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Deckweiss ,

Well, I don't think thats what OP had in mind but there is WebAssembly as well.

Deckweiss ,

With a Blazor (serverside mode) project you could have that with a nice user experience. Blazor has a tiny js which initializes something, otherwiss it renders the site on the server and sends the component updates to the browser, so the whole site does not need to reload, only the relevant components (which is kind of interesting).

Maybe there is some blazor serverside e-commerce project out there, I wouldn't personally recommend it though.

Deckweiss ,

For the site itself the most minimal thing you can do is an html file.

Then some software to act as the "server" that serves that file to a visitor. (nginx, caddy, apache - there are many options).

And your domain needs a domain record which points to your server.

As you want to use a home pc, you need to figure out whether your ISP gives you a dynamic or static IP.

If static, you can just use that.

If dynamic, you'd need some service like dynDNS to keep pointing your domain to your changing IP.

Deckweiss ,

You can start by checking out the e-commerce list on awesome selfhosted. At a glance there are multiple which seem to be easy to set up, and require no code, so you should take a deeper look and decide based on your needs.

If you find something there that suits your needs make sure to let us know why you chose it :)

Deckweiss ,

Fuck plastic & the oil industry where it comes from.

anders , to Linux avatar

Has anyone tried the DE for in the recent years?

How was the experience?


Deckweiss ,

I tried it once like 5 years ago (hope thats recent enough lol), when I heard that they have per monitor virtual desktops.

But I was missing so many KDE Plasma features that I loved, that I just had to go back. I don't remember exactly which features though.

Deckweiss ,

Per monitor virtual desktops is really cool though.

Windows 11 covers that workflow even better now with a feature called window grouping. I think I'll need to write a kwin plugin or something for that...

sorry for the offtopic rant, but thats the major thing which comes to mind when somebody mentions enlightenment!

Deckweiss ,

I think it's even better on a single monitor when you have a lot of windows open.

It puts multiple windows into a group, so you only see one entry in the taskbar. When you click that, all the grouped windows get minimized/madimized.

I used it on the work laptop as well. And just grouped my different sub workflows, each of which had 2-3 windows.

That way I could switch the task without juggling multiple windows.

Deckweiss ,

Maybe but I don't know tbh.

Deckweiss ,

lol good!

Fuck stalky social media. Instagram is just there for farming engagement for ads and make you scroll for hours.

If you want to look at truly great photography or art go to a museum or exhibition.

Deckweiss , (edited )

To make it absolutely clear:

Your VPS has an ip. All your traffil will go through it if you set it up as a VPN. So your behaviour patterns will be tied to that one IP. You will be the only one on that VPN.

A commercial VPN has many users at the same time on a given Server. So the traffic and behaviour that comes from that servers IP will produce garbage data for analysis.

You could selfhost a VPN on your VPS and let others use it for free somehow to obfuscate your behaviour and patterns, but you as the VPS owner will have to deal with legal stuff then.

Encrypted services Apple, Proton and Wire helped Spanish police identify activist | TechCrunch ( )

By the way, the earlier posted article had an update starting at the paragraph with title Update: Statement from Proton and additional commentary

Deckweiss , (edited )

Read the blog by the guy behind , he refused multiple illegitimate warrants so far.

What matters is the jurisdiction of the service, not the one of the warrant author, otherwise china would have already warranted all data of all other world citizens lol

Deckweiss , (edited )

That is true. But I wasn't debating about this specific case, but rather the generalized statement.

The comment I replied to implies "If there is a warrant, it is always legitimate and you have to follow it, because a lawyer said so". That is not true and if it were the world would quickly go to shit, which I pointed out.

Deckweiss , (edited )

Again, it doesn't matter where the warrant fomes from. What matters is where it goes to.

And that detail is pretty important, while being completely left out. They say:

it is not an option.

But yes it is, depending on the jurisdiction.

Deckweiss , (edited )

I don't think it applies here, but I'd like to tell you my perspective in case you find it interesting anyway.

I am a developer and I often need relatively new versions of everything dev related.

Contrary to popular belief - I had the best experience in regards to stability with archlinux. I have it installed both on a PC (when I need to do some Blender or heavy Photoshop work) and on a thin and light Laptop (for a flexible work space and stuff on the go) - and I use both about 50/50 of the time.

To be fair, I am knoledgable in the Linux user libs/apps space and it took a lot of knowledge to set everything up in a reliable way just the way I want and need it. I'd say arch is extremely customizabe and there exists a narrow path where you can make it pretty reliable, but there are also many sidepaths which can be unreliable and break often.

After setting it up though, my maintenance times for archlinux were significantly lower than each of the following

  • Windows (Going to ~30 different websites weekly to check for new releases and manually downloading and installing them)
  • Mac (homebrew constantly breaking dependencies)
  • Debian/Ubuntu (which I was upgrading to the newest release every 6 months and it was a PAIN)

But also take this with a grain of salt, because my so. also has a pretty similar arch linux setup on similar hardware and they have more issues than I do and we don't really know why :D

Deckweiss , (edited )

For hardware stability you should check out:

Search for the Distro or Laptop you want and chrck the user reports for the other factors. I noticed that some Laptops work better with some distros than others so lock the factor that is more important to you.

For distro stability, something others have not mentioned:

Zorin OS has a pay once option where allegedly everything just works. Maybe thats interesting to consider as an option.

