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Blackmist ,

I had to laugh when they described Far Cry 6 as AAAA.

It's a buggy load of generic shite. I've never had to reboot my PS5 before because bullets stopped making sounds...

Blackmist ,

Well where else are they going to post it? LiveLeak shut down.

Blackmist ,

I learnt C on an Amiga. No memory protection at all. Pointer errors would likely need a reboot to recover.

I rebooted a lot.

Blackmist ,

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the Pedo Guy.

Blackmist ,

"You didn't pay to have it across 47 different data-centres, of course you won't get 100% uptime!"

r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months. ( )

I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won't be surprised but don't dismiss the findings out of hand. It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

Blackmist ,

I don't know what they mean. I hung about in there for three years and I never picked up any white nationalist vocabulary.

This article sounds like (((globalist))) propaganda to me!

Edit: Incidentally, I was perma-banned from reddit for making a similar joke there.

Blackmist ,

Honestly sounds like Sony need to just add those places to their list of supported countries.

A lot of them are just piddling little islands. It's not like they need to open up a regional office on the fucking Isle of Man.

Sony are a lot bigger than Valve. This is very easily achievable.

Blackmist ,

Paying for it after you need it seems like a bad business plan tbh.

Blackmist ,

Best we can do is a four ton truck.

Blackmist ,

I think they're a preference of the motor industry who want you to buy more expensive cars.

Blackmist ,

But they don't want to make better products for you. They want China to make products for you that they slap their badge on and sell you at an enormous mark-up.

Blackmist ,

Yes, they just don't do the whole personal algorithm thing.

Blackmist ,

They wanted to be the new Sony and Nintendo combined, but instead they're the new EA.

Blackmist ,

Halo under Bungie was pretty damn good.

They were unique for that OG Xbox era of consoles, and although there were a lot of great games on the PS2, the one thing they sorely lacked was a really good FPS. Timesplitters was close, but Halo was where FPS first felt designed for a controller. The level design was on point as well, things like The Silent Cartographer still hold up now. It wasn't just a series of corridors.

Other devs cracked it by the next gen, notably Infinity Ward, but back in that generation Halo stood alone.

Blackmist ,

Is that because it costs money now?

I lose track of all the Elon madness.

After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year ( )

When Bloomberg reported that Spotify would be upping the cost of its premium subscription from $9.99 to $10.99, and including 15 hours of audiobooks per month in the U.S., the change sounded like a win for songwriters and publishers. Higher subscription prices typically equate to a bump in U.S. mechanical royalties — but not...

Blackmist ,

I wish they had something between "top songs" and "completely random" when listening to a band.

Like, sure, Sweet Child of Mine, Welcome to the Jungle, and Paradise City are great and all, but there's only so often you can listen to them, and the only alternative is to be reminded that Chinese Democracy exists.

Blackmist ,

Definitely my least favourite PS controller. Those convex shoulder buttons were terrible, and there was genuinely no comfortable way to use them.

The motion controls were used in a handful of early games (and I can only assume Sony forced them to implement them) and swiftly abandoned.

Blackmist ,

I'm still not 100% sold on the shoulder force feedback. Sometimes it works well, but many games do this odd thing where you hold it down and it clicks repeatedly and uncomfortably like you're breaking it and I've no idea what they're really trying to convey.

Blackmist ,

I'd think that too, but it does it on both of mine, and it doesn't get worse over time indicating any kind of damage.

It's only certain games that trigger it.

Blackmist OP ,

I don't think anybody wants a monopoly, because it means the leader can stagnate, and honestly that's already happened. Sony are getting complacent, the big releases are few and far between. We're all getting less for our money, no matter what team you're on.

I often buy multiple consoles in a generation, but I didn't get the Xbox One or Xbox Series consoles, because there's no reason to, and it's not because I've got an expensive PC either, still being on a 1060. Being late to the game is fine, PS3 did that and ended up selling pretty much as many as the Xbox 360 in the end, but where is that spark from MS? They've gambled it all on Game Pass and I'm not sure you can run an entire gaming division on that, same as Netflix couldn't compete with Hollywood without the box office money. The cloud growth just hasn't happened for them. It doesn't feel as good as local play, and I suspect it never will. A PS5 has hit pricing that isn't really that expensive for fairly casual gamers, although the most casual went mobile ages ago and I doubt they're coming back.

Xbox hardware is fine, there just isn't any reason to own it. If it ran Windows and I could install my Steam library on it, I'd have got it on day one, but how does that make MS money? There's even been noises about the next Xbox allowing Steam, although I don't know how true that it is. I would guess the only way that can happen is if MS get a chunk of Valve's money every time somebody buys a game through Steam for Xbox. It's the only real feature that would get me to buy one right now.

Blackmist OP ,

I think in this business you can survive a generation in the wilderness. Nintendo had it with the Wii U. Arguably Sony had one with the PS3.

Two in a row? Well you're out. Saturn followed by Dreamcast. MS are in their second, and tbh, it looks like they're pivoting towards being a cross platform publisher and subscription provider. They can certainly afford to keep throwing money at the issue, but if there's no results, there's only so long they'll be allowed to continue doing that before the boss pulls the rug on it. He does not seem like a man who is excited by his gaming division.

