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Cryophilia ,

The question isn't "strange man in the woods vs no strange man in the woods". That's an obvious choice.

Cryophilia ,

The shit thing is it's about rape and kidnapping, and not about being eaten alive. All the women are acting like the bear is a fucking teddy bear. Of course I'd prefer to be with a teddy bear then a strange person.

It's like covid and antivaxxers. All these women who picked the bear should be dropped off on Kodiak island and left to fend for themselves. One way or another, eventually most living women would pick the man.

Cryophilia ,

Saying “I think the average man is more likely to harm me than a bear” is very easy to misinterpret

What's to misinterpret? It's a stupid sexist (and urbanist) sentence.

Cryophilia ,

It doesn't push men to be predators, it pushes men towards the Andrew Tates of the world. Misogyny is the only form of proud masculinity still standing.

Cryophilia ,

And men are not reasonable?

Cryophilia ,

The bear doesn’t matter

Yes the bear fucking matters, that's the whole reason why men are getting angry. The question isn't "do strange men scare you?" We KNOW strange men are scary. We GET IT. We AGREE. We don't want to be around strange men either!

Cryophilia ,

There's got to be a line drawn at blatant misandry/misogyny/racism/antisemitism/etc

There's no call to calm down and have a rational discussion with Klan members, for example. Racism is unacceptable. Maybe that's not the best course of action, but it's how society has decided to treat the subject.

Why does misandry get a pass? It should be just as unacceptable as misogyny or racism or transphobia.

Cryophilia ,

If the bear didn't matter it wouldn't be in the question. You're not saying "men can be dangerous". You're saying "the average man is specifically scarier than a bear" which is gross and insulting and a terrible, toxic mindset.

Cryophilia ,

Or or or

Wild thought here

Maybe women who pick the bear are the problem, not the men who fail to simp for her shit misandrist takes.

If you say something stupid, and I call you out for saying something stupid, I'm not the problem. You are.

Cryophilia ,

Damn man, you accidentally said something really elegant, take the W

Cryophilia ,

Women lacking empathy is why they think the average man is a rapist/killer.

Cryophilia ,

Black people are criminals and thugs. I'd rather be with a deadly wild animal than be alone with a Black person.

  • same idea, but with a different group of people. See how it's insulting now?
Cryophilia ,

I read it all and understood it, I just disagree.

Cryophilia ,

This is just as stupid as the woman picking the bear.

I'd rather be alone than with a misandrist, but I'd rather be with a misandrist than a bear.

Cryophilia ,

True, but it still sucks when people blanket insult your gender. It's reasonable to be angry, I think.

Cryophilia ,

Honestly, thinking about it rationally, maybe we should be having more discussion with Klan members. Instead of alienating them, we could convince them that racism is stupid.

But that's tough to do. I couldn't do it.

For our current purposes, I'm just arguing for consistency.

Cryophilia ,

Black bears, sure, probably. Brown bears are fucking dangerous.

I think a big thing this illustrates is how many people have no idea that wild animals can be dangerous.

Cryophilia ,

If women encountered as many bears in their day to day life as they do men, I'm sure the number of deadly bear attacks would be much higher than the rate of assault from strange men.

It's stupid on so many levels. Statistically, you're far more likely to be murdered by a woman than be attacked by a shark. But no one is going around saying that sharks are safer than women.

Cryophilia ,

That's great but doesn't at all address the constant attacks on men and masculinity.

Cryophilia ,

Bigotry is never cool.

Cryophilia ,

It's insulting a whole gender. That's misandry.

Cryophilia ,

Sure, but that wasn't the question. It's "would you rather a man or a bear?"

If the question was, "do you trust random guys", of course everyone would say no.

At the least, it’s not problematic

I strongly disagree. Bigotry is not okay. Casually attacking men for existing is not okay. And yes, saying you think fucking bears are less dangerous than men is an attack.

Cryophilia ,

Maybe the attacking is the problem, not the victim of the attacks.

