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Adanisi , avatar

It was a fucking toddler trapped in the car you moron.

It couldn't be opened manually from the outside.

Adanisi , avatar

Love the hand-waving here to justify that if your "Allah" exists (he doesn't, there's plenty of plot holes in the Quran), he's clearly not so loving.

Most Wise, Most Loving, Most High (probably on weed)

Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

to many believers that is the truth

No? Just because some people believe it doesn't make it true. That's like saying because many people believe you can see the great wall of China from space, that it's true.

A millenium-old book which makes grand claims with no real evidence (and many things wrong!) to back them up so a pedo warlord could live a life of relative luxury with his several wives and conquer Arabia does not count as evidence by the way.

the butterfly effect for example why it is not possible

... The butterfly effect is well proven and very easy to see with simply a double pendulum.

Are you telling me what I can see right in front of me does not exist?

it is his choice, for how to exercise his love

Or to never exercise it at all clearly. Maybe it's because he doesn't exist?

Muslims believe that he is most loving so when we don't see it in this world the assumption is that we will get it in the hereafter.

Very convenient way of explaining away the fact that good things and bad things happen randomly and/or as a direct result of human actions, not as a result of "Allah" choosing how to "exercise love".

This world is not a place for justice and neither is it fair, for we get it in the hereafter.

How do you know that? There is zero real proof and any "proof" in Islam has been well and truly debunked. You can't just take an old book at it's word you know.

cannot say that this action is bad because you do not possess the ability

But Allah is infinite therefore he possesses this ability

What is "this ability" you're talking about? And Allah doesn't exist, sorry to break it to you.

That said, I feel for the families of the people who died.

Adanisi , avatar

The difference is I disbelieve because I've read portions of the Quran and found logical faults/inconsistencies which can't be made by an omnipotent being and you believe because... ??

Adanisi , avatar

I'm sorry but when the Quran makes it out that the sun and moon both orbit Earth when that is very clearly false I can't take it seriously.

Copying from a comment I made on Reddit:

The Quran is considered the unchanging word of Allah passed down to Muhammed by Gabriel. But then what does it mean when the Quran is demonstrably wrong? Well, it means Islam falls apart as the "word of Allah" is disproven.

For example, I'm going to note a verse from the Quran which reveals the Quran's model of the solar system:

"It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor doth the night outstrip the day. They float each in an orbit." (Quran 36:40)

I've picked this verse because typically when the Quran conflicts with well-known, proven, modern fact and science, the defense from Muslims is that it's metaphorical in some way (how convenient). But here not even the metaphorical interpretation makes sense, so its a good verse to solidly disprove.

First, the literal interpretation:

The idea of "overtaking" and the sun and moon's inability to do so requires the two objects (in this case, the sun and moon) to be moving along roughly the same path/direction (or in the case of celestial objects, the same orbit), else the sentence makes no sense. Following this, this means that according to the Quran, the sun and moon follow the same orbit, an orbit around Earth (i.e. an Earth-centred solar system). This isn't true, and is easily proven nowadays.

The metaphorical interpretation:

If we take "overtaking" to mean appearing to cross over in the sky and not literal overtaking, well, that's still wrong. Because exactly that happens during a solar eclipse. The moon appears to overtake the sun in the sky, crossing over it and eclipsing it in the process. So the metaphorical interpretation is also incorrect.

As we can see, no matter which way we decide to interpret this verse, literal or metaphorical, it's wrong. The "word of Allah" is wrong, and Islam crumbles.

Adanisi , avatar

That word... I do not think it means what you think it means...

Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

They have. Compared to this, it got barely any news coverage.

That is why they do this. Their only goal is attention, and they do that quite well.

The way they seem to operate is quite smart, actually:

  • Their stunts get a lot of press and bring climate change to the forefront of people's minds, frequently.

  • They're not a political party, so pissing voters off isn't a problem. They can afford to be unpopular to further the cause.

  • Those who already care about the climate won't change that based on a small group they dislike.

  • Those who call them "terrorists" are people who call anything short of licking oil company boot "eco-terrorism". They were never going to be convinced to care whatever the group does. Probably read the Daily Mail.

  • Those who are apathetic about the climate are still going to be apathetic, with a bit of rage towards this group as with the others, but again, ultimately that doesn't matter as they still won't change anything based on a single group.

  • A small handful of people will be inspired by them and their constant reminders of climate crisis, and be motivated to push for change.

The last bullet seems to be the target audience of the group. And they're the ones who will actually do anything.

Adanisi , avatar

You know what else will get into the cracks?

Rain. To wash it off.

Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

This is a fine powder which will dissolve in water. It will wash out and honestly, if it doesn't, it's so deep in that its completely unnoticeable and doesn't matter. Much worse has happened to Stonehenge.

Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

"Silence"? How?

They don't make it harder to discuss climate change. People don't just go "a small group I hate cares about climate change so now I don't care". And if they do, well, they never actually cared about the climate. They cared about looking good and were never going to help with anything.

And stop with the conspiracy that they're funded by oil executives. The organisation of the granddaughter of an oil billionaire (who is dead) funds 2% of them. Because, children and grandchildren, believe it or not, can disagree with their elders.

Adanisi , avatar

Inspiring people to act against climate change.

Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

many climate organizations have been infiltrated

Ok but:

  1. you're talking about the US, JSO is UK based

  2. It is a conspiracy theory because you have no hard evidence that JSO is infiltrated and having it's strings pulled by big oil like you claim

It distracts from the fight

No I'd actually argue it brings the fight to the forefront of people's minds, specifically the people who are actually inclined to do something. Those who do nothing but complain about climate activism were never going to do anything useful and so their thoughts on the methods are frankly irrelevant since the methods work for those who actually want to act.

We need these groups to be more self aware and create civil action to get people on board instead of making it unpalatable.

They've blockaded oil terminals and vandalised terrible offenders driving climate change, and still do. It was nowhere near as effective as their publicity stunts, which get people talking. They just ended up getting whisked away by police and largely ignored by the news. Pointless.

Whether you like it or not, the sort of quiet, non-inconvenient activism you seem to be proposing has shown itself to be useless.

Adanisi , avatar

This doesn't bring any of this to forefront of peoples minds.

If they didn't make headlines a lot less people would be talking about climate change at this moment.

This issue hinges entirely on getting voters to care. Yet, many groups and even you seem to dismiss them, saying "they don't matter." In reality, voters are the most crucial factor.

As I said earlier with examples for each category of people, almost everyone in this issue is not going to be influenced to change their opinion on a massive topic like climate change because of a small annoying group. Except those who'll be spurred onto direct action.

And in that quote I was referring to those who complain about any climate activism (see the comments on blocked oil refineries and painted jets YouTube videos). Not voters overall.

It makes sense that the idea of alienating the general public from climate action might be intentionally promoted by well-funded and organized entities.

This is a potential issue but as I've already said, I think what JSO is doing is quite clever for the cause and I don't think bad actors are involved. If they are, they're bad at their job.

Adanisi , avatar

The responsibility is on you to do your research before you argue about a topic.

Adanisi , avatar

If a small group annoying you pushes you towards not caring about the climate, you never cared about the climate.

Adanisi , avatar

"destroy heritage sites"

It's cornflour lmfao. It's probably been washed away by now.

Adanisi , avatar

It's not even paint, it's cornstarch

Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

This is the UK. "Felonies" 🙄

But yeah it's a lot more severe and they'd probably be out of activism forever.

Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

That would be "crime".

A felony is a type of crime which doesn't exist here.

You can't just get upset if someone points out you've used a word wrong. Words have meanings and while getting it wrong, especially as a second language, isn't bad, it's still incorrect and can be confusing (e.g. most people would assume you're talking about US law when you talk about felonies).

Adanisi , avatar

From context, it's clear that it'd be UK action, considering JSO is a UK group.

Adanisi , avatar

In this thread we're talking about the effectiveness of JSOs methods and what they "should do" instead.

Adanisi , avatar

Point to the comment in this chain where we aren't talking about what JSO is/should be doing before I got involved, then. With a quote and a link.

PS there's only one comment before mine and yours and it's talking about what JSO "should" do. I'll save you time:

Ffs just blow up a pipeline or sabotage parts of their infrastructure or follow the higher ups home and deface their homes

Adanisi , avatar

NewPipe on Android.

Fuck GrayJay, their marketing lies, and their nasty license.

Adanisi , avatar

Regardless of whether they actively scan only with permission and only images, it still breaks the security for everyone as images are sent with the same security as text. And future governments might not be so kind with the ability to break into everyone's communications.

This is bad news.

Adanisi , avatar

Define "woke", and explain why it is bad.

Adanisi , avatar

You called something woke, why don't you tell me what that word means so I understand what you're saying?

Adanisi , avatar

Why do you keep dodging the simple request of defining it and why it's bad in this case?

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange facing pivotal moment in long fight to stay out of US court [ BRIAN MELLEY | May 18, 2024 | Associated Press] ( )

“Julian has been indicted for receiving, possessing and communicating information to the public of evidence of war crimes committed by the U.S. government,” his wife, Stella Assange, said. “Reporting a crime is never a crime.”

Adanisi , avatar

The reason the US is going after him is because he exposed them as war criminals. Everything else is secondary to them.