Blackmist ,

Apple only do consumer friendly when forced by the EU.

Blackmist ,

The sad thing is, it's much better than it was.

You'd see a movie, read the truncated blurb, click into it to see the full details, only to get the exact same text in a bigger font, so you'd actually see less of it.

I cancelled it the day they announced more ads.

Blackmist ,

I think that's dependent on a lot of factors. Most of the highest quality webrips are from Amazon. Pretty sure there was less audio compression on their streams as well.

But watching, you'd often see it lose all quality for seemingly no reason at all, and revert to something that wouldn't have looked out of place on RealPlayer on a 56K modem. I had this several times, and only reinstalling their useless app would fix it.

Blackmist ,

There's an easy solution for that.

Cancel it. Stop buying things from Amazon. Stop giving that awful company your money.

Blackmist ,

It is weird how theyb collect so much data yet know so little about what I want to watch.

I think Disney+ is actually somehow worse in that regard, since they have so much old content that I would doubtless watch when bored, but all they want to push is the latest reality TV shit that I have never once shown any interest in.

Blackmist ,

If you saw the build quality of Teslas, and his handling of Twitter, and him calling a diver a paedo, and you still thought "I should let that man perform medical experiments on me", then you probably fucking deserve it tbh.

Just go for it. What's the worst that can happen? You get double brain damage?

Blackmist ,

Cheaper veg means either more subsidies or more slavery. Check out the greenhouses outside Almeria. You can see that place from space, and it's chock full of African workers in 40C+ heat making a pittance.

I think meat benefits from corn being pretty much automated on a giant scale. Most veg needs workers to harvest it, and a lot of it rots quickly once picked.

Blackmist ,

If you ever wonder why gamers buy Playstation and not Xbox, here is your reason.

MS have no idea what they're doing with gaming. There will be no The Last of Us or God of War coming from them. They don't want to sell you games. They want to sell you GamePass. They don't want you to have a great time. They want you to have a time that is just about acceptable enough to keep paying for it.

The only one of their games I've heard people get excited about is Hi-Fi Rush, and you can see here what they think of that. Clearly it didn't maintain enough Monthly Active Users, or have a short enough Time To Purchase or whatever other bullshit mobile-era metric determines whether a studio lives or dies.

Blackmist ,

Have you seen how old they are? Doesn't matter for them.

Blackmist ,

Been wearing mine into the minus numbers in the UK. Doesn't really get dangerously cold here, except for freak weather events.

Blackmist ,

I think there'd have been a lot less pushback if the gamers had got something in return, like Steam/PSN cross-buy on Sony published titles.

It's not even like they could claim it being needed for cross-play, because it demonstrably works without it.

Blackmist ,

Gets you out of the consequences part though, which is good enough.

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

Blackmist ,

It's not veganism we hate, it's the stereotypical preachy vegans, acting like farming is the equivalent of the holocaust.

You don't tell me what to eat, I won't tell you what to eat, everyone's a winner.

Blackmist ,

I think that hinges on them actually being morally superior, and for the rest of us it's simply not a moral issue.

It's not like all meat eaters are wandering about wring our hands like we know it's wrong but it's just so delicious. It's just food. There's no more to it than that.

Blackmist ,

With the way Modi is running India right now, that's not exactly a glowing recommendation.

Blackmist ,

"A lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes. But you gotta do it right. I mean, you gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk. Otherwise, you're talking about a half-hour to forty-five minutes worth of digging. And who knows who's gonna come along in that time? Pretty soon, you gotta dig a few more holes. You could be there all fuckin' night."

Blackmist ,

I'm ten years you'll have people identifying as an AI, and grafting on extra fingers.

Blackmist ,

The tankie trio, and a load of gay/trans stuff I have no interest in seeing.

Blackmist ,

I remember not wanting to make an account to play Half Life 2 back in the day, yet here we fucking well are...

Blackmist ,

It's not on the physical box, so yes.

The only bit that said you needed it, appears to be the card included in the box.

Blackmist ,

It's OK. I do miss the Steam sales actually being worthwhile. They used to be really good, where now I mostly use Steam for games bought elsewhere.

I miss ownership. At least I own my Playstation discs. I can trade them with others when I'm done with them. I can still buy games that have been delisted from digital stores.

Can you say the same about your PC games?

Blackmist ,

Sony took some headlines for doing it, but there's loads of stuff disappeared from the Google Play store and I never saw anybody complaining about them.

Rayman Jungle Run and Fiesta Run are two (single player) games I paid for and they've vanished. I mean, it's only a couple of quid, but that doesn't make it OK.

At least Steam continue to host stuff, even if they're not allowed to sell it.

Blackmist ,

That big list of sites looks suspiciously like the big list of shit I have to scroll past in order to find actually relevant results.

I welcome this change.

Blackmist ,

Football Hooligans.

Blackmist ,

We have toned it down a lot in recent years to match the normal level of thuggery.

I'm struggling to think of any other nations that had all their clubs banned from competing though (after Haysel).

Blackmist ,

Because money, both from tech hungry but not very savvy consumers, and the inevitable advertisers that will pay for the opportunity for their names to be ejected from these boxes as part of a perfectly natural conversation.

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