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Kedly ,

This includes Functionally EVERY state with incredibly few if any exceptions. Whens your line for when a conqueror becomes a local?

Kedly ,

I am currently updating a minecraft server soooooo

Kedly ,

Tbf I think BisectHost now lets me just upload normally, but I'm so used to using Filezilla I'm doing so out of habit.

'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement ( )

As soon as Apple announced its plans to inject generative AI into the iPhone, it was as good as official: The technology is now all but unavoidable. Large language models will soon lurk on most of the world’s smartphones, generating images and text in messaging and email apps. AI has already colonized web search, appearing in...

Kedly ,

Which is why the term Luddite has never been more accurate than since it first started getting associated with being behind on technological progress

Kedly ,

How does using free software to play dress up with anime characters bankrupt me financially?

Kedly ,

So, do textiles machines not exist anymore? It doesnt sound like them burning down factories stopped the textile factories in the long run

Kedly ,

Yeah, but the dot com bubble didnt kill the internet entirely, and the video game bubble that prompted nintendo to create its own quality seal of approval didnt kill video games entirely. This fad, when it dies, already has useful applications and when the bubble pops, those applications will survive

Kedly ,

Pretty sure social norms are better now than they were back when Luddites got their name associated with being against technological progress

Kedly , (edited )

Ah yes, more bait articles rising to the top of Lemmy. The guy was arrested for grooming, he was sending these images to a minor. Outside of Digg, anyone have any suggestions for an alternative to Lemmy and Reddit? Lemmy's moderation quality is shit, I think I'm starting to figure out where I lean on the success of my experimental stay with Lemmy

Edit: Oh god, I actually checked digg out after posting this and the site design makes it look like you're actually scrolling through all of the ads at the bottom of a bulshit clickbait article

Kedly ,

Yeah, I know, thats why I'm finding lemmy not for me. This new rage bait every week is tiring and not adding anything to my life except stress, and once I started looking at who the moderaters were when Lemmy'd find a new thing to rave about, I found that often there was 1-3 actual moderators, which, fuck that. With reddit, the shit subs were the exception, here it feels like they ALL (FEEL being a key word here) have a tendency to dive face first into rage bait

Edit: Most of the reddit migration happened because Reddit fucked over their moderators, a lot of us were happy with well moderated discussions, and if we didnt care to have moderators, we could have just stayed with reddit after the moderators were pushed away

Kedly , (edited )

I fail to see what part of my comment is optimistic? xD

Kedly ,

Man, I'm starting to get real tired of Lemmy's extreme black and white way of talking about issues

Kedly ,

It does seem to be that way. Is the internet getting more extreme and reactionary? Or are we just noticing it more?

Kedly ,

We could also just move to space, we have the tech to start this process

Kedly ,

Guns are the easiest method to kill people with. A spree stabber isnt going to kill and main NEAR as many people before they are dealt with as a spree shooter will

Kedly ,

Bud, 6 fatalities on the high end when you're trying to compare against gun shootings is pretty low

Kedly ,

What's a good alternative to reddit that isnt Lemmy?

Kedly ,

Fuck man, If I switch to Dig I feel like I've done the internet out of order xD I'll have to check Digg out I guess

Kedly ,

Fuck has many meanings, "That fucking virgin" is an acceptable sentence to make that wouldn't be considered a contradiction

Kedly ,

Who tf thinks the 90's looked like the 1st picture... I WISH the 99's looked like that!

Kedly ,

Recently a LOT of my emails with hotmail have been getting blocked at the server level, they arent even reaching my junk mail, which makes troubleshooting why I'm not getting emails a nightmare, ESPECIALLY in this day and age if 2fA

Kedly ,

This meme is based AF

Kedly ,

Let us talk, dont immediately shut us up if we aren't actively harming the discussion, let men know that their feelings are valid too but that they dont overshadow others feelings (jumping straight to that second half is NOT helpful). Let memes like this one exist without deleting them for lumping them in with the angry assholes

Kedly , (edited )

I have some extra emotional capacity today so (see edit*) I'll post some wrong think: but can we stop antagonizing populations that feel disenfranchised by society and therefor giving the truly evil fucks out there an easy population to brainwash and feed extra scummy ideologies to?

Young nerdy men who feel excluded from society that dont have any strong female figures in their life are barraged by a constant stream of messaging that could easily be interpreted as "(white) men are evil and the source of all problems with society"

By constantly antagonizing them for not being able to navigate the political nuance of those messages, we give an incredibly easy pathway to the more toxic ideologies that the Tates of the world will pull them into to profit off of them, because they are the only figures who will give them praise and a sense of belonging.

