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Coreidan ,

The real crime is eating that in your car

Even if god exists religion can't possibly be the way to god

So I thought about this in the shower amd it makes sense to me, like praying and stuff never worked for most people I know, so a direkt link to god gotta be unlikely. That made me conclude that religion is probably fake, no matter if there's a god or not. Also people speaking to the same god being given a different set of rules...

Coreidan ,

It’s a lot easier to control and oppress people when they have the fear of god in them.

Is it more energy efficient to charge a phone/tablet using a desktop/laptop while your computer is being used vs using the charger? ( )

I was just thinking if you are on your computer anyway would it just use some of the excess electricity that your computer would have wasted or would it be worse than charging your phone from a charger while using your laptop separately.

Coreidan ,

excess electricity that your computer would have wasted

Ya this is not how electricity or computers work.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

Coreidan ,

If he was truly honest he would tell the world what a gigantic shit bag he is

Decentralized Systems Will Be Necessary To Stop Google From Putting The Web Into Managed Decline ( )

Is Google signaling the end of the open web? That’s some of the concern raised by its new embrace of AI. While most of the fears about AI may be overblown, this one could be legit. But it doesn’t mean that we need to accept it....

Coreidan ,

I expect him to call someone a pedo or some other shit he’s projecting

Coreidan ,

Oh no china is going to steal your new fancy dance move!

Coreidan ,

What is wrong with you? This is the worst thing I’ve read on lemmy all day

Coreidan ,

Are there actually people out there that think differently than this? This is not a revelation.

Coreidan ,

I don’t buy this. Companies like the cloud because they know their data is going to computers that they don’t have to manage.

On premise means they need to manage the hardware. It means they need a staff on hand to maintain the hardware. They have to deal with all of those issues them selves.

I am in tech consulting and I’ve never met a customer that didn’t understand what cloud actually is.

Even my boomer relatives know this and they know jack shit about the tech world.

Coreidan ,

“Most people” is a stretch. This is a vague generalization with no data to back it up.

Coreidan ,

The data is my own relatives. Where as you’re just pulling stuff out of your ass. Big difference.

Coreidan ,

You’ll have to do better than that because you’re essentially saying the same thing as “most people don’t know the sky is blue.”

Prove it. Otherwise you’re just projecting your insecurity of not knowing how basic computer stuff works.

Coreidan , (edited )

ROFL. More projection.

Coreidan ,

Nah. We can hate both. They both deserve it.

Coreidan ,

Why are you trimming your cats whiskers? This brings a lot of stress to your cat. Never do this.

Coreidan ,

Ya I’m not talking about the whisker sticking out of the fur on his head. I’m talking about the whiskers in his face that appear to be trimmed

Coreidan ,

Reaaaaaaaaaally??????? Never saw this coming /s

Coreidan ,

You truly are a genius

DUUUUUH tell me something I don’t already know

Do you need a dentist visit every 6 months? That filling? The data is weak ( )

A 2020 Cochrane review that assessed the two clinical trials concluded that "whether adults see their dentist for a check‐up every six months or at personalized intervals based on their dentist's assessment of their risk of dental disease does not affect tooth decay, gum disease, or quality of life. Longer intervals (up to 24...

Coreidan ,

Sounds like you need a better dentist.

There are caring legit dentists out there. I know, hard to believe.

Coreidan , (edited )

Just because they are scraping your teeth with a metal utensil doesn’t mean they are removing enamel. Enamel is a lot harder than you think and lightly scraping it has no effect on it.

Since you’re not a dentist or have any medical training you shouldn’t make such sweeping assumptions.

I’ve been getting cleanings my entire life. My enamel is just fine.

You don't use a metal spatula or an expensive coated cooking pan, do you?

Non-stick coatings are soft. Enamel isn’t.

Hey did you know enamel is harder than steel? Yup that’s why using a steel scraper on your teeth is fine. It’s why we’ve been doing it for decades without anyone having issues.

Educate yourself for fucks sake. You are incredibly ignorant on this subject. Sounds like you have an extreme phobia and you’re projecting your insecurity on everyone else.

Coreidan ,

teeth aren't supposed to be bright white

Dental cleanings don’t make your teeth bright white. Removing tarter doesn’t make your teeth white.

All a dental cleaning should ever be is tarter removal. If your dentist is whitening your teeth then you need to get a proper dentist.

But doing it for decades adds up and may end up cancelling out benefits from exams.

You don’t have the first clue as to what you’re talking about and you’re giving people terrible advice.

Coreidan ,

I don't think you understand what cleanings are...

It’s painfully obvious through all your comments that you don’t know the first thing about cleanings or dental health.

Coreidan ,

No reason to have shame. All I’m saying is if you think your dentist is fucking around you should get a better dentist instead of avoiding them your entire life.

