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FireRetardant ,

If I were a cyclist in that neighbourhood I would ride my bike through the no bike lanes signs. If you won't let me have a lane where else do you expect me to cycle?

FireRetardant ,

The lanes already exist so in reality I would be using the lanes but my previous comment is the overall sentiment I have.

"Everyone drives here" is such a biased reason for no bike lanes and the fact it connects kids to schools should make this a non protestable issue. Are you able to protest a school bus stop because your neighbours have kids but you don't?

FireRetardant ,

Because they didn't have to pay for that land, the city plows and maintains it, the city repaves it, your partner doesn't complain when your project car leaves oil stains on the curb. So basically entitlement to public land is what they insist on.

FireRetardant ,

If the community didn't want them, how did the article manage to find people who use them? Did they drive in from another part of town just to use the bike lane?

FireRetardant , (edited )

Maybe those old people could still use the cycle lane if they had decades of exercising their muscles and joints on a bike instead of sitting in traffic in a car.

The lane also provides mobility for people too young to drive, unable to afford to drive, or those who prefer not to drive.

Fuck teenagers who want to get around without their parents though right? Fuck the kids who can safely bike to school though right? The old people can still drive, they didn't rip out the car lane.

FireRetardant ,

What road/car lane got removed? All I read was parking was removed.

FireRetardant ,

Why can't those people park their car on the property they own in the neighborhood instead of the steet?

Free on street parking is not a car lane.

FireRetardant ,

I watched a guy load bags of soil from the hardware store into the back seats of the crew cab while he had an empty bed. The bed would have been easier to load and could easily be hosed down if a bag leaked. I guess he forgot it was also a truck and not just a luxury commuter car.

FireRetardant ,

What agenda is being pushed by a camera angle that makes the truck look 10% bigger? Its still a massive truck and I think it was mostly photographed this way to show the grills and hoods of both vehicles, not to embelish the size.

FireRetardant ,

Work vans are the superior work vehicle for the majority of use cases. Lower bed/floor height to make loading easier. Covered rear so your tools/product doesnt get wet or dirty. Able to carry a ton of equipment, taller models you can even stand in and use a workbench in the van. The side of the van is large and flat making it easier to print large letters and numbers to advertise the company. Most modern work vans have better visibility than similarly sized trucks.

FireRetardant , (edited )

As a tradesman, my boss would fire me in a heartbeat if i took those 3 hours. Instead the customer still gets charged the 6 hours qouted price and I'm expected to go do more work or put in some time around the shop with the extra time.

By your example are you expecting your employer to still only pay you 6 hours of work even if the job ended up taking 8?

FireRetardant ,

General rule of thumb I use is try to maintain a following distance that provides enough time to stop if the car in front of me magically stopped dead in its tracks. A car could lose a tire, brake suddenly, roll on its side or many other incidents regardless of emergency automated braking.

FireRetardant ,

I've done contracting, dump runs and fit an ice sled with a 2 man pop up hut and gear for overnight on the ice in a nissan micra. The low height actually makes it easier compared to a pick up or most SUVs.

FireRetardant ,

You know the system is broken when housing is prioritized and built for the landlords prefences and profits before being built as a functional residence.

FireRetardant ,

I genuinely believe walking is one of the best exercises you can do for both physical and mental health.

FireRetardant ,

Would it have been possible to pay a crew to clean up the fruits?

With Trudeau on the ropes, Liberals contemplate the next election with hope and anxiety ( )

The polls are not good for the Liberals — in fact, they're struggling to overcome the 15 to 20-point gap that separates them from the Conservatives. But those close to the prime minister like to point out that their leader is used to being underestimated and performs well under pressure....

FireRetardant ,

I have a friend who is unemployed, collects disability pay, lives with his mom and they both need extensive access to healthcare, medication and mental health services. This guy thinks the conservatives are going to help him and refuses to acknowledge the history of conservatives stripping away social services.

FireRetardant , (edited )

How the hell does luxury=affordable to build. Affordable housing would be cheaper to build wouldn't it?

