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The Elder Scrolls video game series has a race of cat people known as Khajiit. They're often found as wandering merchants and repeat the line in OP when you talk to them. Video

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Either that, or every company has woefully underpaid/incompetent IT people

It's this one. Cox Communications, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the US with $11 billion in revenue, recently patched a bug on their self-serve portal that allowed anyone to access any customer's profile. The bug was that server requests weren't being authenticated. If you entered the right info into the URL bar you'd be given a page with anyone's customer info. No login needed.

ImplyingImplications ,

This is going to affect hard working Canadians (who make more than $250,000 a year in capital gains)!

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Terrible location really. What were they thinking?

Why can I see some communities while logged out, but not while logged in?

This seems to be random. These are communities on the instance I'm logged into. AFAICT I'm not being blocked in these communities. I'm not even sure if mods *can *block someone from seeing a community. I'm guessing this has been asked before, but I couldn't find a thread on it.

ImplyingImplications ,

Do you have your languages set to both "Undetermined" and "English" in your settings? I had a problem seeing some posts with only one language selected.

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Fun game! Swap "AI" with "blockchain" and put it into a search engine. You win if you can find the same headline from an article a few years ago!

Square Enix says Embracer sales will help it invest in blockchain (2022)

Dev of cancelled Life By You game shares some information, including just two weeks notice of cancellation after being given the thumbs-up a few weeks prior ( )

I cannot share specific numbers, but I can say that we had an internal metric we were aiming for that had been approved, and that we exceeded that number by a significant portion. We also got a thumbs up a few weeks before launch.

ImplyingImplications ,

I got a friend in game dev. They've worked for 3 companies over 6 years. None of the titles they have worked on were ever released.

The title they're currently working on has had its funding cut (by Embracer Group) and the CEO of the studio is desperately trying to find another source of funding. Everyday they go into work expecting to be told the studio is shutting down.

Game dev certainly seems to suck the souls out of creative people who just want to make something fun.

ImplyingImplications ,

Restricting democratic positions based on an undemocratic process isn't good. If a corrupt government wanted to keep someone from being voted out they could just deny security clearances to their political enemies and suddenly the people can't vote for who they want.

Like others have said, Poilievre could get security clearance if he wanted to. He's not a foreign agent, he's just an asshole. He's currently arguing that those who read the classified documents detailing interference by foreign spies are doing nothing to fix it. He loses that argument if he reads the documents, because now he's just like everyone else.

ImplyingImplications ,

A lot of responses here so I'll suggest a different approach. You can watch your python code execute line by line using a debugger. That might help with understanding how it all works.

def my_sum(list):
    result = 0
    for number in list:
        result += number
    return result

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list_sum = my_sum(my_list)
print(list_sum)  # Prints 15

If you run the above code line by line in a debugger, you'll see that when it gets to list_sum = my_sum(my_list) the program will jump into the function my_sum(list) where "list" is a variable holding the value of "my_list". The program continues line by line inside of the function until it hits the return result statement. The program then returns to the line it was at before jumping into the function. "my_sum(my_list)" now has an actual value. It's the value that the return statement provided. The line would now read list_sum = 15 to python.

A debugger shows you which lines get executed in which order and how the variables update and change with each line.

Just a note: python has a built-in sum() function you could use instead of writing your own my_sum() function, but a debugger won't show you how built-in functions work! They're built into the language itself. You'd need to look up Python's documentation to see how they actually function under the hood.

ImplyingImplications ,

I made one called "crash_bandicoot.exe" that opened the windows calculator in an infinite loop.

ImplyingImplications ,

Headline is misleading. This is a food bank that allows their clients to choose their own products and sets the product out like a grocery store.

Typically food banks will give clients a standard box of items but not everyone uses all of it. Allowing clients to pick their own items reduces waste and setting it up like a grocery store just makes sense.

Clients still need to register with the food bank and are restricted to $200 worth of items every two weeks.

ImplyingImplications ,

Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, it's a straw, you see? Watch it. Now my straw reaches across the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I... drink... your... milkshake. I drink it up!

ImplyingImplications , (edited )

This is all the quiet parts outloud.
Police don't need to follow the rules they enforce.
Police don't understand what makes something unsafe (cyclists aren't worried about running into your car, they're worried about having to enter the roadway to get around your car).
Police should be worshiped like heros.
Police believe "criminal" is a class of people.
Police think anyone who complains about police is a libtard soyboy who cares about people's feelings.

ImplyingImplications ,

Imagine the line up of guys if one of those girls needed computer help.

ImplyingImplications ,

Just writing words doesn't make it legally binding. Anyone who reads this comment owes me $1,000,000 USD.

ImplyingImplications ,

Step 1. Vote for me
Step 2. Tax cuts for corporations
Step 3. Profit! (for the corporations)

What is the Legal copyright on a Lemmy Post?

Most instances don't have a specific copyright in their ToS, which is basically how copyright is handled on corporate social media (Meta/X/Reddit owns license rights to whatever you post on their platform when you click "Agree"). I've noticed some people including Copyright notices in posts (mostly to prevent AI use). Is this...

ImplyingImplications ,

On top of all comments generally being copyrighted by their author automatically, the licence at the bottom of a comment is like a no trespassing sign. The sign itself doesn't stop people from trespassing. You still need to call police when someone trespasses. If you never call police then the sign is literally useless.

The licence is the same thing. If someone includes it at the bottom of all their comments, but never launches legal action when someone violates that licence agreement, then it's literally useless. Given that launching legal action is incredibly expensive, I highly doubt the people using these licences will ever follow up. Also, how will they even know? How will they know a company used their comment as training data for their commercial AI? How are they going to even enforce the terms of the licence?