The US is a war criminal state and likes to act like the world police. This must end. Whistleblowers should be protected from the US, not punished by and shipped off to it on demand.

Adanisi , avatar

Yeah, no.

It seems that these Americans have discovered that they can't just ignore the rule of law in other countries.

Let them deal with the consequences. Let them lose that American exceptionalism.

Nobody gets a free pass for breaking laws in America, so these Americans shouldn't get a free pass for breaking laws in other countries.

Adanisi , avatar

"If you had a gun, a few rounds isn't going to do much"

LMFAO one round is enough to commit murder

Adanisi , avatar

Better example: drugs which are legal in other countries but not the US.

What would US law enforcement do if they found you with illegal (in US) drugs, eh?

They sure as hell wouldn't be letting you off with it.

Adanisi , avatar

This isn't punishment for actions of their state lol, this is punishment for their own actions.

The state didn't tell them to put bullets in their luggage.

Adanisi , avatar

You just need to paint it way to justify the completely unjustifiable position of thinking individuals should be punished for the actions of their state.

Adanisi , avatar

"Gun owner" is not an immutable attribute. Its not a skin colour. Comparing dislike of gun owners to racism is ridiculous.

Adanisi , avatar

Then that's a different issue and should be handled according to what a person does/possesses and why on a case-by-case basis.

Adanisi , avatar

I can't take your argument seriously.

People are (rightfully) glad that reckless idiots travelling to other countries carrying literal explosive devices have been arrested, and your takeaway is there is... racism directed towards gun owners?

You're delusional.

Adanisi , avatar

You're drawing parallels to racism because some people aren't up in arms that these idiots with explosives have been arrested.

That's pretty damn close.

Adanisi , avatar

People are glad that these people have been arrested for carrying explosive devices and you're drawing parallels to racism because of it.

That's your argument, and it's absolutely ridiculous.

And it's very funny that you're calling me dishonest, when earlier in the thread I mentioned that nobody was being punished for actions of their state, and you claimed you never said that. I then pasted you saying exactly that and you went off talking about something tangentially related.

Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

You can write walls of text about how "that's not what I said" all you like, but it's clear to anyone reading what you've said that you tried to compare racism to people being glad about these morons being arrested.



You also tried to claim you didn't say "unjustifiable position of thinking individuals should be punished for the actions of their state", when you said exactly that in your previous message, when referring to people traveling with bullets they brought in their own luggage.



If anyone's being dishonest, it's you.

Adanisi , avatar

Yep the Pinetime can last for about 2 weeks on Infinitime in my case

Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

Fuck off Poettering. Stop trying to absorb the whole system.

EDIT: apparently systemd absorbing the whole system with it's nonstandard, monolithic nightmare is a good thing, judging from downvotes. Carry on.

Adanisi , avatar

Systemd likes to break standards. That's a big reason

I don't know anything about Linux and the idea of installing it frightens me. Where do I start?

I bought a laptop yesterday, it came pre-installed with Windows 11. I hate win 11 so I switched it down to Windows 10, but then started considering using Linux for total control over the laptop, but here's the thing: I keep seeing memes about how complicated or fucky wucky Linux is to install and run. I love the idea of open...

Adanisi , avatar

The Apple of Linux? Is that not Ubuntu?

Adanisi , avatar

I think that's GNOME's fault. Debian allows you to do more than Ubuntu, for example by not ramming proprietary snaps down your throat when you try to use apt.

Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

KDE is for kids, GNOME is for Grownups.

Uh huh. No fanboying on your part at all. Projection?

Once again, I will send you a video later today of KDE plasma running on my 1GHz single core potato (a much slower CPU than yours) to prove that Plasma can perform. Hey, maybe I'll also run GNOME on it for you for comparison purposes. Note that I don't inherently have a problem with GNOME, as I don't have the mentality that "KDE is for KGrownups".

Because I feel like with childish statements like the one above, you're not exactly being 100% truthful. But I can back up my argument with evidence.

Adanisi , (edited ) avatar

KDE Plasma on a laptop whose hardware was crap when it came out in 2009, running fine:

GNOME, slightly sluggish:

Also just checked out your "computing guide" (which is just a loose collection of info and recommendations more than a guide), and lol'd at this paragraph [brackets mine]:

F(L)OSS means Free (Libre) Open Source software, and it means that the software is freeware [eh, no? FLOSS can be paid], AND the source code that are building blocks of software, are available openly and freely for modification, reverse engineering, compilation and studying purposes. The correct way to say it, as Richard Stallman says, is FLOSS and not FOSS. [I'm fairly sure if you ask Stallman he'll completely reject "Open Source" all together]

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