
@[email protected]

#exwaldi and probably #actuallyautistic and #AuDHD.

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Dr_Obvious , to ActuallyAutistic group German

I got my medikinet prescription today.

When I tried to recap and asked again, if I understood the medication plan correctly, I got "Just take it, like we discussed!" as an answer...

If I would be sure about what we discussed, I think I wouldn't have asked. Not to mention that plain yes or no, would have been shorter.

My proposal to try out dosis with more fine granular steps because many autists report that the right dosage is a small window was neglected. 😒

@actuallyadhd @actuallyautistic

Dr_Obvious OP ,

@actuallyadhd @actuallyautistic
I am also a bit anxious and undecisive whether I should start with it tomorrow or on the weekend.

I am a bit afraid that if I should react bad to it, I might leave some bad impression at work, or loosing control etc.

The comment from the doc was only, he can't tell me how I will react on it. And that if I am looking for effects at work, it makes sense to take it at a work day. I think he completely didn't unterstand.

Med. professionals are the worsed!

theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group
@theautisticcoach@neurodifferent.me avatar

The deficit model of autism in DSM-5 dehumanizes us by focusing on external traits rather than internal experiences. It's also based in Nazi race science.

How can we push for more relevant diagnostic criteria?

Do we even need it?


Dr_Obvious ,

@CynAq @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic
I recently read that there are advances in diagnosis via fMRI and via retina images.

An objective measurable criteria would be nice.

Dr_Obvious ,
Dr_Obvious ,

@theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic
I think as long as people take one only serious if you have a paper certificate diagnosis and diagnosis criteria are needed.

In order to improve diagnosis a redefined set of criteria would be needed that is oriented on inner experience. But this would mean they would need to take people serious, probably without a piece of paper.

Dr_Obvious ,

@melindrea @CynAq @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic
It is mentioned that there is also research on retina and ADHD.

I didn't read the research paper directly, but it's open access. I am not an expert in the field. So I can't answer all your questions.

In my view it's nice that there is progress in finding measurable criteria. Maybe it's not anymore "you are not autistic, because you looked me in the eyes", but, "you are autistic, because I saw it in your eyes".

Dr_Obvious ,

@CynAq @actuallyautistic @theautisticcoach
Hmm, labeling a work solely by the criteria if persin or identity first language is used, is too black and white in my opinion.

The attempt to find reliable bio markers that give evidence whether one is ND or NT is much better spent money and time than studies trying to elimate autism or that make crude statements how defective autists are.

Dr_Obvious ,

@CynAq @actuallyautistic @theautisticcoach
I looked now into the original paper and they mentioned early diagnosis is for them motivated by early intervention. That is in fact a bad motivation.
But nevertheless I still think that finding simple criteria that are neutral like some features in the retina is a good thing compared to current diagnosis process.

Dr_Obvious ,

@CynAq @actuallyautistic @theautisticcoach
But repetitive behavior etc. adresses traits that are framed as negative or distractive. Nobody takes offrnse if your retina has this or that feature. An eye doctor might be the only person in the world ever seeing it.

Dr_Obvious ,

@CynAq @actuallyautistic @theautisticcoach
If they find a correlation between the retina and ND that can't be explakned better by anything else it might become a scientific fact. That byitself is neutral. How the people use that fact and what policies they want to build on it, is not science anymore.

Dr_Obvious ,

@CynAq @actuallyautistic @theautisticcoach
I think we will remain to differ on this general topic.

But I think that's okay.

johnnyprofane1 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@johnnyprofane1@neurodifferent.me avatar
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  • Dr_Obvious ,

    @johnnyprofane1 @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    The brown one has a nice dessert flair. The lilac one is a bit nighty.

    My nerdy reference for color schemes are terminal color schemes. Currently I prefer everforest dark.

    Dr_Obvious , to ActuallyAutistic group German

    I don't know if it's related to the hypo-/hypersensitivity topic, stimulation or whatsoever. But I really like strong tasting stuff. Spicy, salty, hot, sour, complex, whatsoever.

    After just now taking a sip from a pickle glass it came to my mind that I even took shots of vinegar in the past, because I liked the taste. I considder it so odd that I wondered if anybody out there did it too.

    Did you ever fancied a shot of vinegar?

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @Konstantin @actuallyautistic
    If you have good vinegar at home give it a try 😄.

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @Konstantin @actuallyautistic
    Oh, I guess you have to be carefull with the hard stuff.

