@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar


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DessertStorms ,
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

You're not imagining it.

I've seen it (and many other ableist slurs) used far too often, especially for a site that is generally supposed to be more left leaning (which tbf isn't saying much when it comes to combatting ableism because we seem to have very few true allies) but is also full of tech-bros, who love punching down at others based on perceived intelligence, and who also have quite a lot of crossover with 4chan type cesspits, so sadly it isn't unexpected.

I call it out it when I see it, and generally block and report, but what I find most frustrating is that mods throughout lemmy/fediverse (again, even on the most supposedly left leaning instances like lemmy.ml) just ignore the reports and don't remove the comments (I know people are busy, I don't expect instant action, I give it a week or two in general before I check the modlog).
I've had to block several large communities, most that I'm actually interested in (mostly tech and science related, again, places where people love feeling superior based on perceived intelligence), because I get the message - making people like me feel safe and included isn't a priority in those spaces, so I refuse to occupy them.

Whether the privileged group accept it or not, that is the result of using slurs - making already marginalised people feel unwelcome and excluded.

And when they tell me not to be so easily offended, I link this (or maybe this or this) with the full knowledge that they will probably never read it, but with the hope that someone else might, and that it might make them reconsider their use of certain words (though I don't hold my breath in anticipation of society at large giving a shit).

DessertStorms ,
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Those are some awesome resources, yoinking those for sure.

The more the merrier!

Ableism and fatmisia are some the last bastions of acceptable and casual bigotry

Yup, the other day I had to really quickly back out of some comments sections on articles related to fast food because the comments were so full of fat shaming it made me rage. People don't think twice about either.

Usually when you bring up the eugenics origin, at least for people around me, folks tend to take a step back.

In my experience they get even more defensive, because eugenics is something they recognise as bad, but not their casual ableism, or the existence of a relationship between the two.. But then these are randoms on the internet I'm talking about, not people actually close to me, they'd probably be much more reasonable if it ever came to it lol

You have inspired an infodump, some links specifically go in to the eugenics connection, others are a bit more broad (I also have a bunch about the relationship between capitalism, "productivity", and ableism, and some on the myth of independence, which I wasn't sure were closely related enough, but am more than happy to share as well!) if you want more articles to yoink:


https://www.yorku.ca/edu/unleading/ableism/ (the entire project is worth a look)





https://disabledfeminists.com/2009/10/23/ableist-word-profile-intelligence/ (the entire blog is worth a look)




DessertStorms ,
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Sure thing, I'm always happy to share useful info!

Also, was the "hell yes" to more links or just in general? You're good either way, don't worry.. 😂

DessertStorms ,
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

Cool. I figured I'd just troll my bookmarks and paste anything related, but there was more than I realised lol. I did cut back, but this still feels like a bit much, sorry 😂

Language related:















Capitalism/"productivity" related:






Independence related:



Covid related:







Internalized ableism:






















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  • DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Just another typical non-apology, nothing to see here...

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    I've not actually heard any in so so long, but Bad vs Ghostbusters was a classic mashup back in the day (with sound quality to match) lol

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Beats me, people saying "if you're tired enough you can sleep anywhere", making me laugh my exhausted ass off (and feel jealous af, but can't really hold it against them).

    I've spent more nights than I can count laid in bed for hours, absolutely shattered, wanting nothing but sleep, and none has come. Then when I do finally fall asleep, it isn't for long or of any decent quality (as in EtraordinaryJoe's case - chronic pain will do that to you), so I'm still always tired, and yet still unable to just fall asleep.

    My trick to getting to sleep at night is weed and a meal, to help induce food coma, which again, isn't quality sleep, but it's better than nothing..

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Thanks for confirming everything I thought about this idea - it's terrible, please stop.

    The last thing autistic people need is AI butting in on "our behalf" and talking over us, NT's do that enough already (it doesn't matter who is behind it or programmed it, it is not an authentic autistic voice, and it is taking the space of and talking over those that are. Also the whole description of the bots action reeks of "m'lady" incel vibes, it's creepy af).

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Fortunately, no one is offering autistic people AI butting in on our behalf. No one is likely to, either, although there will certainly be a lot of new tech to get used to, to have to understand, and probably to have to interact with.
    Neither is anyone offering you AI talking over you, as far as I know, since it’s not really possible.
    Yes, NT’s do that enough already. Nice think about tech. It doesn’t, because it can’t. At least not yet.

