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They Transformed a Nasty Stroad With Bus Rapid Transit (CityNerd) ( )

In Albuquerque NM, they not only built world class BRT infrastructure -- they leveraged it to transform old Route 66 into a safer, more people-friendly corridor. Albuquerque Rapid Transit, or ART, is already a big ridership success, but there's so much more potential. So today we're taking a tour of the US's only Gold-rated BRT...

FireRetardant ,

This BRT route is proof that any city is not "too car centric" for transit. Once you effectively prioitize the transit and smooth out the boarding process (rasied landings, left lane priority) the transit becomes very competitive. I'm excited to see how well this BRT performs when more density is built.

FireRetardant ,

Canada exported 123 billion worth of oil in 2022. We only care about the carbon if it's on our soil, seems to be no problem selling the oil to be burned elsewhere.

FireRetardant ,

Remove fossil fuel subsidies and use that money to pay for training/employment of firefighters and forestry management. We should be fining fossil fuel companies and big polluters but just removing the subsidies is a start and will free up funds to solve problems they helped create.

FireRetardant ,

But it is really fair that other canadians should be expected to pay?

FireRetardant ,

It is not hurting me but as a young canadian facing insane inflation and record home prices, i could benefit from a free hike in the woods too.

FireRetardant ,

Some mining towns had problems where their smelter fumes when mixed with the rain created an acidic rain that stripped paint off of cars. There was daily wind monitoring used to help settle the insurance claims.

FireRetardant ,

Many of those puddles are likely so contaminated with road salt that they are more like a brine puddle.

Shell sold millions of carbon credits for carbon that was never captured, report finds ( )

Shell sold millions of carbon credits for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that never happened, allowing the company to turn a profit on its fledgling carbon capture and storage project, according to a new report by Greenpeace Canada....

FireRetardant ,

Privatize the profits, socialize the risk. Seems to be the motto Canada likes to follow.

FireRetardant ,

Electric cars aren't going to fix climate change

FireRetardant ,

Here is my reasonable argument against EVs. EVs only really solve the emissions part of the equation. They dont solve the massive amounts of paved surface, private ownership of thousands of pounds of steel and plastic, they still use massive amounts of energy to move that steel and plastic and building cities for cars is largely ineffecient and expensive to maintain.

We could do a lot more for the environment than EVs. Id rather see their subsidies go to things like electrified transit, cycling infrastructure or walkability improvements.

FireRetardant ,

We should defintely still make EVs, overall they are going to be better than ICE. We just shouldn't force/subsidize everyone to have to buy and drive an EV like we did with ICE cars.

FireRetardant ,

The vast majority of people who are anti car are anti car centric urban environments. Noboby is expecting a small town of 300 people to build a tram, we are expecting places with congested highways to build transit instead of "adding one more lane to solve traffic forever"

FireRetardant ,

The only reason people in urban centers do not have transit is because governments neglected to build it. If they can build a 6 lane highway through your city, they could build transit.

We shouldnt use rural and spread out areas as an excuse to not build our cities and denser areas better and service them with transit.

FireRetardant ,

Yes and i agree with that sentiment. 20 years down the line we will realize our cities are just as unwalkable and unable to be served by transit if we build them to exclussively serve the car. We should build cities so walking, cycling, transit and driving are all realistic options. For most north American cities we only prioiritize the car.

FireRetardant ,

I think much of north america is dug so deep into car centric planning that making drivers pay the full cost would be too expensive for a significant portion of the population and workforce. I think the alternatives need to exist before the taxation because many people are constrained to their car being their only reliable way to get to work.

Making that cost more could put huge financial stress on a family whereas building the rail before the taxation could provide a cheaper alternative before the taxation even begins.

FireRetardant ,

Shouldn't matter when people and children are dying from the current vehicle speed but I guess slowing down is an infringement on "freedom."

FireRetardant ,

If one million seniors needed this support then clearly there is a larger problem with how we currently care for seniors. I am a young adult who could really benefit from this dental plan but I have to wait until 2025 to use it because the rest of our social services have already failed our seniors so badly they need this benefit too.

