
@[email protected]

Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

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ArcaneSlime ,

I have the opposite problem, my prints stick to the bed too well, I can hardly get them off!

ArcaneSlime ,

I do! Lol I've had a print stuck to my bed for the last 2 weeks.

ArcaneSlime ,

I don't want to scratch the glass or I would.

ArcaneSlime ,

It is, but muh freezer's full of food and it is glue sticked lol.

ArcaneSlime ,

Huh, well, that's what I'm on too so I guess maybe it'll work out lol

ArcaneSlime ,

Ender 5 glass bed.

ArcaneSlime ,

Same but PLA+ lol

ArcaneSlime ,

I'll give that a shot, thanks.

ArcaneSlime , (edited )

Pffft no way, sweden doesn't have gun crime because only american laws can do a gun crime, impossible without it. Those swedes don't know how to build anything and there isn't a single machine shop or black market dealer anywhere outside of the US!

Hang on I'm being passed an update...

It seems that machine shops actually exist everywhere and bad people can indeed get things illegally, or even legally if they haven't been caught being bad yet. Man who'da thunk it? I could've sworn that "if we had gun laws like yurop" it would solve all our problems 600,000,000 unregistered guns be damned.

As he was too young to be sentenced

Check it out, the same logic that let Cruz walk free on the over 40 calls made about him before he shot up Parkland. Maybe charging murderous children is actually a good way to keep them from buying guns as adults which is much harder with a record in America, I can only imagine the same would apply to swedes, and then whatever senior members will have to get guns illegally (which tbh isn't that hard but at least you can say you tried.)

ArcaneSlime ,

No sunburn here, but I am tired of europeens' unearned superiority complex.

ArcaneSlime ,

Difference being nobody is going around claiming the US is perfect. You ever talk to a european? They have an inability to admit anything bad happens there, generally, and if it did it was merica's fault of course.

ArcaneSlime ,

A lot of them seem to be that way, likely terminally online ones of course.

You seem cool though!

ArcaneSlime ,

Exactly what I mean lol, delusions of grandeur are abundant on your continent.

ArcaneSlime ,

Of course, plenty of good happens here too, it's just that it doesn't fit the "if it bleeds it leads" business model so you never hear about it. Some areas here are just as safe as some areas of europe, some areas of europe are just as unsafe as some areas here.

This may surprise you to learn, but the US is comparable to the size of the entire EU, and as a result there are similar variances in safety between the two.

Er, I mean, US GOOD EUROPE BAD. Did I fill my role correctly there after that silly nuance break?

ArcaneSlime ,

Blah blah blah tribalism is good.


ArcaneSlime ,

You keep thinking that. In fact it's so bad over here no europeens should come over.

ArcaneSlime ,

Oh I complain about the US a lot, as does everyone here on lemmy and everyone I know IRL, but europeens think they can feel superior for being little middle of the road countries the size of Michigan and forget we're the size of the whole ass EU meaning that's the correct comparison, which your "superiority" just doesn't cover. Sure, NL may be fine, just try to be a black guy in the wrong berlin neighborhood though, I've heard some interesting stories about the "totally not nazi" police there. I also hear France is becoming Nazis, and sweden has a lot of gun crime and the occasional grenade attack, we don't even have those in America lol, certainly sounds like we all have enough problems, but nope, you idiots have to pretend you're better because deep down you know you'll never be. Oh well.

ArcaneSlime ,

Hmm the Germans don't keep the trains running on time anymore? Interesting, you'd think if they kept one thing from 1933-1945 it would have been that instead of the literal nazi police members they still have. Strange. Funny you guys also have one of the sex trafficking capitols of the world, Romania. Btw of how are the UK racists who insist that "they hate the 'gypsies' for their culture" which is exactly what the racists say over here about the "thugs" and their "rap music?"

Foh lmao, we both have problems and you're just as delusional as the nationalistic dickheads I'm always bitching at over here, but you pick an area the size of one of our states to be nationalistic about which lets be real is fucking sad.

