@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar


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FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Damn. that's cold. Maybe the bank should... like you know, add the Centre too.

I mean, they did take an owl off your hands.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

if I were the center...I'd send a bill.

make it as generic as possible. "care of" accounting.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Not even money. The appearance of money.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I'd do a little jig.

I might even sing. (but only if no one can hear me. World, you're welcome for that.)

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

“Stop taking pictures of my son; creep! I’m calling the police!”- Karen-the-owl.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

So… I would suggest steaming the fish unless you can get very fresh seafood. Alternatively, baking it on some parchment.

I’m not sure that raw fish is particularly dangerous on its own- but do check for bones and such. Especially the pin bones. Fish can be an allergen, but if you’ve served it before it should be fine.

I’d say go with whatever they beg for when you’re doing your thing in the kitchen.

Also give the birthday kitty some scritches for me!

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

saw this list of recipes

The beef and carrots amused me- my “time share” kitty- he’s an escape artist that used to get into my greenhouse and steal carrots. not that he was eating them- didn’t show up in his poo; what he was doing with them is a mystery.

A word of caution… cats probably won’t care if it’s super expensive “sushi grade” or whatever, and certainly not more than you would.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

What’s fun is when you offer him a carrot. He looks at it like… “wtf am I going to do with that?!”

Torties, amirite?

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I assumed he’s a tortie. He’s got that coloration. (Or I’m just an idiot. But he has black/brownish-tan.)

Didn’t know it was rare. Gonna have to ask his people about. (It’s probably something they knew… it he’s getup their in years so, they probably never mentioned it.)

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Definitely not. He’s got that brindle coat with black, light brown and tannish orange. (No white, though.)

My understanding currently is either he has XXY chromosomes, or is a chimera. I’m also fascinated by the genetics, so don’t apologize.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I mean I could probably do it with around 100 bucks in hardware….

Convincing the CIA or NSA or FBI or half a dozen alphabet soup agencies that you really need their facial recognition code in a FOIA request…. That’s both priceless and probably expensive at the same time.

Probably easier to just do some machine learning stuff. Cat recognition, no chips needed.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar


this is what cast iron was made for.

(that, and everything else I cook. details.)

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I mean... I've been scouring cast iron at thrift shops for ages.

I'll probably catch flack for it, but I polished off the bottom so as to be better for my induction cook top. I feel like cast iron+induction was a match made in heaven (though I did have to relearn some old habits, like most people I used the flame height to estimate heat into the pan. Now, it's quite a bit more consistent, but also a bit more... technical.)

polishing the bottom isn't hard. an orbital sander, a particulate mask (yes. you need it.). work through the grits. You can do it by hand if you really want to, and you probably don't need to go beyond "fine" grits. (though I took it to extra fine and then hit it up with green buffing compound because... "oooo shiny."...)

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

The bottom of the pan is usually rough, and it’ll put scratches in the ceramic cook top over time.

Polishing that out and re-seasoning helps prevents that. It also allows you to do the pan-shake-stir thing more smoothly.

(You can also go the non-ferrous thin stuff approach.)

Cast iron needs to be seasoned; if you’re getting it used I’d recommend stripping it down and redoing it.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Unless you have rocks stuck in the seasoning, neither polymerized oil nor steel is hard enough to scratch it. They literally can’t.

this is not actually true. There's still wear to the harder material. The harder material still wears over time, though less so. also: from proline:

One of the most common causes of scratches on induction cooktops is rough-bottomed saucepans and skillets. If you are using a pot or pan that has a rough surface on its base, it may cause scratches on the cooktop.

Most manufactures will also recommend not using rough bottomed pans. (or placing something under it like a cotton pad/cloth), it's literally one of two warnings against cast iron (that, and weight.)

Also, part of why that is, is that the rough surface does trap things (like carbonized foodstuffs.) which act like grit. a polished surface is much less likely to trap such things.

and again, it makes the shake-pan-to-stir thing (like you see for stir fries or flipping omlettes and pancakes) easier with cast iron.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I second voyager. It's what i'm using on iOS now.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

well, that's one way to get a kid to be afraid of bees.

Poor kid. hope she never got stung? doesn't sound like she did.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Warm wishes to Meiz!

She has at least one fan rooting for her.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Getting some homeward bound vibes.

That movie still hits straight to the feels.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Wasn’t sure if cats could have cheese. So I looked it up.

Top search recommendation?


Who in the world is giving their cheese cats??

I prefer “singularities.” ( lemmy.world )

These cats, and their sister (not pictured) are often referred to as “voids.” I’ve come to take issue with this term for my cats. Call your cats what you want, but I think of the black cats in my life as “Singularities.” Void implies nothingness, while a singularity is an object so rich with matter its density is...

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

They do kinda suck you in, don’t they?

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

People are nicer. Actually stop on the highway to help you.

Why do Texans assume that only happens in Texas?

You hear this all the time, like it’s something special, but then you break into it, and nope, it’s not any different than here.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Religion is a form of social control.

It’s working on your friend.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Not to be a stickler, but a dove tail is a sliding joint- the dovetail itself is a trapezoidal section with the narrow side facing the part it’s on.

The slot is similarly cut so it slides into place.

This is (basically) a fat biscuit join, which is good. Peg designs might be better - prefer pyramidal pegs, they self center and have more surface area for glue, and they print neater when they have suboptimal orientation to the print bed.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

One wonders... is it the CTE's or was he always just dumb?

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

So, there's a few general ways I might tackle this.

The first is with a radius gauge. something like this set can be printed out. you can then just define the radius appropriately in F360, or whatever software you're using.