What they meant to say was "we have built luxury housing because it is more profitable"

FireRetardant ,

Affordable housing can still be profitable to the land/building owner, It just isn't as profitable. Under our capitalist system line must go up and profits come before providing enough housing for all.

FireRetardant ,

Flavoured tobacco (and nicotine pens/juice) is more appealing to young people, especially those who aren't educated on the risks and haven't developed self control.

FireRetardant ,

How much of that wealth is tied up in ridiculously inflated home values?

Cubs of rare white grizzly bear killed in highway collision in Yoho National Park ( )

The deaths of two bear cubs of a well-known rare white grizzly — known as Bear 178, but nicknamed Nakoda by locals — in Yoho National Park this week has reignited calls for increased awareness and highway safety for those visiting the mountains....

FireRetardant ,

Trains don't travel the rails as frequently and the rails are also a shorter distance to have to cross. Places with high train frequency can still implement wildlife passages similar to some located along highways like hwy 69 in Ontario.

FireRetardant ,

Doesn't matter how good a driver you are if something hops a fence and jumps in front of you in the dark while traveling at high speed.

FireRetardant ,

Reduced speed limit for wildlife hazard? Have you ever driven on a rural highway? High speeds, no overhead lighting through vast stretches of nature, often unfenced.

However, you could make a good point for reduced speed limits in national and provincial parks.

Is Canada Finally Taking Far-Right Extremism Seriously? ( )

In late summer 2023, the RCMP made headlines with the arrests of two men in Ottawa and Kingsey Falls, Quebec, on terrorism and hate propaganda charges. The arrests marked a significant victory in a three-year investigation by the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team targeting the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division....

FireRetardant ,

Can you provide a link to the militia stuff? I've not heard of that happening in Canada and would be curious to read more and maybe make sure they aren't training near me.

FireRetardant ,

It isn't about providing health care, it is about generating profits while pretending to care about health care.

FireRetardant ,

I can't believe this taxation is being so heavily debated while so many canadians are struggling with cost of living, healthcare is on the brink of privatization, and younger generations are basically being told to give up on retirement or home ownership.

Just follow through with the taxation, if the rich don't like it, they can leave. We'd probably be better off without them anyway

FireRetardant ,

Im all for giving Canadian doctors tax breaks if that keeps them in Canada, especially considering our taxes pay them anyway. I don't feel the same for CEOs, upper management, politicians, realators, and landlords.

FireRetardant ,

I think it was less about a kid being outside and more about an unsupervised kid outside at 4 am. Not justifying the cops actions just clarifying the circumstance.

FireRetardant ,

Yes the "rich, fortunate elitist" trying to commute on a $200 bike instead of a $60,000+ SUV that spews noxious gases.

FireRetardant ,

In my experience most of them enjoy discomforting and upsetting others. It gives them some kind of ego high.

FireRetardant ,

Hard? Yes. Fast? Maybe not. They keep juggling the kettle between burners to keep it boiling but not quite spilling. It is a matter of time before it spills and burns but I bet they'll keep finding new ways to juggle it until getting burnt is the only option.

FireRetardant ,

I don't have to ignore the cameras because my municipality decided the best place for the camera was at surface level in front of a high school.

I see someone out there nearly every day replacing the lens cover due to vandalism. Why they arent mounted on a pole like every other municipality is a mystery to me.

Poilievre Wants to Axe the Tax. Could Foreign Tariffs Change His Tune? ( )

If an election were held tomorrow, all signs point to a resounding Conservative victory. The latest projections from 338Canada show the Conservatives with a commanding lead and a projected 220 seats in the Commons, well past the 170 required to form a majority government....

FireRetardant ,

But where is the investment in transit and bike lanes to give people much less carbon intensive forms of transportation? Where are the restrictions on oil exports to prevent other countries from generating carbon with the oil we produce?

The carbon tax alone will not get us out of climate change. We need to both tax carbon production but also provide options that aren't as carbon intensive so more people have opportunity and incentive to change.

