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PC sometimes won't turn on until I unplug it from the wall for a 30 seconds or so. Faulty PSU?

Just like in the title my PC has an issue when it won't turn on. Power button does nothing, fans do not spin, PC is completely dead. First time it happened was when I put it to sleep, sometimes it wouldn't wake up so I just avoided putting it to sleep as a temporary solution that become quite permanent... Simple power off worked...

Habahnow ,

You can probably do a "paper clip" test to help you confirm its the PSU and nothing else. Basically removing the PSU and connecting a paperclip to specific pins on the PSU to act like an "ON" button.

But based on the symptoms you've indicated, it does sound like a PSU problem. Nollij's idea of buying another PSU that would allow you to return it sounds like another good solution/test.

Habahnow ,

Anybody with experience want to talk about how/why this happened? Seems like part of the problem was the small opening on the right side of the plane. But I imagine its should be designed to not break so easily considering the use case. In addition, I'm surprised the canopy would open instead of staying locked.
Good thing this pilot didn't panic and was experienced enough to still safely land the plane.

Habahnow , (edited )

Holy shit that's crazy. 45 15 police officers were killed too. I bring up this number in particular because usually, attacks like this, have people heavily armed against unarmed people. They usually get dispatched pretty quickly when they encounter any sort of armed resistance (police, or people with guns), but to see that they still were able to kill 45 police is crazy.

Habahnow ,

Ah thanks for the correction. Regardless my point still stands that these people were heavily armed/trained which I think is very surprising.

Habahnow ,

I'm hoping you're right.
What I could imagine is that he just wants to burn through the prisoners since if they don't make it back, that's less prison costs. So even if he has reserve troops available, he'd rather use prisoners first.

Habahnow OP ,

I mean the percentages are different, but the argument remains the same, Russia is attacking a sovereign nation and feels they can do it with impunity. Getting access to all of Ukraine's resources helps them rebuild faster and help destabilize the West more since they would be able to affect food supply chains.

Putting being "moderate" is irrelevant (though I didn't agree Putin, who is homophobic is moderate), his similarities are with his actions in attacking a country for personal Gain.

There is no other option to counteract Russian aggression, supporting Ukraine and sanctioning Russia are the major tools the West has. Ukraine can defend themselves but the West has been slow to provide sufficient support, quickly. This stems from Russian influence on the West as well (Republicans warming up to Russia, or things beneficial to them). Sanctions take time, to affect countries. Russia is currently selling oil at discounts and also may have to begin to import more oil. These are all problems for Russia that will continue to get worse.

Habahnow OP ,

Idk If you're talking about the US, but liberals/the left have to deal with Republicans having enough power to block any additional funding. The left does want to do more, it's just difficult when one side wants to do things that help Russia

That being said, I do ultimately agree with your sentiment, the West is not doing enough quickly.

Habahnow ,

Homer was late 80s, early 90s fat. Now he's early nuaghts fat lol.

Habahnow ,

This may be one of the better options if epoxy or something else doesn't work. I think a larger hardware store would have these.

Habahnow ,

I feel it's been common knowledge since after the first month of the war that Russia has miscalculated significantly.
They sent in paratroopers, some of the most time consuming and most expensive soldiers to train, into Kyiv where they were summarily killed or captured with no support.
Other units ran out of ammo and fuel, with soldiers indicating they weren't expecting to invade.

Every day this war lasts is a spit in the face to Putin and his shitty planning.

Habahnow , (edited )

I guess the trap is that if white goes for Queen, black moves the bishop to take the pawn by the king. That bishop is protected by the knight nearby and forces the king to move. The only place the king can move is up. The other bishop is then moved to force a check mate.
Did I get it right?

Habahnow ,

Took me a while to understand the notation, now I know you're indicating that the B indicates a Bishop is moving from somewhere to D8. Ok, we're on the same page. Thanks for the confirmation

Habahnow ,

Is there another way in shorter turns or the same amount?

UN denies Gaza death toll of women and children has been revised down ( www.theguardian.com )

The UN has denied that the estimated death toll of women and children in the war in Gaza has been revised downward, pointing towards a confusion between the total numbers of dead bodies recorded, and the number of those who have so far been fully identified....

Habahnow ,

Thanks for providing this. I'm actually quite surprised media fact check rates the guardian's reliability as "mixed"

Habahnow ,

Don't think you should listen to the other guy at face value. The market for your skills is very bad right now. Ensure you don't lose your job, but definitely feel comfortable looking around for something better. When the market feels better and you're getting reached out to a lot, then be more assertive at work.

Habahnow ,

For real he handles it like it's his. He said it happened again. I wonder what happened afterwards

Habahnow ,

The raids have somewhat throttled Russian gasoline production, but probably not enough to have an immediate impact on the economy—and thus on the long-term war effort. “These are spot strikes,” energy expert Hennadii Rіabtsev told Ukrainian Pravda. “They are painful and affect logistics, but they do not significantly impact annual total refining volumes.”

What? I thought they have reduced their oil refining? Not to mention, they've started to restrict oil exports(refined oil i believe) since these attacks have taken place all while increasing their unrefined oil exports. It feels like this is actually causing an impact, though definitely not something that directs directly to the front line, but this is long term damage and will make it harder for Russia to generate money.

Habahnow ,

I did as well. Same symptoms and on my next dentist visit, the dentist had noticed my sensitivity. Back to flouride tooth paste.
I switched mainly because I wanted a tooth paste that was in a refillable container or used less plastic. Alas, I have to pick my health as a priority over helping the environment.

Habahnow ,

The Indicator by Planet Money from NPR: they talk about what they feel are important indicators for the current economy, and expand on various economic topics in ways that I think anybody can understand, and are rather short.

The 1A from NPR: they talk about various topics that are affecting the US. They like to get people to chime in with their views, and have some experts on the topics to discuss context and how certain groups are or aren't pushing for changes. Its usually close to an hour long, and not all topics interest me, but they do talk about fake news, presidential elections, housing, mental health etc.

Planet Money from NPR: longer form discussions of economics, somewhat similar to the Indicator, but not as short form and they really expand on economic stories that I think are really interesting. Some topics include how, many, random people, can relatively accurately determine the weight of a cow (and how this defines the economy), the real estate trail that recently occurred and its background.

Habahnow ,

Meh I was more nervous based on the title, but it's basically an app(malware) that people are told to install which can access phone details.

Habahnow ,

Is this actually is a good use of the ATACMS? I mean 100 troop isn't nothing, but oil refineries or, plane hangers, or tank garages, I think would be better suited for their use. Anybody have additional information on their usage?

Habahnow ,

idk, I disagree that /r/TheDonald's existence was what sparked MAGA. Russia had such a heavy hand in the creation and support of MAGA that they would have found another place to start the fire. TheDonald was just the largest pile of kindle available... with many more around it. I could imagine they would have focused even harder on facebook, or news coverage or whatever else.

Regardless, I do agree with the rest of your point that TheDonald had a huge influence on MAGA

Habahnow ,

How interesting. I wonder what kind of damage, if any, occurs to commuters, especially those that commute in less than ideal setting (broken sidewalks, streets, etc)

Habahnow ,

I don't know the references, but man this is still hilarious

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