Then, in most CAD software- including in F360, you can insert pictures; and scale points on them so you can then build around it. because of optical issues with the camera this is perhaps not as precise as you might expect. However, it will get you close, and then you can print small cross sections of test pieces to verify and adjust.

Finally; the method I usually fall to: Just not caring to be perfect. You don't have to match the cradle perfectly to the contours. you just have to match critical points. take a ruler, find two points that can act as the 'base', and use that as the 'flat' surface, then find a another couple of points that keep it sliding off.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know if newer PS5s are flat, butine isn’t. I imagine the stand won’t want to stay in one place very well. There are ways of solving this, but it will add extra complexity.

that's why furniture usually has feet. :) some feet, some rubber dot thingies from amazon... problems solved. Profile guages are also helpful, yes. though one wonder's why it needs to be perfect? In some ways, that might actually make the stand harder to use. more finicky

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

IMO. the same things that characterize strength in men. Just. from women.

Honesty, integrity, kindness. Resilience. a wiliness to speak and do what is right... without necessarily being a jackass about it.

If you were thinking of it in opposition to (toxic) masculinity, the guy who "projects strength" and push their way around.... who call themselves "alpha"... are just assholes. And usually the weakest, most insecure and down right vindictive people you know. that isn't strength. (I can threaten their masculinity just by ignoring them. Pretty fucking pathetic.)

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

S-Tier Catoflage skills.

Definitely a nina cat.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

They don’t care.

Actually, they may want to be the villains. Nothing gets the persecution complex up like everyone saying Israel is the bad guy.

Combine that with the inevitable increase in legitimate antisemitism- hate speech, attacks, etc- and it’s going to convince people.

especially at home. It may even bring more Jews to Israel, which… might boost their economy or something.

How do conspiracy theorists get all of their coveted secret government information if it's meant to be hidden and the government would never hand it over?

It's a curious thing. I'm not dismissing any of their claims, but I find it a bit interesting that they can so easily uncover everything that the government doesn't want you to know when it's hidden for a reason.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

depends on the conspiracy theory.

real conspiracies; like MK-Ultra, we find out through leaks, declassification and similar sources.

The loony-bin conspiracy theories like "moon landing hoax" (any one with a ham radio could track the apollo CSM as it went to the moon, there's no way to hide such a trip. there's really no way to fake those signals.) are mostly sourced from bullshit.

another great example of this is the Birds Aren't Real conspiracy. Which... uh... started as satire. there's plenty of ways they get started, but they all boil down to bullshit.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

the people they were making fun of... demonstrated Poe's Law.

in any case... I give you this...
it's a drone used for wildlife conservation so as to not spook whatever they're trying to track; too much.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

in full disclosure... I'm not one of those...

I mean I build R/C aircraft all the time. one of my favorites is an 8" scale version of the 1950's Day the Earth Stood Still flying saucer for refrence

More than once, I've flown that in a park only for some MAGA-idiot to go fetch a shotgun and shoot at it. these people are not exactly stable.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

"That tree just winked at me!"

Probably explains a lot of “tree-men” type things. That guy is a master of disguise!

What do they mean by “feather tufts”, though? Is that some banding or flashes of color on wings or something that serve as an indicator? (Like deer tails?)

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

So, 3d prints will always have a radius on corners that is roughly equal to half the extrusion width. This is because the nozzles are circular, and the plastic comes out in a circular cross section.

From what I can tell on the picture of your part, you have a relatively wide extrusion width set up. what's the sliced width? what's the size of your nozzle?

If you want very sharp corners, you'll need to drop down to a smaller nozzle diameter to maintain other aspects of print quality- generally extrusion widths should be at least the width of the nozzle. The reason being is that your printer relies on getting good 'squish' to keep the layers adhering stronger, and the way a printer gets narrower extrusion widths is by 'stretching' the filament along, which kind of weakens things.

If you're using prusa slicer, it's a simple matter to reduce EW specifically on external perimeters and get a nice print without sacrificing too much in the way of strength, but if the difference between internal perimeters and external perimeters are too large... things may go wonky. at that point, it might be prudent to drop down to a smaller nozzle diameter. (which prints things slower.)

A minor word of warning, however. Fillets and chamfers are important aspects of design. having sharp corners looks good, sure, but putting a fillet or chamfer on an internal corner makes a stronger part.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

In addition to the other points made… steppers maintain full torque even when it’s not moving, so it’s better at braking tool heads.

Also? Steppers have a higher precision to a servos higher speed and torque (but torque that’s not constant.)

Finally they have a better response time. This isn’t the speed, so much as the speed that control inputs are reflected. Imagine all the tiny wibbles a printer makes during infill, the changes in direction would be sloppier with a servo.

New York Bill Would Require a Criminal Background Check to Buy a 3D Printer ( gizmodo.com )

I understand the intent, but feel that there are so many other loopholes that put much worse weapons on the street than a printer. Besides, my prints can barely sustain normal use, much less a bullet being fired from them. I would think that this is more of a risk to the person holding the gun than who it's pointing at.

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Or just buy parts. What are they gonna do? Regulate stepper motors and heater cartridges, and generic microcontrollers?

The cat is already out the bag.

how do i pick out a good avocado

Edit: 10/23 I took a lot of advice from here, I bought an avocado yesterday and I tried it today. It was perfect! The taste was incredible. I didn’t need to salt/season it to hide anything. I am in a different state right now but when I get home I’ll buy one at home using my knowledge I now have and hopefully it’ll be...

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

As a side note here, it's usually a good idea to pick avocados that are slightly un-ripe and let them ripen at home;

FuglyDuck ,
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Does…. Any one, actually, you know, subscribe for YouTube?

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