@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social cover

Let’s share the experience, and the journey.♾️❤️

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everyday_human , to AcademicsUnite group
@everyday_human@beige.party avatar

Dear Friends Strangers and everyone in between,
I’m sorry this took so long but we had to get approvals from both facilities.


I was once told that if you truly need help you need only ask. So humbly I ask you at least read our ask for help below and at least perhaps help us get the word out.

We will post updates now.

I’m sorry it took so long but this stuff isn’t easy to do and it’s taking all my energy to even attempt this.

Fedi if you can do your thing please. If not for us for Asher. I can check and see if you can donate directly to Cornell or . If you prefer and dm me.
On any account or any questions just ask!
Thank you
Derek Jolene and Barbara.

I’m editing the alt text for pictures now but I have to hit send because we are packing.

Last week Asher our Furbaby had a bowel obstruction. He came to us as a stray who followed us home from a few blocks away.

His conditioned improved at first when the blockage was resolved. However, by early Monday morning, he declined dramatically.

We decided to take him to our vet once he opened that day as we were afraid that the stress from the long journey to the emergency vet might worsen his condition.

Yesterday, we found out he was lucky to be alive and his kidneys are shutting down.

Our vet has him semi stabilized now, and recommended a referral to Cornell veterinary hospital where they have specialists who hope to improve his prognosis. Since he’s only 3 years old, all members involved hope to give him the best shot at life.

Getting him stabilized so far is estimated to be 1000+ and the estimate for Cornell ranges between 1500-4500 conservatively. They are unable to provide a more accurate estimate until he has been evaluated.

I have helped others before to fundraise for their companions fundraising and we try to help with outreach in our community in terms of cat rescue, TNR, and finding affordable care. However, we have never had to ask for help ourselves in this regard.

While it’s difficult for us to ask for help, we realize it was the only way to save him. Although some may view him as just a cat or pet, he is so much more to us. Besides being a housemate, he is also a friend, companion, and teacher. We would give him our kidneys if we could.

That said, I know many are struggling as well. I have boosted and donated, but I never did it expecting anything back. I did it because we both believe we are in this together.

So if you can please send Asher your best vibes. Your best boosts.
My partner and I will keep you updated.

We do have Vet references, estimates, drivers license, etc, this is not a scam.

If you can donate, that would be great. No amount is too little, every penny makes a difference. We appreciate every kind thought or prayer at this point.

Thank you all in advance. We don’t have a lot of time. Whether we meet the goal or not, we will do our best to keep fighting for him.

Thank You,
Derek & Jolene & Barbara


Also if anyone knows of any reasonable places to stay or any air bnbs open anything or anyone in the area have any recommendations thank you.

“We are all in this together”



EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@everyday_human @academicsunite @actuallyautistic

Boost this and please send to people who will boost thank you fedi we will keep you updated.

pathfinder , to ActuallyAutistic group
@pathfinder@beige.party avatar


I often describe myself as a minimal speaker. It's because whilst I can speak, unless seriously overwhelmed, I vastly prefer not to. In large part, this is because the effort of speaking, and it is, more often than not, a real effort for me, rarely seems worth it. Since realising I am autistic, I have come to realise why this could be and also why communicating on here is so much easier and not just because it's text, because I struggle with that elsewhere too.

Language, whether text or verbal, is communication. Whether that be communicating thoughts, or feelings. Expressing emotions, or ideas. It is the medium and not the source. The source is where these things are coming from and it is what shapes our use of the medium and therefore in large part the assumptions we make about how others are using it and therefore the likely success of any communication.

Enter the double-empathy theory and the general acknowledgement that autism is a fundamental difference in the ways in which our brains work, often exampled by describing it as a different operating system. It means that whilst I am using the same language to talk with allistics, how we're both using it, the ends and purpose, even the nature of the information being transmitted, can often be fundamentally different.

An example I have used, is to compare it to a foreign language speaker with a reasonable understanding of the local language, but having to work incredibly hard to keep up with a conversation and having to constantly check their translations and whether or not they were making the right replies and not offending anyone. But to be truly accurate, you would also have to add in a cultural divide, a root level difference in the expectation and assumptions they are making about life and how this was also shaping their communication.

