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Bonehead ,

You'd think, but after that man vs bear thing I realized this place can be just as bad. Some instances are tolerant, but other seem to be more combative and less tolerant. The only benefit here is that I can block the less tolerant instances and people more easily.

Bonehead ,

And this is exact the reason I'm building a Home Assistant instance with local voice processing. Right now it takes a few seconds to process a request and take action on my crappy 1.8ghz laptop with only 4gb of RAM, but it basically does everything I use Alexa for. This announcement is just encouraging me to build a better server with an esp32 satellite.

Bonehead ,

Honestly, nothing yet. I've only been playing with it for a few weeks. I just use the web interface on my phone to test the voice control. I've been looking at the esp32 devices that people have been building, but a lot of them admit that they can't come anywhere close to the reliability of the microphone array used in the Alexa.

Account suspended

Browsing Reddit at work like I've literally done every work day for the last six years, suddenly Reddit won't let me vote. Says my account has been suspended, but all I have to do is reset my password, using the email address I have on file. I don't have one. Can't get the email to reset the password, can't add an email now. I...

Bonehead ,

I saw this coming as soon as they killed the old mobile site. I generated a new gmail address to placate Reddit's requirements, just in case I needed to modify old comments. Of course I unfortunately realized they were backing up and restoring old comments anyways, and that most of it was likely sold before the API debacle. But I can still get back in whenever I want, not that I really want to. Just like Digg. And Fark.

4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good?

Was 25 and super nervous, so when the realtor was like "oh yeah they just check for basic stuff, but I looked around and it looks great" I was like "Oh okay, this is so astronomically expensive every penny saved is good..."...

Bonehead ,

I bought during the height of the housing frenzy in Canada in 2021. Putting any condition on the sale meant that you wouldn't get the house. I found a few issues but took the chance anyways. As soon as the sale went through, I got an inspector in to check out everything I found. I got lucky for the most part, but there were a few things that he found that I didn't. It's better to know these things and plan for them than to be oblivious.

Get the inspection. It's not weird at all. They are all aware of the current situation.

Bonehead ,

Obligatory "Real users use Hannah Montana Linux" post.

Bonehead ,

And everyone will still call it Twitter.

Bonehead ,

Wanted to play some games, didn't have money but I did know someone that knew someone that knew someone that ran a BBS that had some pirated games.

Yes, I'm that old.

Bonehead ,

And if that doesn't do it, try the trick I learned for cleaning the cutting boards at Subway. Lay down paper towel over stain, pour straight bleach on the paper. Let it stand overnight. The paper keeps the bleach in place and it won't dry as fast. A little harsh, but it works.

Bonehead ,

We had plastic cutting boards that covered the entire length of the counter that would become stained and dirty through the day despite being wiped down after almost every order. And since sanitization is vitally important at a restaurant, they needed to be cleaned somehow. The boards would be rinsed and wiped down every morning before use.

Bonehead ,

Decimate my fapping addiction? I think you mean exacerbate...

Bonehead ,

For Toronto, you have Metro Toronto which is the original city. The Greater Toronto Area includes all the cities that were amalgamated into Toronto in 1998, plus Mississauga and Brampton. It just denotes an area that's generally included with the major city when referring to the entire region.

Bonehead ,

Out of curiosity, what are dreams like for you? Is that also just a stream of sounds without images?

Bonehead ,

Angel lust is a common phenomenon. This is not entirely implausible.

Bonehead , (edited )

This whole thing is completely blown out of proportion. The fact that young disenfranchised men are getting upset that women they don't know are choosing a bear over them says that they are taking it personally when it's not.

If you're a young man, and the people around you have decided they would rather choose the bear over you, that's a sign that you need to sit down and take a hard look at yourself about why they would do that. What have you done that would make them decide that. And if you extend that feeling to random women that you don't know, then you need to sit down and take a hard look at yourself why you feel that way. You don't know the lived experience of random women. You don't know why they would choose certain death over you. Taking it personally only shows your immaturity. You can't control how other people feel. You can only control yourself. If you want to understand why women around you would choose the bear, maybe try asking them nicely and actually listen. Empathy works both ways. Showing some will encourage people to reciprocate.

