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Amoxtli ,

Correct, Joe Biden is the fascist here.

Amoxtli ,

The Deep State is more than just Joe Biden.

Amoxtli ,

Biden loyalists still believe they are the good guys. I am pretty sure, when Julius Caesar marched into Gaul, that the Roman army thought of themselves as bad guys... We know where Biden supporters stand. Did the Nazis believe they were the bad guys? Government psy-ops a success on a huge segment of the population.

Amoxtli ,

They only want your loyalty.

France imposes curfew in New Caledonia after unrest by people who have long sought independence ( apnews.com )

Authorities in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia announced a two-day curfew and banned gatherings on Tuesday after violent unrest on the archipelago with decades of tensions between indigenous Kanaks seeking independence and colonizers’ descendants who want to remain part of France.

Amoxtli ,

I support New Caledonia independence. I support your cause New Caledonia.

Amoxtli ,

Why do they care? They want solar panels and wind turbines. Fossil fuels are killing people.

Amoxtli ,

The communist are too lazy to work, they need inflation to pay for things.

Amoxtli ,

Coincidentally, the first article that came out of that thing from a poster was Israel lobby propaganda that said that Russian propaganda on social media is the source of worldwide antisemitism. It has no credibility. It disseminates state run propaganda because "if it comes from the government, or a politician, it must be true" and the think tanks that work for them.

Amoxtli ,

They are looking out for the average Hungarian using energy. The smug stupidity of the EU is amazing.

Amoxtli ,

Oh yeah, then why did people elect him? Are you saying there is a dictatorship within the EU? Wow. Viktor Orbán makes sense. Ukraine is going to lose, and the EU will lose Russian energy, all because they wanted to militarize Ukraine. Be prepared to see many wind turbines and solar panels covering up all of your country. Stupidity is contagious, it is mob mentality. That is what you see in the EU and NATO. To justify their unity, they need to be stupid together.

Russian forces push deeper into northern Ukraine ( www.bangkokpost.com )

In the past three days, Russian troops, backed by fighter jets, artillery and lethal drones, have poured across Ukraine’s northeastern border and seized at least nine villages and settlements, and more territory per day than at almost any other point in the war, save the very beginning.

Amoxtli ,

They want you to think the Ukrainians are winning until they are defeated.

Amoxtli ,

Isn't it cheaper to harvest organs from cadavers instead of spending millions in figuring how to put pig parts into humans? Then you ask why US healthcare is so expensive.

Amoxtli ,

Germany needs to draft soldiers to go to Ukraine as soon as possible and help the Ukrainians, because it is the right thing to do.

Amoxtli ,

If you don't fight the Russians in Ukraine, you will be fighting them in Germany. Don't say you weren't warned.

Amoxtli ,

Yeah, Biden has a genocidal streak lately with alliances.

Amoxtli ,

I would agree to a certain extent, but Biden is a different kind of imperial leader, he fights useless wars that benefit nor gain America. He is a dummy. I guess when you are the superpower of the world, you feel you can afford to be a dumbass.

Amoxtli ,

Even without arms sales, Hamas is still much weaker than Israel. To put things in perspective, the Oct. 7 militant attack consisted of about 2,900 fighters. The people, they killed 1,139 people. Presumably, all 2,900 militants armed. The memberships of Hamas are estimated at 20,000 or 25,000. Perhaps as high as 30,000. Hamas is not an existential threat to Israel. Hamas is considered a terrorist organization, not a standing army with modern weapons and heavy equipment. It is like saying Al-Qaeda could take over the entire United States. The threat is simply not there. Al-Qaeda are like flies, the US military is like Godzilla.

Amoxtli ,

British government needs to teach everyone what is good and what is bad; teach them how to be nice to one another and hold hands.

Amoxtli ,

The assumption is that people care that they are voluntarily starving themselves.

Amoxtli ,

Remember, China has no allies... So why is Europe afraid of China?

Anyway, China is a true sovereign country that looks out for its own interest. China is not going to fall for the mob tactics of the EU and NATO. China number 1 priority, making China great. Is having 1.3 billion Chinese workers an unfair advantage, what would be the EU and US solution to that?

Amoxtli ,

NATO sanctioned themselves. You don't get to blame Russia for that.

