
@[email protected]

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Facebones ,

Ive paid for private email hosting for years now, and run a bunch of services on a pi now. Google is almost completely out of my life, and my fb has been deactivated for years. I'm not kicking any corporate walls down, but it feels good to be the change I want to see. 🤷‍♂️

Facebones ,

One of my current favorite techy creators writes a blog post for most of his videos I can reference if I'm interested in the project. ❤️

Facebones ,

I could never get that to work anyway lol

Facebones ,

Private Internet Access is a solid VPN but is definitely flagged by any sites pulling this bullshit.

Facebones ,

Any suggestions that haven't been? I don't stay in the loop, I think I heard that they had been but so had everyone else, basically.

Facebones ,

Yeah I already have web/mail hosting, and the rest self hosted. How is proton with getting flagged by sites and swimming in captchas or outright blocks? I kinda just assumed they all struggled with that these days.

Facebones ,

I'm not familiar enough with Ensiferum to have an opinion, but I agree with you on Korpiklaani. They're still good, but the old lack of polish adds something to the sound 100%.

Facebones ,

I actually never watched ds9, but LOVED voyager. I hated Enterprise and could never get into it. I think all this new Trek happening is killer though!

Facebones ,

I don't know fuck about coffee and 99% of the time drink basic bitch Maxwell house from the warehouse club, but I love dark roast. Not these new megacaff brews being discussed though. I used to occasionally get Starbucks Sumatra, I just tossed my single serve thing and got a French press, and a bag of Peets Major Dickasons Blend.

I guess I don't really have a point, but I'm open to suggestions as I try to drink less crappy coffee lol.

Facebones ,

Here's an idea, block .ml and SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY.

It feels like 30% of all Lemmy use is capitalists whining that they don't have a central anti leftist authority to block everyone they don't like, by linking the same two fucking posts from over at least 1 year ago or posts where they "argue" by shouting "fuck you Tankie" and it didn't go their way.

If you don't like how its run, leave. THATS THE WHOLE POINT. If you want a central authority thats gonna be strongly pro-capital, go back to Reddit. Either way:


Was this community banned on lemmy.world? I was trying to access some bookmarked posts and comments but they weren't there.

As stated in the title, I went to some posts and comments that I had bookmarked for some media that I was trying to download. This was on my lemmy.world account. Turns out they're gone. Doing some digging and found out this community was still up but wasn't visible on lemmy.world. what happend?

Facebones ,

I originally joined up to .world and offered to mod a few communities, cause whatevs I got free time. I saw a fellow mod outright nazi-ing about ( not "saying things I disagree with" but actual nazi fanboy-ing) so asked instance admin if he could be removed as a mod from said community we shared. It was a polite message, and I wasn't gonna harp or bitch about it either way but I figured if he wasn't removed I'd just leave (no way that's not coming to a head sooner or later, yknow?) I was immediately banned from the entire instance without even a message or anything about it. Just outright immediately banned.

Sure, if that's how hard you're going to bat for nazis I don't want to be here anyway. Shrug

Facebones ,

And I provided such evidence to the admin, who then banned me.

Facebones ,

Who would I have a screenshot from an account I had for like 2 weeks, what, two years ago now?

I get it, you're being disingenuous and want to argue that its only Nazi if its from the Nazi region of Germany, otherwise it's just sparkling fascism which is actually A-OK or that "um, ackhthually, nobody supports Nazis on the internet."

Either way, you go dig through two years of mod logs or wtfever. Have fun.

Got a “All Good Things…” tattoo for my birthday. ( startrek.website )

My birthday was last week (May 17). Decided to get my first tattoo, which I wanted to be Trek related. As a kid my family had a VHS tape with a recording of “All Good Things…” (and for unknown reasons, “Caretaker”). So I have seen the episode a dozen times. It is my favorite episode of the franchise. The image I’m...

Facebones ,

I've never gotten a tattoo, trek WOULD make a good one...... (And simple if I'm a bitch about it haha)

Facebones ,

I've always been a trek guy myself. I like star wars but ehhhh Trek for days ❤️

Facebones ,

I've had choice since it was monthly, I'll probably end it this year (I pay yearly) cause eh so much filler. I'd say I get my moneys worth but 🤷‍♂️ I'm getting old anyway haha

Facebones ,

This is the big one. people have grown accustomed to an unsustainable system, problem is wages are still so stagnanted so nobody has money for 10 subs to things.

