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Catoblepas ,

If they dissolved when you ate them don’t worry, you probably just ate corn that wasn’t processed in a way intended for human consumption 👍

Catoblepas ,

Do you wear cotton (or another natural fiber) socks? Polyester tends to make smells linger a lot more because it doesn’t wick moisture properly.

Catoblepas ,

Chrono Cross, despite being a 3D game made in the late 90s, has also aged pretty well if you want to give it a play too. If the game style doesn’t look to your liking the soundtrack is still great.

Catoblepas ,

After seeing my husband play for hours, I didn’t even know it was possible to play without belts!

Catoblepas ,

Well, you wouldn’t know it from the article, but the protestors had a specific goal: get the university to divest its investments in Intel due to their close ties to Israel. The threat of it being fucking expensive and disruptive if they don’t do that is one of many possible tactics they had available.

Whether or not that’s a good idea or an effective one is a completely different discussion, but they’re not doing it because they hate books. They’re doing it because the books cost a lot to replace and it’s very disruptive to business as usual.

If it makes you feel any better, in sections where current information changes rapidly (law, technology, medicine, etc) these books were destined to be discarded and destroyed within a few years anyway. Universities throw away or recycle a ton of books every year, often because literally nobody wants them.

It’s not what I would have chosen to do, but I also can’t really fault teenagers and young adults being a little over the top about an ongoing genocide that in their view their university is indirectly financially benefiting from.

Catoblepas ,

I’ve always heard orange juice + vodka called a screwdriver.

And not gonna lie, I’d try it.

Had my final assessment for autism the other day

I was diagnosed 7 years ago as autistic, though I didnt realise at the time it was a diagnosis, I was informed a few years later that what I thought was a specialists opinion was actually a formal diagnosis. But due to family history, my adhd was addressed first. They were supposed to refer me to autism specialist after the adhd...

Catoblepas ,

Fuck me and here I thought that was just a personal flaw. That’s a lot to chew on, in a good way. Thanks for explaining it.

Catoblepas ,

You didn’t watch enough trashy Discovery Channel shows from the 00s onward?

Catoblepas ,

You can’t trick me into giving you all my knowledge, faerie!!

Catoblepas ,

Thomcord grapes (Thompson x Concord hybrid) are amazing. They taste like grape jelly if grape jelly wasn’t sickly sweet. They’ve also got a mild tart bite to them that I love. I can never find them anywhere most of the time but I always snatch one up when I see it.

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

Catoblepas ,

Historically fried chicken and watermelon are stereotypical foods associated with black Americans as part of minstrel shows, which were usually performed in blackface, and other racist portrayals of black people. Watermelon in particular was turned into a negative racial stereotype because growing watermelon was one way that emancipated slaves could be financially independent.

Fried chicken has been associated with enslaved black people since before the Civil War, because chickens were the only livestock they were allowed to keep. Well into the 20th century there were also white-owned restaurants and brands that drew on these stereotypical images over the protests of black people.

At best it is very ignorant of the history of racism in the US to have a fried chicken and watermelon special on Juneteenth, because the thought process is just black people holiday = fried chicken and watermelon. At worst it’s just signaling to other racists, which is definitely not an unviable business strategy in some parts of the US.

Catoblepas , (edited )

This month, Walmart became the latest retailer to announce it’s replacing the price stickers in its aisles with electronic shelf labels. The new labels allow employees to change prices as often as every ten seconds.

“If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream. If there's something that’s close to the expiration date, we can lower the price — that’s the good news,” said Phil Lempert, a grocery industry analyst.

Jesus, I can’t imagine just coming out and saying this like it’s not fucking deranged to charge people more for WATER during a heat wave.

Also, the first time the price of something rises in the 5 minutes it takes for me to get my shopping done and get to the checkout, I’m taking a shit on the floor.

Catoblepas ,

The year is 2047. Individually tracked pricing algorithms determine prices for each customer. I am the local water man, who everyone pays a small fee to go buy clean water, because my high volume of purchases means I get a slight discount. In only 34 more years I can pay off my 8th grade education and start thinking about a down payment on a double sleeping pod.

Catoblepas ,

This is basically Ballmasterz 9009, if you like weird adult cartoons (made by the same guy that did Superjail).