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @RavenLuni @actuallyautistic
    Oh the fine industry taste 😂.
    I also fancy Maggi on boiled eggs. Everybody look at me like I am a total maniac, but to my defence I noticed that it's asuggested use on the bottle.

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @Konstantin @Hyperiontrails @actuallyautistic
    You know the black hot ones?
    Our favorites from the supermarket.

    Dr_Obvious OP ,
    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @Trkisblau @actuallyautistic
    Ich hab letztens hier einen Link zu ihm gesehen (von dir?). Ich hatte noch keine Zeit mir das anzusehen und kenne ihn nicht. Vielleicht muss ich mir das nochmal anschauen.

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @RavenLuni @EVDHmn @actuallyautistic
    Malt vinegar and brown sauce are uncommon here. We ordered that stuff online :).

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    Maybe it's not so uncommon at all. Maybe should have included NT control group.

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @Trkisblau @actuallyautistic
    Ja, genau das hatte ich gesehen. Der ist Psychologe oder?

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @Trkisblau @actuallyautistic
    Aber er ist selber im Club? Zumindest hab ich das aus den Fotos geschlossen.

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @Kellyshenanigans @actuallyautistic
    Greetings to my fellow vinegar fellow. Too you lemon folks too ;).

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @woozle @actuallyautistic
    Me too. I also put a lot of in it. Also I favor of eating the salad with a spoon instead of fork in order to get more dressing per bite 😅.

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @sillyCoelophysis @Konstantin @actuallyautistic
    With good I wasn't refering to a certain type of vinegar. More like that it has a nice flavor.

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @punishmenthurts @sillyCoelophysis @Konstantin @actuallyautistic
    Are you refering to the esoterical believe that humans can become acidicor badic based on diet?

    secretmousealias , to ActuallyAutistic group
    @secretmousealias@mastodon.social avatar


    A situation I run into frequently when trying to make small talk is this:

    Me: So what are your interests?
    Them: Gaming
    Me: Cool, me too. What games?
    Them: Call of Duty, what about you?
    Me: Dwarf Fortress
    Them: Never heard of it. What's type of game is it?

    At this point I'm basically deadlocked because explaining the game would take longer than their attention span. I feel I probably made a mistake earlier which led to this situation. How to do better?

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @secretmousealias @actuallyautistic
    It sounds like a normal dialogue so far as I can judge it. I don't know the game, but I guess you can assign it to some genre or mixture of genres. So just drop that and if they have further interest you could expand on it ig.

    Dr_Obvious , to ActuallyAutistic group German

    I just saw a video on YouTube in which Louis Rossmann takes the Aspiequiz.

    It's a bit like uno reverse card. So me having fun watching a guy on the internet soldering stuff and ranting about Apple is speaking for itself. Funny to see that the guy making those videos is driven by the same os.

    theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group
    @theautisticcoach@neurodifferent.me avatar

    What’s the biggest myth about autism that my comrades have come across in the course of their self-advocacy?


    Dr_Obvious ,
    Claydisarray , to ActuallyAutistic group
    @Claydisarray@socel.net avatar

    My recent diagnosis is explaining a lot for me.

    For instance, I've always been super confused why a waiter appears to crack a tiny amount of black pepper from an enormous pepper mill.

    It's hardly a precious spice and why can't I just do it myself?? :blobawkward:


    Dr_Obvious ,

    @Claydisarray @actuallyautistic
    Luckily, we don't really have that here.

    niamhgarvey , to ActuallyAutistic group
    @niamhgarvey@mastodon.ie avatar

    Doctor suggested I have but I don't think I do because:
    I am able to force myself to do things even if I'm not interested in it.
    I do not like spontaneity.
    When I have a deadline, I cannot leave it to the last minute or anxiety would cripple me.
    But I do struggle to pay attention unless am hyperfocused. And I do have executive function challenges. And I have to have a project. And I crave dopamine hits.

    Anyone else similar to that?

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @niamhgarvey @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    I am now nearly a year into that topics and I still can't decide what's more pronounced in me autism or ADHD. There are lot's of overlaps in traits and experience. And sometimes I read ADHD related stuff and recognize things I attributed to autism and vice versa.

    I guess AuDHD has an even higher chance of remaining undiagnosed.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @pathfinder @niamhgarvey @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    An ADHD thing I notice really strongly in me is that I forget things and if I did them forget whether I've done them.

    Like I forget to close the windows in all rooms even in winter, once over night. So I am now closing all windows at once and will check every room really conciousnes.

