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Israel's high court orders the army to draft ultra-Orthodox men, rattling Netanyahu's government ( )

Israel’s Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled unanimously that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men for compulsory service, a landmark decision that could lead to the collapse of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition as Israel continues to wage war in Gaza....

Guydht ,

If it leads to an actual change - everyone wins.

But I doubt anything will change, with Bibi being the snake he is.

Guydht ,

It's existence is an abomination

And that, kids, is why we have wars. The moment people with power start saying "yeah Israel should exist but also should a Palestinian state" - that's when we'll have peace.

Guydht , (edited )

Dude that's like blaming the U.S army for snowden.

The IDF and the Shin Bet are totally different entities

Guydht ,

I'm guessing they meant "old" as in "no one uses it anymore, it's dead"

Guydht ,

I mean, say what you want but 100% dozens of those 200 are Hamas terrorists. He's not wrong. Heck, we don't even know if it was indeed 200 killed.

Also how is nobody here even a bit mad over Hamas hiding hostages in a refugee camp?

Guydht ,

You mean their grandparents were displaced by Israel. They themselves were born in Gaza or the West bank, and should be considered residents of that land. If attempts of trying to "free palestine" by terrorism stop, and plans like Oslo could be continued of establishing a state in the 67 borders, then Palestinians can stop being refugees. Meanwhile no Palestinian organization is doing what's good for their people - which is to try and make peace over existing borders.

Guydht ,

That's an actually really solid case.

I do think though that the world also needs to help Israel in the fight against Hamas. You can't expect them to both be humane with the same standard as the rest of the west, while they're the only ones being constantly attacked (and very effectively so).

So while you can and should expect change from the situation, you can't expect it to come for free and one sidedly.

Guydht ,

because they value their citizens

Hiding hostages in a highly populated residential area, without any means of self defense or even evacuation safe zones, is not called valuing the citizens. It's called using them as leverage, something terrorists love doing to civilians.

What did the spilling of blood on oct.7 did to Palestinians? Make them live in hell for over 8 months? Make thousands die? And for what, for massacring Israelis? What do you think Hamas has done in oct.7 that would make you think they "value their citizens" - coz to me it only looks like they just wanna kill jews.

Guydht ,

Nah, it's only genocide if it's carried with the intent to target the whole ethnic group, including civilians. Something that if the IDF really wanted, would've meant 100 times the casualties.

Guydht ,

I wasn't clear. Apologies.

I meant whole as in both terrorists and civilians. And they're not doing that, they're targeting Hamas. If they'd target civilians, then x100 the casualties.

Guydht ,

A thing which isn't happening, considering there's food in Gaza...

Maybe in the start of the war when there was a blockade, but that's an order from the israeli government and they're getting an arrest warrant for it.

Guydht ,

Oh, did they throw flyers warning and asking them to evacuate? That's so nice of Hamas.

Guydht ,

I mean, if the IDF started shooting from UN facilities, and dressing in clothes which'd make them indistinguishable from civilians, you can guess exactly what would happen.

Fighting war criminals is hard. But considering the numbers, the IDF are pretty darn good at it By comparison to the rest of the world.

Guydht ,

Every member? Nah.
But you can bet relative to most of the world's armies, they're really good.

Also maybe if so many people keep telling you that the condition Hamas created are horrible and it's mostly their fault... Maybe listen?

Guydht ,

Modern day SS? Where is the forced labour? Where are the death camps?

You need to choose, They're either:
Nazis who are exterminating Palestinians, or an army in a warzone.
One of these is true for the IDF, and I see a severe lack of disregard for human life, considering they're evacuating people before engaging.

Guydht ,

Based on the link I sent literaly 2 comments above this.

And I would 100% believe people pointing to war crimes, if it weren't an ongoing trial with a defense and lack of evidence so far.

I'm totally down to punish war crimes, but when there's no proof, or if the proof is based on words instead of actions, then I don't like to take that seriously.

Meanwhile the only war crime that was proven to be done in Gaza is not allowing food and water to go in. And that's not the IDF, that's the Israeli government's policy. A government so right wing that the people of Israel were in protests over it for months. Anyone from that government going to jail is a blessing.