There are clear benefits to getting regular checkups. You are blessed that you don’t have any problems. But that can change quickly with age.

You only get one set of teeth and you don’t know what you don’t know.

All it takes is a simple infection to fuck your shit up. Bite wing X-rays allows you to get ahead of issues like that instead of waiting until it’s an issue because by then it’s too late.

Coreidan ,

How is an earth worm your biggest phobia? They are harmless to you.

Coreidan ,

Never said you could. But why?

Coreidan ,

Hey I didn’t mean to sound like I was ridiculing you. I wasn’t sure if you were joking or just being absurd. I genuinely was curious why you have a phobia.

I get it. Some people hate spiders or snakes or anything that doesn’t resemble comfort. It’s not exactly uncommon.

I am sorry you feel that way and have to deal with that phobia. Just know you aren’t alone.

I hope you can find peace. Thank you for replying.

Coreidan ,

Who needs a blanket when you have a swarm of cats

Coreidan ,

Ya ArrowHead knew what they were doing and what was going on. They signed up for it. There’s no way this wasn’t on their risk matrix ahead of time with the resolution already scoped out.

Coreidan ,

See this is why nothing improves and why the process remains to be a shit show.

On your end everything seems fine. To everyone on the other end it’s a complete failure.

If someone is looking for a job they are going through this process 20-30 times. Every fucking time it’s filling out some long form repeating all the same crap that’s in your resume.

Like I get it. You do this to make your life easier. But you do it at the expense of everyone else and in the end you glazed over all the good talent because you didn’t even know it was there since the people looking at this stuff don’t know the first thing about the role they are hiring.

The problem is on your end. Not the applicants. The really good applicants aren’t even applicants because they see this shit and NOPE out since there are plenty of good companies that don’t pull this crap.

Coreidan ,

That attitude is precisely the reason why you struggle to find good people. There is no shortage of good applicants. You just don’t know what you’re doing and can’t see the difference.

It’s a real shame. All the more reason why my hatred for corporations grows on a daily basis.

Coreidan ,

Because all of the big corporations out there including Lockheed Martin write articles complaining about how they struggle to find qualified applicants.

Coreidan ,

I understand but keep in mind they’ve been saying this long before Covid. Long before there were labor issues or expectations around remote work.

I remember reading lots of articles about this back in 2015-2016. I’m sure it’s worse now but it was never really great to begin with.

The issue really isn’t the application form as much as it is that the folks doing the hiring and interviewing.

I can’t tell you how many interviews I’ve been in where the interviewer was clearly not technical but asked questions around your technical background. They don’t know the right answers from the wrong answers. These are KIDS asking tech questions to seniors. So even if your answer is right you’ll still be marked wrong because the answer wasn’t equal to what was on their paper.

It’s infuriating.

Coreidan ,

How you explained it I would say you’re doing it right. You truly are the exception. My apologies.

Unfortunately most of what I see in the corporate world is the opposite of that. Not every company is this way. The company I am working for today follows the same pattern that you utilize. With that said I got hired through a reference which is how it always goes here for hiring.

It seems the companies that I see this the most with are the ones spamming indeed and similar job posting sites. They aren’t very good at it which I guess is why they end up using these sites to begin with.

Coreidan ,

At what point do you think things changed?

It feels like ever since 2008 companies have been in a slow grind to cut costs. It truly feels like the economy is going down the tubes and this is all just a sign of the current times.

Things definitely accelerated since Covid.

Coreidan ,

For real? That’s both sad and creepy.

I hope the other person in the relationship bailed for their own sake.

Coreidan ,

“Hey babe. I made a mistake. I want to get back together.”

“Sure no problem! Me too! I just need to plow through this list of dudes I’m gonna fuck first.”

Seems like an awfully shitty thing to do to someone that’s genuinely interested in you.

Coreidan , (edited )

My point is if I’m interested in someone (man or women) I’m going to have zero interest in waiting for them to fuck a bunch of people first.

Why would I? I clearly don’t mean anything to you if you need to fuck a bunch of people first.

You just be young or have never been in a loving relationship before.

If I told my girlfriend right before I started dating her that before we start I need to go bang 15 women, should have told me to get lost. And rightfully so.

I can’t help but find this to be a sad reality.

Coreidan ,

lol no. Has nothing to do with valuing number of partners. It’s that I don’t want the woman I love fucking other people.

Is it really that hard to understand? Good lord. login redirects to

I use, and had trouble logging in from there today. "Too many redirects". I also use the Redirect to extension. When I disabled that, the login link it now takes you to is That, of course, takes you to

Coreidan ,

So then verify your phone number?

Google doesn’t log me out after 5 minutes. Sounds like you’re doing something wrong.

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