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See also: "get good grades in university and you'll be flooded with job offers!"

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I really don't so how this can be abused. You blow into the device and it reads out how much alcohol is in your breath. It takes seconds to do and cops can't discover anything else about you other than how much alcohol is in your breath. It's nothing like searching your home. It provides police with less information about you than your licence does, which cops can check anytime.

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If you have something in your car that could give police reason to hassle you over, the pretextual stop was probably worth it. I get that police stopping drivers is annoying, and ACAB, but having to prove you aren't drunk while driving is already a thing in Ontario. RIDE Programs are literal police checkpoints where you need to prove you aren't drunk to pass through. That is already a thing and has been for years. I've yet to see any serious complaints about it or police abusing it to hassle people.

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But this isn't stop and frisk. You've already been stopped. The policy is that everyone who gets stopped gets a breathalyzer. There's literally no way this can be used to hassle you any further than you've already been hassled. You've already been pulled over. If cops want to hassle you for donut powder they already can without the breathalyzer bit. This doesn't change when cops can pull you over.

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As a Canadian, I worry Trump will start a trade war with Canada for no reason. He's made a few remarks about ripping up trade deals and calling Canada a threat to US national security.

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Stop buying games from studios that pull this kind of shit. I get that some industries are run by monopolies and need government regulations since nobody can choose to support the better companies (because there are none), but gaming isn't one of them. There are hundreds of independent studios that make games as a passion. Stop buying $90 Aways Online, Loot box, Battle Pass, Day 1 DLC, popular IP games with $50 million dollar budgets funded by investors. If people stopped buying these they'd stop being made.

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Yes, they operate 24/7. If the work week is shortened, companies wont operate less hours, they'd just spend more money on staffing. They'd either need to hire more people to cover 24/7 operations, or pay existing staff overtime to work their current schedules. Companies don't want to spend more money on staffing which is why they don't want reduced work hours even though studies show it's beneficial for people's lives.

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My father makes more retired than I do working full time.

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Exactly what Alina Habba did and it cost him $83.3 million.

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I am Cheeseball Man. You are Cheeseball Man. Who among us has not, at one time in their lives, been Cheeseball Man?

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Throwing people in jail for being unhealthy is pretty extreme.

To fend off tourists, a town in Japan is building a big screen blocking the view of Mount Fuji ( )

The neighborhood suddenly became a popular spot about two years ago, apparently after a photo taken in a particular angle showing Mount Fuji in the background of a local convenience store, became a social media sensation.

ImplyingImplications ,

Another neighbourhood in Kyoto has also thought about outright banning tourists after having to deal with them just walking into people's homes. The neighbourhood is known for its old architecture. They're still private homes. It's nice you think the old houses look cool, you can't just walk into them.

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War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

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Yep. I'm a vegetarian for environmental reasons. There's a huge amount of will behind ending humanity's reliance on fossil fuels, but very few care about ending our reliance on meat, the most inefficient source of food.

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I remember once I couldn't connect to the PlayStation network which prevented me from playing multiplayer games. It lasted a few days so I ended up sending an email to their customer support. They wrote back "you've been banned from the playstation network for a week. Please see below your chatlog from PlayStation Home:

'Haha it looks like you're sucking my dick. lol suck it yeah'"

Very much an "understandable, have a nice day" moment. I figured I'd be banned from PlayStation Home, not the entire PlayStation network.

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The willow knows what the storm does not: that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it.

From the Magic: The Gathering card "Blood of the Martyr"

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It's a complex issue. I dont think there's enough money in the world to prevent someone from being bribed since literal billionaires still desire more money. I also don't know if knowledgable individuals would become a politician even if it paid more than the private sector. An expert in the private sector is only criticized by other experts. When an expert becomes a politician their main critics are idiots who think they know better.

I truly think that anyone who wants to be a politician is unfit for the job. I've heard a unique idea of a "lottocracy" where government positions work like jury duty. Everyone has to serve in government for a short time once in a while. It sounds crazy but so does letting a bunch of corrupt sociopaths make the rules.

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Your raise schedule should be outlined in your union contract! :)

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It's like the guys who carry expensive pocket knives everywhere hoping someone will need to cut something.

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"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” - Douglas Adams

ImplyingImplications ,

I'm vegetarian. Western food is so focused on meat that people often have no idea how to make a meal that doesn't contain it. My mother once asked me how to make a vegetarian version of Chicken Parmesan. So keep the tomato sauce, cheese, and spices, but swap out the chicken with pasta. Congrats you've made vegetarian Chicken Parmesan. I like to call it Spaghetti.

ImplyingImplications ,

I appreciated your wall of text! Lemmy, and social media in general, are pretty terrible places for nuanced discussion. The system is biased towards short and vauge posts. As you said though, they can be a good stepping stone.

There's been more than one time that I've seen people arguing in a thread and decided I'd look up the topic to see who is right. In the end it doesn't really matter what people in the thread were saying. It got me interested in the topic and I searched out more reputable sources of information and hopefully I learned a bit!

That being said, there are also threads where people post insane takes. You really need to have a litmus test for whether or not a post should even been considered.

ImplyingImplications ,

There are thousands of sci-fi novels where sentient robots are treated terribly by humans and apparently the people at Boston Dynamics have read absolutely zero of them as they spend all day finding new ways to torment their creations.

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