Guydht ,

Not trusting the numbers in that source is fair, but I've yet to see any other numbers who make their point different. Civilian/militant ratio in Gaza is low (relative to similar dense urban warzones), and I've yet to see anyone saying otherwise.

And when did I mention the IDF in Israel's border? I pointed out how right wing and bad the Israeli government is, and how the only legit (based on facts) critisizm I saw was directed at the Israeli government, not the army. How that have anything to do with the IDF's actions inside Israel is beyond me.

And again, I responded to the "maybe listen" comment and said I am listening and the only thing which was proven to be true is the food and water thing. Which again - has nothing to do with the army.

I'll also add that the "maybe listen" part about Hamas' war crimes works, since their crimes are heavily recorded and with solid proofs. Unlike the war crimes allegations of genocide, which are currently mainly based on words said, and not actions done in Gaza. Just read the south african allegations, and the Israeli response to those allegations. It's laughable.

Guydht ,

I seriously don't see when I talked about IDF inside Israeli borders. The decision of not allowing water/food into Gaza has nothing to do with the IDF, or with the how the IDF acts in Israel. I'm really confused about what you're saying here about IDF inside of Israel.

And no, I definitely don't consider Gaza as a part of Israel. I don't think any sane person does. Stop trying to color me with right-wing fanatics. I'm just putting the blame where it's supposed to be. War crimes - Israel's government. Serious war crimes which escalated this whole conflict - Hamas. Meanwhile the IDF is (by what's been proven) seriously doing its best to avoid war crimes - and doing it not so badly, considering the ratio of civilians/militants dead.

Guydht ,

To be fair, that area is considered an active war zone, and all civillians knew that way ahead of the invasion.

If it was intentional, fuck him. But if it was by mistake and as a precaution against Hamas (who are known to wear civilian clothes) - then you really can't blame them for not wanting to be ambushed.

How are ya'll expecting an army to act in a war zone?

Guydht ,

"hamas is a political party" is the same energy as "north korea is a political party" and "china is a political party". No elections in 18 years isn't something a working government does.

And it's widely known that Hamas has no uniforms, and use civilian clothing when fighting. Heck, on 7/10 there were plenty who were IDF uniforms (I guess from fallen soldiers). Differentiating based on clothes is legit impossible.

And about surrendered foes, I completely agree. No reason if you know they're of no harm. But again, based on what Israel tells us (I doubt it aswell, but idk) there were instances of people "surrendering" and then bombing themselves.
Not a trustworthy source at all, but idk... It's not that hard to believe it.

Guydht ,

"Oh then I guess I'll just won't leave my home and wait for certain death to come to me"

Bro WHAT. How is it even the IDF's responsibility to provide safe spaces in Gaza?
Did Hamas provide "safe spaces" on 7/10? Did Hezbollah provide "safe spaces" before bombing houses?
No one expects them to do anything before attacking, but everyone expects Israel to not only tell before an attack to evacuate, but to secure that evacuation place. That's such hypocrisy.

Guydht ,

Again, if it was as a precaution against an ambush (which is known to be basically the only way Hamas fights) then you can't blame him.

That man is poor for being in that spot, but what legit what can you expect from soldiers in a war zone where every day an ambush happens.

Guydht ,

"less rapy and genocidy" you mean.... Like exactly what Hamas did that started this whole war, who got that old man killed? Then sure. I expect every human to not rape and kill innocents.

Guydht ,

Actually as the best friend of an Israeli evacuate from the north, which haven't been in their house for over 8 months, I can say 100% that fleeing for your safety is something only idiots refuse to do.

Also fuck you for wishing that I'll be displaced for having an opinion :)

Guydht ,

You can bet many Hamas terrorists already put up a white flag, as IDF testimony say they were already tricked by false "white flags".

Heck, 3 hostages were killed by the IDF because it was near a fighting area, where Hamas terrorists used the same tactics as the hostages - writing in Hebrew, waving white flags, shouting for help.

The IDF either really suck at recognizing a threat (highly unlikely) or they learned from their mistakes of listening to anyone who isn't verified friendly.

