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Danterious ,

I think that the best thing you could do is choose a different instance that is federated with more instances.

I remember the admins saying that they already conducted a survey of their users and a majority were fine with staying defederated from lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works where a majority of users and content is being made. So currently they probably are fine with where they are. It is a matter of what kind of space they are trying to create.

Also you if you appreciate the moderation here you can always choose an instance that federates with beehaw so you can keep using their communities which is where most of the moderation happens anyways.

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Danterious ,

It says that it continued into the Biden era as well.

The military program started under former President Donald Trump and continued months into Joe Biden’s presidency, Reuters found – even after alarmed social media executives warned the new administration that the Pentagon had been trafficking in COVID misinformation. The Biden White House issued an edict in spring 2021 banning the anti-vax effort, which also disparaged vaccines produced by other rivals, and the Pentagon initiated an internal review, Reuters found.

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Danterious ,

One of the side effects that I think might happen is that we could have local internet be more important than it was before since they would have to build the mesh networks within a community and with various standards which I think would be a good thing in the long run.

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Danterious ,

How does it make the decision to recommend one post over another using the data it collects? Also does it treat all that data differently when ranking posts?

btw it feels really well polished so nice job.

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Danterious ,

So the attack happened in October 2023 but it was only revealed to the public now? Or is it that it was public back then but people didn't pay attention?

Also the part where they say it has only ever happened as a precursor to a military invasion sort makes me think that this attack was some nation state practicing or signalling what they would do if they were in active cyber warfare which would be bad for the world if people in the competing nations didn't have internet access, even if it was only for a day or two.

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Danterious ,

I was more thinking about all the services that rely on internet access to function. Like most economic systems would basically crash or grind to a halt.

There are a lot of products that don't really need to be connected to the internet to do their job but are being connected anyways and would get bricked if access to the internet didn't work. For example internet connected security cameras that don't have cables connecting to where the data is being stored would be shot as well.

I mean the extent of the damage is really dependent on how the malware was spread which we don't know yet so still mostly speculation on how damaging it could be.

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Danterious ,

So the company was aware but I was wondering on whether it was public knowledge released today or it was released back then but no one paid attention.

Also the report says that they don't believe it is a nation state actor because it doesn't match with any known malicious clusters but it's likely that countries have multiple unknown clusters they can test with if necessary.

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Danterious ,

Yeah I also think its probably because beehaw in general has a really moderated community space in general so not much negativity breaks through the cracks.

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Danterious ,

I guess we are going to be in for more SEO spam than usual if this document is accurate. But I think its good that we are finally going to get a better understanding how Google manipulates people with the algorithm.

So a win-lose situation.

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Danterious ,

Tough choice GB but I'll go with option B. What do I win?

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Danterious ,

Yeah I hope the best for you too. I was trying to lighten the mood but it is going to get dark before it gets any better.

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Danterious OP ,

That's a smaller population than I thought. I thought maybe a half a million at least but I guess not.

Edit: Source of picture - https://www.indexmundi.com/new_caledonia/#Demographics

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Danterious OP ,

Yeah from what I understand the situation there is complicated. A majority of the people that live in New Caledonia want to stay a part of France and that majority is made of mostly the Europeans and the other migrants.

However the Kanak are socioeconomically disadvantaged compared to the rest of the state and they feel like they aren't being represented enough (due to a slim minority) on what they consider aboriginal land (even though other people have been living there for a long time too).

It is a weird situation.

Edit: added (due to a slim minority)

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Danterious OP ,

I can’t blame some New Caledonians for wanting to remain a part of France.

The people that are affected by the racism want to be independent and the people that aren't want to stay a part of France. So the cost isn't spread evenly, that's why there is this huge problem in the first place.

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

What is the Legal copyright on a Lemmy Post?

Most instances don't have a specific copyright in their ToS, which is basically how copyright is handled on corporate social media (Meta/X/Reddit owns license rights to whatever you post on their platform when you click "Agree"). I've noticed some people including Copyright notices in posts (mostly to prevent AI use). Is this...

Danterious ,

Well first thing is that the license is a copyleft license so it is still allowed to be used, distributed, etc. the only real difference between this license and public domain (as far as I know) is me saying that I don't want it being used for commercial purposes that's it.

Also for me its more just a way for me to say fuck you to everything having to be commercialized so even if it doesn't hold legal water I don't care.

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Danterious , (edited )

Ah well then I might try and find a license that doesn't require attribution because I don't care about that part. But the rest seem exactly what I'm going for.

Edit: grammar

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Danterious , (edited )

I loved that show. Any other time travel stuff you'd recommend? Shows or books.

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Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men ( www.researchgate.net )

Our results show that women's contributions tend to be accepted more often than men's [when their gender is hidden]. However, when a woman's gender is identifiable, they are rejected more often. Our results suggest that although women on GitHub may be more competent overall, bias against them exists nonetheless.

