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Kecessa ,

Disco Elysium shouldn't be bought because the devs won't get a cent from the sale, pirate it, that's what they want you to do.

Kecessa ,

Never encourage people to buy that game, the devs don't get a cent and don't want you to buy it, they want you to pirate it.

Kecessa ,

Disco Elysium is always free, the devs got fucked and won't get a cent from sales, everyone should pirate the game.

Kecessa ,

"I forget everything so I guess nothing's important?"

"Well, in the grand scheme of things......"

Kecessa ,

The good news is you can just call them "honey" and they'll never know!

Kecessa , (edited )

"I'm breaking up with you..."

"Sorry, who's that again?"

Kecessa ,

The most optimistic scenario my head can come up with to make the sentence make sense would be that she's bisexual and because of him she chose to commit to a heteronormative relationship.

If that was the case she should be pissed that this was his reflection

Kecessa , (edited )

I resorted to splitting everything because I was burning docks, so now I've got four plugs taken on my laptop: a small USBC dock for one HDMI and power, one regular HDMI, one USBC to HDMI and one USBA for a four USBA hub... Which sucks because one USBC is able to handle all my needs, the docks are just shit...

Kecessa ,

Don't know what people expected from a company being forced to build the infrastructure against their will, they should have had to pay a fine and a State corporation should have been created from that to create charging infrastructure and reap the profit for the government's coffers.

Kecessa , (edited )

I think very few people realize that it's VW that built that infrastructure and the fact that major governments didn't come together to set a charging standard is a separate issue.

Kecessa ,

Well you don't want groceries in the bed mostly because it will be thrown around since it's just open space...

Kecessa ,

Probably means fish eye (which this picture doesn't seem to be using) or bad perspective?

Kecessa , (edited )

Things are pretty fantastic when you use them for that they're made to do... Try safely carrying 20 4'x8' sheets of sheetrock in a small car... Or try carrying two bags of groceries in a sedan's trunk without anything holding them in place...

Kecessa ,

Pickups let you load stuff as high as you want to and the open sides can make things much simpler. Try loading a couple of loads of dirt in a van.

Kecessa ,

The one in the picture isn't stock, the owner made it impractical unless he pulls trailers with a goose neck on the regular.

Kecessa ,

And I never said the average person should own a truck but buying dirt in bulk (measured in yards) isn't unusual if your house has space for a garden and it's way cheaper than buying bags of it. Same for carrying lumber that would be too long for a van.

Also it's very funny that if you want to be able to do most of things a truck can do, the alternative to a truck should be a contractor's van which has worse visibility on the sides and at the back, is just as big or bigger than a truck and uses the same engine...

Kecessa ,

If you need to be able to carry heavy loads you need the suspension to be able to absorb road bumps while loaded

Kecessa , (edited )

What I see is 5k NDP and Greens voters who would rather see a conservative MP having the seat than make sure it's someone fairly progressive in place.

Oh and enough people that voted for fake independents to make a point in favor of electoral reform to make a party that has always been against electoral reform take the seat.

It's not a fucking proportional system, vote strategically you idiots!

Kecessa ,

Pretty much anything would be better than what we have, in the meantime we need to vote strategically or we end up with the Conservatives which just makes things even worse.

Kecessa ,

Cut your nose to spite your face

You're angry at Trudeau? Fine. Get PP in power and see how things go for you, I'm sure the majority of people who think like you are the ones who will suffer the most under a conservative government. You do you, I'm a white man with a good job that owns a house and I'm still trying to improve things for those who aren't as privileged instead of thinking about myself and voting for lower taxes and less services for those in needs, maybe you should do the same.

Kecessa ,

Don't have much integrity if you make decisions that will mean the people you want to protect will suffer even more just because you want to be able to say you sticked to your guns.

Kecessa ,

It's not only about climate change though and it's not only about you being fine. People thought the same way you do and got Trump elected and now abortion is getting banned all over the USA, but hey, at least some progressives can say they didn't vote for Hillary out of principle?

Kecessa ,

He might not ban abortion, but he already said he's ready to use article 33 to bypass the supreme Court on prison terms for violent crimes and when he starts feeling pressure from the social conservatives in his party and he's facing the possibility that they'll jump ship, you can be sure social issues won't be a priority to him, even if it's just cutting funding here and there so he indirectly ends up closing abortion clinics or homeless shelters.

Kecessa ,

And you won't get it with either party that actually can get elected but your life or the life of people in need will get a whole lot worse with one of those parties. If you don't care about that and live somewhere where the Conservatives can potentially get elected then go ahead and split the vote by voting NDP and I hope you sleep well at night knowing that some people are getting deported because of people who decided voting for their favorite party was more important than protecting other humans.

