@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar


@[email protected]

Anarchist, communist, opossum. But then, I repeat myself.

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rat , to palestine group
@rat@ni.hil.ist avatar

@palestine @israel

התנגדות مقاومة resistance

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@SallyStrange @faab64 @rat

Pretty wild how anarchists are responsible for all these bad things they didn’t do

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@faab64 @rat @SallyStrange

Pretty sure the only people who made all those bad things worse were the actual fascists involved and not people fighting against those fascists

DropBear , to israel group
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

"I ask our prime minister and our fellow parliamentarians: how many international rights laws must Israel break for us to say enough? How many lives does it take to call this a genocide?" Senator Payman asked.

"I see our leaders performatively gesture defending the oppressors' right to oppress while gaslighting the global community about [Israel's] rights of self-defence."


HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Smith007 @DropBear @palestine @israel

Israeli state actors routinely violate Israeli laws, much less international law. From prohibitions on rape, murder, and theft to the use of human shields in combat, this is a feature, not a bug.

Mary625 , to israel group Dutch
@Mary625@mstdn.social avatar

@sean122 @ThinkIsrael @tzafrir @hanscees @DropBear @sentient_water @PeterLG @gee8sh @palestine @israel

Yeah, good response. Keep excusing genocide. Awesome position to have

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar


The fact that many Israeli children are taught to hate Palestinians is no more an argument for the murder of Israeli children than the indoctrination of many Palestinian children is for the murder of Palestinian children.


@ThinkIsrael @gee8sh @sentient_water @PeterLG @Mary625 @argumento @DropBear @palestine @hanscees @israel

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar


Regardless of the providence of this particular photo, Israeli children are routinely indoctrinated into hate and recruited into settler violence.

This, of course, does not justify violence against Israeli children.


@argumento @DropBear @hanscees @gee8sh @palestine @sentient_water @PeterLG @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @israel

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@DropBear @PeterLG @Mary625 @tzafrir @argumento @sentient_water @hanscees @israel @palestine @gee8sh @ThinkIsrael

Look in a fucking mirror and read your toot back to yourself

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@ThinkIsrael @KarunaX @rato @DropBear @hanscees @gee8sh @sentient_water @tzafrir @argumento @israel @palestine @Mary625 @PeterLG

Those are Uzi submachine guns. It can be used for personal defense or as a light infantry assault weapon.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@PeterLG @Mary625 @gee8sh @palestine @israel @sentient_water @DropBear @hanscees @tzafrir @argumento @ThinkIsrael @GregDance

Gaza was never a state. There was never an institution in Gaza that controlled Gaza’s borders, its airspace, or its sea access. There was never an institution that could issue passports with which Gazans could travel abroad without interference. There was never an institution that could collect customs revenue. There was never an institution that controlled water, electricity, medicine, or food imports.

Most critically for any useful definition of the state, there was never an institution that exercised a monopoly over the legitimate use of violence, because the Israeli state could and did export violence and kill Gazans with impunity.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Mary625 @palestine @israel @argumento @gee8sh @sentient_water @GregDance @PeterLG @hanscees @tzafrir @DropBear @ThinkIsrael

Having control of one side of a border crossing does not mean that some Gazan institution controlled Gaza’s borders, much less that a state existed in Gaza. Gazans could not leave Gaza and, as Israel has demonstrated throughout its genocide in Gaza, external actors could trivially pre-empt that control by ie bombing aid crossing the border at Rafah.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@argumento @gee8sh @ThinkIsrael @sentient_water @tzafrir @GregDance @PeterLG @israel @palestine @DropBear @hanscees @Mary625

Apples to oranges. The Israeli state can and does routinely project force into Gaza with impunity. There is no interstate conflict, as you might find between Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Israeli warplanes control Gaza’s airspace. Israeli naval ships and sea mines control Gaza’s airspace. Israeli troops enter Gaza at will and kill tens of thousands of Gazans as they please.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@israel @hanscees @gee8sh @Mary625 @tzafrir @argumento @GregDance @palestine @ThinkIsrael @PeterLG @sentient_water @DropBear