Canadian Home Prices "Need" To Be High To Pay For Retirements: PM - Better Dwelling ( )

Canadian real estate prices have surged in almost every market, with a typical home price doubling in many regions. A median household in major cities like Toronto and Vancouver would need to save over 20 years for just the down payment, more than 3x the historic average. Seems absurd? The outlandish scenario was apparently a...

FireRetardant ,

People have been told that their house is an investment first and a home second for years. This has caused some people to not be happy they own a home, they can only feel happy if that home is getting more valuable. It really is an unfair system but many people aren't intentionally being greedy, they are playing by the rules they were taught and many are thinking towards the future for their children. We can't blame poor policy and lack of housing investments/developments on the average owner.

Nearly every other physical asset will lose value with time and use, such as a car. Somehow houses can maintain value, and even go up as their condition worsens because we have been lacking in supply and increasing demand for at least a decade.

FireRetardant ,

In many municipalities the majority of residential zoning only allows single family homes, sometimes with minimum lot sizes, set backs and parking minimums. We've made it legal and incentivized to only build spread out and inneffecient housing regardless if thats what the city or people really needs or not.

FireRetardant ,

Our government really should have better programs to assist seniors and there should be non profit, government owned and operated assisted living available. Over 1 million seniors needed to use the new dental benefit so clearly there is an issue with how canada treats their seniors financially.

FireRetardant ,

The government let this bubble get so big, they should have to implement a system to determine if familes were forced to over leverage themselves just to own a home and offer a reasonable amount of relief to those families as that home becomes a more reasonable value.

FireRetardant ,

And many desk jobs don't physically destroy your body like labour and trades do. On average a desk job will let you retire earlier and in better health.

FireRetardant ,

This cap means very little if Canada remains a top oil exporter, all the oil that doesn't get burned here will just be shipped out and burnt elsewhere.

The biggest thing Canada could do for climate change is keep its oil in the ground and stop selling billions of dollars worth every year.

FireRetardant ,

I agree, emergency vehicles could still service a lot of pedestrian and cycle access areas if they are designed for it. Many pedestrian areas even allow delivery vehicles in at slow speeds to some businesses and vehicles for garbage, trailers for renovations and other access could be permited as needed.

Things like renovating a roof or delivering an industrial fridge to a restaurant often still require truck access, we just aren't gonna let everyone drive a truck to the front door just to buy a dozen cookies.

FireRetardant ,

This is part of why reducing our total energy usage is as important if not more important than just removing carbon from energy production. Every energy source has some kind of impact, some more than others. We should strive to make the least impactful energy we can and respect that energy by being effecient with it.

FireRetardant ,

The solar panels in my area are often in empty fields that could have been forests, farms, or houses with panels on the roofs. The panels still contain minerals mined from the earth, which has an impact. Broken panels will still have to be disposed of safely and ideally recycled, either way creating an impact.

If we let the rules of captialism continue to control our mindset of course we will continue to use more and more energy, just like companies expect more and more growth and profits.

FireRetardant ,

Canada needs a new political party to really see a significant change.

FireRetardant ,

I don't think public deaths is a valid cost for creating self driving cars. We could be builidng safer and more effecient transportation systems. Some billionaire is going to make even more money because they were allowed to use the general public and city streets as a testing ground for their product. This is not fair to the family or the people who are injured or killed by self driving cars.

FireRetardant ,

Driving while inebriated is illegal, self driving is not.

Traffics jams and erreactic behaviour could be fixed if everyone is in a self driving car, but at that point it woild be far more energy effecient, environmentally friendly and cheaper for society to build electrified transit instead.

If you prioritize the street so that only self driving cars are on it and they need wireless communications to function, how do other road users like cyclists and pedeatrians safely use the street?

Self driving cars are not here to make your life better, they are here to make a handful of people rich.

FireRetardant ,

There are greener, more energy effecient and more socially fair ways to get the same results than selling everybody a high tech steel box.

FireRetardant ,

The same problem could be fixed with electrified transit and walkability. Transit would also be even more environmentally friendly.

Plus we could still develop self driving cars but do a lot more testing before we set the public as the guinea pigs to see if they are safe.

Id also argue that we cannot claim this is the worst self driving will get since self driving cars are only used in a few areas right now.

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