ArcaneSlime ,

Whoops my bad, that was Mussolini, Italy is in the EU too though and so was Franco's Spain. I hear they still have a problem with fascists too, weird trend developing here. Btw fucking wild you'd say "animal trains," of course they also compared Jewish people to animals so I shouldn't be surprised, I guess that's why you're brushing the whole current nazi problem aside.

And wait I thought we could only talk shit and pretend our countries are the best, which the US is and it's perfect, there are no problems. (That's you, that's what you sound like.)

ArcaneSlime ,

Coulda went with murder trains or something less racist, really. Pretty fucked up dude.

Suuuree suuure which evil fascist dictator did it is really the point, ignore the "fascist" bit, that's in the past, and ignore the "current" bit too because that would be admitting you have a problem and you can't do that, you have to pretend you're perfect, because you have nothing going for you other than white aryan Europeen "supremacy."

You're a reactionary, nationalistic, delusional, and seemingly racist person, seek help.

Jeffco Sheriff: Man shoplifts bolt cutters from Walmart to steal kid’s e-bike locked up in front of store ( )

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help identifying an alleged bike thief who, on Wednesday, shoplifted bolt cutters to steal a boy’s e-bike.

ArcaneSlime ,

Also penetration doesn't need to happen for it to still be considered rape

Depends where you are. In many localities this is exactly false, and in those localities by definition women can't rape men, unwanted sexual contact by a woman would be sexual assault at best unless she penetrates you.

Yes, it's fucked up.

ArcaneSlime ,

I had a comment removed from c/veganscomplaining or whatever their community is that showed up like that when they censored it.

ArcaneSlime ,

Nah it wasn't that bad, like I didn't say slurs or anything but I did say some pretty non-vegan shit lmao so I get it. Still though that may be why some posts are blank, I doubt I'm the only one.

ArcaneSlime ,

Fuck yeah Savatage! Rare to see referenced in the wild.

Edit: wait I didn't click the link, did you mean this 80s metal classic or Edvard Greig's lol

ArcaneSlime ,

Tbf while it is great peer gynt isn't that frightening either, reminds me of Looney Tunes.

Savatage fucking rules too though, and I just remembered Rainbow also has a song by that title too which also rules!

ArcaneSlime ,

The only thing that would worry me is that he doesn't have to love the FSB (used to be KGB), he just has to love not being thrown out of a window enough to comply with whatever they may wish, like oh say a Russian state owned Trojan not being detected by it or something. Not that they're definitely doing that, but the possibility isn't 0%.

I mean it's basically the same reason I don't trust much of the US based proprietary software, just %s/FSB/CIA/g, the only real reason to trust one over the other is if you trust either agency more than the other IMO, otherwise distrust both.

ArcaneSlime , (edited ) says "august 2017-present" on the screenshot I'm looking at? Right? Also, isn't July 2024 like, next month?

ArcaneSlime , (edited )

So "homemade" vs "frozen?" Homemade mac and cheese is a black thing, and white people didn't eat it before freezers were invented? TIL.

ArcaneSlime ,

Because if we don't separate everything by race, how can we hate each other effectively? We must attempt to make people feel bad or excluded for our differences!

ArcaneSlime ,

YEAH! Fuck me because of something my great great grandpa may have done that I have never once done nor wanted to do. I'm obviously a bad person because of my skin color, you see.

We really playing the "if some of the people your color did something bad 200 years ago all of the people your color are bad now" game? Because quite frankly I know some pretty shitty people who feel the same way you do that would love to take this opportunity to remind you that the FBI says that while african americans only make up 12% of the population they are responsible for 50% of the crime, and they feel very similarly to you that this means the entirety of black people are criminals.

OR we could realize both you and those racists are objectively some of the stupidest people in the fucking world and should shut right the fuck up with their racism and your prejudice.

And now I'm going to exit lemmy for a few hours and go eat more ethnic food with my ethnic friends and have a good time while you wallow in hatred both self- and prejudicial, and there's not one fucking thing you can do to stop us.

ArcaneSlime ,

In this case, regarding macaroni and cheese? Never know, could've been africa, I suppose. Much more likely it could have been Its origins trace back to cheese and pasta casseroles dating to the 14th century in Italy and medieval England. The traditional macaroni and cheese is a casserole baked in the oven; however, it may be prepared in a sauce pan on top of the stove or using a packaged mix.[4]

ArcaneSlime ,

Yeah yeah, "I was only being prejudice for the lolz I'm really the nicest ever"

Heard that before. You my Uncle Steve? Thing is, he's lying to himself too.