Catoblepas ,

I have asthma (is that technically immunocompromised?) and before COVID I used to just get bronchitis every year or two. I haven’t had bronchitis since 2020, except when I caught COVID by taking off my mask. If wearing a mask means I don’t deal with that shit again you better believe I’m not raw dogging public air anymore. Feeling unable to get a full breath is the worst feeling in the world.

Catoblepas ,

Could I get an example of a disability healed by exercise? (Being fat isn’t a disability by itself)

When you stopped caring about staying in good shape?

I completely stopped caring about 2 years ago, I realized I was never going to do anything with my good look and that I will never get into a relationship in my life, so I just figured out "what's the point then, I'm already invisible to women?" And I don't care about my health tbh......

Catoblepas ,

Have you spoken to a doctor about the trouble you’re having? I spent a large chunk of my adult life thinking I just sucked at running and aerobic exercise in general until I found out I had exercise induced asthma. Turns out you’re not supposed to feel like you’re sucking air through a straw while exercising! A couple of puffs on an inhaler beforehand and now I at least feel like I can breathe while doing cardio.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections ( )

Finland's results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....

Catoblepas ,

Seems like it would be a great quip when someone’s being an ass. “Go rake a forest.”

Catoblepas ,

Because sadly AAA games are produced on the basis of how they perform vs putting that same amount of money in the stock market, not whether they are good 😔

Catoblepas ,

Porn “addiction” is a misnomer because it doesn’t have much in common with drug addiction, gambling addiction, etc. Porn “addicts”, when you show them images of porn, do not have brain responses like those of addicts who are shown images of whatever they’re addicted to.

But what is a great predictor for whether or not someone will self report being a porn addict is shame. Gay men in particular are significantly more likely than straight men in general to say they’re addicted to porn. So are straight men with a heavily religious background.

Which isn’t to say that people who report porn addictions aren’t really suffering, it’s just not the same as an actual addiction and is instead the result of living in a culture telling you that your normal sexual desires are wrong.

Catoblepas ,

The feeling of chasing that high, which scientists can show physical evidence of through brain imaging, isn’t present in people who self report porn addiction. What they’re calling addiction is frequently just enjoying masturbation, which they feel shame about, and that any amount is too much. If what people are self reporting as porn addiction neurologically doesn’t behave as an addiction, then therapies for addiction are not going to be evidence based treatments.

The people you’re talking about with cum jars often don’t even see their behavior as a problem, much less labeling themselves addicts. The overlap of the circles of people who masturbate in public and those that call themselves porn addicts is near zero. Calling all of that porn addiction is basically lumping all problematic sexual behavior together with people who think they’re part of that group because they look at porn and masturbate.

The professionals that treat porn addiction are also for the most part members of religious organizations that promote religious based solutions, which also doesn’t really offer much evidence against the idea that porn “addiction” is religious based shame.

The porn industry itself being exploitative of the workers is a completely different conversation than someone being “addicted” to porn.

I get that anyone who says they have a porn addiction isn’t having a good time. But we can’t ignore that there is a huge industry of religious quackery that is more than happy to take your money and tell you that you’re oh so sick, just as your shame and guilt tell you.

Catoblepas ,

I’m sorry, I guess I don’t understand why you’re talking about addictions and how that relates to dopamine in your first comment if you’re not talking about porn addiction. I’m not using quotes around porn addiction to directly quote you, I’m using them because I don’t believe porn addiction is a real thing.

Catoblepas ,

If your problem is specifically me using the word porn when you’re talking about masturbation more generally, with or without porn, does it help to add the context that “porn addiction” is used interchangeably by these groups with “masturbation addiction”? I’m not really sure where this is breaking down.

Catoblepas ,

Dude, I’ve tried engaging with you politely on this and elaborating on each thing I was saying. If you’re married to the idea of masturbation addiction being real despite the scientific evidence for it being incredibly weak and the “treatment” being bankrolled by religious groups, knock yourself out.

Catoblepas ,

Lmao, I’m at a stage of my life and on the types of medications that would make wanting to masturbate a lot a welcome change.

