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Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

...because of anxiety from doomscrolling and notifications

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Why? I've never used it, but it's been annoyingly cutting into at least 3 podcasts I listen to :/

Critics of Putin and his allies targeted inside the EU with Israeli-made Pegasus spyware ( www.theguardian.com )

At least seven journalists and activists who have been vocal critics of the Kremlin and its allies have been targeted inside the EU by a state using Pegasus, the hacking spyware made by Israel’s NSO Group, according to a new report by security researchers....

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Which jobs do they usually take? They don't speak German that well, so these are not white collar service/tech jobs, so do they work in seasonal farming, construction and some essential services? Do Germans want to raise kids do those jobs instead? Someone has to. E.g. where I live, most food delivery guys are immigrants. Who is fighting for a job like that?

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

If after all this shit we end up with retarded AI and lose libgen in the process, we'll end up with less than we started with...

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Soo... the battle of Berlin was a genocide against the German people, because the Soviets killed 125000 German civilians besides the enemy combatants.

Call it what it is: a war. There are blockades, starvation, massacres in war, especially in urban combat. That is why you avoid declaring war or invading your neighbours, like hamas did on Oct 7th, but hamas doesn't give a shit about Palestinians, so long as they manage to wipe out Israel.

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

In Ukraine's case russia is guilty of both the crimes of hamas and Israel:

russia invaded with the intent to wipe out their neighbour and wiping out Ukrainian identity from the region (like hamas wants to wipe out Israel and would if they had the means). They resort to unethical asymmetric tactics and commit crimes in the name of national liberation like hamas.

as well as

levelling whole cities with massive civilian casualties without regard for human life (like Israel is doing).

There is no equivalence.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Yea, there are a number of guys in the Israeli government that should answer for war crimes too, particularly that fanatic gvir.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

So you think what hamas did on Oct 7th was to "Fight back to your oppressors"? You're the one living in fantasy land.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

In all discussions I've had about this, the root of the whole issue that fractures discourse is: should Israel disappear or not?

I think not (even if the original partition plan was too utopic and inviting a disaster), so the best Palestinians will ever get is what was in the original partition agreement, which you just have to accept peacefully, not with war, war declarations make palestine lose ground e.g. 1967 borders. I'm sure if a Palestinian government (not fucking hamas) recognized Israel, they'd get their state tomorrow, but this was never accepted, sooo...

if instead ou think Israel should disappear or turn into an ungovernable fractured state like Lebanon, like hamas wants, then..."fight back to your oppressors" and you'll have endless war.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Yea, because escalation always solves the problems of Palestinians.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Fuck bibi and gvir, the far right is a cancer in any country.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Why is Palestine not a country? When Israel was created, Palestine was supposed to have been officially created too, you know why?

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Dude, lemmy doesn't have enough users to justify targeted hasbara activity or any other PR firm, that's part of the magic of the fediverse, at least for now.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Yes, but France only had to gtfo of Algeria, they just had to swallow their pride, give up and go home. Where do you expect Israelis to go?

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Ok, then Europe sends them back to Judea, where they were expelled from, since that is something you do :)

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

I don't care about racist talking points, what I care is that Israel exists now and you can't just make it disappear, that is what I am saying. russians can fuck off back to russia, french back to France, brits to Britain, etc. But not israelis, this is truly existential to them.

How would you like it if I said Palestinians are just arabs and can go back to Jordan/Egypt/Saudi/Syria/Lebanon?

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Hamas groupie, grow up!

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

You mean the 1948 partition resolution (which didn't expel anyone from anywhere) or the 1967 armistice borders? Or do you mean the illegal settlements in the West Bank?

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Do you mean the apartheid between the palestinian territories and the israeli territory or do you mean the difference of treatment between jews and palestinians inside Israel? Because the 1st can be fixed with palestinian statehood. We sort of know what the one-state solution will look like, look at political mess in Lebanon. If you mean racism inside Israel...yea...I'm not sure how you can fix that...

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Ok, fine, I read up on it and the Nakba was BEFORE the declaration of war by arab states. I think I saw an explanation that said they were expelled because they supported the arab invaders...which was propaganda I guess.

I guess it is a sort of "civil war" of independence, but still pretty fucked up any way you look at it :/

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Man, I usually have no trouble finding these docs all over the internet, but this one was harder than expected for an official public broadcaster like DW. All samples in youtube were made private, even the ones that had been published in other sites, the Internet Archive version is mangled...piped and yewtube can't show it...
I had to stoop down to the level of bitchute, but it was there :D thanks for the recommendation. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zh8PPsipFwgH/

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

It's still up, but only in hindi :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSMpCPsZXdw

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Grozny 1999

Ramadi/Fallujah/Mossul 2004-2016

Aleppo/Homs 2012-2016

Mariupol/Bakhmut/Avdiivka 2022-2024

Gaza 2024


So yea, bibi, gvir and the hamas leadership should all rot in jail for war crimes to set an example. assad, putin and bush too.