Bonehead ,

But that's just it. It's not about the bear. It was never about the bear. It's about women not trusting unknown men, and the men who get offended by that. Anyone that insists on predicting what the bear would do, or wants to discuss statistics of bear attacks, is missing the point. It's distracting away from the actual conversation.

Women have the right to feel uncomfortable around unknown men. Men have the right to feel hurt by that sentiment. But it's not the responsibility of women to coddle the men and make them feel better. The men need to understand that they can only control themselves. Part of controlling themselves is to empathize with women and try to understand why they would choose the bear. Not get upset that a random woman doesn't want to be alone with them. Not proclaim they'd also choose the bear because they don't want to be alone with some sketchy man. Not convince them that the bear is statistically more dangerous. Just simply listen and try to understand. That's all. When you learn to control yourself and empathize, you'll find others that will do the same. And then maybe some of those women will choose you over the bear...

Bonehead ,

Way to purposely misinterpret what I said.

How are women "wrong" about feeling uncomfortable around unknown men? How are women asking you to fix that problem? None of what you just said is actually happening. Stop creating a fantasy where you're perfect and it's everyone else who has a problem.

Bonehead ,

That's fine. No one is forcing you to be around unknown women. And those women aren't going to be offended that you don't want to be around them. Those woman aren't going to call you completely irrational for choosing not to be around them. Those women aren't going to demand that you empathize with them. You are free to feel however you want.

Bonehead ,

Then why is this post filled with men upset that unknown women don't want to be alone with them?

Bonehead ,

I’m sure those unknown women would think I’m silly for just wanting to be in a room with people who aren’t going to sexually harass me.

Why would anyone do that? No one wants to be sexually harassed. That's the point women are trying to make. They don't want to be sexually harassed either, that's why they are choosing the bear.

Bonehead ,

Let's just make this clear.


Seriously, you don't have to take it personally. Women aren't saying they'd rather be alone with a bear than you, specifically. Just as all women aren't the same as the women that have harrassed you, you are not the same as the men that have harrassed them. You, specifically, are not the man they'd choose a bear over. You are not the subject of their feelings. Stop taking it personally, and you won't feel bad.

Bonehead ,

“Unknown men” includes me if they don’t know me.

You are specifically choosing to put yourself in that group and then get offended by it. That's no one else's problem but your own. Yes, I'm dismissing what you say, because you keep trying to portray yourself as a victim when it has nothing to do with you. You're not a victim just because a woman who doesn't know you would choose not to be alone with you.

Bonehead ,

Especially the ones who dismiss things by saying “this isn’t about you” when it is about everyone who is impacted by it.

They definitely feel they have a right to express their desire, because as a man… I’m obviously trying to fuck everything in sight. (Sarcasm)

I feel uncomfortable around unknown women

Tell me again how you don't portray yourself as a victim.

I’d like to not be in this conversation with you.

The feeling is mutual. Have a nice day.

Bonehead ,

You are not owed reciprocation. You are not owed appreciation. No one is asking you to listen to them. You've taken it upon yourself to respond to a woman making a general statement that's not directed at you. You made that choice.

It's not the responsibility of women to ensure that you do not become radicalized. You have to take ownership of your own life and the choices that you make. That includes the choice to become aggressive, or hostile, or to become a rapist. Women don't make you do those things. You decide to do those things, no matter how you try to justify it. The choice is yours alone.

Bonehead ,

You want someone to listen to you? You want "respect"? You have to give it first. That's how life works. You can either go around being respectful to other people, and if it's reciprocated then great but if not then you move on. Or you can go around being disrespectful to everyone until you get respect first, and people will rightfully treat you the same way.

Women are not venting to you. They are just venting. You are choosing to inject yourself into the conversation and demand that they listen to you first. You're demanding that they accept your solutions without question. And then you wonder why no one wants to listen to you. If you're unwilling to see that, that's your problem.

Bonehead ,

would you rather be alone in a forest with a bear or a black person”

Stop comparing yourself to black men. This isn't about race.

And that’s what men in the feminist conversations normally do - listen and care and respect. I am no exception.

Yeah, except....

If women expect men to listen, could they please listen for once?

You don't want to listen. You're just waiting for your turn to talk.

a comparison of men to dangerous animals, irrespective of any nuance, which is a form of attack on a social group.