I almost worry that there won't be any money left for the dental plan program by the time I'm even able to apply for it.

FireRetardant ,

This problem is less significant if the transit is free. Even if the transit isn't free if transit is roughly the same speed as taking a car it would be far cheaper than car ownership.

FireRetardant ,

You are public transit relying on the same infrastructure and priority cars are. High speed rail, trams with dedicated right of ways and removing right of way from cars all can speed transit up and make it more competitive with cars. Buses are one of the lowest tiers and lowest quality of transit.

If You Hate Density, Maybe Don’t Live in A City (Oh the Urbanity!) ( )

When you argue for housing reform to legalize denser development in our cities, you quickly learn that some people hate density. Like, really hate density, with visceral disgust and contempt for any development pattern that involves buildings being tall or close together.

FireRetardant ,

Walking 12 miles would be a lot less tiring once you are used to it. I remember it took me 2 weeks to feel normal again when I started biking to work. Plus walking more throughout our days is going to keep us healthier.

FireRetardant ,

As a kid who grew up in a place like that, it kinda sucks. Yea the forest is cool, could make lots of noise and had lots of space, but I had only 1 kid on my street to share that with. I was dependant on rides from my parents to be social/work until I got a bicycle and could bike 10km into town to socialize with friends. Rural living can be very isolating for kids and turn parents into taxis.

FireRetardant ,

Plus burning it allows those toxins to disperse across the environment while more traditional recycling can keep the toxins mostly concentrated on landfill/processing sites.

FireRetardant ,

The post was not clear to me that OP was talking about incineration facilities, I know several people who burn plastics and garbage frequently on their own property/camping. Even well filtered incinerators have a considerable amount of fallout.

FireRetardant ,

It also takes time to build out housing and infrastructure but pasuing growth can be done almost instantly politically speaking.

FireRetardant ,

Growing cattle has also had a massive impact on the environment. And you often need more land for animal based materials because you both need land for the animals and the land to grow food for the animals. With cotton at least you just need land for the cotton.

FireRetardant ,

Maybe I would tip a landlord that goes above and beyond their role, but I've yet to meet one that even really does the bare minimum in maintaince, most hire out to avoid any responsibility.

My place was "professionally painted" which is why most of my floors, baseboards, windowsills and even my kitchen counter have paint stains on them. My "luxury apartment" that he advertised had mice coming in through some easy to patch holes in the wall. My driveway is literred with trash from previous tenants which I eventually picked up after his maintaince guy kept sweeping it to the side. I have no ventalation in my kitchen which can be a health hazard while cooking. The small lawn area got mowed once last summer and only after the city posted a notice to maintain it.

If a landlord wants to be tipped for "exceptional service" maybe they should be doing more than the bare minimum of collecting rent and paying property taxes.

FireRetardant ,

I doubt I'd have been able to move cities and change careers without renting an apartment. I think there is a role for landlords in society, but I also think a lack of regulations and poor housing/urban planning laws has blurred the lines of that role and pushed the priority into profits over everything.

There are valid reason to want to rent over owning such as short term employment, college/university, or just feeling out a city/area before commiting to a property.

FireRetardant ,

The number one reason young people tell me they do not want kids these days is because they cannot afford it. Perhaps if housing was more affordable and wages weren't stagnated it wouldn't be a privledge to raise a family these days.

FireRetardant ,

1-800-got-junk? doesn't care at all about its environmental impact. No sorting what so ever happens to what goes on their trucks it all goes to landfills. All the ads will say they recycle and that they repurpose old furniture but I was threatened with being fired when I recommended donating antiques instead of dumping a load of furniture.

More jobs and more profits comes before anything else in that company, including employee health and safety. Several times I was told to enter spaces we werent trained for (attics and crawl spaces) and carry waste I legally couldn't transport (human/organic wastes and the laws states the driver is fined, not the company). One guy injured his shoulder during an attic job and was told to finish the shift or lose his job. Absoulte scum of a company with very sleazy management and possibly the labour board in their pocket as they kept "losing the files" when I tried to file a report with buddy's shoulder (he was hesistant to report for fear of losing his job).

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