“To exit their territory, Gazans had to dig tunnels underground like burrowing animals” is not the evidence of statehood you freakishly imagine it to be.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@argumento @gee8sh @ThinkIsrael @sentient_water @tzafrir @GregDance @PeterLG @israel @palestine @DropBear @hanscees @Mary625

Apples to oranges. The Israeli state can and does routinely project force into Gaza with impunity. There is no interstate conflict, as you might find between Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Israeli warplanes control Gaza’s airspace. Israeli naval ships and sea mines control Gaza’s coast. Israeli troops enter Gaza at will and kill tens of thousands of Gazans as they please.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@sentient_water @DropBear @gee8sh @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @hanscees @tzafrir @israel @PeterLG @palestine @argumento @GregDance

> “So if you wanted to get in and out of the Strip, you had to get the approval of the Hamas government.”

Unless you’re the IDF.

Gaza most closely resembles the Bantustans established under Apartheid South Africa to create the pretense that Black South Africans were really citizens of another country and not citizens of South Africa denied rights on the basis of their racial identity.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@PeterLG @tzafrir @israel @DropBear @gee8sh @argumento @sentient_water @GregDance @hanscees @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @palestine

“Before the current invasion, Israeli troops only repeatedly invaded Gaza before” is not the credible evidence of Gazan statehood you think it is.

This also does not count the number of times the IDF has conducted air and artillery strikes into Gaza, or simply shot Gazans inside Gaza from Israeli territory.

Gaza is a concentration camp, not a state.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@GregDance @ThinkIsrael @Mary625 @hanscees @palestine @DropBear @argumento @sentient_water @gee8sh @PeterLG @tzafrir @israel

The fact that the Egyptian military dictatorship colludes with the Israeli state to maintain the imprisonment of Gazans is hardly evidence that Gaza was somehow ever a state. “Egypt does it too!” lmao

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@ThinkIsrael @tzafrir @gee8sh @sentient_water @GregDance @PeterLG @israel @hanscees @DropBear @argumento @palestine @Mary625

Gazans are not free to leave Gaza at all to go anywhere which is not a condition for any state anywhere in the world, but it is a condition for all prisoners everywhere.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@rato @DropBear @gee8sh @argumento @hanscees @sentient_water @PeterLG @Mary625 @GregDance @tzafrir @israel @ThinkIsrael @palestine

“The ability to commit violence” is not “a monopoly on violence.” As murderous as Hamas is, it kills far fewer Palestinians in Gaza each year than does the Israeli state, which can bomb, shell, and shoot Gazans with impunity.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@PeterLG @hanscees @GregDance @israel @palestine @Mary625 @tzafrir @DropBear @argumento @gee8sh @ThinkIsrael @sentient_water

The facticity of the observation that Gaza is not and never has been a state does not change because you think it’s unfair to point out its primary architect—the occupying power in Gaza—is the Israeli state.

Boo hoo. Cheese with your whine. Tiny violin. Etc.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@israel @GregDance @DropBear @sentient_water @Mary625 @tzafrir @PeterLG @palestine @argumento @ThinkIsrael @gee8sh @hanscees

I can’t tell if you genuinely don’t understand or if you’re just being obtuse for rhetorical value, but there’s a substantive difference between interstate conflict and the sort of “guards in literal guard towers shooting at prisoners in a concentration camp” that we see in Gaza.

There are material differences and political differences, which I’m happy to explain to you.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@ThinkIsrael @PeterLG @hanscees @GregDance @Mary625 @sentient_water @israel @tzafrir @argumento @palestine @gee8sh @DropBear

The claim isn’t “Gazans lack permission to travel to Israel.” The fact is that Gazans cannot leave Gaza at all. They cannot travel by air because the IDF long ago destroyed the only airport in Gaza and controls Gaza’s airspace. They cannot travel by sea because the IDF patrols and has mined the coast, periodically murdering Palestinian fishers who stray too far from land. They cannot travel by land because the Israeli state has forbidden it and uses its control of Gaza’s borders to periodically murder any Palestinians who merely get close to the border.

