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Iapar ,

What the hell is going on with the manbear debate?

When a wolf sees another wolf in the forrest, the wolf thinks: "that must be a wolf."

When a person sees another person in the forrest, the person thinks: "that must be a murderer."

Even if god exists religion can't possibly be the way to god

So I thought about this in the shower amd it makes sense to me, like praying and stuff never worked for most people I know, so a direkt link to god gotta be unlikely. That made me conclude that religion is probably fake, no matter if there's a god or not. Also people speaking to the same god being given a different set of rules...

Iapar ,

"Bad god!"
hits god with a rolled up newspaper

Iapar ,

Modify it so that it looks like a Jew out of a Tarantino film took it from a Nazi and made it his own to kill Nazis with it.

Iapar ,

It means doing the stupid shit I am known for and aware that I should change that.

I am still doing the same bullshit = I am still on my bullshit.

Iapar ,

Bottom. Like a bottom feeder. Because he is a gay fish.

Iapar ,

The things that always works for me is stop trying and just working towards being a person I would want to have in my life.

At some point you will find yourself in a relationship without really knowing how it happened.

Iapar ,

The lesson we learn here is that you don't take money from the mob.

Don't go public with youre company.

Don't get involved with the devil.

Iapar ,

I agree with you that they most likely needed the money to do what they wanted to do at that scale.

But I think my point still stands. Because it is a deal with the devil in the most literal sense that is possible. You get to your goal faster, easier or at all but in the end you have to ask yourself if the price you paid for that was worth it when the devil comes collecting. That is the moral of the fictional Storys, isn't it?

But to add to this. I think we, as consumers, aren't completely innocent either.
Buying only the best looking, 1000 hours, other buzzword games. This undeniably sends a message to indie devs which can lead to people making self harming decisions.

One could argue that we got groomed to want that. And I do. All those blockbuster-games that were made under gruesome conditions are unsustainable. But we didn't knew that. We thought that they were the new normal.

But now we know better. This is just normal if you walk over corpses to get to your goal. And if we want developers that value our time and mental health, then we should value developers time and mental health in return.

Which means showing them that we will buy games that are not those 10 million dollar productions. And that we will measure the quality of the game compared to the resources that went into that particular game and not compared to a game that had an unholy amount of resources to burn through.

In the end we need to find a way to cut out all the rich people who came into the gaming industry as it broke into mainstream, who are throwing their weight/money around and bully everybody into submission.

And that needs strength of character. It means not buying the new shiny thing that we have seen an add for the hundredth time today, no matter how much we want that. It means not taking that deal which will make that problem go away quicker.

If gaming has taught us anything, it is how to prevail against overwhelming forces. That it takes compassion, companionship, a bit of anger and sacrifices.

If we haven't learned that, why the fuck are we even playing.

Iapar ,

i think you are right in your assessment but I would argue that consistency also is a crucial factor.

It may be harder because of the things you say but in the end the people who invest money (into everything but the games themselves) are just in to make money.

They will try to squeeze as much money out of the customers without losing them. Or at least without losing Profit. Losing customers and still making more money is a valid strategy it seems.

People will notice that. Some earlier then others but it will get noticed and then they leave. To the next thing.

You are right with the headstart etc. so as a Dev you should accept your limitations and instead focus on the things that you can control (to an extent) and that is planing the budget in a way that you can be consistent.

And when people are looking for the next thing, you will be there better then before. Then you got customers and an image that seperates you from the rest.

And people will remember.

Iapar ,

"Well if it is just the Tipp I'm fine with it. It is a bit annoying but better then two sweaty balls"

Iapar ,

That's a paradox. Games are in the unique position to make hardship part of the experience.

If you take out the hardship you wouldn't experience the art in the intended way anyway.

Iapar ,

The intended experience is to overcome seemingly insurmountable situations. That can be through brute force (just dodging, attacking) or through deduction (there is a item which kills a boss in 4 hits).

It is about catharsis.

You don't need to have the best reflexes, you need to be involved in the game/world. And that seems to be the problem with people, they don't want that.

It is not about the experience, it is about finishing it. Else I can't explain what "I don't have time for that means"

Like saying I don't have time to read animal farm so I just read the cliffnotes. It is completely absurd because you take time for that other wise you would be missing out on nuance.

Not everything has to be for anybody. But saying "makes this more for people who didn't like it in the first place" is just entitled and rude.

There is so much that is already like everything else with little that makes them stand out. So why take something that is special and make it more generic?

What are these "bass" and "treble" that I see in an equalizer ?

I am not an audio person, so do not have much idea about technical terms - but I hear the words "bass" and "treble" almost everywhere now, especially in the equalizer app that came with  a new bluetooth earbuds that I bought (yes, I am still very much a wired-earbud guy, just dipping my toes in the wireless earbud ocean)....

ValueSubtracted , to Quark's avatar

Paramount’s CFO Is Focused on “Getting the Most Out of Every Single Dollar We Invest in Content”


Iapar ,

This is in hard contrast to other CFOs who focus on getting the least out of every single dollar they invest in content.

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