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Supreme Court weakens federal regulators with Chevron overturning, threatening net neutrality, right to repair, big tech regulation, and more ( )

The downfall of Chevron deference could completely change the ways courts review net neutrality, according to Bloomberg Intelligence’s Matt Schettenhelm. “The FCC’s 2024 effort to reinstitute federal broadband regulation is the latest chapter in a long-running regulatory saga, yet we think the demise of deference will...

Asafum ,

I've known this was coming for years. Once Goursich was added it was known to those watching the courts exactly what would happen.

Before one of the hosts did the typical "become an unwanted sexual advance asshole" like everyone seems to become after they gain some fame, Opening Arguments podcast was a great way to learn about how depressing our future will be.

It's absolutely fucking disgusting that no matter what the outcome SHOULD be, you can almost always call how this court will go simply by asking "what benefits the ultra wealthy and what have conservatives wanted forever?"

Asafum ,

Sadly I did not, but I also just stopped seeking that kind of information after Biden won. I needed a break from the madness. Lol

I think I still need to back away to be honest... Being surrounded by MAGA and having two spiders fighting over a cockroach where my memory should be, any time I try to utilize what I've learned I just get shit all over by the firehouse of fox news b.s and the inability to remember things to refute it. I'm doing everyone a giant disservice by being another example of "a stupid liberal who has no idea what's going on."

Asafum ,

Oof that sounds a lot like what my experience was. None of the meds worked, some worked at making me a goddamn zombie, but not being able to function at work just makes life even more difficult.

Then life goes: here buddy, have the Trump era and a smidge of climate catastrophe, that'll help.

Asafum ,

But make your continued existence your rebellion.

I know I've been fucked in the head literally forever because I remember at 12 years old I gave the sky the finger saying "I know something wants me to just kill myself but you can go fuck yourself."

That's changed now lol I'm tired of being a rebel, but at least I have a family that cares about me so I won't be doing anything final to myself.

Asafum ,

Unfortunately for a lot of us there isn't an exit strategy. No country worth moving to wants an almost 40 year old, single, uneducated, factory schmuck :/

Asafum ,

I largely share your thoughts. I honestly expected Biden to at least be prepared enough to counter the usual Trump tactics of making things up and using strong words to impress his base while deflecting blame or critical questions.

He can't because he's 2637361873 years old and can't think fast enough to have actual replies. The rules of the debate were no notes and no communication with staff so Biden had to rely on what little working brain cells he has left to form responses and recall history. I also wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised to learn both him and Trump have been using stimulants, but only Biden stopped talking them for the debate since there was so much talking about that beforehand.

It was an absolute travesty that there was no fact checking from the completely useless moderators.

Asafum ,

And in 2 years they'll move to 3 tiers, free with ads, paid with slightly less ads and even more expensive than before but no ads...

Asafum ,

Fucking seriously. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?

I hate propagandists with every single fiber of my being, more than I hate absolutely anything in the entire universe, and yet I rarely think about them unless something specific comes up.

These assholes just love to hate all the time.

Asafum ,

Just the bread? Lol

It's more like "hey look there's food particles in my corn syrup! I got lucky!"

Asafum ,

Looks like Australia according to the image, but from what I gather that's just America with death spiders anyway lol

Asafum ,

From what I understand bibi won't let this end until he's safe from prosecution for his previous crimes (that I don't know enough about) and supposedly the law protects him as long as the country is in a state of war. That would also explain their desire to expand their conflict into Lebanon and continue to be in a state of war.

Selfish mother fucker. Gets thousands upon thousands of people killed so he can get himself a "get out of jail free" card...

Asafum ,

Microsoft is doing an amazing job keeping me off selling windows 11!

Keep up the great work!

Guess it's time for Linux and for me to give up gaming :/

Asafum ,

Yeah but I'm a weirdo that actually likes early access games and random indie stuff that rarely works with Linux so a large part of what I like won't work.