    Or when I still had it, I forgot to shut down the coffee machine with the heating plate. Once I went back home, because I got anxious I forgot it, I did.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @pathfinder @niamhgarvey @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    So I learned coping mechanism to make sure I don't mess that up, and make sure I can relax about it. When I am leaving I try to take time and conciously close windows, shut down stuff, turn keys etc. and my say it to myself so it remains in my memory.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @niamhgarvey @pathfinder @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    Hmm, to my understanding for OCD it must be something like an irrational unrelated fear. Like a loved one will die, if I don't push the door handle three times.

    The checks I do are helping to minimze risk for not unrealistical problems at all. Because I forgot all that stuff. And for other people it might sound strange, but those are successful strategies to memorize you did a thing.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @niamhgarvey @pathfinder @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    Ah okay. I think I know what you mean. I remember we once discussed a topic I am anxious about and you mentioned it sounds like OCD.

    But maybe to mention something more pleasent. I recently tried out ADHD work and focus playlosts that are mostly electronic. I am not really a fan of that genre, but this constant next to neutral stimulation helped really well to stay focussed.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @Glenlivet @Zumbador @niamhgarvey @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    Yes. Also RSD is afaik not uncommon for ADHD.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @niamhgarvey @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    If you like memes, you might want to check out the subreddit r/adhdmeme.
    There are lot's of funny memes about ADHD experience. I can not relate to all, but lot's of them.

    Some would be applicable to autism as well. I then always wonder if it is actually an ADHD thing and the autists who report it have ADHD traits, or if it's an autism thing and those ADHDers have autistic traits. Or if lot in the experience is just common ground for ND folks.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @Zumbador @pathfinder @niamhgarvey @miffyhelen @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    I know that chart and I am always stunned looking at it.

    Even the parts that differ like the social cues overlap, but for different reasons.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @niamhgarvey @onecreativecat @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    But can you keep it tidy and organized?

    This field is for me a really good example how both parts work together or against each other.

    My autism side let me analyze and organize a situation or problem. I can make lists of things to do and they are often gapless and with all aspects in mind. My ADHD side makes it really hard to groom that task lists and keep it up to date.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @niamhgarvey @onecreativecat @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    From the outside perspective it must appear as a good overall performance. From the inside it's highly incoherent and frustrating.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @niamhgarvey @pathfinder @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    Exactly it's nondistracting stimulation. If there are to many vocals or shifting things or memories, my focus will move to the music. If there is too less stimulation it will start seeking other things.

    The same goes vice versa. Hering a podcast, I might need some side task like sudoku or fidget otherwise I seek side tasks that take up too much focus.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @niamhgarvey @onecreativecat @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    I was also really tidy and clean as kid and even as student. But this was due to my solitude. I didn't made a mess and didn't had much stuff. So I didn't have to tidy up so much and just followed a cleaning routine.

    Living together and with a kid. There is a constant source for chaos and dirt. It's much harder to stand against that.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @sentient_water @niamhgarvey @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    Yeah she is cool. I also like the chanel autism from the inside.

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @niamhgarvey @pathfinder @Susan60 @Havoc_online @Zumbador @miffyhelen @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    I scored 60 in this test. I don't see how the questions are gender related. They seem to check just typical ADHD problems.

    I want to highlight two aspects on that problem:

    Dr_Obvious ,

    @niamhgarvey @pathfinder @Susan60 @Havoc_online @Zumbador @miffyhelen @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

    1. The only widespread known representation of ND are the most extreme disregulated forms. Like children jumping unstoppable on furniture like squirrels on speed for ADHD. Or kids hurting themself because the pack of crisps ripped open in a wrong direction for autism.
    Dr_Obvious ,

    @niamhgarvey @pathfinder @Susan60 @Havoc_online @Zumbador @miffyhelen @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
    2. The first point is caused by a society that mostly care how they are themself negatively affected by other people, not so much how other people struggle. If you jump over desks disrupting class, you are a problem. If you fail silently to organize yourself, society don't bother.

    Dr_Obvious , to ActuallyAutistic group German

    I am in the mood to spam some thoughts

    You know that metaphor that neurotypical people are running windows and autists linux. I want to expand on that.

    If you are a person that is "not looking autistic" people say often something like okay, but you have like the mild version.

    I think it's because they only look at how big the differences are they are noting. They don't see where you are coming from.

    Dr_Obvious OP ,

    @Lipidolith @actuallyautistic
    Especially the last part is really a good metaphor.

    You can become quite good onthe common ground, but on new territory you lack the routine and instinct.

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