Masturbation (in private obviously) is a neutral act. Anyone trying to characterize it as inherently good or bad is suspect. Anyone trying to sell you a cure for something mainstream society tells you is shameful, doubly so.

Catoblepas ,

I’ve said my piece, you just seem to want to be mad. Peace. ✌️

Catoblepas ,

I wouldn’t call this a smoking gun; further down the thread on Bluesky, they say that they took this story to several reporters and none of them wanted to use it as a story, by their own admission because they didn’t really have much to prove a half remembered conversation.

All that said, none of it would surprise me if it was true and I remember it being speculated on at the time. I think it’s way more likely that one of Trump’s cronies would have exerted that pressure on reddit rather than Trump himself, just because reddit never seemed to hold a candle to Twitter for him.

Catoblepas ,

Oh, for sure. But the reddit admins have a long history of being way friendlier to chuds than they have to be, so lacking any evidence to the contrary I tend to default to ‘they just want it that way.’

Catoblepas ,

There could be any number of things causing you to feel like that. Depression, burn out (very common in people on the spectrum), vitamin deficiencies, thyroid problems… our bodies are kind of like really crappy cars that just show a check engine light for every problem, except with feeling tired. The only way to rule out any physical problems is to get blood work done.

Catoblepas ,

Whaaat, an app created to enforce sexist norms regarding who counts as a woman did just that?? 😲

Catoblepas ,

The humor is way more redditty on lemmy. Which I realize sounds nonsensical, but a huge portion of lemmy users are former reddit users who both think reddit humor is funny and have like 10 years of reddit humor memes to draw on. The “early” (2012ish) reddit I’m remembering had less of that and a lot more of what current users would consider cringe, like f7u12 comics. And a lot more general weird nerd awkwardness… like the frozen soap post.

Catoblepas ,

Mine feels more connected to my jaw, I kind of tense my jaw right near the joint to activate the rumbling.

Catoblepas ,

I second this suggestion! Pound cake with macerated strawberry juices soaking into it is incredible 😋

Catoblepas ,

You don’t even have to go there! Ebooks and audiobooks are widely available through libraries too. Depending on your area you might also have access to free language programs or classes on other subjects. Emedia has really taken off with libraries.

Catoblepas ,

The fucking noise those pants made every step you took was an absolute sensory nightmare.

Catoblepas ,

Oh Jesus, that and velvet. Fuck velvet! Whoever decided they should sell shirts made of that goes to itchy hell.

Catoblepas ,

I refuse to take any advice from the people that spent like a full decade shitting on Al Gore and the idea of global warming. No, I don’t care that they pivoted well after global warming was settled science and public opinion started to shift to viewing it as cringe to be a climate change denier.

Catoblepas ,

They made an episode trying to make up for that where I think one of the secondary characters is trans? I couldn’t tell you the specifics of it because I haven’t watched it, I just remember it being decently received at the time by a fair amount of trans people that I follow on various platforms. Not beyond reproach but not the fucking nightmare that the Mrs Garrison shit was.

Catoblepas ,
Catoblepas ,

Oh don’t worry it’s actually worse than that! In some states it’s completely legal for 13 year olds to buy a gun at a gun show.

Catoblepas ,

It’s probably being reported for the transphobic idea that trans people are created by an environmental contaminant which has existed for thousands of years less than transgender people have.

Catoblepas ,

I promise that multiple things can affect sperm count.

Catoblepas ,

My bad, I read it as dismissive.

Catoblepas ,

Did we memory hole the whole ‘known CSAM in training data’ thing that happened a while back? When you’re vacuuming up the internet you’re going to wind up with the nasty stuff, too. Even if it’s not a pixel by pixel match of the photo it was trained on, there’s a non-zero chance that what it’s generating is based off actual CSAM. Which is really just laundering CSAM.

Catoblepas ,

Fair but depressing, it seems like it barely registered in the news cycle.

Catoblepas ,

What % do you think was used to generate the CSAM, though? Like, if 1% of the images were cups it’s probably drawing on some of that to generate images of cups.

And yes, you could technically do this with no CSAM training material, but we don’t know if that’s what the AI is doing because the image sources used to train it were mass scraped from the internet. They’re using massive amounts of data without filtering it and are unable to say with certainty whether or not there is CSAM in the training material.

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