Also star citizen... lol

Asafum ,

Business 1: but it's only $18.99/month!

Business 2: but it's only $13.99/month!

Business 3: but it's only $25.99/month!

Business 4: but it's only $10.99/month!

Business 5: but it's only $35.99/month!

Business 6: but it's only $14.99/month!

Business 7: but it's only $55.99/month!

Me: ...Yeah everybody, that's the issue.

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

Asafum ,

Earth also has an interesting curiosity. Our moon is extremely large, compared to earth. It also acts as a gyroscopic stabiliser. This keeps the earth from wobbling on its axis. Such a wobble would be devastating for a civilisation making the jump to technological. Even on earth, we are in a period of abnormal stability.

There seem to be so many coincidences that make our solar system unique that it's really upsetting lol It's like we are so perfect for stability because of things like Jupiter keeping the inner system "clean" of large impactors, our part of the galaxy being more "quiet" than typical as far as supernovae, stuff like that which makes it seem even less likely for life to exist anywhere else. :(

Asafum ,

Goddamn it now I need to explain why I can't stop singing "asparaguuuuuus!"


Asafum ,


Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

Asafum ,

Not that I needed another reason to point at racists and call them a bunch of fucked up morons, but goddamn they are bunch of fucked up morons.

People are literally killing people who's ancestors adapted to more exposure to direct sunlight than theirs did. I can't not see it in just that simple way and think "what the actual fuck is wrong with people?" You can't even say it's a culture thing they don't like, because they don't actually know the people they cast hate at other than the color of their skin. It's absolute insanity.

Asafum ,

Damn even their vacuums suck.

Asafum , (edited )

I know you said you don't care, but it's more like Hamas exists within Palestine, it's Isreal vs Palestine but Isreal is trying to pretend that they only care about Hamas.

It's kind like if the Bloods or Cryps in the US had a military that occupied places in NY so Pennsylvania decides to bomb the shit out of Manhattan because some Bloods occasionally fire on Philadelphia and took some Pennsylvaninans hostage and did terrible things to them. There's a way to try to handle that which does not include killing all the innocent people in Manhattan just so you could get to the few gang members you wanted to hit.

Except there's the "hidden" aspect where very wealthy Pennsylvaninans want to own parts of Manhattan so if they can kill enough people there and take over some land they can have the real estate they want.

Asafum , (edited )

You don't understand though, that's millions we could throw at building another stadium for a private individual to own and profit off of!

It's the same with the federal budget and NASA. It pisses me off to no end to see the only x-ray telescope we have get the axe so we can throw fucking Raytheon more money to bomb Palestinians.


Asafum ,

I would bet these fucking assholes go on and blame "tHe LeFt" for this in their entirely Republicans run states.

Asafum ,

We're all capitalist girls living in a capitalist world.

Come on barbie let's go... accumulate knowledge for the sole purpose of extracting wealth.

Not as fun of a song :/

Asafum ,

It would be very surprising if you weren't mentioned.

But just in case, I notice you! :P

Asafum ,

I think I'm glad to not be noticed. I tend to comment to either make a joke or express exasperation/self loathing. Being recognized for that would probably be pretty embarrassing.

Sorry for making you my therapist Lemmy lol

Asafum , (edited )

I don't really have a title, but I work in a factory.

Go to college kids. Fuck the expense, you still get many more opportunities that a factory scumbag like myself does not. If you don't know what you want or what you're capable of, who cares. Go anyway for anything and you'll meet people who you can network with and you'll be exposed to classes and topics you might not ever have considered. I'm the only scumbag failure in my friend group who didn't go to college and I'm the only loser working in a literal sweat shop while they all work from home with very nice salaries and wives/husbands they met at college. I'm still single.

Go to college.

Vimms Lair is getting removal notices from Nintendo etc. We need someone to help make a rom pack archive can you help? ( )

Vimms lair is starting to remove many roms that are being requested to be removed by Nintendo etc. soon many original roms, hacks, and translations will be lost forever. Can any of you help make archive torrents of roms from vimms lair and cdromance? They have hacks and translations that dont exist elsewhere and will probably be...