This, I think, is why speaking has always been so hard for me. Why it's always been so much of an effort and often without point. It's not that I am speaking a foreign language, or that my words themselves can't be understood. But that the information I am attempting to convey and the intended purpose of that information, is so far out of phase with the expectations of those around me, that miscommunication, confusion and the all too familiar fallout becomes almost inevitable. It's also why speaking here is so much easier.

Effective communication is more than just using the right words, it's about realising the intent and purpose behind those words. About understanding where someone is coming from as much as what they are trying to say. And that, as the saying goes, takes two to tango.

EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar
filmfreak75 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@filmfreak75@mastodon.social avatar

@actuallyautistic what are everyone’s thoughts on signing cards (birthday, etc.) at work, where you do not really know the person, but there is an implied expectation that you do so

EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@filmfreak75 @actuallyautistic QR code stamp…with link tree code?

EVDHmn , to philosophy group
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar


At the height of the great method debate in the 20th century what were Carl Popper and Thomas Kuhn debating about? How long did the discourse start last etc? Who won the debate? What was the take away and where are we at with it today?

Context: reading some of lately as well.
I picture the mind kind of like a garden, all the parts I’m learning revolve around a similar theme which is mostly around some of the nuts and bolts of .

@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

I should add if anyone has any links that’s fine.

I’m also interested knowing who you think is the greatest philosopher of the 21st century?
Which school of philosophy do you feel is most representative in today’s world? Do you agree with it? Why?
QOTD:Above in previous post
Purpose:To understand the purpose of the debate and where we are today.
Disclaimer: I’m aware perhaps of the biases😅pls and ty

@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@mirekdlugosz @philosophy
Yes I do understand however I was hoping to get human input on the topic, not trying to run anyone under the bus, just get some friendly perspectives that’s all! Thanks for answering!

For some broad questions I just like to hear from others first maybe get some organic answers. Before I form anything about the subject that’s all.

I do use Plato @ Stanford anytime I have any questions regarding specifics. I was more interested in contextual and chrono that’s all :)

AnAutieAtUni , to ActuallyAutistic group
@AnAutieAtUni@neurodifferent.me avatar

5 more revision days left. It feels like doing the same work over and over, and needing to be motivated and care the same way as the first time… the first time is easy because it’s all new and exciting! But with revision, you need to go over and over the same stuff at regular intervals. To make it work I NEED to care!


Side note: I still haven’t watched Groundhog Day. 😲


EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@AnAutieAtUni @actuallyautistic
🍀😃 I hope you find 5 more beautifully inspirational and exciting days of revising.

EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@AnAutieAtUni @actuallyautistic
What I do sometimes is respond to a post like it’s another human, which is another human if I hit send.

However because of character spaces I dont.

Having a connection with someone around the same interest helps. Spins up that dopamine loop I think at least for me!

haui , to ActuallyAutistic group
@haui@mastodon.giftedmc.com avatar

@actuallyautistic controversial thought:

calling an autistic person naive is an ableist slur as it is negatively connotated and targets a persons unchangeable traits.

Feel free to disagree and explain if you think another definition would make mote sense.

As always please refrain from ad hominem attacks.

EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@haui @actuallyautistic
Nearly everyone over estimates ability or underestimates ability dunning Kruger https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect

pathfinder , to ActuallyAutistic group
@pathfinder@beige.party avatar


Burnout is a bitch. I think all of us who have experienced it, or are experiencing it, will agree with that. But, how it presents and how long it maintains its hold over us, seems to be as variable as so much else about us.

I can now recognise the many times I have experienced burnout in my life. Each one marked by my constant refrain of, "I'm just tired" and with me doggedly plodding on with my life as best I could. Even now, in the deepest and longest burnout of my life, I am still doing the same.

Of course, I at least know to try and pace myself now. To let the unimportant things slide until their time comes and to spread out what has to be done, to the best of my ability. I know to dedicate time to self-care, to rest and recreation and to acknowledging my needs as an autistic person. This much, realising you are autistic can teach you. It can also help you to spot the signs of burning out sooner and hopefully mitigate its effects that way.

When that's possible, of course. For what caused my current burnout was unfortunately a series of overlapping events that I could not avoid, or do anything about. It was almost as if life chose to keep throwing things at me, each more intense and impossible to avoid, until I broke. But then life can be like that sometimes.