    It's literally what you're doing here - coming in to autistic spaces with your bot that writes walls of text that barely get to a point and completely ignores the actually autistic people voicing our concerns, as are you.

    you seem to be pretty excited about what you’re saying. I have no interest or need to defend “AI”, and thanks for sharing your perspective and opinion on some topic other than this one, since literally none of that has anything to do with this

    What a condescending and unnecessary addition.

    I don’t think “creepy” comes close to describing something one’s afraid of and doesn’t know anything about

    Creepy is a perfectly accurate way for me to describe your bot, which I am categorically not afraid of, and know everything I need to know about, you not wanting to be confronted with these facts don't change them. Nor the fact that every interaction I've had with both you and your bot so far has made me feel like I'm talking to a 4chan troll putting on their Nice Guy™ act (though I suspect your own replies are coming from the same source as the bots' are, which would explain it).

    I’m actually seriously alarmed by the way tech has been developing. Far more than you are, clearly.

    And I am extremely alarmed by the way tech has been developing precisely because of shit like this, as well as by the fact that you are clearly and categorically refusing to listen to the members of the community you are trying to condense and mis-represent, which tells me your only concern is your own feelings, not the development of anything, and definitely not the wellbeing of this, and the general, autistic communities.

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    I think the optics of even describing a bot as “autistic” are so incredibly poor and reflects negatively on the entire community.

    Exactly. This is not ok in any way.

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Jfc, you're a rude condescending ass, and are a much bigger issue in all of this than your ill-conceived bot is.

    Your bot is _not _ a part of the autistic community, no matter how much it may have helped you personally (I'll repeat - you designed it to help you, it is clearly not what other, actual members of this community are looking for or interested in. Take the L and move on instead of blaming everyone else and pretending we're simply all too ignorant to understand your genius. That's not what's happening here)

    Recommendations of what fabrics to wear?

    I want to be more respecting of my own sensory needs, and notice certain fabrics are incredible uncomfortable, as opposed to others. I've also noticed loose clothing feels more comfortable for me, then tight clothes. Cotton feels good, polyester does not. I understand this may potentially vary for each person, but wanted to ask...

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Not disagreeing with your point about plastic based "vegan" leather, but if it's something you're interested in, some plant based leathers do exist, they use different leaves and fibres, fungus, and even cork (I have no personal experience with any and don't know how good they are, or if they're honest about not including any plastics, but I thought you or maybe someone else reading might like to know)..

    Either way, your allergy sounds like a massive pain in the ass, you have my sympathy..

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    From looking around, it looks like a lot of current plant stuff still tends to be mixed with polyurethane or coated with plastic

    Ah, that sucks..

    But I agree, it's encouraging to see the field grow and the options expand as people invent new materials (especially those made from waste from other industries!), even if they're not quite there yet..

    (Would plant-leather be "planter?" "Planther?" /thonk.)

    That's going to bother me for days now lol

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Good to know, that sounds really promising!

    Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term?

    I've been wondering for a bit why during the time the Democrats controlled the legislature, executive, and judicial branches during Obama's first term in 2008 more wasn't accomplished. Shouldn't that have been the opportunity to make Row V Way law and fix the electoral college? I understand the recession was going on but outside...

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    a blatant attempt to get canceled.

    Except "getting cancelled" isn't a thing, the right will embrace him and give him the platform which is what he is actually aiming for, and he'll be on all their podcasts, and sponsor their brands, and keep most of his fans and gain more, and create a whole comfortable living for himself from being a bigot, like so so so many others before him.

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    And you really couldn't say that without being an ableist shit?

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Here from /all, don't own a 3D printer, but if I did, yes I absolutely would lol

    Maybe change it up with some more modern/abstract/famous faces though, the Greek statue look would get old fast.. But planters are so expensive for what they are, being able to print my own would really feed my failed plant addiction (I'm no good at actually keeping them alive but I can't stop buying more) 😂

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Photo in OP looks like a cabaret act in a fabulous bejewelled gown just come on stage, about to lift that wing to cover the lower part of their face before bursting in to a dramatic song and dance number.. 😂❤

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    I love how much thought you put in to your posts, your effort is appreciated!

    the look on the face is both inviting you in and challenging you to leave

    Well put.
    I like to think I've perfected the latter part of that look myself.. 😂😂

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    I love how their spread wing creates this plaid/gingham like pattern, and how it looks almost pixilated at the edges, very cool.

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    They're all great, but that last photo is really stunning.

    Man known as ‘eunuch maker’ who streamed mutilations is jailed for life ( www.theguardian.com )

    Marius Gustavson, 46, was involved in procedures that were ‘little short of human butchery’, UK court heard. The leader of a “grisly and gruesome” extreme body modification network who streamed mutilations on his “eunuch maker” website has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 22 years....

