This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

Kecessa ,

You know what? Good, the less people fly the better it is for the environment.

Kecessa ,

Actually, you can put four passengers in a Chevy Suburban with a big V8 and they'll be polluting less to travel the same distance compared to doing it in a passenger plane, the shorter the trip the better as well because planes burn a shit ton of fuel for takeoff.

Kecessa ,

Anonymous or not, you're still feeding it data tankie censorship problem

I feel like we need to talk about Lemmy's massive tankie censorship problem. A lot of popular lemmy communities are hosted on It's been well known for a while that the admins/mods of that instance have, let's say, rather extremist and onesided political views. In short, they're what's colloquially referred to as...

Kecessa ,

You just made me realize that I have been banned from some of the communities over there while never having posted on them, mods are reading conversations in other communities and preemptively banning people...

Kecessa ,

Jerboa has no issues (except for compression as well)

Kecessa ,

A conservative columnist, this is a reply to them but the first one's opinion might influence people's opinion and conservative programs.

Kecessa ,

Rest the opinion piece and you'll know who suggested it.

Kecessa , (edited )

Columnist, not a journalist, people need to start understanding the difference

Kecessa ,

For personal use, so not for distribution and a copy made on your own, not procured from someone else, right?

Kecessa ,

So yeah, private, non commercial, in the home, for content you would have otherwise been able to see for yourself in the past by the "regular" means available to you.

Which is vastly different from going on the internet and downloading a movie with your favorite torrent program when you wouldn't have otherwise been able to see it...

Kecessa ,

Exactly what I was thinking, people would be mad as hell. Heck, a few months ago I made someone realize they didn't own their games on Steam because they were complaining about Epic and it blew their fucking mind.

Kecessa ,

You can already do that with condoms and no one is messing up their body...

Kecessa ,

They're 100% effective, the only reason there said to be 99% effective is to prevent lawsuits from people using then incorrectly.

Kecessa ,

It's not the condom's fault if you make a mistake. Condom material doesn't let sperm through, it's that simple, it's been used incorrectly if it did. Companies don't want to lose time and money with lawsuits hence 99%.

Also, anecdotal evidence while you weren't in bed with them isn't much of a proof, it's as valid as me telling you I've never got any girl pregnant even when we weren't using any protection therefore pulling out is 100% effective.

Kecessa ,

Which will be our reaction when climate change goes past a certain point.

Kecessa ,

Better than the 2.3M the government spent to finance the infrastructure required for the two jobs created by my girlfriend's employer... That will result in zero economic gains in the end because the whole project was managed like crap and it will probably be abandoned before achieving any results...

Kecessa ,

Meanwhile I've got a friend, who worked for his country of origin's secret services and had to move to Canada because his and his family's lives were threatened by organized crime, that realized the very person that was threatening him back home is now a Canadian citizen...

Kecessa ,

Simple, the galaxy is pretty much flat so go up, turn 90°, travel until you're over your destination, go down, same as an helicopter!

Kecessa ,

It's in the name, conservatism is the opposite of progressivism, progress is a natural state, nothing stays as is forever, the only way to stop progress is to go against nature.

Kecessa ,

"Are you going to stop the"so called AI" bullshit?" more like

Kecessa ,

As a Quebecois it's always crazy to see how different news coverage can be between the CBC and RC...

Kecessa , (edited )

It goes both ways then, people who are happy should shut up until they see some gameplay.

Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

Kecessa ,


"Here's a complete analysis of your situation and how to resolve it."

"I don't agree with these issues you've pointed out."

"Ok, here's the proof that you're wrong but thanks for pointing these things out as you helped me find more issues, so cost just went up, wanna do that again?"


Kecessa ,

Oh that's a classic with people you're close to

Complain about issue X that you know how to solve

Hear you tell them how to solve it


Don't listen to you but ask someone you know for their opinion which is the same as yours

Never say they're sorry for doubting you

Kecessa ,

"Something something, hot hot (?) ta da da, something something, hot hoooooot"

Has been stuck in my head for months now!

(By the way, "something" is always the same word, song from the 80s/90s I think, just in case there's someone that can help 😂)

Kecessa ,

I would call it a summer song? Like the kind of song you'll hear a ton one summer and that will be pretty much it...

Kecessa ,

Oh my God, fucking finally 😱

Thank you!

Kecessa ,

Image of someone running in a field, naked

(I don't know, I've got words in my head)

Kecessa ,

You know you're not supposed to water plastic plants, right?

Kecessa ,

Same thing here, reading people's complaints and nothing applies to my experience chatting with over a hundred colleagues everyday...

Kecessa ,

Repeat after me





Farmers don't make enough to pay employees, groceries make too much for it to make sense, fuck that shit, crown corporation to run the whole thing.

Kecessa ,

It wouldn't solve the production issue though. We shouldn't have to rely on foreigners to grow our food locally but people won't work in that field unless salaries and conditions make sense and that won't happen unless it's nationalized or profits are distributed in a more fair way...

