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Brkdncr ,

If you have a 1-click exploit for iOS, you’re not using it on a shitty movie site. You’re selling it for top dollar to governments.

Brkdncr ,

Password generator used the date/time to create the password. It was fixed a long time ago.

Brkdncr ,

Free EFI conversion for any carbureted vehicle still on the road.

Brkdncr ,

Oh wow the water wars are starting a few years earlier than I anticipated.

Brkdncr ,

Set up iperf on a machine connected to your router.

From your machine, connect it to the router too and see if iperf shows good speed.

Take your machine to another room and plug into your lan and test again.

If the speed is considerably lower then yes you have an internal network issue. I would look into how the cables connect to the router. It might be an old or cheap switch. It could also be the cables or cable ends themselves. I’ve seen cables that are terminated poorly cause slowness. I’ve seen two connections in a single cable end work but have lots of problems.

Brkdncr OP ,

You can do that today with their setup I think. You would need to plug the pump into one of their batteries and run their solar panel to the battery. You’d also put the battery on grid power.

The article is focused on an inverter that pushes energy back to the grid, something we don’t have yet at this market level.

Brkdncr OP ,

Your breaker will pop. Just like if you were to run a hair dryer on each outlet.

Brkdncr OP ,

Maybe for a same-circuit device that’s consuming more than the breaker can provide? I don’t know enough about this tech but would expect this can be accounted for in some way.

Brkdncr ,

That’s the point. Broadcom focuses on only the top consumers and desire everyone else to go away. They then focus only on what those top consumers want and their support staff can be cut down considerably.

It’s an interesting tactic that they have mastered.

Brkdncr ,

Convection ovens will always dry out cakes.

Brkdncr ,

If it’s like mine then it’s a low speed fan on “bake” mode which has little impact on cakes. If you have a convection option, don’t use it when baking.

Brkdncr ,

This sounds more like a deadman switch.

Brkdncr ,

They already are in many communities. Enforcement is an issue.

4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good?

Was 25 and super nervous, so when the realtor was like "oh yeah they just check for basic stuff, but I looked around and it looks great" I was like "Oh okay, this is so astronomically expensive every penny saved is good..."...

Brkdncr ,

I almost thought that closing awards, taking the money, then opening awards was a scam to defraud people of their money.

Then I realized awards was a scam all along.

Brkdncr ,

You know how many times I’ve had to remove a spyware/adware browser, extensions, and homepage from a family members computer? Too many.

Do companies store facial and voice recognition data from the thousands of hours of zoom/teams calls that their employees use?

I heard a person call into a show the other day, voice only, and talk about some poor working conditions at a factory. Made me think about how it would probably be so easy for nefarious bosses to be able to identify that person through voice recognition SW with all of the data that comes from us looking directly into cameras and...

Brkdncr ,

With Teams, a user can opt into voice and facial recognition. The benefits are that you can be attributed in conference rooms and in transcription.

Your voice and facial recognition info is deleted when your user account is de-licensed for 30+ days.

This only applies to your tenant though. It doesn’t work when you join meetings from other tenants.

That being said, the tech is there and it’s approaching commodity-levels.

Brkdncr ,

The arms connecting the 2nd rail are being used during testing.

Brkdncr ,

You can get a burn from a reflection. There’s a building in Las Vegas that caused this problem due to its windows and angle towards the sun.

There are too many variables to say if you’ll get a burn though.

Brkdncr ,

Old rave music mixtapes.

I had a tape labeled as “sluggo vs urban: annihilation” that I simply loved to death. The tapes are long gone and I never found the artists/DJs again.

How to work with someone that regularly arrives as the wrong answer?

I work with a person that went presented with a problem, works through it and arrives at the wrong solution. When I have them show me the steps they took, it seems like they interpret things incorrectly. This isn't a language barrier, and it's not like they aren't reading what someone wrote....

Brkdncr OP ,

Vagueness was intentional.

In this case I was an observer, so my writing style didn’t affect the situation I had described. I’m also not the first to recognize this type of problem with the employee.

Brkdncr OP ,

No SOP because no one else has trouble understanding this process. At the level they are at they shouldn’t need written steps for this and every other aspect of their job.

I’ve been suspecting adhd for a while but I’m not sure how to approach that topic.