This whole war is such a tragedy...

Families of hostages storm Knesset meeting after Netanyahu rejects Hamas offer ( )

Family members of Israelis held hostage in the Gaza Strip have stormed a parliamentary meeting in Jerusalem to demand that Israel’s government does more to return their loved ones, as fighting in Khan Younis reached unprecedented levels....

Guydht ,

As much as I agree on the "no dealing with terrorist" rule, you can't expect the families to not protest and do everything in their power to get their loved ones homes.

Guydht ,

Lol makes much more sense now

Harris says US will ‘under no circumstances’ permit forced relocation of Palestinians ( )

Vice President Kamala Harris said in a meeting Saturday with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi that Washington will not allow for the forced relocation of Palestinians or any redrawing of the current border of the Gaza Strip....

Guydht ,

Wait so 70% of Gazans were forcibly relocated, why 50% of Gaza are children under 18...

Make up your mind over your made up numbers please.

And calling this war "Israeli murder" is ignoring the existence of actual terrorists who keep innocent civilians hostage, and who targeted attacked and murdered over 1,000 innocents.

Guydht ,

Better pushed out than slaughtered like Be'eri.

Guydht ,

Lol what? Does anyone here think anyone in Israel is going to kill 2 million Gazans?
It's like no one here knows the difference between mass killings and wars. You don't evacuate civilians in mass killings, you slaughter them in their homes (sort of like what Hamas did on 7/10)

Guydht ,

By "past big conflicts" you mean the 48 war...? Because that's the only war where that happened

And you can reasonably assume that things are different from 70 years ago, and that nobody, not even Israel, wants Gaza now.

Guydht ,

Ummm what? What's propaganda about what he said? He just said Israel doesn't want Gaza and that Hamas wants the entirety of Israel. Which is completely correct, no matter how you look at it.

Guydht ,

I still don't see the point here, "mind the border" means that they're the ones who wanna change the existing borders and take over Israel. You mean the people themselves want to take over Israel? If so I agree, I'm pretty sure that's what Gazans want as well. But again that just doesn't sound like propaganda to me, and sounds like the truth.

And come on, of course Israel wants to expel all Gazans. They're the literal worst neighbours to a country ever. But just like Hamas expressed their desire to kill all jews (desire and intent...) in Israel and take over, making an islamic jihadist state, they and Israel both can't do that.
They both hate each other, the difference is which one actually follows through the atrocities. Meanwhile, Hamas is winning in the "getting what they want" battle, given that Israel isn't going to kick Gazans out for good.

Blaming Israel for wanting to expel them is ignoring the fact that Hamas wants to murder Israel. It's the biggest double standard.

Guydht ,

Oh damn I guess churchill is a murderer monster huh.

Intention matters. The fact that you ignore it, is bad.

Guydht ,

Oh so war is never justified then huh? When you've been massacared with intent for further destruction by that same people, you can't retaliate, you're just supposed to sit back and cry about it. Sure, ok.

Guydht ,

Dude those same civilian facilities are proven to store artillery. Once a site is being used for war purposes, don't be surprised that it's being destroyed - in a war.

Everybody is criticizing Israel for bombing UN facilities, while no one critisizes Hamas for storing ammunition in said facilities. That's just hypocrisy.

Guydht ,

"murder does not justify more murder"

The murder which is happening is by a war. If you don't know that, you're living under a rock. And what I said, is that this war is justified. So yes, this is exactly what you said, you just deny it.
War = murder. "Murder isn't justified" -> "war isn't justified".
Very simple logic.

Guydht ,

Whatever, I really don't care about what you think.
You can blame it all on one side, ignoring the ruthlessness of the other on their enemies and even on their own citizens.
Just ignore Hamas hiding guns in schools, ignore them firing rockets from public parks, ignore them targeting civilians (with no military infrastructure/personnel). Just ignore it all, and blame the jews for everything. Just like the 1930s.
"War crimes" my ass. If you really cared about war crimes you would've complained to Hamas, not the IDF.

Guydht ,

I'm just waiting for the mist of war to be over to see the actual truth. No proof can be verified now, and no actual real proof would be trusted by left media coverage. No information will be shown for the coming days.