Danterious ,

Relate it to something that they do care about and show how it negatively affects that.

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Danterious ,

I think that in the long term that there is one thing going for the truth: It is more coherent and more predictive of what is to come next.

If a country does a campaign that tries to fabricate a story from scratch if they aren't very careful there will be some form of incoherence eventually if there is any slip up. That's why its always easier to just frame the truth in positive or negative lights instead because it removes the need to try and create coherent stories.

And yes I know that there are people that believe incoherent truths about the world but that is mainly because it doesn't actually affect most of the actions that they take on a day to day basis so they don't have an actual incentive to improve their understanding of the world. If they need to make decisions based on that information they will make bad decisions until their understanding of the world has changed or they are out competed by people with more accurate beliefs.


Lies take consistent effort to keep straight and eventually they'll fuck up, Spin is easier and more effective for changing values, and people tend to have more accurate beliefs if they are actually useful to have them.

Edit: grammar

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Danterious , (edited )

Once these get advanced enough and the human cost of starting a conflict goes to zero (because they most likely will be able to scale these to whatever kind of conflict is wanted) why wouldn't countries be more likely to start a war.

Or if most regular military battles only become an economic problem then why wouldn't an enemy turn towards more terrorist like attacks like happened in Russia with ISIS.

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I've noticed a lot of chill religious people on Lemmy.

Idk why I'm mentioning it but compared to a lot of other online platforms where if religion is being mentioned outside of a religious community it is really in your face on Lemmy it seems like when it is mentioned outside of that kind of community it seems relevant to whatever they are saying and are generally nice....

Google Search is getting even worse for independent sites ( www.theverge.com )

In February, HouseFresh managing editor Gisele Navarro called out publishers like BuzzFeed and Rolling Stone as some of the culprits that publish content about air purifiers despite a lack of expertise — but Google rewards these sites with high rankings all the same. The result is a search results page filled with SEO-first...

Danterious OP ,

But how do you verify if that information is actually accurate?

Like for example if a whistleblower says that their organization has something that can do xyz is it possible to verify that through zero knowledge proofs?

Danterious ,

@onlinepersona and @CosmicCleric should be able to give their perspectives.

Danterious ,

Yeah all of this hate just feels unnecessary. I'm sorry that @onlinepersona and you are going through this.

Just for the heads up I support you guys.

Danterious ,

Seriously what is up with people and the downvotes on this. It is just a link guys.

A lot of this hate feels a bit manufactured because I can't honestly think of a good reason why so many would be so against this.

Danterious ,

Well I think you could do a few things.

A) Talk to your admin about harassment and ask them to look into this when they can.

B) Start posting in communities that have a higher intolerance to this kind of behaviour (I'm thinking Beehaw communities)

C) Make a post on !anticorporate and see if you can get even more people doing it.

I'm actually thinking of adding these to my posts as well now just to see more people's reactions.
Do you know of a way to automatically add it to the end of your posts?

Edit: grammar and spelling.

Danterious ,

Oh wait I forgot lemmy.world isn't federated with beehaw.org anymore so you can't use those communities. Because usually most of the kinds of comments you would be getting would be removed by now.

Well you can get a second account to join beehaw communities or again just reporting and all that stuff.

But honestly I really think you should make a post on !anticorporate getting more people to do it because this is the kind of thing that would be interesting to them.

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Danterious ,

FYI I've found that if you download a text expander it allows you to make shortcuts for these kinds of texts making it much easier to add automatically.

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Danterious OP ,

what does zip mean in this context?

Edit: better wording.

Danterious OP ,

Oh ok. Well the kind of information is stuff like whether an organization is doing/has xyz or if that person is part of certain departments or something.

Danterious ,

Well I think part of the answer comes from having a society that is more interconnected than we currently have.

If there were people that were both part of the gardening group and part of the builder's group then those people would have the necessary common knowledge to be able to satisfy the needs of both groups.

That is part of why I think a society of anarchists necessarily needs people to be educated in ways that make them a lot more generalist than we are now (hence the emphasis most anarchists have with the idea of self-sufficiency).

Edit: Also in the cases where there isn't significant overlap between the two groups having a third group that does have knowledge of both of them participate in the decision making would also serve the same function.

Danterious ,

Honestly I already believe that this has happened.

My reason for thinking this is because of this:


The spike that happened on October 2023 after the initial spike that happened due to the Reddit protests seems unnatural to me.

Someone gave the explanation of the release of the mobile clients but even then I wouldn't think it would lead to a spike equivalent to the initial one since it would mostly just be people using an account they already had instead of creating a new one.

Like honestly if someone knows what event happened then that made so many new users join I'd appreciate it.

Danterious ,

accounts in total.

Danterious ,

Apparently. But it seems like it only happened around the beginning after the second spike it stabilized for some reason.

Edit: Here is the page with the stats

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