Kecessa ,

If you can't accept the fact that we don't have a proportional system then the only problem here is you. FPTP requires that people vote strategically, it sucks, but that's what it is.

I'm just as mad at the people who don't vote at all, don't worry, but if you vote and only end up splitting the vote so your vote ends up counting as a vote for the person completely opposite to who you want in power instead of the compromise that actually has a chance to get elected then you're just as much part of the problem. Not realizing that means people around you (and potentially yourself) end up suffering. You can think it's me guilt tripping you all you want, if you take the time to think about it you already know it to be true.

Kecessa , (edited )

"especially when the numbers are so small that it's barely relevant"

Small like all the people who voted for fake candidates as a form of protest that would have been enough to swing the vote in the Liberals' favor? "We're so angry that we got let the person from the party that never supported any electoral reform take the seat instead of the party that tried to do something about it and failed, that will show them!"

Take responsibility for your acts, you decide to divide the vote you're as much responsible for getting conservatives elected as any of their electors and the negative outcome is as much on you at it is on them.

You know your party won't win but still decide to give them your vote instead of trying to get the party closer to them in power, that's just wasting it in the end, might as well not get out of your house, the result will be the same.

There are consequences to your acts in life and no one can take the blame for those consequences but you.

Kecessa ,

My 2017 Volvo just warns me if there's a parked car in a curve, never had it brake automatically for parked cars no matter the scenario, so I guess it's just that BMW's system wasn't quite there yet at the time...

Kecessa ,

Nah, Stonehenge and pieces of art have no real value to the general population but a shit to of value to rich people who don't care about living beings, books can educate people.

Kecessa ,

Stonehenge disappears tomorrow, what actual difference does it makes in the life of 99.9999% of Earth's population?

Kecessa ,

And we're spending fortunes on it (and other historical monuments) while people are starving and ecosystems are being destroyed. Good priorities right?

Kecessa ,

Chantal Hebert talked about it on the radio the other day, there are people who make 50k/year who are now convinced that their taxes will increase because of that...

Kecessa ,

"Should I bring my question over there instead?"

That's usually what people do so conversations can actually be followed and come in a logical order...

Kecessa ,

That's for if you're inside, a mechanical access has to exist on the outside as well, no?

Kecessa ,

Yeah, doesn't help much in case of actual emergency does it?

Kecessa ,


Kecessa ,

If someone is locked in your car and you're the owner you simply use the key and open the door, no need to break anything, except in a Tesla.

Kecessa ,

Yeah, that's much quicker than just unlocking the door with your fucking key, right?

Kecessa ,

That's what I like to remind people when they say that reducing emissions on our side isn't worth it because China is worse... They have a system in place that makes it so they can turn around and make the switch in a year, if we wait for them to really start moving then we'll end up decades behind them with how everything is complicated and bureaucratic in Europe and North America.

Kecessa ,


But more seriously, vote everywhere for the most progressive people possible and vote strategically to get the most progressive person realistically electable when needed.

Kecessa ,

Did you skip the "but more seriously" part and everything that came after right after I said "Sanders"? 🤔 Because I'm saying exactly what you're saying.

Also, you can vote for Sanders so he keeps his position in the Senate so it's actually not false that people need to vote for him.

Kecessa ,

It's a general "you", I'm not talking about you as a person specifically.

Shower thoughts are wasting water.

My city is in the middle of the worst drought in recorded history. My showers are typically under 2 minutes and I have to shower with a bucket to catch otherwise wasted water to use to flush the toilet. I also shut the water down when I am wet enough so I can scrub myself without having unneeded water flowing then start it...

Kecessa ,

And then you get a drought that lasts longer than your infrastructure is able to handle and you're still fucked

Kecessa ,

Levi's have model numbers and the cut doesn't change with time

Kecessa ,

"with good stock"

The guy has Asperger syndrome, from the get go he's not the pinnacle of human genetics...

Kecessa ,

"A doctor's hands are always clean!"

That's when Semmelweiss should have rubbed dog shit on his hands and tried to rub them on these doctors' face.

Kecessa ,


You need to be a bad person to accumulate that much wealth while people around you are suffering.

Kecessa ,

Someone can praise their chiropractor, in the end that's anecdotal and then I could point to all the people that have become paralyzed due to chiros.

All of them are quacks because most of what they do to people is bullshit and potentially harmful, it just happens that they sometimes also do some things that are actually ok but it's methods employed by an actual medical field.

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