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HappycamperNZ ,

(Completely different country here, no present risk.) The unfortunate reality for me is that I have three kids who might be called up if the shit hits the fan, and I've had 30 odd years longer on this planet.

If its not me, it's my kids.

HappycamperNZ ,

It didn't use the stick- it tea bagged it from the sky.

Drones need truck nuts

HappycamperNZ ,

I disagree - its double counted. Once in Canada, once when actually used.

HappycamperNZ ,

Yes, but if you are considering Canada carbon you can't include both everything they sell and everything they import. The earth is a closed system.

If you want to assess Canadas impact you can't include impacts other countries have- thats their impact and your making Canada response for them. You could, and should, include net exports of fuel.

HappycamperNZ ,

I have no objection to that when considering country responsibilities - just don't then count it again when the individual buys it.

HappycamperNZ ,

Na, that's fantail (nz bird). Grumpy little fuckers - they even yell at you and get somehow are also really social with people.

HappycamperNZ ,

As per another poster - grumpy featherfluffle

HappycamperNZ ,

You telling me I can have that plus lard bacon?

Whens breakfast

HappycamperNZ ,


I don't have the right rant to express my displeasure at this, someone wanna help me out??


HappycamperNZ ,

You could easily exploit borderlands- but live action? Its like a live action Kerby.

Egypt changed terms of Gaza ceasefire deal presented to Hamas, surprising negotiators, sources say ( www.cnn.com )

Egyptian intelligence quietly changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had already signed off on earlier this month, ultimately scuttling a deal that could have released Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and set a pathway to temporarily end the fighting in Gaza, according to three people familiar with the...

HappycamperNZ ,

See, you're being downvoted but I see no media openly recalling their articles and saying they jumped to conclusions.

Is Israeli innocent of everything - very doubtful. But people are screaming how bad Israel is because of what is seen in the media, that they argue and scream more about how bad they are when facts come out the media was wrong.

HappycamperNZ ,

Yes, and where do you see these?

Are you reading peer reviewed journal articles, or media articles about them? ICJ and ICC reports, or media commentary on it? Are you talking with victims and politicians, or what the media says is happening?

This is the point the other poster and I are getting at - your entire information on this conflict is the media that has been shown multiple times to jump to conclusions.

Does it excuse actions from both sides - no. But have a fucking think about what the media is telling you.

HappycamperNZ ,

No, but I see how my wording can seem that way. Its that when your view of something is based on the media, you can't dismiss someone bringing new facts to light with that viewpoint formed by the media.

HappycamperNZ ,

Well, looks like Russia will nuke themselves once the drones find them.

HappycamperNZ ,

They do... just very inefficiently

Helicopter carrying Iran's President Raisi crashes, search under way ( www.reuters.com )

DUBAI, May 19 (Reuters) - A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister crashed on Sunday as it was crossing mountain terrain in heavy fog, an Iranian official told Reuters, and rescuers were struggling to reach the site of the incident....

HappycamperNZ ,

Throw in an admiral cloudburg article and its perfect.

I'm going to call it CFIT simply because its most likely and I doubt Iran will investigate well enough to find anything else.

Unless its a murder and the pilots dumped the body and flew somewhere else.

HappycamperNZ ,

I always heard "10,000 parts and an oil leak trying to get away from eachother".

HappycamperNZ ,

Correct- essentials tend to be inelastic.

They may have the incorrect belief that elasticity is the ability to absorb a price change, rather than how much Q changes when hit with a change in P

HappycamperNZ ,

I don't get the name calling.

I support Israel right to defend itself (and by logic, Hamas will defend as well), but fully acknowledge challenging the methods, actions and propaganda of each side.

This is a conflict, there is enough shit going around - we don't need to bring religion into this. Call out shit people, call out bias, and absolutely call out people who think they can hide behind religion.

(Love the meme, great not seeing the same repeated crap).

HappycamperNZ ,

And I can also argue that when you have a neighbor that launches soo many rockets across the border that you have one of the best and most expensive anti-rocket defenses in the world, that has proven in the last few day that it still exists, you won't stop until its gone.

This conflict exists because politicians and the intl community failed miserably - Rwanda level failed. I blame the UNSC personally.