Be a better person.

Cryophilia ,


Fuck that shit. That's a bullshit definition that's a shield for bigotry.

Sexisim is when you attack a gender for existing. Doesn't matter if it's systemic or just one asshole. Still sexism.

It’s crazy how many women were sexually assaulted by men.

We know! We fucking know. That's not the statement.

Cryophilia ,

Yeah but they're proud, confident little shits.

They're the only ones who don't just act however women tell them to act. That's very appealing to someone looking for somewhere to anchor their self image.

Cryophilia ,

It is healthy, natural, and human for an underclass to harbor fear and resentment toward its oppressor class.

Bullshit, bullshit, and bullshit.

It may be natural but it's not good. It's one of those stupid monkey urges that we should be suppressing as evolved, sentient beings.

Cryophilia ,

We knew women view men as suspicious. That's totally fair. Hell, I view men as suspicious.

We didn't realize so many women were so absolutely stupid.

Cryophilia ,

"Anyone who disagrees with me is one of the people I'm attacking" is one of the oldest and shittiest arguments of mankind.

Cryophilia ,

Great. That's an explanation, not an excuse. What you're saying is that a lot of women need a lot of therapy because they're letting their traumas dictate their actions.

Getting upset that a trauma victim is afraid of reliving their trauma just straight up lacks any kind of empathy.

Empathy went out the window when women decided to call bears less dangerous than men. That's not an empathetic statement. That's a bullshit statement. Sure, driven by trauma and an understandable irrational reaction, but bullshit all the same.

Cryophilia ,

“I don’t feel comfortable around men I don’t know”

is not an attack on men and masculinity. That's a totally reasonable take.

"I specifically think bears are less dangerous than men"

is sexist and stupid as all hell.

Cryophilia ,

And also the toxic behavior exhibited by female western culture.

And non western culture, male and female. What's with the weird "western" line? You think only western countries are misogynistic??

Cryophilia ,

Fuck your moving goalposts too.

Racism and sexism are systemic. They are not exclusively systemic.

Simone DeBeauvoir

Bigoted shitstain.

What’s the statement, according to you, then?

The statement is "I would rather be stuck in the woods with a strange bear than a strange man."

Cryophilia ,

What's the difference?

Cryophilia ,

What's the difference in meaning, Captain Autism?

Cryophilia ,

Which is in reaction to patriarchy and not nearly as prevalent as male toxicity.

Sure but it's still bad. Should not be encouraged.

Cryophilia ,

Bigotry is bad. That should be a base level assumption of all rational humans. It's insane we're even discussing it.

Cryophilia ,

Specifically as it relates to

You know what, fuck this, you got nothing. Stop being a bigot.

Cryophilia ,

You're the one who brought up misogyny/patriarchy in the first place. YOU did the "what about". The original topic is misandry.

Cryophilia ,

Yeh I was gonna say sleep but then apparently I'd just be tired again after 24h

Cryophilia ,

Statistically, the vast majority of random muggings and assaults are done by men, so I actually think this is fair. As far as this particular scenario goes.

Cryophilia ,

You don't know that.

You also don't know the man does want to attack you.

Cryophilia ,

How is it any different? It's discrimination. Not cool, no matter which group is doing it to which other group.

Cryophilia ,

"It's okay, you're one of the good ones. Not like those uppitty n******."

Cryophilia ,

True but irrelevant for this scenario. All men are gone. No victims, no perpetrators. Crime plummets.

Cryophilia ,

That's not how any of this works.

Cryophilia ,

Your dogs are so cute! I love the upside downness. How often do you groom them? They look very clean. I've got a hairy dog and I really should be taking her to the groomers every week, but it's so expensive.

Cryophilia ,

The former example is creepy because the guy is creepy, in both examples the list itself is not creepy. Wanting to have sex is not a bad thing.

Cryophilia ,

They totally are. It's this weird neo-prudishness among young people.

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