@0110010001100010@lemmy.world cover
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar


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0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

I went a little crazy on 3d printing during covid. I had a single printer prior but purchased two more. I haven't printed on ANY of them in like 2 years. I end up just printing stupid shit or because I go so long between printing wasting way too much time to get everything dialed back in. Now I don't even know what my slicing settings were and I would have to probably start from scratch. I should probably just sell my printers....

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

This was the second half of my problem honestly, I can't for the life of me figure out how to 3d model stuff. I've gone through tutorial after tutorial so clearly it's me.

I actually have stuff I'd like to print but I'm not competent enough to model it. I'm the n00b just printing stuff I can download from the internet. Or was I suppose....

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I went through his channel too but something about it just doesn't seem compatible with my brain, lol. Like I said, I really should just sell my printers. They haven't been used in 2+ years and are just sitting here taking up space and collecting dust.

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Yep, tried those too. I do appreciate the suggestion though, truly. It's just not something I'm cut out for it would seem. I really do need to look at selling my printers and getting out of the hobby. It was fun for a while, now it's just a chore. Which is probably why I haven't done it in 2+ years, lol.

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I've seen a lot of dumb LLM implementations, but this one may take the cake. I don't get why tech leaders see "AI" and go yes, please throw that at everything. I know it's the current buzzword but it's been proven OVER AND OVER just in the past couple of months that it's not anywhere close to ready for prime-time.

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Does consulting for energy utilities helping them improve their mapping systems (GIS) count as IT? I do manage cloud infrastructure but also assist with all the various pieces and parts that go into digital maps and integrations.

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Tow truck drivers have an abnormally low number of fucks to give on a good day so this tracks.

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

I worked at a tree farm in my teens and honestly if I could still do that making what I make now I would be all over that. Always outside, in great shape, got to run heavy machinery, it was great.

0110010001100010 , (edited )
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

I assume you don't suffer from it. Even with the house closed up, the AC on, multiple air purifiers running 24/7, and regular antihistamines it's still a fucking bitch during pollen season. Hell even adding a Sudafed while venturing outside doesn't fully negate the effects.

You learn to deal with it, but it's still sucky.

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Oh wait you can do that? Damn I feel like an idiot now... I have 100% accidentally downvoted without realizing it.

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Looks like the initial post is simply a person on a forum: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/ap-fsd-related-crashes.264798/page-8#post-8259936

There are dashcam videos here but I'm not signing up for a dropbox to view them.

The best (subjective, I know) article that I could quickly find seems to be Yahoo: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/tesla-full-self-driving-mode-160500725.html

The videos here don't load for me, could be an extension blocking them.

Not saying it's not credible, but I would take it with a grain of salt.

That said, knowing the issues with FSD I would be shocked to learn this was made up, lol.

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

I work for a 350k+ company doing grid mod for energy utilities. The head of our division had an "all hands" meeting earlier in the week saying based on client requirements we all need to be in an office or on the clients site.

The head of our group of ~20 (my bosses boss) scheduled a meeting right after and said ignore that. Our team is kicking ass and our current client has not such requirements (other than onsite at their location for training/go-lives which is reasonable). Furthermore, he said unless it was out of his hands this could be the normal with new clients.

We have a killer team from all over the US (many of whom are nowhere near the client or our company offices). This team would dissolve quickly if that mandate ever hit us.

My point is, there ARE still people in upper(ish) management that understand to keep top talent you have to be willing to accept or embrace work from wherever. Hell, during the last go-live last hear he basically said unless absolutely required he didn't WANT any of us on-site with the client. He wanted us all comfy, no jet-lag, in our normal settings to be able to troubleshoot issues. Granted, I worked nearly 80 hours that week, but that's not a normal week. I usually work 30-40.

lol and holy wall of text batman. I didn't mean to write that much but it's here and I don't want to delete it.

How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas ( sherwood.news )

There are lots of reasons to want to shut off your car’s data collection. The Mozilla Foundation has called modern cars “surveillance machines on wheels” and ranked them worse than any other product category last year, with all 25 car brands they reviewed failing to offer adequate privacy protections....

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

And unless you are having sex IN a car how would it be collecting data about that?

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe I’ll buy an old Crown Vic. They drive forever and don’t look like any of the cars that local police currently use.

lol just picked this up a few months back: https://files.catbox.moe/1xfxn3.jpg

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

We use ground turkey almost all the time over ground beef. It's great in chili, tacos, meat sauce, lasagna, etc. The only time I use ground beef anymore is when I get it free from my folks (they always support a local 4h kid and purchase part of a cow).

Russia threatens Britain with retaliation if involvement in Ukraine war deepens ( www.pbs.org )

Russia on Monday threatened to strike British military facilities and said it would hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons amid sharply rising tensions over comments by senior Western officials about possibly deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine....

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Why do the biggest assholes always have to rattle their sabers the most? Are they compensating for something?

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

When do we eat the rich? Asking for a friend....

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

I'm still pretty lost. WTF is going on here?

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Ok, I don't do rap. So they are just attacking each other for likes?

Is there some kind of neutral summary article? This sounds like a lot of he said/she said bullshit.

0110010001100010 , (edited )
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

So I guess I'll just step out of this discussion then because I still don't know what all this is about and how it plays into much of anything. Seems to me like anyone can just say something about anyone else and that's taken as truth?

IDK, consider this my last comment here. Clearly I don't have enough understanding to make a useful point or ask relevant questions.

EDIT: I said I wouldn't comment again so I'm just going to edit this. YouTube and Twitter are NOT valid sources for...well...anything.

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Have to agree here, I do enjoy my job and it has a real impact on thousands or even millions of people. Doesn't hurt that I get paid well and my boss and team are amazing.

But yeah, I do have the occasional "overtime" (I'm salaried) but it's always compensated by extra time off.

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

Any guidance on this? I looked into Synthing at one time to backup Android phones and got overwhelmed very quickly. I'd love to use it in a similar fashion to NextCloud for syncing between various computers too.

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