
@[email protected]

Former landed gentry.

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BolexForSoup ,

Recording home videos for personal use within your immediate family was protected. Screening for people beyond that was not. Mr. Rogers famously gave us what little protection we had and insured that we could even have home VHS recorders. Testified before a congressional committee that was on the verge of banning it, changed one critical mind and that stopped it.

BolexForSoup ,

I didn’t realize there was a problem. So did all the streaming services fuck up the colors or something?

BolexForSoup ,

“Why won’t he do anything to stop the bombing?”

stops bomb shipment

“Dumb dumb didn’t know bombs are for bombing? Yeah right!”

Like what even is your comment trying to say?

BolexForSoup ,

You’re totally right he should just go ahead and let the shipment happen…?

BolexForSoup ,

Ok so he should just let these through? And why are you responding as if anyone acted like the intended use of these bombs is a revelation?

No one here is saying this absolves him/us of the US’s role in Israel’s horrific actions. But there are protests happening, people are saying this needs to stop, and a shipment of bombs just stopped. That happened, and it’s worth noting. So we need to keep up the pressure to get this to stop entirely.

We both know he’s not going to just unilaterally end this horror show today.

BolexForSoup ,

Xbox 360 was a fun time. Gears of War is still striking today. Also, the best designed controller ever made

BolexForSoup , (edited )

I get what you two are saying, but this kind of removes agency from the people doing the moving.

Also: Should people not be allowed to move to another country if they’re “too useful” or “skilled”?

BolexForSoup ,

I didn’t say people had free agency to go to any country they want. You are presenting a false dichotomy. There are different people with different access to different places with different senses of urgency and for different reasons. Many people make choices on whether or not to immigrate, as well as where to immigrate if they choose to. They have agency, they are not just pawns in this discussion to be shuffled around.

BolexForSoup ,

I think you have lost the thread here tbh

BolexForSoup ,

I’m not blaming them I am saying they still often make a decision. They are humans who have some control of their lives. That’s not mutually exclusive with saying they are also pressured externally.

The way they were originally described made it sound like they are just pieces on a board incapable of deciding what they want and acting on it.

BolexForSoup ,
BolexForSoup ,

But I agree with you? I’m not sure what we disagree on?

BolexForSoup ,

People make their own history, but they do not make it as they please.

Never said they or we do

Our material conditions limit our agency.

Totally agree

BolexForSoup ,

Plenty of people seem to agree with me so the dismissive attitude is not warranted.

BolexForSoup ,

Your phrasing of your first comment certainly read that way to me. I didn’t misspeak. If I did not understand your meaning/intention that’s a fair claim.

BolexForSoup , (edited )

I took basic Econ. My point is decisions are multi-faceted. We are not all slaves of the invisible hand 24/7 as it guides our every single decision.

BolexForSoup ,

I am not forcing it with hostility. I made a broader point about treating people like pawns on a board and I got lectured about econ 101. Yeah I got a little snippy with them, sure I could've not been that way. But these responses are so absurd, they leave no nuance or middleground and keep telling me I am either saying things I didn't say or put up a lazy strawman as if it responds to what I said.

Also notice not one person wants to acknowledge that there is this implication people have some obligation to not leave their country as it means they are participating in "brain drain."

I get what you're saying, I really do. But the fact is people got all prickly when I tried to introduce nuance. Of course economic factors heavily drive our decisions. I'm not sure where I said anything remotely to the contrary, so I'm getting irritated.

BolexForSoup ,

once they acclimate

I’m curious what you consider “acclimation” (and I assume you mean assimilate) because that’s a pretty loaded requirement

BolexForSoup ,

For the same reason we can’t take 15min without the context of the US’s size, smaller countries having larger percentages also need to be contextualized. The raw number does have some meaning here. It’s also about annual rate of immigration.

BolexForSoup ,

It would be much more useful to look at it state-by-state as a few states are doing the heavy lifting. I say this as someone is decidedly pro-immigration. The logistics are no small matter

I live in Louisiana. Our only major experience with immigration was hurricane Katrina and they basically rebuilt our communities. I am eternally grateful.

BolexForSoup ,

Pretty much

BolexForSoup , (edited )

There are also different immigration rates for different states, some of which are as big as major countries. There are many states in the US driving the national average down because they have such a low percentage.

