
@[email protected]

Why, a hexvex of course!

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HexesofVexes ,

You know, this thread really needs a list of of the publishers responsible for this travesty.

"Publishers Hachette Book Group Inc, HarperCollins Publishers LLC, John Wiley & Sons Inc and Penguin Random House LLC" - According to Reuters

HexesofVexes ,
  1. Make it too big to fail
  2. Wait for the fall while enshittifying
  3. Cash in on the bail out
  4. Go to 2
HexesofVexes ,

Mathematics Lecturer (just teaching foundation mind).

It's far more fun than people think, but with next to no real holidays (summer is actually quite busy). Also it sucked being on temporary contract, because you had no idea if you'd have work in 12 months no matter how good you were.

In our post-AI era, is job security strictly mythical? Or How to believe in careers as a concept worth doing?

With the lastest news of AI layoffs, I'm struggling to understand how the idea of a career still holds. If careers themselves effectively become gambles like lottery tickets, how do we maintain drive and hopes in the longterm endgame of our struggles?...

HexesofVexes ,

What is life but a lottery?

A lot of the drive towards AI is people thinking to save a quick buck, but longer term that places them in a very unsteady position themselves.

All products end up being for "shareholder value", and AI will be no different. Someone will find an enshittification vector and run with it.

Suddenly, that "quick buck" becomes a monthly subscription that costs more than the people fired. Company data is harvested and sold, customers are advertised out, the shittiness of the system becomes a company problem.

So we're either going to see a stark change away from the current shareholder value model (about as likely as world peace), or we're going to see a lot of CEO seppuku. Win win really.

HexesofVexes ,

Huh, neat. Not what I was expecting.

Good short!

HexesofVexes ,

I think we don't give gradual acclimatisation enough credit here. Most of my students have never heard of Firefox and tools like ublock origin because they're acclimatised to the mobile ecosystem

"How do I install something? I use the app store."

"Oh, but I already have the internet on my phone, why would I want a 3rd party app to use the internet" (think old people who mix up AOL with the internet in reverse!)

As soon as I show them, they convert in seconds - they've forgotten web pages without adverts can exist.

HexesofVexes ,

I think the shutting down after such "incidents" is the final expression in this piece of art.

"A connected world is great, as long as that connection includes approved messages only."

HexesofVexes ,

I mean, here is a thought, if an AI tool uses creative commons data, then it's derivatives fall under creative commons. I.e. stop charging for AI tools and people will stop complaining.

HexesofVexes ,

To be honest, if a company produced cards as solid and stable as the 1080Ti I'd buy one as a spare today.

I live in fear of mine dying of old age; when it does nothing seems to compare on the market at the moment in terms of vram, size, and power usage.

HexesofVexes ,

I teach - I have to debate my basic human rights every day (sleep and time spent not working are apparently not rights I hold according to our more entitled students/managers).

HexesofVexes ,

I see the "bear shitting in the woods" index just went up again.

HexesofVexes , (edited )

I suppose it's similar to the discussion older and more successful men have about avoiding "gold diggers", "bear traps", and "black widows". Not all women are after a man's money, but those that are will actively seek out such men, so you'll never be safe. One wrong move and you're suddenly working overtime the rest of your life to pay child support for a child conceived without your consent. Whereas, a bear would only run into us by chance, and would be more likely to leave us alone if we dropped our food and calmly walked away.

Edited note for clarity and posterity: Stereotypes are always hilariously offensive - I think some people just learned that.

HexesofVexes ,

Can reliably code in - Python, Lua, R (if it counts)

Can badly code in - C++, Prolog, Visual Basic

Can read the syntax of - Java, JavaScript, GDscript, Basic, SQL

Will never touch - PERL

HexesofVexes ,

The +5 charisma buff was too hard to pass up.

If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully?

Experiencing firsthand how difficult an aging alcoholic, quadriplegic, post stroke, narcissistic, demented or simply ‘nothing’s wrong with me, I can drive, I don’t need those meds, I don’t need to go to a nursing facility’ kinda parent surely gives you some insight on what to do, what not to do and how to prepare for...

HexesofVexes ,

My options are likely to be:

A) Live 5 years unable to remember my work, with added incontinence.

B) Go out trying an experimental age reversal treatment - because why not roll the dice one last time?

C) Not survive to old age due to overwork, burning out my body one semester at a time.

C is most likely, B is the plan, and A is to be avoided at all costs!

HexesofVexes ,

We need an extra advert pushing rule 64 - "You MUST NOT cycle on a pavement". There are just too many damn cyclists whizzing past me on the pavement when I'm walking to and from work.

I get it, they're in a hurry to get home, but they need to accept that the safety of pedestrians is paramount.

HexesofVexes ,

Sounds good to me.

HexesofVexes ,

Putin strikes me as the kind of person who'd lose against a bongcloud opening.

HexesofVexes ,

And probably shouts "four of a kind, checkmate" randomly while waving arrest warrants in the hopes of distracting his opponent.

If You Hate Density, Maybe Don’t Live in A City (Oh the Urbanity!) ( www.youtube.com )

When you argue for housing reform to legalize denser development in our cities, you quickly learn that some people hate density. Like, really hate density, with visceral disgust and contempt for any development pattern that involves buildings being tall or close together.

HexesofVexes ,

Density is a mixed bag - on the one hand it means your hit critical mass for local services to be viable faster (the good), but you are also usually trapped in a leasehold when you buy (the very bad). You do get a lot of noise in dense houses, and given the "cheapest viable" philosophy that isn't going away - it also means you have to be more mindful of your own noise.

Overall, I don't enjoy it, but it beats driving to work every day.

HexesofVexes ,

Post shower toilet thought: Copyright isn't there to protect the author, it's there to create a multi-billion dollar legal industry.

HexesofVexes ,

A lot of people are pro-apartmemt before living in one, so here are some fun facts:

  1. Apartments usually have a maintenance cost, that covers as little as possible while still costing a lot. You never really own the flat, the building company does.

  2. You often have a communal garden; it's looked after by the lowest bidding contractor. Not all flats have balconies, so you are unlikely to have your own.

  3. Fear of fire and flooding - if someone else messes up, your stuff is toast/soaked. Insurance companies love that extra risk, it gives them an excuse to charge more.

  4. No flat has good sound proofing - the baby screaming downstairs at 5am and the thunder of the morbidly obese person upstairs going to the bathroom at 1am will denote your new sleep schedule (i.e. disturbed)

  5. I hope you're in for deliveries - apartments have no safe spots to leave things.

  6. You will not be able to afford a flat with the same floor space as a house. I'm sorry, welcome to your new coffin.

  7. Good luck drying your laundry (spoiler, your living room is going to have a laundry rack).

  8. Good luck owning a bike (it's either the bike or your laundry, take your pick).

  9. Vocal intimacy becomes a community event.

Living in a flat is a pile of little miseries grouped together.

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