Just wait a few weeks then actually form an opinion on whether or not this war is justified, since without confidential information, nobody but Hamas, the U.S, and Israel knows.

Guydht ,

Provided that hospital is used to store ammunition or as an escape route for terrorists - no. It's not insane that it's not condemned. Ukraine doesn't risk their citizens' lives by grossly breaking the geneva convention.

The rules are different because the game is different. Ukraine is not Hamas.

Guydht ,

Bro what? Israel digging tunnels in Gaza?

And I don't understand, you're saying it's better to bomb the hospital given it's acting as a military hub? That it's better to bomb it rather than taking it over?

I'm so confused by your comment.

Guydht ,

You can choose not to believe it. But when there's footage of actual captured terrorists saying explicitly everything that they're being excused of, and when even the son of Hamas' leader is saying those same things aswell, then I just find it hard to ignore all that evidence. Hamas are publicly evil, advocating to death to all Israelis civilians (shooting rockets/terror attacks indiscriminately), and doing everything they can to prevent the existence of the more peaceful PLO in Gaza (via armed means, see their coup as an example...). So it's really not that hard to believe (given the evidence) that they're also evil towards their own population, and hide under civilian infrastructure, again, after so many testimonies and intelligence reports.

And say what you want about the IDF, but multiple professional army personnel have advocated for how they're the most humane army in the world, doing the most out of any army in the world to make sure they don't target civilians.
Do civilians still die? Yes. Is it unavoidable as an act of war? Yes. Are the IDF the best at mitigating those civilian deaths in the world? Yes.

Guydht ,

Um... Sources? First time I hear of them digging tunnels.

But even if they did dig tunnels for non-military purposes in the 2000s, they have good intelligence of it being used as a military storehouse (even if you don't believe their intelligence, which is regarded as one of the best in the world by several nations worldwide, you can hear the same from 7/10 terrorists' testimonies in captivity).
And it's proven that Hamas' strategy is digging tunnels for themselves, as in 2014 they used those tunnels in fighting the IDF and for invading bordering villages.

Guydht ,

"This guy with an absolutely more valid point of view doesn't agree with me so he's a douchebag"
Sure. Ok. Whatever.

And comparing this Gaza war with the rest of the world's conflicts is just absurd. No war in recent times has been with so many civilians around legitimate military targets, and that makes this war impossible to win without casualties. Not to mention almost half of Gaza are children, so that data is also heavily skewed.

That same "refugee camp" was heavily populated by Hamas terrorists, which were located there for decades, in concrete buildings. Calling it an innocent refugee camp for the poor and helpless is a loooong stretch after what's been done in 7/10.

Premature babies are evacuated by the IDF when they arrive at the hospital.

And the geneva convention clearly states that deliberately fighting from civilian infrastructure is a violation of the geneva convention, and that once such a case has been made, that same infrastructure is a valid military target.
No one cares when Hamas grossly and admittedly break the geneva convention because they're the poor side.

Guydht ,

The military solution is to cleanse Hamas from power.

Destroy all their terror resources, guns, rockets, tunnels. Then put someone else in power who doesn't advocate for and actively and successfully pursues the murder of all Israelis.

And again, the bombings of civilian infrastructure would've been considered as war crimes if Hamas wasn't using them as bases of operations to carry out actual legitimate horrifying genocide against Israelis.

Yes, Israel wants Gazans to stay poor. Coz when they're poor they can't do This

I legit want to know what any of you have done if you were born Israelis. They act in the most humane way possible by anyone in the world, given their circumstances. The fact that their government isn't even more right wing, and isn't advocating the total destruction of Gaza is a shock to me. Their enemies are actively and successfully pursuing them in wars until all Israelis would die. Just imagine if someone like putin was in charge of Israel... Or Khamenei... 2 million would be either in Egypt, or in graves.

TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion ( )

TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion::In a blog post, the company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion.

Guydht ,

Israel is at the front of the war on the west, from Syria to Lebanon and Iran. It's in the west's interest that they exist and be strong to be a force in the middle east and defend the west from falling to jihadist rule.

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