Amoxtli , (edited )

The US doesn't control the supply chains. Biden subsidizes EVs as well. US labor is too expensive and the resale value of EVs are very poor. If there is a country that can make EVs cheap enough, it is China. The EU and US stand no chance. Even with safety standards and 27% tariffs, Chinese cars are still cheaper, and the quality is good. US currency is artificially too high. US traded in their manufacturing for financialization. This is a case where Joe Biden can't beat the global market, with the rest of the world buying China. American EVs are a flop.

Amoxtli ,

It doesn't matter what size car Americans build, they simply can't compete. Larger vehicles are a cultural preference and fits the American environment.

Amoxtli , (edited )

Russians didn't cut off natural gas supplies, or refused to pay for the commodity. The EU sanctioned themselves. What's next? Blame the bombing of NORD-stream pipeline 2 on the Russian invasion? Don't even discuss legality. Ukraine was legally bound to neutrality by the treaty for their independence. Western news media won't tell you that. Towing the line of "feel-good" propaganda are we? Take responsibility for once.

Amoxtli ,

Fossil fuels are the underpinning of industrial civilization. It was fossil fuels that made the industrial revolution possible, it wasn't solar panels, and wind turbines, or heavy, giant batteries.

Amoxtli ,

You are ignoring causation. The explanation by the West for Putin's invasion is he decided in 2022 he decided to begin the campaign to conquer all of Europe and the explanation for the timing is that Donald Trump weakened NATO, but at the same time NATO unity is stronger than ever. These explanations are not convincing. Then we are expected to believe that the US never thumbs it nose in other countries' business. The United States of America is the great destabilizer of the world; it is not China, or even Russia.

What is logical is that Putin is reacting to an EU and NATO threat to a historically and culturally intertwined region with Russia. What does the US want in Ukraine? You tell us.

Amoxtli ,

Explain to the forum how water generates power. This should be funny.

Amoxtli ,

Is it climate change, or is it another cover for not wanting to raise little brats? I don't want kids because: 1. "Cost of living." 2. " I never met the right man." (Despite being sexually active). 3. "Nobody pays for my childcare."

Amoxtli ,

More like babies are an unintended byproduct of sex and birth control fixed the unwanted consequences.

Amoxtli , (edited )

Pregnancy is unfair for women, it is a difficult period of time, a painful birthing, then you have to spend your money to support it for 18 years minimum, which takes away money from other more enjoyable things like beach vacations and big screen TVs. It is easier to have a cat or dog. The new family unit is to maximize the household income and minimize liabilities, which is: Husband, wife, and dog. The new family unit. Animals can fulfill the maternity experiences of a person. Human population growth is bad for the environment too.

Amoxtli ,

Immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa would still prefer Italy. You don't need to focus on babies, open borders fixes the problem.

Amoxtli ,

Culture is identity. Isn't that obvious from looking at different people all over the world? It is true, there is a clash of cultures because everyone is proud of their identity. Nationalism is extremely powerful because it is human instinct to look upon kinship. Humans are social animals.

Amoxtli ,

Argentinian culture is leftist, which is why inflation is a persistent problem and economic decline is a daily, annual news cycle for them. It is not surprising that governors of states don't obey the central government regarding things like subsidies, because they don't follow rules in the first place. Democracy does not work for Argentina.

Amoxtli ,

Well, isn't that counterintuitive; if we make bats extinct, that means no more coronavirus, if we exterminate mosquitos, no more malaria, if we exterminate the Tsetse fly, no more spread of parasite, if you exterminate birds, no more bird flu. You don't want rats or cockroaches living in your house, you kill them. I think they study is absurd. Urbanization reduces disease because there is less biodiversity. Just another study among many.

Amoxtli ,

This is Biden's liberal ideology -flood of migrants who lower wages for the working class, and brain drain of white collar labor from other countries. When you have a supply of migrant carpenters, they are going to underbid the citizens. Caesar Julio Chavez was opposed to immigration for this reason. I understand business want cheap labor, but this is not the incentive you want to advertise to the world, because you have migrant crisis like you have now. Not to mention, they are a nuisance to the locals who have to put up with them, uninvited, and have to sacrifice their economic well-being to support them.

Amoxtli ,

I didn't believe the initial claim that Putin will order a hit on a political enemy that is imprisoned in an isolated, frozen, environment.

Amoxtli ,

He is fully aware Ukraine can't win. His advisors tell him, including general Milley.

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