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Fizz , avatar

I haven't noticed a huge difference from kde 5. Wayland works for normal browsing and computer use but breaks when I play games so I'm still on x11.

Fizz , avatar

There is already a deal that has been negotiated and signed off by Isreal. I'm wondering if the phrasing from the article suggest hamas has signed off on something completely different essentially resetting peace talks.

An official familiar with Israeli thinking said Israeli officials were examining the proposal, but the plan approved by Hamas was not the framework Israel proposed.

Fizz , avatar

I cant say it's "good" but it's not bad. It's got some interesting discussion and the people are generally friendly. They have strong moderation so there is no hate speech or bigotry.

Fizz , avatar

why would black men find a thread full of comments about women fearing for their safety to be insulting?

Fizz OP , avatar

What about a cat so fat it looks like a wombat and so lazy it won't climb the fence.

Fizz , avatar

Probably butcher. I don't like cutting up organs and pulling out intestines.

Another would be the divers who swim up city pipes to fix/maintain things. Hell no I'm not putting myself in that tiny space underground and underwater.

Fizz , avatar

I would hate to be sitting next to this guy.

Fizz , avatar

Evading conscription for a defensive war is disgraceful. To then turn around and say you love your country is a slap in the face to everyone who is currently fighting and who has fought.

I'm sure Anton would argue disgraceful is better than dead and I don't think I could disagree with that on a personal level.

Fizz , avatar

That doesn't make sense.

Fizz , avatar

Where did I say I want the war to continue?

Fizz , avatar

Men do have a moral duty to fight to defend their country. This does not mean you HAVE to it only means its the moral thing to do (from my own moral perspective).

A moral duty to defend your country if called upon is not what allows the war to continue its the elected leader that gets to decide the war ends. Ukraine isnt calling up conscripts to extend the war, they are calling up conscripts in a response to increased russian troop numbers and to cycle troops off the battlefield so they can rest. Without conscription the war continues but the odds of losing are even higher.

Fizz , avatar

Yes people do have a moral to defend their country from invasion regardless of which democratically elected government is currently in power. You are purposefully changing the language, Its not a moral duty to fight its a moral duty to defend.

The war is already lost

Yes I agree, but its not over until the leader decides it is. The only person with blood on their hands is the leaders who continue the war. Because the leader is elected to make decisions on behalf of the people if the leader says men aged 25+ need to enlist then our boy in the article should enlist.

Do you believe at all in civic duty? Do you think people have a societal obligation to follow laws in a democracy?

Fizz , avatar

It only sparked a racism debate because an American saw it and started a schizo rant about how other countries are racist and owned slaves to.

It seems like the guy who posted the video only did so to have his rant.

Fizz , avatar

Dam that sucks

Fizz , avatar

I heard they were close to a ceasefire and opening up a new aid corridor.

Fizz , avatar

If it's as private as they claim it shouldn't be an issue.

Fizz , avatar

This question is intentionally baiting people to get banned. You know how this instance is moderated.

Fizz , avatar

What do they have to lose? In a year everyone will have forgotten about this issue and no one on the left is going to change their vote over this.

Decades long Us foreign policy isn't going to change because some university students saw the war on tiktok.

The only people who benefit from this issue dictating us foreign policy is the right because they can harp on how bad it is and try get people to spite vote against Biden. If Biden actually changes his policy they can point to Biden and say look how weak he is he abandoned our ally and the right wing voter base will be strengthen.

Fizz , avatar

That's insane behavior. There is no situation where you should be sharing videos that contain murder to a work colleague. Even if someone asked I would still not send it to them.

I would hope you are covered by law because that behavior is universally unacceptable.

Israel using Meta's WhatsApp to kill Palestinians in Gaza through AI system ( )

According to software engineer and blogger, Paul Biggar, however, one key detail on the methods employed by the Lavender system that is often overlooked is the involvement of the messaging platform, WhatsApp. A major determining factor of the system’s identification is simply if an individual is in a WhatsApp group containing...

Fizz , avatar

They really don't provide enough to back up the insane claims they're making. I would take all this with a massive grain of salt as it's most likely bullshit wartime propaganda designed to stir people up.

Should I join "free speech" alternatives?

Hello! I've been searching for a reddit alternative, and yes, I've picked Lemmy and Raddle, but here's the thing. My morbid curiosity is perked up, and a part of me wants to join the "free speech" alternatives, like Saidit, Poal, etc. What's wrong with me that I want to join toxic places? I mean, yes I'll find a whole new...

Fizz , avatar

You can if you want. You'll certainly find new perspectives however you will be unlikely to get any good discussion. If you go there to antagonize they will simply ban you as they don't want lefty memes or left leaning messages.

I don't think being on the same platform as hate speech makes you a bad person. You're only wasting your time and exposing your self to needless hate and toxicity.

Fizz , avatar

I really want to love peertube and use it but the transition is hard. I feel bad for "wasting" server space and compute and when I view the video on peertube I'm making my favorite creators gain less traction on YouTube which directly affects their income and growth.

Fizz , avatar

It needs a recommendation algorithm. Search is simply not enough to find videos you may like.

Search would be enough if it had the content library of YouTube.

Fizz , avatar

Its a really long movie but it's got everything.

Its got bromances, romances, comedy and tragedy. It's got plenty of over the top action and musical dance numbers. 10/10 movie.

Fizz , avatar

Its not a joke I genuinely enjoyed the movie.

Fizz , avatar

Reading through that article I somehow ended up on the bazzite page and then went down a rabithole learning about the system76 scheduler. Just when I thought I'd settled down now I want to switch to bazzite to try out the system76 scheduler.

But I'm not sure what's better for overall performance. Bazzites modifications or glorious eggrolls modifications.

Fizz , avatar

Goddammit this all sounds so good. My final and most important question that decides if I switch. What does the neofetch icon look like?

Edit: I just looked myself and its a controller which looks cool but i don't really like controllers. 🤔 hard choice but I think I'll try it out.

Fizz , avatar

Who is going to let another country investigate their Military during an ongoing war? Isreal has to be the one to provide the reports its not that unexpected or out of the ordinary.

Fizz , avatar

I think the us values the billion dollar arms contracts over preserving the quality of this investigation. It sucks because Biden can't even be pressured with voting because the otherside has a worse stance.

Fizz , avatar

I dont think you are right that most people dont want to donate. All big fediverse instances are funded by users. Every user may not want to pay the few cents that it costs to host the instance for them but there are enough users that donate $10+ to cover hosting costs for the other users.

Fizz , avatar

Stand over the person reading it and interject.

Fizz , avatar

If your goal is to reduce cost why would you waste money doing a rebrand.. so dumb

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