As I've said in other comments before, I seriously hope that regardless of who you support, at the end of this conflict the acts above and beyond proportionality are thoroughly investigated, and I hope to see militants and politicians on both sides swinging in prison by the end of it.

HappycamperNZ ,

Oh look, first word in the post

HappycamperNZ ,

Na, its pretty obvious why, even to you.

Quick mental exercise - the conflict is suspended in the next 10 minutes, a "permanent ceasefire". Every aid truck is permitted in, Israel withdraws to their state, intl community is released.

Do you think Israel will go "we achieved everything we want to, Hamas is no longer a threat, let's disband our Iron dome, cease CMT, live our best lives".

Do you think Hamas will unify Palestine and usher in a new era of peace and stability, cease attacks on Israel because its not worth it, join the international community in rebuilding Palestine to be prosperous.

Do you think the intl community is shocked enough to never let this happen again?

HappycamperNZ , (edited )

While I agree on the statement of Hamas goals, we can't deny a number of Israeli politicians have said comparable things.

HappycamperNZ ,

Assuming yes, I don't know if I'd call it ironic. Any group is just as capable as any other regardless of history.

And before you call me a genocide denier, there is a good reason I've reserved that statement at this stage. I wouldn't be surprised if that changes shortly.

HappycamperNZ ,

I want to say yes, but also aware that legal definitions take a long time to work through. Current discussions by those much further in the know are "allegations" of genocide, "could amount" to genocide, "could lead to" genocide.

Are the flags there - absolutely. The hold out (as far as im aware) is the intent vs causality aspect. I suspect investigation will start to lean to intent existing.

HappycamperNZ ,

My first guess would be the first item on Hamas founding charter

"Death to Israel, death to America"

HappycamperNZ ,

I think that a pretty fair belief.

HappycamperNZ ,

While I get your understanding from my comment, I don't know if I'd call it both-sideism as much as I would neither is innocent. Either was quite capable of taking steps to stop this before it happened.

If it wasn't for the fact it had happened before in Ireland I would 100% say there is no way the differences could be reconciled to a permanent two-state solution - but clearly there must be a pathway to peace. Unfortunately I don't hold much confidence in it actually happening and more will continue to suffer because of it.

HappycamperNZ ,

I wonder if the reason Greek stopped conflict during the Olympics was because everyone kept banning eachother.

HappycamperNZ ,

Whats stopping you?

My wife does then gets moody at me when I walk past and see her. I should tell her to cut the crap.

HappycamperNZ ,

I thought the scientific name was birthday hole.


HappycamperNZ ,

Don't let your dreams stay only dreams

HappycamperNZ ,

Can't remember the sun tzu quote - effectly give the enemy a better options than fighting you.

HappycamperNZ ,

Which makes sense when you're filtering through hundreds of CVs....

HappycamperNZ ,

You could if the title does not match the article.

  • Israel may forcibly displace 1.2 million prior to ground invasion. Gives Hamas deadline for cease fire.

  • oxfam warns a ground invasion could be catastrophic for those in the city.

  • experts believe it may pave the way for eventually ethnic cleansing by Israel.

Make no mistake, a shit load of worrying information here. No where in this article does it say "here is the plan for ethnic cleansing" like stated in the title.

HappycamperNZ , (edited )

Just making sure I understand this correctly.

What you are saying is its ok for a news organization to push one side of a story, report only stories that support their views, use language that makes it seem more urgent and serious than it actually is, and this is a reputable organization that should be listed to?

And what the other poster is saying is that this is especially acceptable as its the side they agree with?

And this is ok?

HappycamperNZ ,

Yes, most organizations lean one way or another.

The issue I've got is that this discussion seems to be saying that it should be celebrated as the be all and end all of this conflict, that you should only be looking at organizations that support your view, and that you shouldn't look into what bias your organizations is pushing without further analysis and understanding.

Effectively, that it's more important your views are confirmed than you are informed and accurate.

HappycamperNZ ,

Shutup tankie

(You're welcome)

HappycamperNZ ,

Nord VPN

HappycamperNZ ,

One of my kids said that after a happy birthday message to their cousin.

I laughed and died a little inside

HappycamperNZ ,

Thank you for sticking to facts and data instead of accusation and personal assumptions

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