

“you thought you did something there, didn’t you?”

Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.

opinionated lurker of the intarwebs.

Used to write code, still do. c/c++, java, php, js, c#, gdscript, gnawed on sql, sparql, unix/windows etc etc billions of years ago.

tech, graphics, anything STEM
anything anthropology, history, linguistics
anything blender, gimp (although i scream using it), audacity
prefers not to be run over by cars

I drink Philz.

I do a (non-monetized) video or so a week on yt.

Tyranny and poverty are everywhere a mainstream economics phenomenon.

Hi. My name is Buck Figots. I am an avid human rights proponent.

Human/Animal Rights Supporter

@Chetzemoka@lemmy.world cover

I’m Hunter Perrin. I’m a software engineer.

I wrote an email service: port87.com

I write free software: github.com/sciactive

@meldrik@lemmy.wtf cover

I am the administrator of “What the Fediverse”, which includes:

@TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com cover

Patriotic tuna fish sandwich.

Liberalism is left. Populism is poison. All bigotry is wrong.

@Sherifazuhur@sfba.social cover

Research prof. (UCLA PhD - MIT, American Univ. In Cairo, CSU, UCB, SSI-US Army War College, Fulbright scholar, Syria) #MiddleEastNorthAfrican #history, #politics, #defense, #IslamicStudies, #arts, #thought, #education Toots on MENA current news.

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