Asking “isn’t this just like getting country b’s permission” is so fucking asinine. There’s no comparable situation in which the citizens of one country have to ask a second country for permission to travel to a third. Just vile shit that would be trivially obvious to you if you thought about it for even a moment.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@GregDance @Mary625 @sentient_water @PeterLG @palestine @DropBear @argumento @israel @ThinkIsrael @hanscees @gee8sh @tzafrir

You can’t weasel out of this by noting that the Egyptian military dictatorship cooperates with the Israeli state to maintain the occupation and blockade. It doesn’t somehow make it ok if you’re getting help from a vile military dictatorship.

How could you think this makes anything ok??

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@gee8sh @israel @palestine @hanscees @tzafrir @argumento @ThinkIsrael @DropBear @PeterLG @GregDance @Mary625 @sentient_water

Which is true, and utterly unrelated to the fact that Gaza is not and has never been a state, but remains under Israeli occupation.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@GregDance @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @israel @hanscees @gee8sh @palestine @PeterLG @tzafrir @argumento @sentient_water @DropBear

It’s almost as if the Israeli state would have had to invent Hamas if it didn’t already exist…

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@israel @DropBear @PeterLG @Mary625 @argumento @sentient_water @gee8sh @tzafrir @hanscees @GregDance @ThinkIsrael @palestine

“Gaza is a state because Egypt helps Israel keep Palestinians imprisoned in Gaza” how could anyone think this is a winning argument

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@GregDance @sentient_water @palestine @DropBear @gee8sh @ThinkIsrael @PeterLG @tzafrir @hanscees @israel @argumento @Mary625

So fucking what? Your whole argument boils down to “waaah people criticize Israel more than Egypt so reality isn’t happening waaah”

Israel has maintained Gaza as a concentration camp in which Palestinians have been trapped for decades. That Sidi colludes with that atrocity or Biden arms the forces committing that atrocity doesn’t make it any less atrocious.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@GregDance @DropBear @hanscees @ThinkIsrael @Mary625 @palestine @israel @argumento @sentient_water @PeterLG @tzafrir @gee8sh

In English, the idiom we use for what you just did is “moving the goalposts”

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@sentient_water @tzafrir @argumento @hanscees @gee8sh @PeterLG @israel @ThinkIsrael @Mary625 @GregDance @DropBear @palestine

Putting people in prison is definitely a normal thing to do with the government of a foreign state and not occupied subjects without legal rights

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@GregDance @gee8sh @palestine @tzafrir @hanscees @israel @PeterLG @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @sentient_water @DropBear

Gaza is indeed a concentration camp, and Sharon withdrew forces from Gaza explicitly to sabotage the peace process and prevent the emergence of a single Palestinian polity.

The fact that Hamas rules Gaza does not change these facts.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@PeterLG @gee8sh @palestine @hanscees @tzafrir @GregDance @israel @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael @sentient_water @DropBear

Which has no bearing on Gaza’s status as a concentration camp.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@sentient_water @GregDance @Mary625 @palestine @tzafrir @hanscees @israel @gee8sh @ThinkIsrael @DropBear @PeterLG

Which has no bearing on the simple fact of Gaza’s statelessness or status as a concentration camp.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Mary625 @sentient_water @ThinkIsrael @tzafrir @GregDance @hanscees @ned @palestine @PeterLG @gee8sh @DropBear @israel

I remember, after 2001, how pervasive this sort of casual racism was towards any group of Muslims, but it sort of faded away along with the GWOT. It’s been disgusting but fascinating to watch it get resurrected as if the last 23 years hadn’t happened.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@ThinkIsrael @hanscees @GregDance @DropBear @sentient_water @gee8sh @palestine @tzafrir @israel @Mary625 @PeterLG

Setting aside the obvious fact that this is not true—the Israeli state routinely imprisons hundreds or thousands of Palestinians without trial or even charges—most of these convictions occur in military courts that rubber-stamp the mass imprisonment of Palestinians.