Edit: Its a new day now, and I no longer have the energy. If you want to vent, understanding that venting in this manner will bring about little to no positive change, you do you, I will no longer be responding

Kedly ,

I mean yeah, that was my point. Currently though our messaging is insanely antagonistic and there are a LOT of men without women in their lives who can explain this to them. People dont listen to those antagonizing them, the throw their shields/walls up, and seek those who are friendlier to them, which, in this case would be the manpsphere, posts like this only preach to the choir, and push away the men who need to know why women would choose the bear the most.

Kedly ,

Yeah, thats why I posted this. I'm having a good day today, and so I was able to find the words that others who've been affected by the bear meme struggled to find the words to. If I get some flak for it, I have the emotional space to explain my reasoning

Kedly ,

These kinds of things are great for letting off steam with friends, but absolutely TERRIBLE at getting a point across to people who dont already know said point

Kedly , (edited )

I'll still purposely switch to the opposite street if its not very populated and I'm unintentionally following a woman for too many blocks (because we just happen to be going in the same direction). Remember though that the most extreme people are the ones who shout the loudest, most women wont be unempathetic to your struggles, and understand that society has challenges for you as a man that they themselves dont have to experience. You arent a boogeyman, and you and your struggles are valid, dont let shit like the bear meme convince you otherwise

Kedly ,

Tbh the TERF stuff isnt surprising since a lot of these memes have just a hint of Misandry to them, and when it comes to TERFs, they dont see Trans Women as women, and see them as men, so its moreso their ideas on men that are guiding their ideology, than it is about women

Kedly ,

Some people are definitely using it to create drama sure, but others are using it to vent, and yet others dont understand why some men wouldnt just try to understand why women would choose the bear... basically its a clusterfuck of a meme

Kedly ,

The fact that you are trying to pass this off as a way to get laid is honestly disgusting

Kedly ,

Because thereal's version is welcoming and non discriminatory, and the meme is antagonistic by design

Kedly ,

You're being willfully ignorant to peoples points

Kedly ,

You're either a troll, being the fucked kind of sarcastic, or you have some seriously fucked values....

Kedly ,

Yeah, ok, with this response and your other one, I'm blocking you now

EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again ( )

EA has tried this before, with predictable results. In 2020, EA Sports UFC 4 included full-screen ads for the Amazon Prime series The Boys that would appear during 'Replay' moments. These were absent from the game when it launched, with EA introducing the ads about a month later, thereby preventing them from being highlighted in...

Kedly , (edited )

How do you have fewer than no children? (=P tongue in cheek purposeful misunderstanding, not true pedantry)

Edit: (Damn, even being clear I was being cheeky I still managed to piss someone off xD)

Kedly ,

-0.5 children

Kedly ,

Mine personally is that all past Reach were garbage, I'll never forgive what 4 did to the lore, humanity being around and a spacefaring race back when the forerunners were was fucking stupid

Kedly ,

All of the lore snippets we got before 4 kind of hinted that Humanity was chosen as the next tech bearer because they were on the verge of a sentience level that the rings would exterminate, but not fully there yet, the fact that the forerunners would choose to pass the mantle on to a race they were actively at war with INSTEAD OF SAVING THEIR OWN RACE, is BEYOND stupid

Kedly ,

I've honestly just hit a point in life where I'm dine giving megacorps money. I stopped piracy like a decade ago because I had the means to pay for shit, but since then companies have just started treating customers with more and more disrespect, and I'm perfectly knowledgeable on how to access most of their shit fir free and with less restrictions and hassle. So Im back to piracy not fir money reasons, but FUCK YOU reasons

Kedly ,

I'm not on the internet or lemmy to make the world a better place, I'm on here to kill time/enjoy myself/learn some things. I dont have the mental space to deal extremists, and particularly extremists that have a world view thats incompatible with itself if taken at face value, and I certainly dont have anything valid that I can learn from tankies, and as such, my block list has gotten quite large, and my general mood has increased because of it

Kedly ,

You also have far less info on internet conversion on whether or not its being had in good faith, which is an extra hurdle on opinion change

Kedly ,

Your comment's weird, but not downvote level weird? Certainly not more downvotes than upvotes level weird... are people reading this comment in different ways?

Kedly ,

I was just pointing out an extra oddity tbh. I dont particularly care myself as well

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