
@[email protected]

Just an anxious, depressed loser

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AsherahTheEnd ,

Maybe we should consider the same for the US government instead of being afraid of the big Chinese boogeyman across the sea? Because I guarantee you the US has just as many, if not more. But China bad. 🙄

AsherahTheEnd ,

You can't talk sense into these people, the propaganda and xenophobia runs too deep. China bad, to these people, regardless of what they actually do. These people don't want the truth. They just want their koolaid.

AsherahTheEnd ,

Remember those silly rubber "Armstrong" wristbands? I had a million different ones and wore about 20 on each wrist to school and everywhere else. Yeah, I was pretty goddamn cool. 😎

AsherahTheEnd ,

Jenny is one of the best YouTubers around, love everything she makes. Highly recommend, if this is your first time watching her videos, to go back and watch the rest. She makes longform content on a huge variety of stuff and she's very thorough with her videos.

AsherahTheEnd ,

I've watched a 20 hour 2-part video about Skyrim. Your fear of a 4 hour video is pathetic. I am operating on a completely different level than you. You can try, but I doubt your feeble mind would be able to keep up. All this to say, long form content rules.

AsherahTheEnd , (edited )

This gives a very specific kind of trans woman vibe and I don't think I like it. I think it's the "angry masculine mannerisms" that is bothering me. Masc / butch trans women exist too, and it feels weird to imply only men get angry. This seems to simplify and put into a box what being a trans woman is.

Edit: also HRT affects everyone differently and to act like it makes everyone cute and small and feminine is misleading. Being trans is exhausting sometimes and takes a lot of work, and some may never fit this description regardless of how hard they try.

Edit 2: I'm a trans woman myself and I'm nearly 99% sure OP is just a troll at this point. If not, she's seriously making herself look like a moron.

AsherahTheEnd ,

Thanks for assuming I'm fucking cis and not a fellow fucking trans woman. Fuck you and fuck your stupid, demeaning "meme". Fucking jerk.

AsherahTheEnd ,

I really hope you're just an elaborate troll and not being serious. If you are being serious, seek professional help. If you're just a shitty troll pretending to be trans to try to make us look bad, then truly, sincerely, go fuck yourself. 🥰

AsherahTheEnd ,

I'm in a long term committed relationship with another woman. But go off about how I'm somehow a "pick me". At least I'm not the one telling gender non-conforming trans women that they aren't "real women" because they might be more masc than your ideal 100% fem and perfect trans woman. 🙄 I've also seen your other comments and my gosh you reek of transmed bullshit. You truly don't understand the damage you are doing by posting dumb shit like this and it's depressing as fuck.

AsherahTheEnd , (edited )

If she hadn't gone from 0 to 100 because of my very light criticism then maybe I'd be a bit more friendly. Her reaction set me off and I know I'm not in the wrong here. Fucking claiming I'm a cis man is a good way of pissing me the fuck off.

AsherahTheEnd ,

Don't do that.

AsherahTheEnd ,

You are attempting to justify exploitation and it disgusts me.

AsherahTheEnd ,

I'm here because I got permabanned on Reddit haha. Chuds mass reported me multiple times and Reddit got sick of it, I guess. Probably for the best, the website is a true shithole nowadays and absolutely overrun with literal children.

AsherahTheEnd ,

It really did fuck things up which is depressing. The game was a masterpiece of an immersive sim and the atmosphere of the whole game is like no other. With a different name, I think it could've sold better. Even I avoided it because I was mad about Prey 2 being canned and the reused name, until I saw Markiplier play it and fell in love almost immediately. Such a beautiful game that deserved better.

AsherahTheEnd ,

We were going to be badass BOUNTY HUNTERS on an ALIEN PLANET and it would've been so fucking cool! I loved the original game, I love Prey 2017, but I'm salty we never got the 2 they revealed.

AsherahTheEnd ,

I hate cars as much as the next sane person. That being said... Is there anything that doesn't potentially cause cancer anymore? It makes it hard to take seriously, because if I did then I'd be paranoid about everything and my anxiety would be fucking overwhelming. Seems every day we find something seemingly harmless can cause cancer and it feels almost surreal.

AsherahTheEnd ,

AAA gaming is doomed, it has been irreversibly tainted by capitalism and I don't think it can recover. Indie games are where it's at, typically higher quality and much cheaper. It's shameful how terrible most AAA games are nowadays because they have to put in excuses for microtransactions. It's depressing but I think we're truly entering a golden age for indies and other smaller budget games.

AsherahTheEnd ,

Actually if I remember correctly, younglings use weaker sabers that can't cut through as much as normal sabers do. Most early training is done with specifically training sabers like those.

AsherahTheEnd ,

What made you think I give a single shit about your opinion?

AsherahTheEnd , (edited )

gets called an incel

posts incel shit in response

AsherahTheEnd ,

I'm new, what does FOSS stand for? I'm currently using Sync.

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