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AbouBenAdhem ,

Michaels, 79, told Vanity Fair in an interview published Wednesday that he was initially “very skeptical” of the proposal from NBCUniversal executives — until he heard the AI-generated version of his speaking voice, which is capable of greeting viewers by name.

Was this a phone interview, by any chance?

AbouBenAdhem ,

I propose detecting atmospheric anomalies induced by their infinite improbability drives.

AbouBenAdhem ,

While the labels give retailers the ability to increase prices suddenly, Gallino doubts companies like Walmart will take advantage of the technology in that way. “To be honest, I don’t think that’s the underlying main driver of this,” Gallino said. “These are companies that tend to have a long-term relationship with their customers and I think the risk of frustrating them could be too risky, so I would be surprised if they try to do that.”

How to tell if an academic doesn’t get out enough.

AbouBenAdhem , (edited )

Does it need to be accessible via API (e.g. SQL) or just a spreadsheet-style web interface?

AbouBenAdhem ,

The right way to do it would be to outcross Golden Rice with local strains to transfer the beta carotene gene while preserving other traits that are already adapted to the local ecosystem, thereby maintaining biodiversity and allowing the rice to continue to coevolve with other local organisms. But that would threaten Monsanto’s patents.

AbouBenAdhem ,

In the long run, humans whose biologies most closely resemble rats will have better medical outcomes and therefore greater evolutionary fitness.

The countries with the most Fediverse servers are rich and former/current colonial powers. One of the best true barometers of the success of the Fediverse is how quickly we can turn that on its head. ( sopuli.xyz )

In the end I don’t think internet users in rich powerful countries are the users most likely to benefit and invest their time into in the fediverse. They might be the ones with the most free time, money and privilege around computers which makes being on the leading edge of niche technologies far easier, but I don’t think...

AbouBenAdhem ,

What about the usage demographics within each country?

In underdeveloped/exploited countries, internet usage is more likely to be concentrated among the economic elites who formerly benefited from colonialism—so if increasing adoption in those countries just follows the pattern of other internet use, it could have the opposite effect from the one intended.

AbouBenAdhem ,

In an interview with the Journal, Neuralink's first patient, 29-year-old Noland Arbaugh, opened up about the roller-coaster experience. "I was on such a high and then to be brought down that low. It was very, very hard," Arbaugh said. "I cried." He initially asked if Neuralink would perform another surgery to fix or replace the implant, but the company declined, telling him it wanted to wait for more information.

Neuralink isn’t just treating humans like guinea pigs, they’re treating them like disposable guinea pigs.

AbouBenAdhem ,

None of that concerns Neuralink’s treatment of him—just his process of learning to live with it.

AbouBenAdhem , (edited )

My criticism of Neuralink’s response has nothing to do with whether or not the first patient was treated unfairly. It’s that it reveals Neuralink’s priorities: they had a choice going forward of trying to fix the first patient’s implant or giving up and starting over with a fresh patient, and they chose the latter.

In animal testing, that decision would depend on how valuable the guinea pigs are.

AbouBenAdhem , (edited )

The ChatGPT case aside, what are the copyright laws on impersonating the voice of an actor portraying a particular film character? If someone imitates the voice of Johnny Depp playing Jack Sparrow, or Andy Serkis playing Gollum, but makes no reference to the character apart from the voice performance, does that infringe on the copyright to the character?

AbouBenAdhem , (edited )

And even those who saw it would have seen it in the context of a lot of other portraits in the same style, where it doesn’t stand out as anything personally directed at Rinehart.

AbouBenAdhem , (edited )

I think they’re terms men often apply to whichever figure in the household represents the greatest constraint on their actions (or the person to whom they most defer).

If they’re married, that’s their spouse, but if they’re living with their parents in a traditional male-dominated household, it’s their father.

What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say?

I have many conversations with people about Large Language Models like ChatGPT and Copilot. The idea that "it makes convincing sentences, but it doesn't know what it's talking about" is a difficult concept to convey or wrap your head around. Because the sentences are so convincing....

AbouBenAdhem , (edited )
  • Compression algorithms can reduce most written text to about 20–25% of its original size—implying that that’s the amount of actual unique information it contains, while the rest is predictable filler.

  • Empirical studies have found that chimps and human infants, when looking at test patterns, will ignore patterns that are too predictable or too unpredictable—with the sweet spot for maximizing attention being patterns that are about 80% predictable.

  • AI researchers have found that generating new text by predicting the most likely continuation of the given input results in text that sounds monotonous and obviously robotic. Through trial and error, they found that, instead of choosing the most likely result, choosing one with around an 80% likelihood threshold produces results judged most interesting and human-like.

The point being: AI has stumbled on a method of mimicking the presence of meaning by imitating the ratio of novelty to predictability that characterizes real human thought. But we know that the actual content of that novelty is randomly chosen, rather than being a deliberate message.

AbouBenAdhem , (edited )

The vessel, Alboran Cognac, [...] encountered the highly social apex predators

The highly social orcas were clearly aware that the only true Cognac comes from the Atlantic coast, not the Alboran Sea.

AbouBenAdhem , (edited )

“Anastasia Nyrkovskaya’s Fortune Media Group quietly adds CEOs’ names to news headlines.”

AbouBenAdhem ,

Wiktionary runs on MediaWiki—does that have the sort of functionality you need?

AbouBenAdhem ,

Seems like it would only work for objects with large, flat bottoms—if you tried to use it barefoot it would likely rip your toes off.

AbouBenAdhem ,

That was just an example—it might also be a problem for shoes with heels, or textured soles, or people with feet too small to cover enough disks at once.

AbouBenAdhem ,

Yeah—the harness they had Marques wear was probably in part to make sure he didn’t fall over and touch his clothes or hands to the disks.

AbouBenAdhem ,

You can use any port for SSH—or you can use something like Cockpit with a browser-based terminal instead of SSH.

AbouBenAdhem , (edited )

Ok, but protests need to be done “without distraction”? That kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?

AbouBenAdhem ,

The US Navy will convert its surplus oil rigs in the Pacific into active mobile military bases

The Navy has its own oil rigs?

AbouBenAdhem ,

Did you read the article? His argument seems to be that AI content will ultimately destroy the toxic social media platforms that attempt to leverage it.

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