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Hugh_Jeggs ,

Nope, the plastic triangle is the worktop support

Hugh_Jeggs ,

OP, the gold bit is what's holding it on. Normally there are one or two nuts on a small bit ot threaded rod

What's the chrome thing that looks like a socket at the top between the Flexi pipes? Grohe taps are really good quality, maybe you just loosen that with an Allen key?

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Grohe is a German company, that's not how taps work in Europe

Hugh_Jeggs ,

This meme is about the accessibility of mental healthcare

Hugh_Jeggs ,

This definitely isn't world news, it's just stating the obvious

Or spamming

The Garden of Eden was based on The Galápagos Islands.

I’m kidding here, but the similarities are odd. The weather is always between 70F and 85F all year round. The biggest threat to you on the island are apples. You shouldn’t eat the apples that grow on the island; the small green ones are poisonous. Oh, and it isn’t easy to immigrate there. It’s a place where only few...

Hugh_Jeggs ,

If it's such a paradise it wouldn't have an absolutely spastic way of measuring the temperature

For the other 97% of the planet, the yank means 21 to 29 degrees, I had to look it up

Hugh_Jeggs ,

The vast majority, by a fucking huuuuuuge margin, has no fuckin idea how Fahrenheit works

It's culturally insensitive and selfish to use it on the World Wide Web

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Second last line was actually "poems are hard"

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Yeah but so are preachy vegetablists

Each to their own and all that

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Ha ha can you imagine if the vegans get into government and enact a law that says we can only eat meat if we kill it ourselves, so we all just start doing this like fuckin deranged hyenas 😂

Hugh_Jeggs ,

My favourite was the guy on twitter having a meltdown because people kept asking him why he was in their shed.

Poor old Amin Yashed

Hugh_Jeggs ,

You wouldn't think someone would "travel" that far to steal ....

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Amazing they got their caravan to float like that 😂

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Christ that's an old one! First saw this graffiti in the 1970s

Hugh_Jeggs ,

If anyone's looking for something not-quite-so-fucked-up as the suggestions here -

Creepers by David Morell

He wrote the Rambo stories too . Creepers is a great story with good twists, worth a read

Hugh_Jeggs ,

"Selfish cunt" would've been just as succinct

Hugh_Jeggs ,

I liked the fjord focus

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Then you'd assume wrongly who the rightful owner of the word "cunt" is

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Except gas pressure regulators

And lawnmower blades

And brush cutter heads

And some wheel hubs

What did I miss?

Oh, bicycle pedal cranks

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Congrats for just explaining why I listed those specific things 😂

Hugh_Jeggs ,

To the young'uns - when you see someone in their 50s or 60s nowadays, just remember that a huge chunk of us spent the entire 90s utterly fucked up on coke, ecstasy, dope and LSD, listening to extremely loud electronic music

That's why we're all a bit weird, and deaf 😊

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Sad news for us deafys. Thanks for all the alts though, OP 😊

Israeli airstrike on Rafah refugee camp in Gaza kills boy, 4, and his sister, 2 ( )

An Israeli airstrike on Al-Shaboura refugee camp in southern Gaza’s Rafah city late Tuesday killed two young children and injured several other people, according to the Palestinian Civil Defense in Gaza and the Kuwait Hospital in Rafah....

Hugh_Jeggs ,

I wonder what they classify as an air strike? Because that's rookie numbers let's face it

Were the Nazi cunts throwing potatoes out of a Cessna or something?

How should I change my polite behavior to be more accommodating?

My parents raised me to always say "yes sir" and "no ma'am", and I automatically say it to service workers and just about anyone with whom I'm not close that I interact with. I noticed recently that I had misgendered a cashier when saying something like "no thank you, ma'am" based on their appearing AFAB, but on a future visit...

Hugh_Jeggs ,

With flying colours, me old strumpet

Hugh_Jeggs ,

That's cos yous are professional offence-takers 😂

Cos yer ma didn't pay you enough attention as bairns

Hugh_Jeggs ,

On what fucking planet would a sane bloke ever do that?!?

Oh, wait, you don't have accessible mental healthcare for most people. As you were 😂

Google Search is getting even worse for independent sites ( )

In February, HouseFresh managing editor Gisele Navarro called out publishers like BuzzFeed and Rolling Stone as some of the culprits that publish content about air purifiers despite a lack of expertise — but Google rewards these sites with high rankings all the same. The result is a search results page filled with SEO-first...

Hugh_Jeggs ,

WTF my bike is about a metre twenty high

Have they got fuckin dwarf deer there or something

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Because of muh right to form an armed militia and, should the shit actually hit the fan, hide in my cellar quivering like the fuckin coward I am


Hugh_Jeggs ,

Dunno, shoot the kids to stop them taking the guns?


More likely than them shooting "the bad guy with a gun" lol

Hugh_Jeggs ,

If anyone asks you about wrestling

"So, like.... What did the closeted gay community do for porn before wrestling was invented?"


Hugh_Jeggs ,

In Scotland it's "A couple of pieces short of a picnic", a piece being a sandwich

Hugh_Jeggs ,

We do need a word for these kinda comments. People who are so dull, boring and insignificant that they spend their entire time online attempting to be offended at literally fucking everything and everyone

Hugh_Jeggs ,

I'm trying to think what I need to say to get you to call me a necrophiliac 🤔

Hugh_Jeggs ,

It means they went for a picnic and lo and behold, a smarter-than-average bear stole their pic-a-nic basket

Hugh_Jeggs ,

100% agree. Soundproofing in modern cars is incredible now. I drive a 12.L basic shitbox and I can't hear these fucking babies until they're right beside me. Borrowed a Cayenne the other week and they're basically inaudible

Loud pipes annoy pedestrians and cyclists. Drivers don't notice

Fuckin infants

Hugh_Jeggs ,

The vast, vast majority of drivers where I am are fully aware of motorcycles and other road users

Don't assume every driver is the same the world over

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Wut? I bought a brand new car for €11k three years ago. Right enough the same car is 15k now but still

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Yep, non native speakers get the punctuation right every time. Native speakers whose education system is in the toilet are the real perpetrators 😂

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Quite the opposite, sweetheart

The proper response to a crime like this is punishment with rehabilitation

The American response is "aN eYE fEr An EyE oooeee muh FREEDOM bible said so"

It's quite barbaric

Hugh_Jeggs ,

'Mericans - "I demand freedom©®™ from government intervention"

Also 'Mericans - "Why is this giant corporation allowed to not use lube while fuckin me in the ass?!?"

EU - Slowly slips a thumb into corporation's sphincter with untrimmed fingernail

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