Again, you are purposely putting yourself in that group and getting offended by it. You are not being oppressed just because someone who doesn't even know you exist would rather not be alone with you.

And that’s where we have to interject.

Which is why women are choosing the bear. Unfortunately you don't seem to get that. You don't have to interject, because it's not about you.

Bonehead , (edited )

Why should I not compare?

Because there is no difference between a white man and black man. On average, they are physically similar. But there is a massive physical difference between men and women. And before you interject with "ackshually, women can rape men too." No one is disputing that. But how it is done and how often it happens is vastly different. Violent rape is a legitimate concern for every single woman, whether you want to accept it or not.

Purposefully putting myself to what group?

a comparison of men to dangerous animals, irrespective of any nuance, which is a form of attack on a social group.

I literally pointed out what group I was referring to.

You claim that you're willing to listen, but you insist that women listen to you and accept your solutions without question. You claim you're being attacked, when women are asked the question on camera without directing it at any specific person. You claim women are wrong to feel that way, without ever asking why they feel that way and what experiences lead to that decision. You claim you're standing up for yourself, against women that would choose to be alone with a bear rather than a random unknown man.

No one wants your solutions. No one asked for your solutions. No one is attacking you, because no one even knows who you are. No woman is wrong for feeling anything. And no woman should be forced to choose any man are not comfortable with, even if you're a "nice guy". It's not about you...

Bonehead ,

Black people have been enslaved and then treated like shit by racists for centuries. That's why they are associated with criminal activity, not because they actually commit more crimes compared to everyone else. It's not the same as the vast difference of men committing violent sexual assaults on women as opposed to women committing violent sexual assaults on men. The fact that you're trying to equate them just shows you're a racist as well.

Besides, here you agree with black people it’s not just “people venting”, it is an attack.

a comparison of men to dangerous animals, irrespective of any nuance, which is a form of attack on a social group.

You said that, not me.

Again, no one is attacking men. A bunch of women were asked on camera by a man, without warning, and they gave an off the cuff honest answer. You can't get upset with all women just because some made a choice you don't agree with. Especially not when that choice has nothing do with you, because they don't even know you exist. Seriously, get over yourself. It's not about you...

Bonehead ,

You are not being oppressed just because you're a man.

We just had to listen to black people saying what to do all along.

You're so very very close, but you just don't want to take that last step. So let's carry you the rest of the way.

We just had to listen to women saying what to do all along.

You're in a post filled with women sharing their SA stories and explanating why they choose the bear. Instead of crying that you're being attacked, why not try listening to them. Not suggest solutions, not tell that they are wrong for choosing the bear, not explaining how dangerous bears actually are, not taking things personally because these stories are not about you or what you would do. Just listen, and at least try to empathize. That's all. If you want to make a post to vent about how you're supposedly oppressed, go right ahead. But this post is not about you.

Bonehead ,

This post is far from being the first relating to the experience of sexual abuse

Yeah, and? So what if it's not the first one. There's no limit on the number of posts about sexual assault that women are allowed to create.

This post is not that. It’s a ragebait utilizing an attack

No, it's women sharing stories about why they choose the bear. You call it ragebait simply because you put yourself in the group that isn't being picked by women.

In those circumstances, calling someone to listen and ignoring them telling you they see an attack in the way this is shaped is hypocritical at best.

Yes, it is, which is why I don't understand why you keep doing it. This is not an attack against you. You've been told that several times now.

As a wider point, I also say that we should listen not only to women (but to them too), but also to men,

Fine. Great. Let's listen to men. But a post about how women are choosing the bear and why is not the place to insist that we must listen to men.

If your priority is prevention rather than pure shows of hostility, you better be a listener for both, regardless of the direction of abuse.

Right. Which is why you should stop talking about being attacked and just listen.

Bonehead ,

That's exactly the kind of question this community was created for.

Bonehead ,

Here's the thing...if you get upset that a random woman that you don't know would take the hyperbolic position that they would rather be in the same room as a bear than with you, you're likely the exact type of man that these memes are talking about. They are meant to expose fragile egos that don't understand how intimidating they are to women. They know how dangerous a bear is. They don't know how dangerous you are. That's the point...

Bonehead ,

Once again, it's a hyperbolic statement. They don't really want to be alone with a bear. They are merely pointing out that they trust you less than a bear. A bear would simply kill them. What a man could do to them is far worse than anything a bear could do. If you can't understand that, that's the entire problem.

