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31337 ,

I don't understand the Scrum one. Scrum is also agile with short development cycles, and prioritizes communication with the product owners and stakeholders.

I've never heard of lean development, but not a fan of "lean manufacturing," at least not the way it's commonly implemented in the U.S. (using primarily temp workers so they can ramp up and down their workforce as needed; and it also exacerbates supply-chain problems).

31337 ,

This seems like the most plausible explanation. Only other thing I can think of is they want to develop their own CoPilot (which I'm guessing isn't available in China due to the U.S. AI restrictions?), and they're just using their existing infrastructure to gather training data.

31337 ,

That's not true. Kei trucks have comparably low load and towing capacity. They have the same bed dimensions of the most common pickup truck bed size. Most people with trucks don't hail around stone or heavy machinery though.

31337 ,

I live in Germany, ... It also had a confederate flag in the back window.

WTF, I didn't even know that was a thing outside the U.S. Do they claim "it's our heritage not hate?"

31337 ,

Some of it has to do with CAFE standards using vehicle footprint to determine the target MPG. Some of it is because of better safety standards. Some of it is just because that's what a certain portion of the market wants, and the profit margins on the large vehicles are higher, so they spend more money marketing them (creating more demand).

31337 ,

Yeah, a lot of the regulations are written by the industries they're supposed to regulate.

31337 ,

I think SPDIF is being phased out because it needs to use compression to do surround sound.

Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough ( )

There were a number of exciting announcements from Apple at WWDC 2024, from macOS Sequoia to Apple Intelligence. However, a subtle addition to Xcode 16 — the development environment for Apple platforms, like iOS and macOS — is a feature called Predictive Code Completion. Unfortunately, if you bought into Apple's claim that...

31337 ,

I think SSDs are also soldered to the mainboard on most apple products.

31337 ,

I was looking at notebooks at Walmart the other day, and I was amazed that they almost all had less or the same amount of RAM as my phone.

31337 ,

I wonder what is the general use for the Mac Mini, MacBook Air, iMac, and MacBook Pro? People generally seem to do all the lightweight stuff like social media consumption on their phones; and desktops/laptops are used for the more heavy-weight stuff. The only reason I've ever used a Mac was for IOS development.

31337 ,

Where I live, I would still need to pay for a VPN to use torrents. I've been banned from an ISP before for torrenting (thankfully, I had multiple ISPs available for me).

At the moment, I just "pay" legally because I get a few "free" streaming plans from my mobile provider and ISP. Occasionally, I just use a free streaming site if I really want to watch something that's not available to me. Every once in a while, I try anonymous p2p such as Tribler or torrenting over I2P, but it's still extremely slow, unfortunately. I've never used Usenet, but I think it's about the same price as a VPN or seedbox would be?

31337 ,

What a "man" or "woman" is changes over time and by culture. Some indigenous cultures have more than 2 genders. "Boys" become "men" at different ages, depending on the culture. It is a social construct (though I'd argue constructs are "real").

31337 ,

I can understand capitalism resulting in slavery, because it wants to minimize labor costs, so slavery is the logical conclusion (also, slavery is still used by capitalists). I don't see anarchy resulting in slavery, because slavery is inherently hierarchical. I also don't see socialism resulting in slavery because the workers own their means of production/businesses/workplaces.

31337 ,

Most CEOs are also conmen and not any smarter. It's mostly just a nepotism racket at the executive level.

31337 ,

AfD is far right. They are ethno-nationalists that believe only ethnic-Germans belong in Germany. A leader has defended the Nazi SS. They have discussed re-migrating German citizens out of Germany. How do you compromise with people who would like to carry out an ethnic cleansing? Only forcibly relocate Muslims for now, and wait until next year to expel the Jewry?

Most far-right politicians do not debate or operate politically in good-faith. IDK about the people who vote for them. I think it usually takes years of slow progress for people to move away from extremist positions, and it takes a change in their environment to start the process (new social circle, life experiences, media consumption habits, etc).

31337 ,

There's this map:

I haven't been following the war very closely, but AFAIK, they've been in a stalemate for many months with neither side making any significant gains.

ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study ( )

The research from Purdue University, first spotted by news outlet Futurism, was presented earlier this month at the Computer-Human Interaction Conference in Hawaii and looked at 517 programming questions on Stack Overflow that were then fed to ChatGPT....

31337 ,

We're close to peak using current NN architectures and methods. All this started with the discovery of transformer architecture in 2017. Advances in architecture and methods have been fairly small and incremental since then. The advancements in performance has mostly just been throwing more data and compute at the models, and diminishing returns have been observed. GPT-3 costed something like $15 million to train. GPT-4 is a little better and costed something like $100 million to train. If the next model costs $1 billion to train, it will likely be a little better.

31337 ,

I think part of the problem is that new cars are bought mostly by fairly well-off individuals; with other people buying used cars. Economy cars sell poorly in the U.S.

31337 ,

Doesn't really matter unless you live under it. Instagram and Twitter or more dangerous to U.S. citizens.

31337 ,

China can't arrest people in the U.S. The U.S. and state governments can.

31337 ,

I hoping the OP means the state of Israel "has to go," and not necessarily the population. I.e. a "one-state solution."

31337 ,

Libraries don't make a profit, AFAIK. Non-profits and co-ops are things too.

31337 ,

Rentals seem extremely expensive in my area. $100/day for a shitty 4" wood chipper, $300/day for 6" chipper. For some tools, it's often about the same price or cheaper to buy a tool from Harbor Freight than to rent.

31337 ,

Sorry, I was unclear. Chippers are not the tools I was thinking of that would be cheaper to buy (a low quality version of) than rent. Was thinking more about stuff like torque wrenches and rotary hammers. Chipper rental prices were just one thing I was looking at recently that seemed way out of line with what other people from other regions were paying.

31337 ,

IDK. Bears are kinda stupid. Men are crafty little guys, and can use tools like blades and firearms.

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