wait a long time to get any).

The "Altius 600" is the $1 million one. It's much heavier and has a bigger payload.

KevonLooney ,

Does China realize that they don't look tough by doing this? Do you see American Marines beating up Mexican Coast Guard members? No. Because that's what an insecure country does.

What is China doing about Israel and Palestine? Nothing, because the current Chinese government only cares about advancing Chinese interests. They are transactional.

KevonLooney ,

Ukraine used to be part of the Soviet Union with Russia. They have a lot in common culturally. That's why people are comparing them.

This is progress in the right direction, but people's minds don't change just because lines on a map do. But this is progress.

KevonLooney OP ,

In case it's not clear, my idea is different because it is not optional. It's a condition of renting property. Basically, the person or persons paying the lease have an undeniable right to buy the property.

KevonLooney OP ,

You sound confused as to the definitions of those words. "Renter" and "rentee" are the same person: one who rents from a landlord. Neither renters are forced to do anything. They have the option to buy.

KevonLooney OP ,

It's an option to buy, not a requirement for the renter.

And the landlord has already made their choice for someone else to live in the home. They are being fairly paid for the property. They can always use that money to buy another one.

Isn't that what landlords tell renters? If you don't like it, just buy another one?

KevonLooney OP ,

These are good points, but you say that you don't rent anything out. Anyone who owns property in an LLC with another person deals with issues like this. They are not insurmountable.

Yes, this would make lots of small landlords think twice about renting their property out. That's actually a good thing because they could either sell or let family stay there for free.

The point is to make people who don't want to deal with the hassle sell. People like you wouldn't be affected.

KevonLooney OP ,

Here's what you're forgetting: as a percent owner in the home you are entitled to a portion of the rent and a portion of the sale price. As you buy more, your rent goes down. You are saving money.

KevonLooney OP ,

True, but don't underestimate the value of finding a good tenant. Most landlords would rather have a stable tenant than a few extra $100s. It costs a month or more in rent to find a new person.

KevonLooney OP ,

They are paying you for the property. If you don't want that, why do you rent it out? You can't use it once they lease it from you. You're a financial owner, not a resident anymore.

Why would one more person who's interested in buying the property hurt? When you sell a home are you upset that people want to hand you money? No, because you are moving out and it's now a financial decision.

KevonLooney OP ,

You might not know this, but a mortgage being higher than the rent isn't abnormal. In the past, when interest rates were 8% and rents were lower, you lost money on a rental property for the first few years. Property is not a license to print money. It's an investment with costs and payoffs.

The property owner can pay off the mortgage early with the money. Or they can buy another place to rent out. Or diversify into other kinds of investments. No one is banned from anything.

KevonLooney OP ,

You are assuming that market rent is not already as high as demand allows. That's not true. It is. That's the definition of market rent.

KevonLooney OP ,

There are already many restrictions on rental agreements. Things that were "normal" before are clearly illegal now.

KevonLooney OP , (edited )

Supply of homes is not dynamic like a factory, it can't respond quickly to prices. Investors will grumble about whatever they want, but the alternative is a time consuming and expensive sale.

Even then those homes don't disappear . If they are removed from the rental market they will just end up sold to the very group of people who were renting them, thus reducing demand. Rents would not move much, although there will probably be more real estate sales than usual as the rental market sheds the lazier real estate investors.

US aircraft carrier counters false Houthi claims with 'Taco Tuesdays' as deployment stretches on - AP ( )

“I think it’s been about two or three times in the past six months we’ve allegedly been sunk, which we have not been,” Hill told The Associated Press during a recent visit to the carrier. “It is almost comical at this point. They’re attempting to maybe inspire themselves through misinformation, but it doesn’t work...

KevonLooney ,

Al Jazeera is both:

  • Sponsored by the Qatari government
  • The best journalism in the Middle East

Don't trust their reporting on Qatar, but everything else is pretty good. While other networks rely on second hand info, Al Jazeera will send reporters into literal war zones to find out the truth.

KevonLooney ,

And that's why only Chinese stuff is banned, not all ex-US drones / electric cars.

China only has themselves to blame. They intentionally break WTO rules regarding unfair subsidies for their domestic companies. Plus they steal technology and ideas from every company manufacturing there. It doesn't matter for toasters or t-shirts, but high tech stuff is more important.

No other country does this, especially not with government support.

Kremlin bots spam internet with fake celebrity quotes against Ukraine ( )

Russian bots with a Kremlin disinformation network published 120,000 fake anti-Ukraine quotes falsely attributed to celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston and Scarlett Johansson, in one day, the independent Russian media outlet Agentsvo reported June 15....

KevonLooney ,

But it doesn't work as well because you can block entire instances. These people self identify by choosing the instance so it's easy to just block all posts and comments, even those from people you've never seen before.

KevonLooney ,

The bag is empty. That's what the expression "left holding the bag" means. You just end up with an empty bag because you were cheated out of everything else.

KevonLooney ,

It's not. At the end of the day, their vote is still just one of many.

Fucking vote. Get your friends to vote. Volunteer for a campaign. There are a ton of liberal groups that call people or knock on doors to get out the vote.

The only thing she has is money which hires... people to get out the vote. Commercials, endorsements, etc. none of that was enough to get Hillary elected. GOTV is what works. Fucking do it.

KevonLooney ,

Ollongren will step down as Dutch defense minister after the country’s new far-right government is sworn in.

Uh, what?

KevonLooney ,

Uh, without connections to greater Europe and the rest of the world the Netherlands would be a flooded tulip farm.

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