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Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important ( )

This is a good example of how copyright’s continuing obsession with ownership and control of digital material is warping the entire legal system in the EU. What was supposed to be simply a fair way of rewarding creators has resulted in a monstrous system of routine government surveillance carried out on hundreds of millions of...

Hazzia ,

The dark web stole my (copyrighted) identity

Hazzia ,

Damn, had zero interest before but now I'm gonna go out of my way to actually buy his game

Hazzia ,

Literally the only times I've heard anybody say anything about it was basically when they first learn about it and giggle for a few minutes, then get on with their lives.

I think the only way the name could be any sort of issue was if they were explicitly trying to be "family friendly," which would imply that it's intended for either christian mothers or advertisers (we all know how the children feel about sex jokes), which, since this is Lemmy and we're talking about FOSS software, I'm sure I don't have to explain why that's a stupid idea.

Hazzia ,

Can't remember which is which but if it's organized in a top-down way (broad category first) that's just easier to look at and find stuff in the file system. I don't want to have to actually read and mentally process the names of every single file to figure out if it's the one I need. Sure, the "human readable" names are fine and good when you don't have hundreds of them you're trying to look through, but big projects I find are way easier to parse with the category naming.

Hazzia ,

Especially when you reuse each of those names for all the scopes you have

Hazzia ,

We have auto-complete just about everywhere now


Hazzia ,

Wait people actually have money? i thought that was a myth

In China, where authoritarianism is justified by redefining the term, a woman has reportedly been beaten to death during interrogation after accusing police of murdering her husband ( )

The reason behind the husband's death is equally uncertain, except to say that he died in prison in East Turkestan (Xinjiang) when serving a sentence for the “crime” of accessing overseas websites, one of six men from the same village to leave this world in similar circumstances....

Hazzia ,

The beatings will continue until morale improves

Hazzia ,

Monday-friday : work, get home tired and clean my self up enough for the next day

Saturday: tell myself I'm going to work on my list of projects but end up playing video games all day and eating junk because I'm exhausted

Sunday: panickingly do the bare minimum of laundry, dishes, etc and go to bed telling myself I'll get to my projects next week

You probably don't want advice from me lol

Hazzia ,

Ah shit. Any easy way to determine if your camera's doing that? Would that normally be in manufacterer specs?

Hazzia ,

I went to japan once (pre-pandemic) and it was a little bit crazy how whenever us english-speaking folks would run into each other we were suddenly best friends. The people I work with would be lucky (good or bad, idfk) to see me speak to any of them throughout the entire course of a day.

Hazzia ,

Man between this one and rug guy I'm just thinking that pigeons are not very good at this whole "nesting" thing

Hazzia ,

In my own workplace, it's sometimes resulted in massive rabbithole searches along the lines of "this doesn't seem right. Why would this even be designed this way if it wasn't intentional?" Which then becomes asking even more senior devs who had been there for decades to scour decades old emails and/or hitting up another decades senior dev who's now on another project on the other side of the country to check their emails until we eventually figure out why it was, in fact, intentional.

Hazzia ,

"Research Results: showing people more ads gets us more ad views. Conclusion: We need to show people MORE ADS"

Hazzia ,

Legitimately, i was floored when I learned how much bestbuy charges for recycling electronics (smart tv, specifically). Like motherfucker the precious metals in the components alone should be enough for you why are you charging me a benjamin on top of that??

I figured out how to recycle it through my city, instead. Massive pain in the ass to do, but at least they didn't CHARGE ME

Hazzia ,

I agree with this. The extreme weather keeps getting significantly worse YOY, and a recent extreme temperature spike in the antarctic has scientists worried that our timeline is a lot shorter than previously estimated, which means significant action needs to be soon.

We are making excellent progress with fusion, especially the recent development to use AI to keep the magnetic fields containing the reaction stable, but how long will it be before we have a material that is strong enough to withstand the heat of a literal miniature sun for the years at a time required to run a plant? Just the energy from the magnetic field is strong enough that they've developed a super efficient was to use those microwaves to bore holes through the earth's crust hundreds of times deeper than ever before. So we have to at least come up with something significantly stronger than the pressurized material 2km deep into the earth's surface.

I am and will remain on the fusion bandwagon, but putting all of our eggs in that basket is a baaaad idea with the current state of things. On that note, that crust-boring technique i mentioned should make geothermal much more viable.

Hazzia ,

"My longest walk was 20 years. When they finally found me, I was ferel. I had long given myself over to my new coyote bretheren."

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