Edit: added some stats.

BolexForSoup ,

I didn’t shift it. I introduced nuance. Nothing I said denied the impact of imperialism/economic realities. Show me where I said anything like that. I have written several responses that clearly indicate I know those are major factors. At this point responses like yours just mean you are choosing to deliberately misinterpret what I wrote/put words in my mouth and that you are ignoring anything else I wrote that could possibly clarify the situation.

Feels like I’m back on Reddit with this nonsense.

Torrenting exposes your public IP. In a country where government doesn't care, does that pose a risk?

I honestly don't believe I will have any legal trouble because I don't do anything like cp or worse, I just pirate media I like, not even porn. But across users of communities, or on public trackers, is IP exposure something to be concerned about?

BolexForSoup ,

VPN’s are the rubbers of the internet

BolexForSoup ,

“I’m going to offload my need to be technically literate in order to pirate to my local library and let them deal with the problem because I’m an entitled asshole who shits where I eat and doesn’t realize I’ll get in trouble anyway.”

BolexForSoup ,

A condom also doesn’t solve all your problems but it’s a good foundation lol

BolexForSoup ,

My dude you are over interpreting this. It was just a fun little joke. I have a lot more than a VPN guarding my system.

BolexForSoup , (edited )

If you use a reputable VPN like Proton or Mullvad to torrent the occasional movie/show and don’t torrent without it it’s incredibly unlikely you’ll get caught. Beyond that it’s completely about what you’re doing online and VPN’s are not magic bullets for all things. But for torrenting, it’s good enough 99.99999% of the time.

If you’re constantly torrenting hundreds of things a month, especially new releases, yeah you should do more. But that’s not some dude grabbing a 60 year old movie one time. For your example a VPN will get the job done and their ISP will be none the wiser.

If someone bases their entire piracy knowledge on my one liner that’s on them and I’d be shocked to see that on this instance. I’m all for making sure we acknowledge all experience levels but you’re taking that a little too far here. I made a condom joke dude.

BolexForSoup ,

I understand AI evangelists - which you may or may not be idk - look down on us Luddites who have the gall to ask questions, but you seriously can’t see any potential issue with this technology without some sort of restrictions in place?

You can’t see why people are a little hesitant in an era where massive international corporations are endlessly scraping anything and everything on the Internet to dump into LLM’s et al to use against us to make an extra dollar?

You can’t see why people are worried about governments and otherwise bad actors having access to this technology at scale?

I don’t think these people should be locked up or all AI usage banned. But there is definitely a middle ground between absolute prohibition and no restrictions at all.

BolexForSoup ,

And your comment was unnecessarily patronizing IMO. Do you think they needed that today?

If you don’t want people to respond to your takes then don’t post them in public forums. I am critiquing your stance. If it’s overly aggressive than I apologize for the tone.

BolexForSoup ,

I can't control that you saw my comments seconds after they were posted but before the 20-30s it takes for me to edit them. There is nothing i changed that drastically for you to imply I was being deceptive.

Have a good one.

BolexForSoup , (edited )

I said:

I don’t think these people should be locked up or all AI usage banned. But there is definitely a middle ground between absolute prohibition and no restrictions at all.

I have used AI tools as a shooter/editor for years so I don’t need a lecture on this, and I did not say any of the concerns are new. Obviously, the implication is AI greatly enables all of these actions to a degree we’ve never seen before. Just like cell phones didn’t invent distracted driving but made it exponentially worse and necessitated more specific direction/intervention.

BolexForSoup ,

Because a lot of people depend on references from their previous job, including their managers and such, for the next one. Burning that bridge because you wouldn’t spend your last few weeks at the company doing what was asked of you is not a good look. It makes you appear difficult/like you hold grudges. It also might cost you things like your severance.

If it’s that important to you to flip a middle finger to your previous employer then go ahead, but I think most people will decide the cons vastly outweigh the pros. Especially since that person will get trained anyway so you can’t even meaningfully change things.

BolexForSoup ,

And they all stopped playing music at like 19 or 20 so like…they’re fine at their instruments, can read music, even have moments where they sound pretty good. But they ain’t winning a competition lol

BolexForSoup ,

Because we mostly understand the issue but not well enough to fix it! Weeeeeeeeeee!

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