/r/StarTrek founder and primary steward from 2008-2021

Currently on the board of directors for StarTrek.website

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Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I don't disagree, but discoverability is important. On the flipside there are so many times in FOSS world where I've actively looked for a tool for months, only to give up and then months later have someone randomly mention it in a thread where I discover it has existed for years.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

This is the second time Book’s extrasensory abilities have been the key to solving one of the clues, the first being in “Jinaal”.

Yeah he's gonna die in the finale isn't he

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Star Trek (derogatory)

I can feel what this means in my gut

Introducing c/DoctorWho!

We've been interested in hosting communities that aren't exactly Star Trek, but also make a certain kind of sense for this instance for a while. - Quark's was the first step, and now we've decided to pull the trigger on !doctorwho - with the new season up and running, this seems like as good a time as any. Whovians new and old...

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

This is a great question. I like to recommend Data's Day for newbies because he sort of goes around and introduces every character, but it's a pretty unconventional episode.

I think I would go with "Doomsday Machine"!

That said, I also think Darmok would be a good fit too, the concept itself is unique in that as far as I know it's the first it was used in science fiction, but the manner in which the concept is presented "Enterprise crew encounters a problem that can't be solved with guns or technology" is pretty darn representative.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Sometimes I think Star Trek did Sub Rosa just to prove they didn't need to include their usual copius amounts of nudity in order to create something extremely erotic.

It's like the story about how Hitchcock didn't give "The Birds" a soundtrack after someone said his movies were only scary because of the music.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Ironically, being a comedy episode it's not very representative!

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Good point! I forgot that it was mostly the two of them on the planet. It is also somewhat unusual in that there is no distinct B-plot. The events that take place in orbit are directly related.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I picked "Doomsday Machine" but Corbomite Maneuver is also really good. Classic in multiple senses of the word.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Space Babies was very RTD but I actually thought it was charming and pretty fun. Ncuti has a lot of promise, too.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Uhh... why did you just paste the comments from the video without the answers?

Canon Connections: DIS 5x06 - Whistlespeak

• Doctor Kovich gives Burnham a list of the five scientists who had the task of researching the Progenitor technology, three of whom we’ve already learned about. The remaining two are a Denobulan, Hitoroshi Kreel, and a Betazoid named Marina DeRex. The first Betazoid we were introduced to in Trek was TNG’s Deanna Troi,...

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I really like Zorin as a beginner's distro. It's based on Ubuntu so most everything is designed to work with it without learning a whole new command line tool, but it doesn't try to hide the Linuxey stuff and mimic windows. On top of that it's just very polished.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Sometimes FOSS communities are so very uptight, we should relax a bit.

Now THIS is funny

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar


Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Good point, perhaps "beginner's distro" is not the best term because not everyone wants to put a ton of attention into their operating system!

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

A better comparison would be energy utilized per user, in which case the energy requirements for Bitcoin are miles and miles ahead of what the average person produces using a computer in the same amount of time. Even a gamer, playing 4k 120fps ray traced games 12 hours a day would use a fraction of the energy of someone mining bitcoin.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

How much energy is used by our current financial system?

Orders of magnitude less than Bitcoin requires, which is the criticism.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I remember when new uniform variants meant it was a new series (or at least a new admiral).

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar


Were the [REDACTED] also a result of the Progenitors? DIS s5 spoilers

So, the plot in season five of Disco is hunting down clues left behind by scientists who uncovered the technology left behind by a precursor race of alien beings who panspermiad their genetics all over the galaxy, resulting in all your favourite humanoids, like humans, Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians, as seen in the TNG...

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I had a similar thought. So far Disco (unlike in "The Chase") has implied that the progenitors seeded all life. I have a feeling it's meant to throw us off the trail a bit.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Especially in this season it so obvious how Tilly’s intelligence manifests in being able to bypass entire complexes of prejudice and social norms (perceived and unconscious, spoken and unspoken) whether they be human or alien, and get right to the point with somebody. In an organization that is constantly trying to establish trust with a variety of unknown actors, Tilly is an incredible asset.

Very well said!