Deckweiss , (edited )

In my experience, most "apps" are just the website with some features and zoom disabled, wrapped in electron.

So I prefer the browser version, where I have all my privacy enhancing plugins.

Why Your VPN May Not Be As Secure As It Claims ( )

Virtual private networking (VPN) companies market their services as a way to prevent anyone from snooping on your Internet usage. But new research suggests this is a dangerous assumption when connecting to a VPN via an untrusted network, because attackers on the same network could force a target’s traffic off of the protection...

Deckweiss ,

Use a killswitch then... no vpn, no internet

Deckweiss , (edited )

Huh? I thought the whole point of a VPN is to encrypt all traffic between my PC and the VPN server. Please be so kind and educate me on anything I have a misconception of:

For example, I use Safing Portmaster and I have set it up in a way where all the packets have to go through their VPN and if they don't, they get dropped before they leave my PC.

Before that I was running openvpn with a killswitch, which I thought besically did the same, it had a tunnel to the VPN server and if it is down, no packet leaves the PC.

Is that not how VPNs normally work?

Deckweiss ,

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I think I get it now!

I did look into it with ip route show when using nothing vs portmaster vs openvpn and it is just like you said, when using openVPN it just creates additional routes with a higher priority, but the normal route is still open.

Deckweiss ,

They borked some features which I used and haven't fixed them yet.

Deckweiss , (edited )
  1. I use the fullscreen start menu. I can't select search results with keyboard anymore.

  2. Inverting window colors doesn't work for me anymore, after they set the default to wayland. (I used it for app's which don't have a dark theme)

  3. Focus stealing prevention (global setting and window rules) doesn't work anymore.

  4. window positioning guidelines keep flickering in and out of existence all day, even when I don't resize any windows.

Deckweiss ,

Hmm interesting. I am on wayland for sure, but I tried to make it work for an hour yesterday.

How I noticed it:

I started an install process in pamac gui, then I tabbed to browser window and typed some stuff. Pamac finished downloads and asked for confirmation, the default being cancel and me typing ENTER cancelled it. Mouse was on the browser window and each app was on a different monitor.

I was able to repeatedly reproduce it by doing the same. I have set focus stealing prevention to high, which is described as focus only being stolen when the same type of window is active.

Is my issue maybe that both ran through xwayland? I'll have to check that later.

Deckweiss , (edited )

At least the two I care about most already have an open issue in the bugtracker, which I am following for updates.

I'll search for the other two when I am bothered enough and report them if they aren't

qkall , to Linux Phones avatar
Deckweiss , (edited )

Your setup looks really nice, I'm curious about replicating it.

Does the DE you use also work in portrait mode?

Does it autorotate?

Deckweiss ,

Do you by chance have an installscript, dotfiles or a config backup for your setup?

If not, is there any easy way for you to share your setup wholesale somehow?

I kind of want to slap it on my pine phone for a spin, but I don't really feel like manually setting it all up right now ...

Deckweiss ,

Awesome, thanks for the link, I'll get into it.

How are companies or developers supposed to make a full time living with OSI opensourced projects? ( )

There has been a lot of talk about companies and individuals adopting licenses that aren't OSI opensource to protect themselves from mega-corp leechers. Developers have also been condemned who put donation notices in the command-line or during package installation. Projects with opensource cores and paid extensions have also...

Deckweiss , (edited )

Personally I like the following two approaches:

  1. Free and open source for selfhosting, paid when hosted by the company (e.g Nextcloud, gitea,

  2. Free and open source with basic features, paid for proprietary business addons (e.g Portmaster, Xpipe)

I think those approaches are fully compatible with the open source definition, but please correct me if I am wrong.
(The examples I mentioned are just some of which I personally know and use, but of course they are many others)

Deckweiss , (edited )

KDE also has multiple full time employees afaik

Deckweiss ,

Use safing SPN with their portmaster app, then you can set it on/off per app, or even per url.

andrew , to Open Source avatar
Deckweiss ,

I'm quite happy with:

Tiny Weather Forecast Germany (Weather forecast based on open data from the Deutscher Wetterdienst.)

It has nice widgets.

Deckweiss ,

Packaging a service for StartOS is a challenging, exciting, creative, and rewarding experience.

Yeah no thanks I'll just run it on Ubuntu or Arch Linux then, where a package is already available.

OpenSSL goes GitHub only ( )

We’re no longer using our old ftp, rsync, and git links for distributing OpenSSL. These were great in their day, but it’s time to move on to something better and safer. and rsync:// are not available anymore. As of June 1, 2024, we’re also going to shut down

Deckweiss , (edited )

I'll mirror it on my selfhosted git. Just hit me up when you need the files lol

Deckweiss ,

I am using pamac-all on archlinux, which is kind of like that. It works only on arch linux afaik. It has the repos, AUR, flatpak, and snap support.

Deckweiss ,

One monitor not working after sleep - "insignificant"

Thats the true Linux nerd mentality :D

Jokes aside, can you check for anything gpu or monitor related in journalctl after the wakeup?

Deckweiss ,

Thats a very bad recommendation for a first time gamer.

The game tries to be very immersve so there are nearly no tooltips and no ingame written tutorialization.

That means you have to be very game literate (know a lot of gaming specific tropes and conventions to understans whats toing on and what to do).

Deckweiss ,

Reminds me of when they started printing "vegan" and "gluten free" on water bottles.

Deckweiss ,

timeshift is pretty good, but bootable btrfs snapshots are even better

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