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    While I don't doubt that there are some people out there who would be willing participants (if with their own issues that are probably better delt with in a safer way), it sounds like at least some of the people he mutilated were manipulated (mentally, physically, it doesn't say, but both are probable) in to agreeing.

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    That's probably down to one or both being threatened to not go to the police, and/or deep shame of falling victims of the manipulation and fear of being publicly scrutinised for something so personal and traumatic, even though it's not their fault (a lot of people like to think they wouldn't or even couldn't be manipulated by someone, but actually are being manipulated every day, for example by abusers making everyone believe they're nice people "who could never hurt a fly", no one is immune).
    It isn't at all unusual for victims of abuse, especially of something so extreme, not to come forward for a long long time, if at all.

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    I love how they've given Ireland the most weight in the UK by far for some reason.. 😂

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Thanks for the reminder..

    (though I second them being a little creepy)

    DessertStorms , (edited )
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Well said.

    We're also not a fucking monolith, and while I appreciate some autists would find it easier or more comfortable communicating with a robot, I find it anything from frustrating to enraging when I'm forced to (like customer service) and would never choose to communicate with one over a human, ever.
    Sure, NT's can be frustrating and enraging to deal with too, but at least when you get frustrated or enraged, they understand what frustration and rage are (even if not why you're feeling them).

    This definitely reeks of an attempt to get NT's out of having to make any effort at inclusion.
    (E: word)

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Or, you know, just listen to women.. Revolutionary, I know, and seemingly impossible to some, but that's literally all you need to do to not be "trapped" (magically managing to claim victimhood where there is none, as per usual), instead of outing yourself, just like OP suggests.. ¯*(ツ)*/¯

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    I also understand why men are insulted.

    It is literally the rage they express when rejected that is WHY we would be more scared to run in to one in the woods than we would a bear.

    The fact that they're getting "insulted" at all, derailing the entire conversation and making it about them and how they are really the victims, is more proof that they don't give a shit about the actual experiences of violence and abuse that we are subjected to by them, only about their own egos.

    Literally all they have to do is fucking listen, they are not the ones being harmed in any way shape or form (the reputation of men is already in the shit and it won't improve unless they work to improve it amongst themselves, but if anything, their reactions are only making it worse), and them being able to frame and prioritise themselves as the ones being being harmed (by ignoring or minimising the legitimate fears and traumatic experiences of millions of women) is just another of many demonstrations of just how privileged they are.

    You're wrong.

    DessertStorms , (edited )
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Lmfao, I love that I already blocked most of the people proving your point, as well as the silent cowards upvoting them..

    They just keep proving our choices right.. ¯*(ツ)*/¯

    Also: I call this one: "He's still crying cause his girl chose me"

    DessertStorms , (edited )
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    A friend has been sharing so many in the group chat, I'm loving it.. I'd post them to /196, but honestly I just can't be arsed with all the whiny men it'd bring my way.. 😂🤦‍♀️

    Actually, hang on, in case anyone more patient than me wants to share:

    https://files.catbox.moe/672y0s.jpg (what, like it's hard?)

    And a couple less meme-y ones that make excellent points:
    https://files.catbox.moe/vhge48.jpg (and to go with it: https://files.catbox.moe/2uhvis.jpg)

    (also, lmmfao at the one guy downvoting every supportive comment almost immediately as it's made - get a life, loser 😂 E: there he goes! 🤣🤣🤡)

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    There’s a lot of men telling on themselves in this thread. And everywhere else too.

    Yup. These litmus tests are really useful for bringing out true colours and red flags, but it's also depressing to rediscover each time just how many of them there are..

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Jfc, they're still going... 🤯🤦‍♀️

    As this post surpasses 1000 replies (the most I've ever seen on any post on the fedi), I think it's worth mentioning Lewis's law which is being proven here over and over and over and over and over again:
    The comments on any article about feminism justify the existence of feminism

    They just can't fucking help themselves...

    DessertStorms , (edited )
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    They just can't fucking help themselves...

    also the extra ableism is a nice extra touch to make sure we all know just how replant an asshole you are..
    Cry harder, clown.

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    We’re leftists and our site culture is pretty aggressive

    I know that would make you feel better, but no, there are plenty of aggressive leftists on this site, and we don't get singled out, that's because people don't hate hexbear because you're aggressive leftists, but because you're toxic pro authoritarian tankies (not that there's any other kind), so not actually leftist at all (hint: if your "communism" has, and you worship and admire a dictator, it's not communism, same goes for if it has billionaires and prison camps, like your favourite flavoured boot China, or even N. Korea)..

