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AProfessional , (edited )

The claim is they completely bypass all Android and iOS security is pretty unbelievable.

If so then the real discussion is how these zero day exploits are just sitting around.

EDIT: It seems the focus is on Android but all the information is nonsensical, like AI generated buzzword bingo.

AProfessional , (edited )

That source looks better indeed.

Ars quotes nonsense like “bypasses the security” and “exploit the user”.

Those terms have meaning and they aren’t applicable here.

At the end though they do say things like

is able to hack your phone from the moment you install the app

Without any credible evidence.

AProfessional ,

I use this, it’s not yet perfect but it does what i need.

AProfessional ,

It has been decriminalized in recent past, it’s not off the table.

AProfessional ,

Youtube might be the literal most valuable site in my life, up there with Wikipedia and search engines.

A large part of my payment also goes to the channels I view.

AProfessional ,

Yeah, it has news, educational, and entertaining content. It’s a lot of value for me.

AProfessional , (edited )

RISC-V is modular, so multiplication is optional but probably everything will support it.

AProfessional ,
AProfessional ,

DARPA hasn’t been an innovator in decades. Their budget is pathetic compared to Apple.

AProfessional ,

It does tie them together for Signal themselves.

AProfessional ,

bash sucks but i don’t agree. Some simple rules like regularly use intermediate variables with useful names and never use shorthand arguments goes a long way.

AProfessional ,

Browsers are fairly secure, no simple site would have an exploit. Just don’t give them info.

Yes ads would be their main income.

AProfessional ,

C++ literally makes it easier to avoid raw pointers and allocation that are dangerous…

AProfessional ,

It was written 25 years ago and untouched since probably.

AProfessional ,

My colleagues are starting to use AI, it just makes their code worse and harder to review. I honestly can’t imagine that changing, AI doesn’t actually understand anything.

AProfessional ,

You don’t have to be a fan boy to have an opinion. Windows is not user friendly in any way. People just know it. My Linux desktops are more robust and hands off than my Windows ones. Of course that won’t apply to all situations.

AProfessional ,

The pi is very weak. Just get a normal desktop. They have small form factor ones.

AProfessional ,

Because they are the long term incumbent, with an effective monopoly, and endless pockets of money…

The OS is not special or great.

Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads ( www.techradar.com )

Netflix has managed to annoy a good number of its users with an announcement about an upcoming update to its Windows 11 (and Windows 10) app: support for adverts and live events will be added, but the ability to download content is being taken away....

AProfessional ,

You must be a time traveler because Windows phones don't exist. This is about normal Windows.

AProfessional ,

Windows phone died 8 years ago. None of it is supported or used.

AProfessional ,
AProfessional ,

This is the worst format for that?

Binaries will never get bug fixes or improvements like an emulator. The rom is the only relevant archive of a game.

Your complaint is just they have terrible UX, which is true.

AProfessional ,

That just makes no sense to do, modern storage is write limited. As long as you used encryption the old bits mean nothing to anyone but you.

AProfessional ,

Seems creation time not modified. Makes sense “current” is older.

AProfessional ,

“support” being a vague term. Steam runs everywhere, they don’t even use Ubuntu for SteamOS. And it’s actually easier to install AMDs rocm on other distros and ofc Ubuntus drivers are outdated.

AProfessional ,

Heavily customized desktop, one day to be fully custom.

AProfessional ,

Thats great for GM and Ford shareholders. It just means Americans can’t afford cars.

AProfessional ,

The cost of cars has not scaled with incomes. EVs are also much cheaper to manufacture yet because of lack of competition they only sell luxury cars. Nissan admittedly tried but I think that was just too early to market with a mediocre product.

AProfessional ,

This is all true. I just genuinely believe more EVs to market would be good for the consumer over the coming years.

AProfessional ,

The Halo remasters are a very reasonable price..?

$40 for 5 games, regularly on sale for less (low of $10).

AProfessional ,

Couch coop works fine in the remasters. Halo Infinite lacked it.

AProfessional ,

Yeah I think I got it for $20 and played through 3 games couch coop. So thats why I was taken aback by the comment :P

AProfessional , (edited )

Prey is barely functional on modern systems. They never had a PS5 update and it barely hits 30fps there. The PC version is quite buggy and crashes for many.

I try to replay it every once in a while and just give up. It’s unfortunate.

AProfessional ,

I’d believe it, might actually check that out soon.

AProfessional ,

bootc is a RH open source project…

And RHEL is hardly closed source.

AProfessional ,

I don’t like the way they handle access to it, but yes it is largely made up of GPL code, is regularly redestributed and modified, see Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux.

AProfessional ,

AppImages aren’t necessarily portable, it depends on the specific one. Try and see.

Why Your VPN May Not Be As Secure As It Claims ( krebsonsecurity.com )

Virtual private networking (VPN) companies market their services as a way to prevent anyone from snooping on your Internet usage. But new research suggests this is a dangerous assumption when connecting to a VPN via an untrusted network, because attackers on the same network could force a target’s traffic off of the protection...

AProfessional ,

We don’t know their personal contract, but calling it illegal is ridiculous, I’m sure Valve explicitly allows for this.

AProfessional ,

It just comes across hypocritical. He demands everyone else be open, hardware vendors, video hosts, yet himself wants to be closed.

AProfessional , (edited )

On some distros its packaged, trivial. On others its not and annoying. How well it works depends on the exact usage.

AProfessional ,

I’ve interacted directly with gnome devs and they were entirely reasonable and respectful.

AProfessional ,

A dns blocker cannot do anything more than ublock. It is nice for other apps though.

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