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DaddleDew ,

Did they just open a bag of frozen fries and let them thaw on the counter before serving?

Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising ( )

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

DaddleDew ,

Microsoft, stop. My computer can only be so switched to Linux.

DaddleDew ,

I didn’t wait. I did it earlier this year and haven’t booted from my Windows 10 drive since then. My entry drug was Linux Mint. But I quickly switched to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed after because I wanted something that ran the KDE Plasma 6 desktop environment (I prefer how it looks and handles multiple displays). It isn’t that hard to learn the basics you need to use Linux, as long as you use a decently stable distro that you won’t need to troubleshoot at every update. In my limited experience, you only need more in depth knowledge when you try messing around with more "cutting edge" and less "stable" distros and are installing experimental features.

I can’t believe that Microsoft is expecting everyone to get rid of their computer to switch to 11 once the support for 10 expires next year. I even revived an 15 year old laptop that only had 4Gb or RAM by installing Mint on it (and switching its HDD with an SSD I had kicking around). It’s fast and perfectly usable for everything but modern games now

DaddleDew ,

My machine cannot run 11 because of the arbitrary hardware requirements so I was looking down the barrel of Win10 being no longer supported next year.

I proactively installed Linux Mint on a second SSD I had kicking around just to see if I could live with it without making any commitments. I never looked back since then. I switched to OpenSUSE soon after though but that was because I wanted something that ran the KDE Plasma 6 desktop environment because I didn't like how Cinnamon was handling multiple monitors. But I haven't booted up my Windows 10 drive since then, other than to migrate some files I needed.

DaddleDew ,

Another easy solution for Photoshop is to run a virtual machine.

DaddleDew ,

I had a win 10 VM set up and it "booted" faster than my regular win 10 drive. I then switched to a win 10 LTSC VM and it "booted" a solid 10 seconds quicker on top of that.

DaddleDew , (edited )

I tried Fedora KDE spin first but it didn't work out for me. IDK if it was my hardware configuration it didn't like but the first time I booted it, it spammed me with crash reports. I poked around it for a few minutes, not being able to go far without things crashing again and again. I installed the updates and rebooted it hoping it would fix it but it got much worse after that. I couldn't do anything else as it immediately crashed at startup. I couldn't be bothered to look any further into it and switched to OpenSUSE which has been rock solid for months and still going. I'm running Plasma 6.1 with Wayland on it with no issues as well and I know Plasma 6.2 is coming soon. It uses pipewire as default as well. To be honest, IDK what Fedora would do better for my uses, except maybe for a faster package manager.

I'm certain that my Fedora experience isn't typical but for me at least it was a disaster.

DaddleDew ,

The North Koreans are perfect for the Russian tactic of forcing the Ukrainians to deplete their ammo by throwing meat at them.

DaddleDew ,

He needs the large crew cab to have somewhere to put his groceries. Because he doesn't want to get that bed scratched.

DaddleDew ,

Let me fill in for them then: "We CoUlDn'T PoSsIbLy pReDiCt ThAt tHiS wAs GoInG tO hApPeN!"

That's the usual typical Corporate bad faith answer to whenever a serious consequence that everyone could see coming but they kept ignoring finally happens.

DaddleDew , (edited )

Not all of us.

I'll keep my manual transmission sedan that handles well and doesn't connect to the internet to collect data on me until it collapses into a pile of rust.

DaddleDew ,

I'm hoping that the trend will change by then. I've got about 10 more years. If it doesn't happen? I have no idea what I'll do.

DaddleDew ,

This is referring to the fact that after the French revolution the people of France changed the way they spoke to sound more like how the noble class spoke. The French in North America were isolated from this and maintained the "original" way of speaking French.

Nowadays, to a Quebecer, Parisian French sounds pompous and snobbish, while to a French person, Quebecers sound unrefined and coarse.

DaddleDew ,

It was like getting a new GPU for your computer and you can finally max out the graphics settings.

