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Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising ( )

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

GregorGizeh ,

Dont forget that the vast majority of users either doesnt know Linux, distrusts Linux, has heard rumors at any point in time about some feature or component not working as perfectly as under windows, is uninterested in computers beyond their daily usage function, or finds themselves in a social circle or job environment hostile to Linux.

What Linux needs to get widely adopted is settle for one central distro, iron out all bugs and compatibility issues and do a bunch of testing with windows users to determine what differences they are confused by. The goal must be to create total feature and compatibility parity with windows, and make the whole process so incredibly simple that even absolute morons with zero interest in computers can both use it instinctively and not miss anything their windows used to do. Then run a massive adoption campaign.

Now I know many aspects of this are directly opposed to the fos ethos, but if Linux ever wants to claim market share they need to spend big on it and pick up the users where they are; in a place of zero user ability and a lot of ignorance.

GregorGizeh ,

I'm not saying we should shutter all the others or make a Linux for profit corporation, just that if there is a sort of "base" Linux that can be used and referenced as universally as windows, with the same capability, stability and compatibility, catering to the same crowd of dumbest possible user, that would go a long way in my opinion in getting Linux more widely adopted.

GregorGizeh ,

Dont you worry, mint provides a detailed step by step tutorial on how to do things:

GregorGizeh ,

Am a bazzite user myself, and haven't had those issues at all. I would recommend joining the discord as well, they have
a reasonably active community there

GregorGizeh ,

Not op, but i dont care much for the show myself either. I used to, when it was new and something different, but I believe I have grown past the pseudointellectual, but actual college humor. It just hits different these days

GregorGizeh ,

Fair points, but this is also a numbers game, and the vast majority of people is not romantically interested, or rather, compatible with them. Seems logical to me that people end up alone more often under those circumstances

GregorGizeh ,

If the does dont find you handsome they should at least find you handy lethal

GregorGizeh ,

Definitely. There is about a handful of terminally online users who are posting here way too much for way too long, they should probably take a step back and touch some grass, which i mean in the most respectful and understanding way imaginable.

On the other hand, those people are main content providers and their unhealthy behavior is our gain.

GregorGizeh ,

I mean i somewhat agree with the notion that the sort of stereotypical british gentleman's club thing is missing in the modern times, I think I would find it enjoyable to loaf around a luxurious and quiet place, reading classic literature in a luxurious classical ambiente or so, while a snobby concierge beings me liquor aged twice as long as i have been alive.

I dont want to encounter these kinds of people there though.

Why is End of Life of an OS bad for an average user?

I get that there won't be any security updates. So any problem found can be exploited. But how high is the chance for problems for an average user if you say, only browse some safe websites? If you have a pc you don't really care much about, without any personal information? It feels like the danger is more theoretical than...

GregorGizeh ,

I am not using apple products myself any more, but 7 years of guaranteed support seems very reasonable, especially when our dumb ass economy runs on constant consumption and growth. They could just as easily make their devices break a week after the legally required warranty period is over, and you'd have to buy another

GregorGizeh ,

Yeah it seems ridiculous this isnt the standard way to do online dating. Many people dont want a trans partner, and many people only want a trans partner. Not being clear and upfront about these things only causes future heartbreak and rejection issues.

GregorGizeh , (edited )

The honest answer is that I can only care about so many ongoing genocides at once before I go numb towards it. And I am more invested in the one happening two countries over. And the absurdly cynical one committed by a people who had plenty of genocides happen against them over the course of history.

GregorGizeh , (edited )

I can click my tongue (?) very loudly. Entirely useless

GregorGizeh , (edited )

They're probably referring to minor gifts random people might offer you out of gratitude sometime, say if you do customer service and went out of your way for them. A bottle of normal priced wine, some chocolates perhaps, a gift card for a lunch at xyz. Some giveaway merch they have tons of.

GregorGizeh ,

I meant more like, either of these not all. Nothing worth more than 5-10 bucks combined

GregorGizeh , (edited )

Having had both, the clear winner in my opinion is the e-bike.

A tried and trusted mode of transportation enhanced with a motor vs. a razor scooter on stimulants, seriously, I have no idea how these things are street legal. Even a small pothole has the potential to send you to the concrete because they are basically skateboards with a tiny little handlebar.