ImplyingImplications ,

Former funeral director. How to leave a body unclaimed was an unfortunately common discussion I've had with people. It starts with "What is the cheapest option?" Followed by "What if I can't afford that?"

It makes no sense that the government won't assist a family with burial expenses but will pay to bury an unclaimed body. The Canada Pension Plan death benefit is only $2,500. It's taxable and the amount has not increased in over a decade. The cheapest funeral options now cost about $3,000 - $4,000. People shouldn't need to worry about their financial situation immediately after their loved one dies.

Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term?

I've been wondering for a bit why during the time the Democrats controlled the legislature, executive, and judicial branches during Obama's first term in 2008 more wasn't accomplished. Shouldn't that have been the opportunity to make Row V Way law and fix the electoral college? I understand the recession was going on but outside...

ImplyingImplications ,

American politicians mostly argue over issues as a way to earn votes. It's like the story of the young priest.

Every week he listens to the old priest talk about the church's roof and how badly it needs repairs and has been for years. He asks the congregation to give generously as the quotes to repair it have been quite high. The young priest decides to call around and eventually finds a religious contractor who agrees to repair the roof at a steep discount! The young priest walks into church one morning to see the old priest outside in shock that the roof has been fixed. The young priest proudly explains how he was finally able to fix the bad roof that had been a pain for years. The old priest says "You idiot! Now how will I get people to donate!?"

ImplyingImplications ,

Raw Milk Enthusiasts rediscovering the invention of vaccines.

I Am Able To Change My Race, Right?

This is from my last post, many people disagreed with my belief. Since people are able to identify and claim whatever they want to be. I am now a trans white. I do not consider nor identify myself as an African-American woman anymore. I don’t feel comfortable in my skin. I don’t believe this was my right race at birth. So I...

ImplyingImplications ,

Lemmy isn't really an echo chamber. It's like saying going over to a friends place is an echo chamber because you and your friend get along. There's nothing wrong with hanging out with people who share your values and beliefs.

The problem with social media are their algorithms. They aren't designed to connect you with like-minded people, but to keep you engaged. The content that keeps people engaged tends to be terrible content.

The recent "a man or a bear" trend is a perfect example. Algorithms love divisive content like that because it drives engagement, but it also leads to people getting really upset over nothing. Lemmy doesn't have any algorithms driving engagement so it doesn't have that problem.

Why Are Rap*** & Ped** Protected In Jail?

It’s actually sick, they already get a light sentence and also getting protected by the justice system while the victim they violated is heavily traumatized, probably for life. And what’s crazier is it’s happening more, I’m seeing it daily now every time I scroll, there’s another case. Just a few days ago a middle aged...

ImplyingImplications ,

OP made their account today. This is a troll.

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Japanese companies and making your product impossible to purchase. Name a better duo.

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It's not satire! Torovoltos used telnet to hack into my iPhone and instal an mp3 virus known as Songs of Innocence

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The number of births is the first indicator of the hope of a people

Niger must be overflowing with hope!

ImplyingImplications ,

There are two ways to increase productivity. You can work more hours or you can work more efficiently. Japan has spent the last few decades increasing hours worked while never improving efficiency. Other Asian countries are growing their economies by building modern factories with the latest machines and tools. Japan won't let go of their fax machines and stamps.

ImplyingImplications ,

You know how kids will want anything that has their favourite character on it? Gamers are just like that. Elder Scrolls 6 can have 1 minute ads in between areas and it would still top sales charts because gamers cannot stop themselves.

I really hope the recent pushback Sony got will spark a new norm but I'm very cynical.

ImplyingImplications ,

Bitch, you wanna make some mother fuckin money?

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There are only so many nouns that start with G. Everyone knows all Linux programs must be a noun and an acronym that starts with "GNU" (which is itself a noun and an acronym that starts with GNU)

What is the benefit of closing Studios? Why not sell them?

Yes, this is in relation to the closing of Tango Gameworks and Arcane Austin. Is there some immediate monetary benefit behind it that I have no idea about? Is it so they can keep the IPs and not have to deal with the developers? Are the Studios too expensive for anyone to buy? I honestly don't understand how these executives...

ImplyingImplications ,

Buying a competing business and then shutting it down is what all big tech companies do. They don't actually want to run that business, but they also don't want anyone else to run it.

List of acquisitions by Microsoft

ImplyingImplications ,

Remember, voting doesn't work but negative Steam reviews do!

How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying "woke", "critical race theory", ""grooming"", and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open....

ImplyingImplications ,

It's really difficult to want everyone to be able to access food, shelter, education, and healthcare and also be hateful.

ImplyingImplications ,

There's a few features I haven't seen many apps include for whatever reason. The instance's modlog and the list of instances an instance is federated/defederated with are neat features Lemmy has that I can't find on most apps.

ImplyingImplications ,

I really like your videos! Welcome to the fediverse!

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"The Golden Handshake" mission in Hitman 2 allows you to take a job interview to access a corporate headquarters. If you answer their questions like a murderous psychopath you'll be hired for the position of investment banker.

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

ImplyingImplications ,

I've been a vegetarian for 15 years. People IRL often do get offended if you tell them you don't eat meat. I try my best to avoid saying it because it often leads to being lectured about proteins. Everyone suddenly becomes a nutritionist when you explain why you don't eat meat.

ImplyingImplications ,

See also: "get good grades in university and you'll be flooded with job offers!"

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Youre right! That's why if someone blows high on a roadside test they will be taken to the station and tested again multiple times over a longer period of time using a more sensitive device. Roadside tests aren't admissible in court as evidence and are only used as probable cause to force someone to take the real test at the station. Nobody is going to jail because they used mouthwash before driving.

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