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Online accounts works seamlessly with Google Drive but yet not for OneDrive.

It also is not the same thing as "Drive Sync" on Windows that mirrors local files.

Corgana , (edited )
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

2008 is not "damn old" in terms of filesystems.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Yes. Why bother sharing if you're not trying to help others?

Corgana OP ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I tried to find out more about the guy who made it but he hasn't posted to BBS since 2020, has a suspended reddit account, and a deleted Twitter.

I have to imagine someone that trekkish is at least familiar with Our Website so fingers crossed someone might know him because I would totally get one of these too.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I know this is a joke but "Enshittification" requires there to be a monopoly that abuses commercial customers along with users. Linux distros can't really have monopolies since the switching costs are so low.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x06 "Whistlespeak"

LoglineWhile undercover in a pre-warp society, Captain Burnham is forced to consider breaking the Prime Directive when a local tradition threatens Tilly’s life. Meanwhile, Culber tries to connect with Stamets, and Adira steps up when Rayner assigns them a position on the bridge....

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Culber's newfound spirituality arc felt kinda shoehorned in as an odd piece of character development in a show that's about to end. I actually initially really enjoyed that he felt weird about hosting a Trill spirit (Trek has a habit of stuff getting right back to normal after a traumatic experience) but it's dragged on without a clear direction as to what it means. I have to assume it will become relevant to the main plot at some point. Discovery surely wouldn't leave weird thread dangling, right? Right?

The whole idea of a humanoid habitat built around a semi-functioning weather control network was cool. Though I would have loved to have seen the dead civilization around the tower they eventually go to!

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

idk Stamets seemed pretty receptive and understanding, I think Culber was moreso unsure because he sees himself as a "man with all the answers" and didn't like the vulnerability that came with showing his partner a side that's unsure and not confident. That's how it seemed to me at least.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I liked that at no point Burhnam spoke down to the town leader dude by going "actually yes we are gods now open the door I'll explain later" even though in the short-term it would have been faster.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Yeah totally. I think the glibness is coming from a place of experience. Like he knows Culber will get there eventually, but there are no words that will help. Like the whole trying to tell a queer teenager "it gets better" thing.

Canon Connections: DIS 5x05 - Mirrors

• The episode title references the mirror universe, a dark reflection of the familiar reality of Star Trek where humans, or Terrans as they’re more commonly called there, evolved to be more sensitive to light, resulting in everyone tending more towards malevolence, and barbarism, and queer coded villainy. Other episodes...

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar


(And don't' tell me they don't use money in the 23rd century)

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

But Kirk told the pretty lady they don't

New piefed feature , anyone can subscribe to any post or comment (piefed is a reddit and lemmy alternative) ( codeberg.org )

This is a feature that as far as i know lemmy does not have, so it might be worth it to checkout and support piefed, it will probably be useful if there are certain topics that are really relevant to you and you want to develop in depth knowledge of.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Is this using ActivityPub? I notice that the lead dev shares a username with a lemmy.world admin.

EDIT: yes it is I missed that it is already federated with Lemmy instances

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

How so?

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

They absolutely were, without question. That said, there's nothing this guy can do to make that happen on Mastodon instances he doesn't own.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

It seems like we agree on the facts, and I certainly won't disagree that it's worse now, but I would characterize Twitter's (pre-Musk) response to extremism as "measured, lacking and lethargic", before I would use "imperfect", which still implies "pretty good" and from my perceptive it was not good enough to make me want to use it. I think maybe we just have a different tolerance for hate speech.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I’ve recently started wondering how many people are here because they’re too toxic for regular social media rather than because they want to be here.

Dude yes, I've been thinking the same thing. I worry that users curious to leave reddit are going to go to a big instance, see concentrated worst-parts-of-reddit, and decide it's not for them.

In theory, decentralization enables freedom from the average user being forced to put up with toxicity. But we don't really have that (yet) until the ratio of jerk to non-jerk improves.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I’d pay for independent, non meta, ad-free search.

You might, but not enough people would to make it sustainable. Neeva was really well loved but couldn't make the math work.

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