They are also a lot less comfortable for anything beyond a 5 minute trip to the bus stop because you can't sit down, and on most models you also have to constantly hold down the acceleration controls, which gets very tiring for your hand. A scooter is also entirely useless if the battery is empty, whereas an e-bike can still be used as a normal bike in a pinch, albeit with more exhaustion due to the greater pedal resistance.

Since I got my e-bike I haven't looked at the silly scooters once, literally like riding a bike downhill in all directions, even against wind. It also has room for some groceries which a scooter naturally doesnt. Definitely the more useful mode of transportation of the two.

GregorGizeh , (edited )

That's a factor I hadn't even considered OP, yeah if it's cold or muddy a lot you definitely will want to choose the bike. The scooters are very dangerous (to you and even others) in poor weather conditions

GregorGizeh ,

While I dislike corporate ai as much as the next guy I am quite interested in open source, local models. If i can run it on my machine, with the absolute certainty that it is my llm, working for my benefit, that's pretty cool. And not feeding every miniscule detail about me to corporate.

GregorGizeh ,

This is pedal driven as well. You can see the driver using their legs in the video, essentially this is a very luxurious e-bike. It is both street and bike lane legal in germany, which requires meeting fairly strict limits in how "motorized" it is allowed to be.

GregorGizeh ,

Wasn't the open ai fucktard planning on raising a trillion for ai hardware?

GregorGizeh ,

Imo they ran out of ideas during the third and from then on it was just a cash grab. Creativity really is dead

GregorGizeh ,

Oh my god he is wearing a little Catset for his ears 👀

GregorGizeh ,

I have reached the point where I actively avoid visible branding, prints or writing. Not only do they look like shit after two or three washing cycles tops, often like 90% of the price is for the logo on it.

Though i also will pay extra (within reason) when presented with the choice between a branded product and a more expensive one without any visible logos.

I value quality clothing that lasts more than a season or two, and I dont want to be a walking ad space for some corporation.

GregorGizeh ,

She is an authority to them, they are obviously not adults, she invited them to her home, and there is little doubt she had sex with both because one evidently came at least on her bed and the other inside her.

This is sexual abuse. If the sexes were reversed the guy would be scheduled for a life sentence with high probablility of getting shanked every time he encounters another prisoner.

GregorGizeh , (edited )

My only worry with this is that we start hunting them to eradicate or at least contain a threat, like we do to most wild animals who could potentially, perhaps, maybe, harm a human intruding on their habitat and territory. Like wolves in europe, we carefully reintroduce them after almost eradicating them entirely, they do what wolves do and prey on some livestock here and there, and people immediately ask for them to be culled.

GregorGizeh ,

Imagine how different the world might be today if yahoo had bought google and tanked the fuck out of it. The whole modern web would be different. Perhaps the social media era would have never come to pass.

GregorGizeh , (edited )

I made the switch to Linux just some days ago, and landed on bazzite. It is fairly idiot proof with an option to roll back the entire system and is generally focused on gaming and ease of use.

So far i am having a blast, almost everything works right out of the box, and the things that didn't were very minor and fixable with a bit of web search or asking on a relevant discord. I didn't have to use the dreaded CLI much either yet - maybe 4-5 times - and when I did, I just followed a step by step guide to do something.

My personal recommendation would be choosing gnome as the DE, going with plasma seems more logical coming from windows, but I find it a lot simpler getting used to the differences by using an entirely different ui than windows. Forming new mental pathways is easier than adjusting something practiced a particular way for years.

For reference:

E: meant to reply to the guy asking for better choices

GregorGizeh ,

All good points, I also read somewhere that KDE has slightly better performance. Maybe I'll make the switch eventually too, but for now I am very happy and am discovering desktop computers all over again. Perhaps gnome is a good starting point for linux, with fewer, more streamlined options. And the new ui factor I mentioned, which was ultimately the deciding point for me

GregorGizeh ,

I just want to point out that even bazzite comes with the productivity basics: full libreoffice, Thunderbird, gimp and other graphics software available on installation. VSC has an official (and inofficial) app available as well.

Not saying you're wrong of course, but as someone who uses his computer to game, consume music and media, and dabble in coding and game modding I haven't missed anything so far (am very new to Linux myself). Though I'm sure that a more discerning user may find those essentials insufficient.

