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Coke—and Dozens of Others—Pledged to Quit Russia. They’re Still There. ( www.bloomberg.com )

After Vladimir Putin’s troops surged over the Ukrainian border in February 2022, the Coca-Cola Co. was among the first multinationals to pledge it would quit Russia in protest. Aiming to avoid the inevitable headaches of complying with expected Western sanctions on the Kremlin, Coke asked its partners there to pull its cans...

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Lets remember the fanta story.

Coke never left Germany even when the US finally joined the 2nd World War. The traded as fanta to avoid losing sales as an American brand. Once the German people felt they had reason to distrust the US.

Remember this company has a history of refusing to take sides.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Pretty much.

Edit. But if we are honest. Its not like western nations are going to stop buying vote to teach them the cost.

Unfortunately I don't drink their products as I'm cheap. So can't really help myself. But I would be amazed if a boycott of coca cola ever happened effectively.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Honestly Humanity has been pretty arrogant. Took 100s of years before we recognised birds use tools. Mainly because everytime it was seen. Some other excuse was seen for why the bird was sticking a stick into a tree. Science was so sure mankind was unique it was unwilling to see reality.

But honestly if you think that is bad. Do some research into why European explorers thought Europe represented the most advanced civilisation. African cities raised to the ground rather then face the idea they may have been their before us.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

’s possible that he doesn’t serve any time

The things you mention. And more importantly the fact that crimes like this rarely involve jail on a first offence.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar


Well no country is forced to obay sanctions. Such things are (like all international law) built on treaty agreements between nations.

So only nations with agreements to support sanctions against other nations are required to enforce them within there own laws.

And in russias case
Those agreeing nations are mostly NATO members. Where as china was a warsaw pack member during the cold war.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Yep lots of the right wing in the world. Assume they are the only nation with immigration restrictions.

It seems to be a natural assumption from the its us against the world attitude.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

The big difference here. Someone who has held the highest position in the US. Still believes he has no legal limits when it comes to his actions on US citizens.

And is attempting to get voted in on promises based on that idea.

"If the president dose it. Its not illegal"

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

It could be inherited from a common ancestor.

Or it could just have likely evolved multiple times in different primate branches.

As we have absolutely no way to document how early it first happened in our own branch. To assume it is linked is just more attempts to try and indicate the human branch is special. Use of tools has been seen in many many branches. We don't assume that came from a joint ancestor that crawled out of the water. Or before.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Sorta why the FSF was formed.

Because thses lucences working effects folks other then yourself.

So best for all OS developers and users to work together.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Is it anymore the case with other licences though.

Obscurity is no security at all. If you have no ability to fight to keep tour copy right or patient. People will copy it open or closed.

Even direct machine code can be copied a reverse engineered fairly simply.

So non of this is purely a open source permissive licence issue. Its a big corperations acting like fudal lords issue.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

You can copy binary code. Just as easy as source code.

It is only when running on a different architecture it gets a bit more complex.

And give the binary is directly translatable by software. Not hugely more complex for any company of the size you are unwilling to fight in court over open source code.

Sorry but no you are wrong. Hading the source in no way makes code harder to copy. Its how most of us hacked into games in the 1990s.

After all binary code is just simpler instruction set that takes very very minimal effort to convert into assembly language. And can be read by many even without that effort.

Its hardly a secret encrypted format. (Unless you are also designing your own hardware and not letting anyone see that. )

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

I don’t take the effort to map surface quality because it is not used for anything.

Just so you know. It can be invaluable to disabled people trying to get around.

Myself. With visual impairment. Where my vision can change drematically from day to day.

Knowing the surface quality can let me know if a route can be done with just a cane. Or if on a bad day I am better off just going a longer route. Or waiting till a better day.

Please remember what seems unimportant to you. Can be absolutely essential to others less able to answer the questions then yourself.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

I use it via osm directly when available. Others will likely start to develop apps that use such data. Once enough people bother to provide it.

There are many many apps developed specifically to aid disabled people. But as the people using those apps are often the least able to gather the data. It is down to people with more mobility to provide data before it can practically be used by developers.

I do my best when in an area and my vision is more available. Although its always pretty crap. At the better times I can at least tell the surface.

Unfortunately OS data is one of those things. You need the horse before the cart. So it requires people to understand potential uses rather then actual use at the time.

As the idea of the data is to be available to less resourced developers. As well as OS ideals in genral. It is unreasonable to only expect data to be of value if you see a value today.

PS I am in no way suggesting you are wrong for how you choose to use your time. It is yours and its value can onlybe judged by yourself.

I am just trying to point out that the data you see little value in. Can be important to others. Either now for those with some technical inclination. Or in the future if gathered by those willing to consider it.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

Did not know location invalidated peoples democratic rights. But given how much closer and able to offer support Argentina is then the UK. They must be really crappy for 99.8% of the only people who have ever formed a civilian settlement to decide they want the UK instead.

But more to the point. Chile and all its islands are right next to Argentina. Dose that mean their population has no right to decide who rules they follow. Why is water 350 miles wide not enough of a border to allow citizens to make up there own mind. But land right next to it is OK. Denmark's Faroe Islands is about the same distance from the UK. While Denmark is 3x the distance. Dose that mean the UK should rule them. And fuck what the people living there think. Hell the Republic of Ireland is less then 80 miles and we used to rule them. Why do they deserve freedom to make their own choice. Or for that matter why do we now let northern island remain rather then forcing half the population to join RoI. They can have a vote anytime they express the support to do so (at least since 97).

And hell if you look as the Caribbean sea and the Golf of Mexico with a 350 mile radius to any larger nation. It becomes a complete fucking mess.

The whole idea that Argentina has any claim at all based on location is just utterly insane.

HumanPenguin ,
@HumanPenguin@feddit.uk avatar

How the hell is supporting the democratic rights of settlers supporting imperialism. An idea that is founded in feudalism.

Besides how the hell is the Falklands Islands to do with imperialism. No one lived their at all before UK settlers. UK was the first human landing France Spain and UK ran military out posts for decades. Argentina less then 1 year. Then some UK folk built a settlement. At no point in the past has any nation taken over the homes of other nations citizens. In fact the closest we have seen is Argentina trying to force its way. A nation also built by Spanish imperialism.

Your arguments are totally unfounded bullshit with less then 0 merit.

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