An infant had a better sense of false pretenses than you do.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@ThinkIsrael @Mary625 @palestine @PeterLG @skippy442 @israel @sentient_water @DropBear @gee8sh @tzafrir @GregDance @hanscees

“Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood” and “Israel deliberately cultivated Hamas as a counterweight to the PLO” are not mutually contradictory.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@PeterLG @palestine @ThinkIsrael @israel @sentient_water @Mary625 @GregDance @hanscees @gee8sh @tzafrir @DropBear

That’s correct! It’s the reality of the situation that makes it a fact, not my repetition of it.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Mary625 @Alexandrad1 @tzafrir @palestine @israel @GregDance @PeterLG @hanscees @ThinkIsrael @DropBear

Every builder of a concentration camp’s walls has justified their actions by pointing to a threat. The validity of that threat does not somehow legitimize the act of building a concentration camp.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar
HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@GregDance @tzafrir @gee8sh @palestine @ThinkIsrael @israel @Mary625 @sentient_water @hanscees @PeterLG @DropBear

“The significance of the disengagement plan is the freezing of the peace process, and when you freeze that process, you prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, and you prevent a discussion on the refugees, the borders and Jerusalem. Effectively, this whole package called the Palestinian state, with all that it entails, has been removed indefinitely from our agenda. And all this with authority and permission. All with a presidential blessing and the ratification of both houses of Congress. That is exactly what happened.”

Dov Weissglass, senior advisor to Ariel Sharon, explaining the disengagement plan in 2004.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar
HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@Mary625 @palestine @GregDance @israel @ThinkIsrael @PeterLG @tzafrir @DropBear @hanscees @Alexandrad1

Israel has no defined borders because the Israeli state has never attempted to assert a claim to formal borders. To assert the 1967 ceasefire line would invalidate the colonial settlement project; to claim the mandatory borders would run afoul of the whole post-WWII prohibition on territorial aggrandizement through conquest.

So the Israeli state deliberately eschews formal borders to exploit the resulting ambiguity.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@israel @ThinkIsrael @GregDance @tzafrir @PeterLG @palestine @Alexandrad1 @hanscees @DropBear @Mary625

Do Gazans earn a right to imprison Israelis behind a country-spanning wall to defend themselves from ongoing Israeli attacks?

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar
HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@GregDance @tzafrir @hanscees @gee8sh @PeterLG @skippy442 @Mary625 @palestine @DropBear @ThinkIsrael @sentient_water @israel

Long after Israeli leaders knew exactly what Hamas was, they continued to prop up Hamas because Hamas was a convenient excuse to avoid engaging in a substantive peace process.


HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@gee8sh @ThinkIsrael @tzafrir @palestine @Mary625 @sentient_water @hanscees @israel @PeterLG @DropBear @GregDance

“After Sharon’s disengagement plan, Sharon got everything he wanted”

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@GregDance @tzafrir @DropBear @ThinkIsrael @Mary625 @hanscees @argumento @Alexandrad1 @palestine @PeterLG @israel

Israel has well-defined borders with its state neighbors. It has eschewed formal claims on borders with Palestinians because doing so would either a) place the territories outside of Israel’s borders, confessing the occupation, or b) place the territories inside Israel’s borders, confessing conquest. Israel’s lack of borders is a deliberate strategy of ambiguity.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar
HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@GregDance @PeterLG @tzafrir @palestine @hanscees @israel @DropBear @Alexandrad1 @Mary625 @ThinkIsrael

Israel withdrew from Gaza in the same sense as prison guards withdrawing from cell blocks—they still controlled the fences, and Gazans are still prisoners.

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@israel @ThinkIsrael @hanscees @GregDance @tzafrir @DropBear @palestine @PeterLG @Alexandrad1 @Mary625

You’re attacking your own argument. Did you forget your own argument and then attack it because of how dumb it sounds?

HeavenlyPossum ,
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

@PeterLG @Alexandrad1 @GregDance @faab64 @tzafrir @israel @palestine @Mary625 @hanscees @ThinkIsrael @argumento @DropBear

The de facto Israel-Syria border is not internationally recognized because the world adopted a norm after World War Two of not rewarding states for territorial conquest.

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