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

God forbid there is a news reality that is not in English anywhere in the world. This is why russia is focusing its propaganda efforts in South America and India, because it knows Anglosphere hubris will lead them to ignore non-English media bubbles, but they are very much there, that's how a dipshit like Órban wins elections.

PS: sorry about the rant, it's not directed at you in particular :/

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

It's like he's actively trying to lose, lmao.

PS: Just jump ship, you don't have to set it on fire too :D

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

At this point, it is just part of the corporate innovation cycle: first you make money by creating better products, once the tech matures and the gains in engineering are marginal, you move focus to sales and try to gain market. Then when the market is saturated, you move your focus to finance, aquisitions and cost-trimming.

From this pov, it looks like google got caught flat-footed (when it was moving from sales to finance) by a tech breakthrough and seems to be in "manage the shit out of this" mode, when now what they needed was to go back to an engineering focus, but by now it is too late, because the company already alienated the most dedicated engineers and can't get them back while still in sales/finance focus.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

It can be a reductive approach if you look at the world exclusively through those glasses, but the effect the expression alludes to exists in very specific circumstances e.g. street cleaning, overfishing, pollution. It's like saying overpopulation is not a thing because that social darwinist Malthus was the first to refer to it.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

when you say modern nukes, do you mean simply H-bombs/thermonuclear/fusion bombs?

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

And they are serving lots of ads under the radar and shaping their tastes by intermixing the ads seamlessly with entertainment to bypass our advertisement "antibodies". Sometimes I find some of them saying things and having interests I've never known they had only to find their feed randomly peppered with these interlopers.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

It's the most annoying thing of these enthusiasts: they glorify cryptocurrencies and blockchain while glossing over the massively important and actually useful cryptography discipline in the background.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

By Betteridge's law of headlines: no.
Also: this is an ad.

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Sounds like they busted a Eurovision watch party :/

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar


Helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi involved in hard landing, local media reports ( www.cnn.com )

A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was involved in a hard landing while visiting a northern region and his condition is currently unknown, Iran’s semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on X on Sunday....

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Eloquently summarized from another site:

The Cultural Revolutionaries can't believe it wasn't Israel

The Revolutionary Guard can't believe it wasn't a Khomeini power play, clearing the path for succession for the Ayatolla's son

Meanwhile the Secular Opposition is praising god?

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

First rule of OpenAI is: "What is OpenAI?"

Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war' ( kyivindependent.com )

President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukraine's partners "are afraid of Russia losing the war" and would like Kyiv "to win in such a way that Russia does not lose," Zelensky said in a meeting with journalists attended by the Kyiv Independent....

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Some of us are more afraid that they will win and get ideas that they can test article 5 in the Baltics/Poland and survive.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Siege of whom? Normally, a siege ends when the sieger goes home. If russia wants to stop bleeding, go home.

Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals ( www.theguardian.com )

The insect glue, produced from edible oils, was inspired by plants such as sundews that use the strategy to capture their prey. A key advantage of physical pesticides over toxic pesticides is that pests are highly unlikely to evolve resistance, as this would require them to develop much larger and stronger bodies, while bigger...

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

slightly stronger ones survive to pass their genes to their offspring, that's the idea.

Gsus4 , (edited )
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

What have new generations been led into thinking that the internet is supposed to be? They dont even know what a directory is or what a file path is, because of design that dumbs things down...

It is important, because what people think the internet is and what they value will affect what it will evolve into.

E.g. wikipedia is reflects somehow my view of the internet in the 2000s (Encarta :D)...but for some people today the internet is just social media...or just videos?

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

BTW, does anybody know of an offline encyclopedia which works under Wine?

You can download wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download

edit: if you really meant you want to see if any old encyclopedias work under wine, I never tried :D

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Meh, it's just another publicly traded company now, it's just trying every PR trick going after stonks signals.

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

Why did they remove it in first place, was it to promote their in-house cryptoscam?

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ"

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

"great, I got upvoted by reddit "blue" subscribers...this is so special :/" energy

Gsus4 ,
@Gsus4@mander.xyz avatar

And WW3 is only getting started...lots of powder kegs loaded and everyone is juggling lit matches...

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