Bonehead ,

So the person that complained their competition is beating them because they deliver packages on evenings and weekends is now complaining that mail, which is essentially small parcels that are paid for accordingly, are delivered too often. Contract negotiation time always brings out the most interesting stories...

Bonehead ,

You're not paying a fuck ton of money. Canada Post is a separate entity from the government and is a self-sustaining business that receives no money from the government.

Unsolicited commercial mail is paid for by the company sending it. All mail is paid for by the people sending it. It doesn't cost you anything to receive it. And when it really matters, like those "rare" correspondence that contain your drivers license, or insurance slips, or your health card, or your doctor's appointments, or even your small parcels from eBay, I'm sure you want those as soon as they come in. You should care about regular mail delivery. Because once you lose it, it's never coming back.

Bonehead ,

If you don't want unsolicited commercial mail, you can always contact your local post office and request to be added to the no flyers list. Just because you don't like flyers doesn't mean that mail delivery isn't important when it matters.

Bonehead ,

At first you were complaining that you were paying money for a service, and now you're complaining that you'd rather pay money for a service. If it's a government service, you'll have politicians trying to defund it just like they are with health care, or sell it off like Ontario did with Hydro One. If it's a government regulated private service, it doesn't have to deal with that, but it needs a way to fund itself. Pick your poison...

Bonehead ,

Yes, most Canadians don't mind paying for more services. Tell that to the politicians actively defunding health care while introducing private for-profit clinics that cost more than public health care both to the province and to the patient, just like Doug Ford is doing right now. Public services only work when we elect people willing to make them work. Remember this the next time you go to the polls.

Bonehead ,

You mean that a game show where you have to guess the price of several brand name products, which gives away prizes provided by their sponsors that are featured prominently during the entire show is really just a big long commercial?

Bonehead ,

Build her a server, install it at her house, set up some sort of automated DVD ripping mechanism so that she can digitize her own collection, wait for the inevitable tech support call, then go spend a Sunday afternoon fixing her server and digitizing her collection for her while she makes you dinner. You get to call it "quality time", and you get fed while keeping her happy and her collection as far away from yours as possible. Win/win, everyone is happy.

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

Bonehead ,

Congratulations, you're finally getting it. They are two different people. There are people that eat vegan because they have no choice. Those people are not privileged. There are people that call themselves vegan and make sure everyone knows they are vegan. Those are the vegans the original comment was talking about, which someone took offense to. That's why I pointed out the difference.

It took a little effort, but at least you got there.

Bonehead ,

What if I can’t afford those things, still eat rice and beans, but I tell people I’m vegan to avoid awkward social interactions?

But would you? Would you really turn down free food simply because you're vegan? Would you really tell people you're vegan to avoid an "awkward social interaction" when offered free food? If so, that makes you privileged. Being able to pick and choose food makes you privileged, whether it's vegan or not. That's the difference.

Bonehead , you've been so poor that you can only afford rice and beans, and you've been offered free food that you turned down because it wasn't vegan? Really? See, that's the kind of smugness OP was talking about. You put your veganism above securing food, and you're proud of it. You willingly sacrificed your self-preservation for your principles. And now you're advertising it.

Bonehead ,

You literally asked me the question and are now chastising me for my answer.

Yes, because you claim to be poor yet still call being vegan a lifestyle choice. And you chastise others in your position for not making that choice. Poor people don't get to make those choices. Poor people do whatever it takes to survive. Poor people live on that desert island every single day and have to make difficult decisions. Poor take whatever they can get and are greatful for it. Poor people don't have the privilege to turn down food.

Maybe begin to recognize your own privilege before telling other people what to do.

Bonehead ,

I pointed out self-preservation to point out that vegans don’t go around attacking poor people and don’t expect people to keep their principles in those situations. I made a choice I don’t expect other people to make.

Then literally the very next sentence, you contradict yourself.

I point my criticisms at the people I know in real life who shop at the exact same stores I do and make similar amounts of money, but still use poor people as an excuse not to change their own behavior.

You claim to be poor, claim to not attack people who are poor, then chastise people who are poor for not making the same choices that you do. You are a hypocrite. Have a nice day.

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