Brkdncr OP ,

if others were regularly coming to me with questions about my direction I would agree with you. In this case I was an outside observer to how the situation transpired, and the individual seems to run into this problem with me and others.

Brkdncr OP ,

Great example/joke. A rational person would either understand that six eggs were wanted, or that six cartons of milk is an odd request and ask for confirmation that they understood the request correctly.

My problem to solve is how do I fix this? While clear instruction should be given, I can’t be there to translate every request this person receives, nor should I have to approve every action they want to take.

Brkdncr OP ,

I wasn’t directly involved in this example, so if the problem was with how I communicate it didn’t affect this situation.

I agree that the request was worded poorly but you correctly hesitated.

Unfortunately they seem to be the only one that has difficulty in asking questions when the instructions are unclear or outside the norm.

Brkdncr OP ,

Agreed. I didn’t proof what I wrote very well.

This example didn’t involve me though, so my poorly written post and writing style shouldn’t have impacted this situation.

Brkdncr OP ,

I agree, but here is some more info:

Employee seems to misunderstand requests from most people and published documentation at a rate much higher than others.

Employee has had years to figure out how people communicate with them.

In this case I wasn’t the one that worded the request poorly, it was someone else. I have adapted to using lists when making requests, and avoiding vague statements, but I can’t expect everyone to adapt to this person and I can’t be there to translate everything for them.

Brkdncr OP ,

Another example:

The product they were sending is only relevant to remote workers.

The product group they were to send it to consists of remote workers and in-office workers.

They are aware that the product they are sending is only for remote workers.

This isn’t the first time they have had to send something to only remote workers.

They sent it to all of them instead of only the remote workers.

While I concede that the instruction could have been worded better, they should have either known to send the product to the appropriate people or asked questions.

Others have said in this post that I need to improve my comms skills, but this person regularly mis-interprets things from everyone, including documentation and guides, and then executes without hesitation. So how do we fix the individual?

Brkdncr OP ,

Most helpful, thanks.

Brkdncr OP ,

If they are it’s not something that’s been told to me.

I’m very aware that people have different skills and limitations and adjust accordingly. I have done a lot, including helping organize tasks, reviewing issues when they come up, setting goals, positive reinforcement, asking how they want me to change to help them further, suggesting learning opportunities, suggesting social interaction opportunities…

Let’s not assume I came to post this without first trying different techniques, researching topics on how to manage people like this, and reaching out to management peers for possible solutions. I’ve had a few upper management people that knew this person tell me “some people just don’t get it” and “they have possibly hit their peak”

Brkdncr OP ,

I probably should have included that these were all great responses; just that I’ve tried them.

Brkdncr OP ,

Thanks, I will do that. Keep in mind that I presented a single situation. It also applies to things like following documentation steps, and coming up with steps on their own to reach a defined goal.

Brkdncr OP ,

Yeah, it’s vague on purpose. No, not customers.

Brkdncr ,

It’s still supported under VDI environments which is why the toggle still exists at all.

Not the best rollout of a MS product but I give them credit for realizing that they needed to switch the underlying code base completely to be more efficient, and actually committing to it.

Brkdncr ,

I think they were using electron and moved to webview2? They blogged about it a long while back.

Why does a state like California that has supermajorities in both houses of the legislature not have a livable wage, housing guarantees, universal healthcare, and other very progressive policies?

I keep being told it's because of the Republicans that we can't have nice things. So what gives in California? We should be overflowing with progressive policies.

Brkdncr ,

Sennheiser, jabber. You’ll need to buy into their up-market products though.

r/sysadmin and the size of this community

So I have been a part of this community for a while and it seems pretty quiet. I know Lemmy is not as big as Reddit so this community will always be much smaller but I kind of miss the activity on r/sysadmin. Infinity for Reddit still works for view only so I have been scrolling though posts on Reddit as some of the stories and...

Brkdncr ,

I disagree. Merge with techsupport or even technology. Critical mass needs to be natural.

What is the benefit of closing Studios? Why not sell them?

Yes, this is in relation to the closing of Tango Gameworks and Arcane Austin. Is there some immediate monetary benefit behind it that I have no idea about? Is it so they can keep the IPs and not have to deal with the developers? Are the Studios too expensive for anyone to buy? I honestly don't understand how these executives...

Brkdncr ,

There are no buyers for studios that had their IP stripped already.

Brkdncr OP ,

Exchange server runs the business world.

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