Peter_Link , to palestine group avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar

@Peter_Link @palestine @israel

I don't believe you.

I've watched you post one toot after another, and all you ever do is attack Israel, boost Hamas, and insist that doing so somehow isn't antisemitic.

He never earned that slur: you pinned it on him to help Trump win. is a pro-Trump op and you are a Trumper.

radiofreearabia , to israel group avatar
figstick , to AcademicChatter group avatar

Exclusive: Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape discourse around war

As the Gaza war rages, Israeli funds target US college campuses and push to redefine in US law

@academicchatter @academicsunite

faab64 , to palestine group

Remember my Ukrainian Jewish cubemate in US was saying that there has never been violent Jewish extremists and would not believe the stories of Jewish Terrorists in the 40s in Palestine before Israel was created.

I guess this is yet another mentally ill person, who can't be connected to any movement or organization or country and no one will ask every Rabbi in the world to condemn her action as they used to demand from every Muslim in the world.

It wouldn't surprise me if she isn't even and is yet another christian full of and rage against Palestinians, and .

PS. What kind of sick fuck hates cute little kids so much that she tried to drown them? It's just so disgustingly sick.

@palestine @israel

TexasObserver , to bookstodon group avatar

“Baker’s brave defense of her community’s right to read is a testament to the vital role librarians play in upholding free speech and creative expression in the face of censorship.”

New today: In Llano County, a local librarian fought back against prompting a federal court fight and national recognition but losing the job of her dreams.


figstick , to palestine group avatar

The thing about the "Israel wants Trump" argumemt is that I think what wants even more than is to not have a be seen to lose reelection for supporting Israel.

And I don't say that as some kind of checkmate, just a consideration I haven't seen brought up before.

@israel @palestine

RememberUsAlways , to palestine group avatar

is not interested in but they love .

The hostages will not be released until after unless they are rescued soon.
They will be used a political tool against both and the .

Rescue the using any methods necessary.


TruthSandwich , to israel group avatar
figstick , to palestine group avatar

I'm so fed up with mods falling for the "holocaust inversion" bullshit, I'm going to start reporting all apologist posts as "supporting violent ideologies."

@israel @palestine

7sleepersmusic , to bookstodon group avatar

to a fascinating discussion of ' "Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency and the National Security State" via 's "Know Your Enemy" 💣 💥 🤯 cc: @bookstodon

YusufToropov , to politicalscience group avatar

This powerful, hope-imparting 12-minute overview from gave me back my foundation.

It reminded me of my personal responsibility to support election workers, court workers, and others who are doing the dangerous job of keeping our system functioning.

It reminded me not to be cowed.

If it does the same for you, maybe this so others get the same inspiration.

@uspolitics @politicalscience @DemocracyMattersALot @DefendDemocracy

HistoPol , avatar
figstick , to palestine group avatar

Keeping up with and commenting on news 24/7 doesn't make you an informed citizen, much less an activist. It makes you a partisan hack who refuses to acknowledge the humanity of people who are already being killed by American . Turn off the Rachel Maddow and start reading some al jazeera.

@israel @palestine

figstick , to palestine group avatar
figstick OP , avatar

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine
And at least made a campaign website, which is a lot more than has done to win over voters. You should check it out:

figstick OP , avatar
figstick OP , avatar
radiofreearabia , to palestine group avatar
GhostOnTheHalfShell , to economics-that-works group avatar
faab64 , to palestine group

WTAF: Secretary of State warned if United Nations recognizes as an independent State, United States, allies and affiliated businessmen will cut funding for , thus cutting United Nations ability to run huminitarian aid for Global South countries.

He is threatening the world on behalf of , while pretending that they support a 2 state solution.

This is the most outrageous comment I've ever read from Blinken. I'm not sure if it's accurate, because the only source is the post on ShiTwitter:

@palestine @israel

DropBear , avatar

Apparently, it's in this video:
I don't have the bandwidth to watch it.
@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

Joe Biden's claim that Hamas’s October 7 attacks were “driven by ancient desire to wipe out the Jewish people" is ahistorical and dangerous. In fact, Jewish history shows that antisemitism is a Western problem.

@palestine @israel

miki_lou , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel Good grief!!! Nothing justifies the by , and murder of a people. Nothing.

plink , to israel group avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Macklemore is an antisemite, like you.

18+ jiujensu , to israel group avatar

🔻'Trump would be worse' is a bad argument & misses several key points.
🔻Biden is pitting vulnerable groups here against genocide victims in Palestine.
🔻If Biden loses, it will be HIS fault.
🔻Protest the DNC in August

@palestine @israel

There’s a game of chicken going on. The Biden camp is explicitly counting on progressive voters eventually falling in line. This dynamic, this wager, is EXACTLY why they keep sending arms and money to Israel. They are expressly blackmailing left voters, pitting vulnerable groups stateside with genocide victims overseas. This is their calculus and millions of voters intuitively know this. Meanwhile the moral incumbency is placed on some vague cohort of Arab/black/progressive voters This is the CONTEXT of the discussion and rallying the troops at this point—six months before the actual decision needs to be made—reads to a lot of people as capitulation without a fight, as confirmation Biden’s strategy is working in real time. I too find this incredibly insensitive and vulgar. Without ANY CONCESSIONS, without a fight at all people of influence and power should not preemptively pledge their vote. Whats the rush? It’s six months from now? It’s a Hail Mary but why not try to unite to pressure Biden?
Not because anyone wants to, or because it’s fun or makes people feel self righteous but because, and this can’t be stressed enough—IT’S ALL THERE IS. And it’s all there is because of Biden’s extremism and unwillingness to listen to overwhelming democratic voter consensus I tried to articulate this in this piece from March. I think the abstract question of “is Trump worse than Biden” is not a question anyone has to sheepdog for this far out. It’s not clear to me what the moral utility of this is at this point.

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  • 18+ barney , avatar


    It's astonishing that anyone could post such horrifically offensive garbage as this, and still hope to be taken seriously.

    You're attempting to elect Republicans, whose position is "there are very few innocent Palestinian citizens...we should kill them all...gotta finish the Hiroshima and Nagasaki." You're trying to cause terrible harm to some of the world's most vulnerable people.

    @palestine @israel

    figstick , to palestine group avatar
    DropBear , to israel group avatar

    Biden threatens to stop sending "certain weapons" to Israel.

    But for the upcoming election, would he instead be unstintingly supporting the Zionist State's genocide?


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