Kecessa ,

Non-profit crown corporation! Same for rental housing!

Kecessa ,

Crown corporations can be non profit, that's what the SAAQ is and it's the reason why it's so cheap to get insurance as a driver in Quebec compared to Ontario for example.

Kecessa ,

Still not proof of intelligence to be but people want to believe/scare themselves into believing that LLMs are AI.

Kecessa , (edited )

I wasn't the user you originally replied to but I didn't expect them to provide one and I totally agree with you, just another person that started believing that LLM is AI...

Kecessa ,

Here's Montreal's version

There's usually listings on if you want to look inside, sometimes it's of units that have been kept as they were built!

Kecessa ,

Yep, cable was first used to allow people to watch the same channels that were available over the air just from a more locations than what was available via antenna at their home (and with better reception), so it had the same commercials.

Premium channels were commercial-less for 7 or 9 years (can't remember exactly) before the first premium channel decided to start running adverts.

Kecessa ,

We don't use it on the computer we share because profiles work like crap, when I posted about it there were a couple of people saying "Yep, Chrome's implementation is much better" and a lot of people saying "Just use this extremely convoluted way of half fixing the issue you have with it"

Kecessa ,

Just pointing out my experience when mentioning something that could be improved and it fits the meme perfectly.

Kecessa ,

Sure, but when stuff clearly doesn't work in a logical way, you would expect devs to correct the program itself instead of relying on extensions.

Kecessa , (edited )

Depends, it's the computer in the common room that's never locked and it would be a pain in the ass to have to switch OS profile every time one of us wants to check something on the internet that requires access to our personal accounts and bookmarks. The web browser is the only thing that needs to be separated. I don't think it's a particularly rare situation that people in the same family share a computer but want separate browser profiles so it's in sync with their cellphone.

With Chrome we each have an icon in the taskbar and our instances are merged under our respective icon in the taskbar.

With Firefox "vanilla edition" we either need to access about:profile to switch or we can use a workaround to have separate icons in the taskbar but then because it's not Firefox's regular icon that we're using but a shortcut modified to open a specific profile, each shortcut creates a new icon in the taskbar when we click on it and that's where the instances merge, that means that if we both have instances opened we now have four Firefox icons in the taskbar and because of muscle memory we tend to click on the shortcut instead of the icon where our instance actually is so we end up opening a new instance instead of just opening the instance where we already have our tabs opened.

Kecessa ,

You just had to read a couple more replies

Kecessa ,

I'm comparing how it's handled by Chrome vs Firefox

In Chrome you go to your profile, check a box to confirm that you want separate shortcuts, done and it's handled properly when merging multiple windows opened by the same user. Each icon is visually distinctive as well.

In Firefox there's no native solution to have separate icons for each profile, the way to do it is to create a shortcut to the .exe file and to edit the path so the shortcut opens Firefox with a specific profile selected. Because the new shortcut isn't the "regular one", the windows don't merge under the existing profiled icon in the taskbar, they instead add a separate icon in the taskbar where the windows merge, it means that you end up with two icons to open Firefox (one for each profile) and two icons where you actually find the windows currently opened. Add to that the fact that because it's just "regular shortcuts" under the hood, it ignores the custom icon you're using to differentiate between profiles (again, because it's not a native solution) when creating the new icon where the windows are merged. You end up with two profile icons and two default icons and the only way to know which one is yours is to go over it to see what windows are opened underneath. Three users with each one having their own profile? That's six icons in the taskbar if everyone has windows opened, three of them with the actual instances "in them", all three using the same icon and they're not in a specific order.

The (native) alternative AND official way to handle profiles in Firefox? Open about:profile every time you realize you're browsing under the wrong profile.

There's no real user-friendly solution. Downloading an extension to fix a UX issue is ridiculous, that's on the actual devs to make it native. Installing Firefox twice (one beta and one regular) is a waste of space and potentially exposes one of the two users to vulnerabilities from using a pre-release versions of the program.

When I mention that issue the reaction is always the same as yours "Don't see the issue with it" from people who haven't compared to the alternative or whose use case has nothing to do with two (or more) person using the same computer and only needing separate browser profiles and having no reason to need separate OS profiles.

Kecessa ,

Yeah, sharing a computer with my girlfriend of the last 7 years isn't much of a privacy issue as you can imagine and it's not confusing as long as the taskbar icons are distinct.

The shortcut in the taskbar when you pin a program isn't the same as a shortcut as you create it when you right click a file and create a shortcut. If you use a workaround to pin the second type of shortcut to your taskbar it doesn't behave the same way as the first type.

And again, that's using a workaround that I had to do some research to find, Mozilla's way would just be up access about:profile each time one of us wants to access our version of the browser.

Even for people who use multiple profiles but don't share their computer with anyone else, it's much simpler to have separate icons in the taskbar and the associated windows merged under their respective icons.

To me it becomes a Firefox issue when their competitor offers a much more logical way to deal with profiles.

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