Facebones ,

Second Wind (old video team from the escapist) has been going strong but they're still pretty new.

Idk anything about rps but hopefully some of them rally and do the same.

Facebones ,

They believe in the "free market" insofar as the government being commodities to be bought.

Facebones , (edited )

If 3,000 dead sends you into a blind murderous rage, but 35,000+ dead is a normal, acceptable "numbers game," you're not concerned about life, you're just a genocidal racist.

Facebones ,

I just don't support genocide

Spends multiple comments over two days screaming about how they justify genocide

Also, enough with the woke accusations. We get it, you think anyone not wearing a white hood is woke, you can shut the fuck up about it already.

Facebones ,

I started a home server on an RPI running some services with a dinky HTML page on it, I need to start actually posting to it. I'm already not on fb or Twitter or anything, if you want to know what I'm doing go to my homepage loser! 🤣

Facebones ,

They updated the OG as well for modern systems, I use it in NY office for my ripped "physical" collection.

Facebones ,

There's certainly an argument there I think. My glow in the dark ass is not the one to make it though 🤣

Facebones ,

Good to know as capitalism flounders this modern Red Scare extends into tech.

You're explicitly ignoring everything everyone is saying just cause you want to call everyone technocommies lmfao.

Facebones ,

When you say those words do you imagine yourself as normal people?

Facebones ,

Cmon go so far right you hit the left and start advocating for public transit and improved mixed use infrastructure to "own the libs"

Facebones ,

If you're American, some of them support transit now. I have Magic Earth and it supports it in most major metro areas (and even my dinky little city I believe lol)

Facebones ,

I was just thinking "I feel like this meme was already made" lol

Facebones ,

I've seen 3 different comments lately bitching some variation "if you don't like America go deal with China's social credit system!"

Ah yes a credit system meant to control behavior...... Surely none of us have credit cards or losns because its the only way to do certain things like even finding a rental in some areas.

Facebones ,

Biden is passing a number of laws that do precisely those things, including making ANY criticism of Israel "antisemitic hate speech" and opening up fast passes to strip any org they don't like of nonprofit status. Also, you can not have a credit card but that means there are certain things you aren't allowed to access and certain areas you aren't allowed to live. Saying "IDC" doesn't mean you're less restricted, just means you accept your restrictions.

Facebones ,

It will soon, the bill passed the house that adds "comparing Israel to Nazis" to the official antisemitic hate speech list - but according to a friend (been out of town and busy to read it myself) it's worded to cover basically any criticism of Israel.

The point is once its added the department of education can pull funding, accreditation, etc from any schools that "allow antisemitic speech or actions (aka protests)"

Facebones ,

As heavily as they're censoring outlets to the point a tiktok ban suddenly isn't laughable, I'm surprised they didn't pass a law making calling it genocide a hate crime.

Facebones ,

He's out of line,

But he's right

Facebones ,

Democrats, Republicans, its the same picture.

Dems don't even talk about Republicans or their policies anymore, they just namedrop trump then start preemptively blaming leftists for their losses as they tell leftists to eat dick and die.

Facebones ,

Well thinking genocide is bad makes you antisemitic now so yeah it tracks unfortunately 🤣

Facebones ,

Its only a torrent if its from the Torrent region of Spain, otherwise its sparkling P2P.

Facebones ,

But won't somebody think of the mega corps?! 😭😭😭

Facebones ,

If there's one thing I know about the situation, a LOT of people who otherwise haven't bothered are scrambling to download yuzu, if for any other reason to say fuck Nintendo.

It's me, I'm people.

Facebones ,

Surely, attacking the mods of a community and calling them whiny babies will get you what you want, right?!

Facebones ,

People have gotten fucking insane with this "Everybody should do exactly what I think they should do at all times full stop and if they don't they're literal fucking garbage, and if you disagree or care about a different thing than me you're just a whiny baby whining about baby stuff" mentality.

I'm a lefty, and it's an election year which means I get to deal with this for 10 months straight from the dems.

Facebones ,

Don't even have to go THAT far, I get called a commie for saying a 40 hour work week should provide basic shelter these days. 🤷

If we want to live in boring reality, it doesn't happen a LOT but way more than it should.

Facebones ,

Was this any good? I've tuned back into trek due to lower decks and SNW, hear about this alot but not about it it was good or not.

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