Autistic burnout is, of course, different from normal burnout, in what causes it and how it presents. It is, more often than not, a breakdown of our ability to cope with the demands being placed on us and not with how much we can carry. We are used to carrying insane loads and with having to work so much harder than most other people, just to keep putting one foot in front of the other through life. In fact, I know that I never really rest, not even now. My life is one long and continuous assessment and checking on whether the routines I have in place are being maintained. Whether I have done everything, on what needs to be done and finding new ways to blames myself for why it hasn't been done yet. There is no such thing as not working as far as my brain is concerned. And because I never stop, I don't know how to stop. How to heed the signals of tiredness and exhaustion and how to not knuckle down and continue anyway. It has been the story of my life. In work and everywhere else, always push, push, push.

And perhaps this is why autistic burnout is so common and possibly even inevitable. The sheer effort that life already is. The constant raggedy edge we walk just to get through a day and how in doing this day after day, all we end up doing is teaching ourselves to ignore the warning signs and that our needs are even important. And end up learning instead, that all that really matters is the next plodding step, no matter the load we are already carrying.

EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic
Time scales are relative to system. Meaning if you have 1000 spoons and you burn 1500 spoons for awhile you may be able to handle it for awhile. Only by juggling mental health. I think it’s easier to juggle life than my touchy system. Great post Kevin.

EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic
Yes the body keeps score sometimes kneecaping us later.

EVDHmn , to bookstodon group
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

😍Finally Librairy came through

Got my new reading list.

Massive science stuff happening . I ordered Professor Dugatskin book. The well Connected animal! https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/W/bo212549914.html
On a side note
Here’s one for you I think you will find fascinating and quite enjoyable and relatable.
I like the authors playful but candid style of writing.

Camilla Pang, a computational biologist, cancer researcher and writer :)

the link:


@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@aggualaqisaaq @ct_bergstrom @bookstodon
A professor reccomended Professor Neil Shubin books as well. I’ve read all three and it really gave me a better perspective on life. Neil Shubin “Your inner fish”. Sooo much fun!

Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 205 , Monday 20/05/2024

Was up till the early hours of this morning with stomach cramps after last nights daring attempt to eat scrambled eggs & beans for tea.

Spent the day getting lots of exercise up & down the stairs to take a pew, if you get my drift.

Attempted to interact on here a couple of times but my brain is apparently on sick leave so it didn’t go exactly to plan 🙄🤦‍♂️

Hopefully tomorrow will be better !

Final Thoughts.

Is the babel fish truly a fish if it spends most of its life out of water ?
This & other great questions of our age will have to wait until I can think straight!

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@Tim_McTuffty @actuallyautistic
Hope your night goes better.

Ok question… why biologically do we see the color?

I mean what is the order that happens to our brain to be able to comprehend stuff?
Like it was made for it?

Even when we sleep we are slightly conscious. It’s just a different degree, so what is consciousness really?

ashleyspencer , to ActuallyAutistic group
@ashleyspencer@autistics.life avatar

Autistic burnout + untreated ADHD =

impulse control issues + inability to force yourself to do anything + drained by no ability to function

Lots of walking pass a mess unable to make yourself clean it, then blame yourself for it.

Distracted, can't focus enough to do fun things and/or take care of yourself.

Forgetting everything. So burned out you can't remember important things + made worse by ADHD.



EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@punishmenthurts @ashleyspencer @actuallyautistic
It’s all one story now to me. I separated them to understand them and heal them as much as I could. Love myself and unified them all back together under the now.
Children of the moments that came before.🥰

EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@punishmenthurts @ashleyspencer @actuallyautistic
I did it because carrying around all that baggage, it wasn’t worth the effort to me. I was just giving those that hurt me, in my life more power so I took it away. I hope you find a way of meshing it out for you somehow . I know it’s easier said than done. Time was ticking for me. I didn’t want to be in the state I found myself. It’s not perfect. Like I said a day at a time. I still am constantly rerouting energy😭😁

EVDHmn ,
@EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

@rebekka_m @catswhocode @ashleyspencer @actuallyautistic
Yes breathe relax hydrate eat are my 100 times a day reminder. I custom made my meditation space in my mind the same way ikea designs furniture and I keep going back to it.I have a couple spaces now.

Sometimes it has to do with how you think. I’m very very visual learner and thinker so for others this maybe just listening to rain hit on a metal roof or something. Whatever calms you and allows you to fully relax and explore. 😊

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