DaddleDew ,

For a moment I thought he would have expressed concern about the effects of such a battery on the fragile ecosystem and the endangered species in it. But no, all he did is combine his ignorance about electricity and sharks to formulate this moronic thought.

He mentioned his "relationship with MIT" as well just before spewing out that gem. Was that really him trying to sound smart?

DaddleDew ,

I mean he inherited everything he owns. He must be thinking that knowledge works the same way.

DaddleDew ,

I was about to say that.
The main reason why they can do it is that Aptera went great lengths to make their vehicle as light and efficient as possible so what little charge they get out of the panels will make a noticeable difference.

This is a stark contrast with the other EVs on the market that are just huge heavy bricks on wheels that compensate for their inefficiency with bigger and heavier batteries.

DaddleDew ,

Brazenly forcing anti-consumer features like this is an obvious sign of monopoly and abuse of their dominating position on the market. They should have been broken up a long time ago along with all the other big tech companies who have been pulling this sort of crap.

DaddleDew ,

I remember when it happened. Back then we were concerned about how Microsoft was pushing Internet Explorer as a browser on its platform. And then we just gave up on enforcing Antitrust laws let them do whatever they want along with the rest of big tech. Since then they've been doing so much worse than that.

You can blame lobbying for that.

DaddleDew ,

This just gave me the idea of an item that is secretly highly radioactive. Carrying it and being around it it would slowly give the character increasingly acute symptoms of radiation poisoning.The characters can't possibly understand what radiation poisoning is so they would think it is some sort of magical curse. However no magic users would be able figure out what it is and how to stop it.

I'm wondering how long it would take for the players themselves to figure out what it really is, or if they ever would.

DaddleDew ,

Life goal: Become that old man who yells at kids who touch his lawn.

DaddleDew ,

The one in the right looks like he's cosplaying Tommy Wiseau in The Room

DaddleDew ,

"Border revision" sounds awfully similar to "special military operation"

DaddleDew ,

I've seen this movie before. They will make it enabled by default and make it difficult to disable. Then a few years later someone will figure out that this data that was supposed to be "private and encrypted" was being sent out to Microsoft, who will get a slap on the wrist, half assedly apologize and immediately move on to even more anti consumer ways to squeeze more income out of its users for "growth".

DaddleDew ,

By standing in the open like this, he just killed all of his buddies.

DaddleDew ,

The best word I heard for them so far is "Blyatmobiles"

DaddleDew , (edited )

I can absolutely believe this would have been his answer.

French people cannot pass a chance to make fun of British cuisine.

DaddleDew ,

Big dumb corporation doing big dumb corporation stuff. It's so big it can't behave coherently anymore. But it's also so big that it acts like a black hole that sucks all the money towards itself regardless of how stupid, unproductive and wasteful it is being.

DaddleDew , (edited )

Microsoft is dead to me.

Maybe if after a disastrous enough reception of Windows 11 they might make a Windows 12 that actually cares about being more palatable to the users, like they did with Windows 7 following the disaster that was Vista.

But I think they'll most probably only move to meet us halfway like they did with Windows 10 following the other disaster that was 8. Where they replaced a major irritant with another and then slowly stacked more and more irritants with updates thereafter. They are too addicted to the revenue from data harvesting to give it up.

DaddleDew , (edited )

The sad part is that all of this is all self-inflicted in the name of "growth" for the shareholders. They absolutely could take 7, modernize it, call it "12" and release it as a lightweight, fast and more privacy-respecting OS. It would probably be far cheaper to make as well.

But that's not what the Corporate elements of the company want. They see the OS as a platform to force feed to the users features that they can market as "lucrative" to the shareholders. Nobody else wants that. I predict that Windows 12 will have some sort of baked in "AI" that you can't get rid of as a bare minimum.

But this is none of my concern. They've finally pushed me over the hump and now I'm 100% sold to Linux. It has gotten so much more approachable than it used to be. Especially with Mint.

DaddleDew ,

Wait 'till they hear about what oxygen does to wood in a campfire.