ArcaneSlime ,

You think it's "traumatic" having a racist uncle who I'm using to make fun of you for being prejudice? Lol I just think he's as stupid as you, doesn't affect me much really, you must be the biggest pussy in the world who's never had any real problems if you think that's traumatic.

ArcaneSlime ,

No, I won't, I'll continue comparing you to him as long as you continue being comparable to him. You're choosing to do this to yourself, you could stop A) commenting, or B) being a prejudice piece of shit, but seemingly you're unable to do either.

ArcaneSlime ,

But as of a few months ago, they're no longer available to non-members. And the hot dogs are indeed a loss leader, a delicious loss leader.

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  • ArcaneSlime ,

    Sorry, my old Toshiba was on it's last legs, it's from like 2010. Good news is I'm hoping the Framework I just got will be the last and now I'll just upgrade, because I can, for as long as 64gb of DDR5 will get me (only 32gb rn, but once ddr6 comes out and ddr5 gets cheaper it'll be go time and extend the life until I need to upgrade the mainboard and by that time it'll be ddr7/8/9!)

    Female foragers sometimes hunt, yet gendered divisions of labor are real: a comment on Anderson et al. (2023) The Myth of Man the Hunter ( )

    Tl;dr an undergraduate paper last year claiming females hunt just as often as males got picked up by the media and amplified before it was discovered their analysis was deeply flawed and unreliable. Here several anthropologists present a very gracious rebuttal.

    ArcaneSlime , (edited )

    Odd question, but I noticed the use of "Females" here for which people are often derided because female is supposed to not be used for human women but rather only animal women.

    This begs the question: Where do we consider Neanderthals (or whichever pre homo-sapien group is referenced by this timetable) on the "human" scale? Are they human enough that you "should have" said "males and women" to refer to them politically correctly, or are they far enough removed from homo-sapiens not to be considered "human" in this consideration?

    I realize this hypothetical is sort of jumping the shark because I doubt neanderthal women are around in large enough numbers to be offended online about it, but it did make me think, which I find fun to do.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    Oh for sure, I wasn't trying to like come at you or anything, I understand the context because of the rest of your post and it's very clear you weren't being "bad" or whatever. It just got my brain spinning.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    Sometimes sequels are how movies get made at all.

    I say this with the utmost respect to "the industry": If all you have is a shitty moneygrab sequel or reboot "or nothing," make nothing. Get back to the goddamn writer's room, take a walk to your local comic shop and look for something creator owned that hasn't been adapted if you have to, there's plenty good shit, worked for Invincible, but for "Bob's" sake stooooop with the bullshit.

    Not that it matters to me, I gave up on them in about 2010, and they'd have to pay me to watch their garbage now.

    what's your current linux distro?

    wanting to hop into the world of linux on a dual boot method (one of my favorite games unfortunately cannot be run on linux at all, and it's a gacha. I don't want to gamble with my account being banned, so I'm keeping windows for it specifically.) this'll be my second go at it, I used Pop!_OS briefly but had some issues with...

    ArcaneSlime ,

    Hey I want to try out slackware real bad (for my own, religious reasons. Praise "Bob").

    So anyway I was wondering, I've heard it's more difficult than your average distro, mainly in the sense that dependencies are not managed by a package manager like the dnf I'm used to, but then I've also heard they have tools for that now. Before I try it out I'd like to ask a few people like yourself how they manage dependencies, and if there are any other tips you'd like to share.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    Wait really? What's the site, just go to or something with linux and it redirects you? That's hilariously petty but also useful lmao.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    Huh, neat, good to know!

    ArcaneSlime ,

    That switch is a federal offense unless you have a Class III SOT and have paid the prerequisite taxes. He explains it at 2:00.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    Which, tbh, many felonies shouldn't be felonies and nonviolent felons should have a path back to rights both ballot and (normal centerfire/rimfire) bullet, imo

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