Youtube Rant from a paying customer

I used to use NewPipe back in the days of yore. Then I got Youtube Premium since it bundled in Youtube Music as well which I used. But the former's app on mobile is a shit show. Even after paying, you are asked to tip random creators, purchase merchandise[ which are shown as actual ads below videos] and join channels to access...

GregorGizeh ,

Am somewhat late to the (third) party, why are most people here using a newpipe fork? Is the original compromised somehow?

GregorGizeh ,

Got it, just switched over myself because I liked the differences in the description. Thanks for letting me know!

GregorGizeh ,

By that logic every comment section under a random newspaper's article is social media. I dont think this forum esque, link feed with comment sections kind of social media that lemmy is, qualifies. Reddit didnt either for the longest time, before they started trying to form a culture and drowned in self referencing humor and repetitive one liner comments.

After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year ( )

When Bloomberg reported that Spotify would be upping the cost of its premium subscription from $9.99 to $10.99, and including 15 hours of audiobooks per month in the U.S., the change sounded like a win for songwriters and publishers. Higher subscription prices typically equate to a bump in U.S. mechanical royalties — but not...

GregorGizeh ,

100% where we are headed with this backwards capitalist approach to ai. Make bots churn out art, films, music, anything creative really, so the proles have more time for mindless manual labor

GregorGizeh , (edited )

Even if it is capped at sub light speeds we could travel all around our solar system in very reasonable timeframes, probably even visit neighboring solar systems without generational ships. Very cool, but this is obviously a very sensationalist headline, so I remain on the fence

GregorGizeh ,

Not sure if that is an option for you too, but I have a scanwatch light myself. It is a hybrid smartwatch, being a classic analog watch with a small black and white display in the background.

The scanwatch products are health focused, allowing the user to track a variety of health stats like heartrate, activities and sleep analysis. It is very energy efficient, requring a a recharge about once a month in my case.

It is noteworthy that the hybrid concept makes some cuts to the smartness of the watch, for example replying to messages from the watch is not possible, only reading them as they come in. It doesn't have touch functionality either, instead you control it with the bezel.

You can configure in the smartphone app which apps are allowed to relay notifications to the watch, giving you the option to filter out most noise that is not relevant to your mom. You can also set up activity plans to track and/or remind her to engage in some moderate activities like taking a walk.

Do note though that the watch asks for a subscription for some premium functions, like workout plans and more in depth health analysis. I don't have that myself either though, being able to generally monitor my activities is enough for me. The watch also relies on the paired smartphone for its gps functionality, without the phone it would essentially be reduced to a classic wristwatch.

GregorGizeh OP ,

And it can't be changed? Wow that's unfortunate

Speaking of which, I have been fiddling around with the widget and now it is gone completely... Any idea how to get at least this one back?

GregorGizeh OP ,


GregorGizeh OP ,

Thanks, found it. At least I have this one back

GregorGizeh ,

Commercial musicians caring about their sales. Why is that surprising? It is time we stop thinking of every celebrity as a good person, they are completely average for the most part. Including casual indifference to things that are not their problems.

GregorGizeh ,

We have more cultures, languages, and national identities clustered in Europe than anywhere else in the world. Naturally people want an instance for their own.

GregorGizeh ,

Streaming went to shit when everyone made their own. It was good and worth the money when it was one portal with everything available.

Now i am back navigating the stormy high seas, to avoid the treacherous shores of bankruptcy

GregorGizeh ,

Well, yeah, that's why we're here. Streaming went to shit

While I agree that the monopoly netflix once had doesn't belong in private hands, a public funded central media archive where all studios release their content would be preferable.

But still, for the user those were golden times. Whatever you wanted to watch, chances were Netflix had it in good quality and any language you wanted on any device with internet.

GregorGizeh ,

Perhaps keep it inside then? Your pet is murdering your local wildlife. There is a reason they are considered a huge danger to our biodiversity and an invasive species, you know

GregorGizeh ,

Yup that's him. A Russian ultra nationalist who essentially wrote a game plan for Russia to dismantle the liberal world order of the west, and was/is highly popular in russian political and military leadership. Many of his suggestions are part of russian doctrine today (like the notion that Ukraine has no cultural identity or value and should be taken over). Quite eye opening.

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