I don't know anything about Linux and the idea of installing it frightens me. Where do I start?

I bought a laptop yesterday, it came pre-installed with Windows 11. I hate win 11 so I switched it down to Windows 10, but then started considering using Linux for total control over the laptop, but here's the thing: I keep seeing memes about how complicated or fucky wucky Linux is to install and run. I love the idea of open...

DaddleDew , (edited )

I was hesitant for a long while and ended up installing Linux Mint on an old SSD I had laying around this way there was no commitment.

Now I'm realizing I haven't booted up my regular windows 10 drive ever since and am considering getting rid of it altogether.

On a side note I created a virtual machine on the Linux side that runs Windows 10 LTSC on it for a few other programs I sometimes need that would be very difficult or impossible to make work on Linux like Inventor, Office and Photoshop. It lives trapped in the box and isn't allowed to connect to the internet. If I need to download something for it I download it on Linux and drag and drop it into the box. It's like having a little pet Windows that you keep locked in a pen, so it works for you and only for you and it can't escape to go into your house to spy on you and shit bloatware all over your carpet.

DaddleDew ,

When the marketing guy tries to do a job meant for the engineering department.

DaddleDew , (edited )

What you are asking for is for Valve to start behaving like developers like EA and Activision, who keep milking the crap out of their franchises with one bland generic release after the other for a quick cash grab.

The fact that Gaben doesn't force his employees to work on the game just to make money is the reason why Half-Life games are of such good quality. The employees at Valve work on what they are motivated to work on at the moment. They aren't being given arbitrary deadlines from overhead either. This is how we got amazing games like Team Fortress 2 and the Portal games too. Both Half-Life games were major milestones in video game history by pushing the envelope. And currently, no Valve employees believe that the conditions are currently set for this to happen with a new Half-Life 3. It would never meet the hype if they tried right now and it would be a huge disappointment.

Half-Life 3 isn't vaporware either as Valve openly admits that they are not working on it at the moment.

Just accept that great things can't happen as often as we wished they did.

Speaking of Team Fortress 2 and Portal, I have been around to witness other attempted iterations of what TF2 could have been been, only to be abandoned by Valve because it wasn't good enough. Then Valve finally got their vision for what the game ultimately ended up being and then suddenly everyone was motivated to work on the game. The first Portal game was also an experiment that motivated Valve employees to work on the sequel. Hopefully one day there will be a lightbulb moment in Valve and everyone will be motivated on working on Half-Life 3 and the resulting product will surely be worthy of the name. But you can't force it to happen.

Hopefully it will happen while Gaben is still in control of Valve though because there is no telling what will happen to the company's unique culture and philosophy after that.

DaddleDew ,

No price, no sale. I tell myself that whenever I have to walk away from a product that didn't have a listed price.

DaddleDew ,

Sometimes I pretend to take sarcasm or joke statements seriously because I don't know how to react to it otherwise.

DaddleDew ,

This has the same energy as:

  • "Who are you?"
  • "Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask."
  • "Well I can see that."
  • "Of course you can, I’m not questioning your powers of observation, I’m merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is."
DaddleDew ,

According to the article they might be doing this to further discourage people from bypassing the hardware restrictions for installing Windows 11.

Don't worry Microsoft. I am fully deterred from ever installing Windows 11 on any of my current or future computers already.

They wouldn't be acting like this if they weren't convinced that they are in a monopolistic situation that is strong enough to let them get away with it. They don't seem to realize how user friendly and approachable some Linux distros have become, or at least are making the bet that most of their users won't discover it. I hope this anti consumer attitude pushes more and more people into giving Linux a try, like it did for me.

DaddleDew ,

They are right to worry for the safety of their staff but not because of the gun owners turning their firearms in. They should be worried about becoming the target of criminals looking to steal those firearms from their delivery chain.

DaddleDew ,

If only politicians were held up to the same standards when it came to being in positions of conflict of interest.

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