Asafum ,

This is America, the only law that is enforced is ownership by means of a monetary transaction.

"Ownership" by public nature is laughed at.

C.R.E.A.M :(

Asafum ,

Imagine letting conservatives ruin your economy and thinking "I need a more extreme version of this."

Propaganda is a hell of a drug...

Netanyahu says deadly Israeli strike in Rafah was the result of a 'tragic mistake' ( )

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that a “tragic mistake” was made in an Israeli strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah that set fire to a camp housing displaced Palestinians and, according to local officials, killed at least 45 people....

Asafum ,

Our judicial system is broken when all you need to do is read a headline and know exactly what circuit court this came from.

I read the headline, sighed, and said "lemme guess, 5th circuit?" Of course it was.

Asafum ,

The problem is politics of course. Biden and the Democrats need the "Jewish vote" and their PAC dominates. We've already promised for decades now that we'd assist with the defense of Isreal and so they feel forced to follow through and pander to the Jewish community.

What SHOULD happen is we say "your DEFENSE is assured, we will continue to assist with the iron dome and whatever anti-rocket technology is required to DEFEND your citizens. We WILL NOT assist with the INVASION of Palestine."

But no... That's too much to ask apparently...

Asafum ,

Doesn't that make every war genocide?

Asafum ,

But the other thing that apparently can push people into reevaluating their beliefs? Horrific, personal, trauma. Someone who’s whole town was destroyed by climate change might be shaken up enough to rethink their world view. Maybe.

Your first point needs to happen first otherwise this scenario just gets spun into "stupid liberals want you to think it's humans doing this, it's just natural cycles the earth goes through. Look back millions of years and you'll see a period where average temperatures were 90°! Do you want to let liberals charge you more for Beautiful Gasoline™ over a lie!?"

Asafum ,

Oh boy, time to see Ted "gotta run, someone shit in my pants" Cruz throw a hissy fit over this along with those other Republican shit bags who threatened retaliation over this prospect.

Asafum ,

We just need to have our representatives enact a law that all heads of state must use Boeing.

Asafum ,

A handful of already obscenely wealthy people will get vastly more wealthy and we'll all be stuck with the shit "products" they've ruined with AI... Totally not a broken system we have.

Asafum ,

I can't wait for this to spread to unrelated areas!

Supermarkets maximizing profit: put ads everywhere and hide the most commonly bought foods!

Gas stations maximizing profits: unskippable ads on all pumps, plus the pump stops halfway to make you watch another ad.

Dating apps: oh... They already killed themselves. Swipe swipe swipe swipe. Hide messages. Hide likes. Reduse exposure to profile unless paid member.

I hate this future.

Asafum ,

I like Scott Galloway's take: SPEAK THEIR LANGUAGE!

Call UBI a negative tax and Republican voters will listen.

Asafum ,

The used the wrong language even though they need to because they need to be accurate.

"Global South" and "by 2100"

Billionaires: oh so not in my yard and not in my lifetime? Great! Drill baby drill!

Asafum ,

Looks like it's actually Persian according to Wikipedia lol

Asafum ,

Interesting, thanks for the info!

Asafum ,

"I'm going to do all the bad things people hate, then post about all those bad things, run on the bad things on TV, then go have rallies where I say it's all the Russians doing!"

(Head tap meme) Lol

Asafum ,

Lol (pushes up non-existent glasses) "ackschuaallllyyy you're Persian, I googled a name for 20 seconds so I should know!"


Asafum ,

I choose to believe he's just looking for VC money and is not actually that stupid lol

Asafum ,

I'm in a similar position, but I think I'm still working through "coming to terms" with my "situation."

It's definitely depressing as I've only had 2 real goals in life: be in a loving relationship, and own a home. Both of those are proving to be exceedingly unlikely to happen the older I get.

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