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    You can go and ask Hexbear users themselves about it

    Lol, yeah, that'll go well, because they're so welcoming to outsiders or even the slightest critique.. 😂

    How do people actually dumpster dive to get free food? Are there any other cheap/free ways like this to get food?

    My local food bank can only provide 8 packages with referrals every time before you run out, and I have, but my situation hasn't improved financially due to various set backs and I'm struggling to feed myself. I've heard that supermarkets throw out massive amounts, but have never been in a position where dumpster diving seemed...

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Some good tips here already (look for another food bank/pantry/church in your area that could help, follow dumpster diving youtube channels for advice), you could also try some of these, or look for similar sites (I've only skimmed these, not vouching for the content):




    But more importantly, please have a look at/chat to turn2us, you are almost certainly entitled to some benefits, they will help you figure out which you are entitled to, and there are then benefits advisers in almost every town who can help you through the process if you find it too daunting and/or difficult.


    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Just to add, give Approved Food a look, they sell food that is past it's best by date, but still good to eat, at much lower prices.

    There are also places, I can't think of what they're called right now, but it's basically a communal grocery shop where you take what you need, and pay what you can. Maybe ask your local foodbank if they know of anything like that?

    Lastly, when I was looking for an example of that last one, I found this page that might be helpful:

    [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

    Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

    DessertStorms , (edited )
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    And some just see those who militantly focus on attacking fellow individuals instead of the systems that are actually to blame (but which they otherwise support and/or benefit from, like capitalism, racism, and ableism) counterproductive, annoying, and hypocritical.

    The militant vegans I have come across, and being vegan myself, it's a lot, far too many (E: to the point I actively avoid vegan spaces), are almost exclusively drowning in so much privilege, they can't see how ridiculous they're being in their bizarre militancy of policing other people's plates instead of the actual industries abusing animals (and humans, who these vegans rarely to never pay any thought to, not out loud or in their actions, anyway).

    (before I even hit send: if you feel personally attacked by my comment - that's a sign for you to think about it with yourself and ideally do something about it, not try and prove me wrong, inevitably proving me 100% right)

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    That doesn't change the impact of participating in and perpetuating this circus.

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    The problem is - they don't give a fuck about the hypocrisy, so all that's left is the ableism, from both those who regularly harm disabled people ignorantly using diapers to make whatever statement, and those mocking them for wearing them (and no one is going to ask them each individually about their medical needs, so you can never actually know if it is legitimate use or not). The impact remains - adults wearing diapers are the punch line, deepening an already existing and harmful stigma, for no other reason than a cheap and ableist laugh.

    DessertStorms , (edited )
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    But we're not the ones making that noise.

    It was shared for the sole purpose of ridicule. Have you seen some of these fucking comments?? How about instead of getting defensive (and invoking his mockery of disabled people in your defence of.. mocking disabled people, who you may not intend to mock, but who you do when you ridicule and stigmatise things they use), just, you know, don't make fun of medical aids and people who use them, and attack fascists on the grounds of their fucking fascism instead???

    DessertStorms , (edited )
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    Nowhere is the paradox of tolerance more dangerous than around “ableism” issues

    JFC, so just say you're an enthusiastic ableist.. You honestly don't deserve any attention beyond that point, but since I'm here, and you're full of shit, I'll give it a quick note in case anyone actually buys in to your bad bad take:

    The rightfully tolerant protector of the less able does not argue against the Nazi arguing he should be able to punch people without repercussions, they punch the Nazi until he shuts up and go back to equity for everyone else with a clean conscience.

    No where do I even imply anything near "don't punch a Nazi", what I'm literally saying is "don't make fun of people for wearing diapers" and "criticise nazis for their nazi actions, not for what they wear"
    According to you we should go around making fun of everyone who wears diapers because you can't think of a better way to tell them apart from fucking Nazis., and also are unable to think of better things to criticise them for, than wearing said diaper.

    You're a pathetic ableist joke who clearly cares more about their "right" to abuse disabled people than their duty to do anything against nazis. You're literally playing their game for them - shifting focus away from them being fascist, right in to the ableist jokes you just find too funny to not participate in, to the point of making the exact same kinds of excuses they do.

    Congratulations, you're on the wrong side, no matter what nonsense you tell yourself to feel better.

    DessertStorms ,
    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    According to your logic, we not only should be making fun of all old people now, but we should be doing it because trump did it first..

    How does that make you any better than them?

    Are you really that attached to mocking people for wearing a medical aid, that you seriously can't put that to one side and criticise them for the actual harm they're causing?

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